Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 194: One Enemy Two Thousand?

“Only 10,000 points to go! ”

Inside the cave, Li Yao cautiously roasted a rabbit with a flame charm array, while laying a breeze charm array around it, bringing all the breath together, not to be sniffed by demonic beasts outside the cave.

Some of the thin faces revealed a smile that made the deep black eyes appear bigger.

In a month of solitary wilderness, Li Yao's appearance changed dramatically, not only becoming thinner and longer, but also having all the metallic shine on his skin converged into his body.

At first glance, it's like rocks everywhere in the wilderness.

Only when a prey is discovered and a sudden outbreak occurs will he soar to the limit of speed and power, instantly transforming himself into the most vicious hunter.

In a month, you accumulate not only credits, but also hunting skills.

Demonic beasts in the wilderness are the most fraudulent, cunning, vigilant, and the best at ambushing and sneaking.

To hunt such demonic beasts, they must be more fraudulent, more cunning, better at ambushing and sneaking.

While hunting and learning, all demonic beasts are Li Yao's teachers.

He studied snake slumping, centipede wandering, scorpion killing, lizard gliding, spider setting traps and bait placement techniques.

These techniques, and the way he practiced more than a decade of survival in Pharaoh's tomb, were then combined into a more powerful hunting technique, making him an expert in wild survival and hunting, a true guerrilla master!

“A month, 10,000 cents. ”

“Even if a utility patent can pass, it's only 3,000 points, and it's still 7,000 credits away. ”

“Demonic beasts in the southern part of the wilderness are too weak to get 7,000 points for a month alone in this area of hunting. ”

“Not to mention that utility patents are not 100% passable, and it would be embarrassing if they were brushed down at critical moments. ”

“It seems necessary to take a risk and move further north! ”

Starlight Federation's sphere of influence is mainly concentrated in the south-central part of the wilderness. The further north, the fewer towns and cities, the thinner the smoke, the more powerful demonic beasts are likely to appear.

In order to win 10,000 points in a month, Li Yao went out and was ready to play with his life.

He plans to roam the southern part of the desert for another 15 days.

If you can't earn enough credits or fail to apply for a utility patent, go to the North of the Wilderness and break into more dangerous areas!

“Go back to school and settle the prey for this trip. ”

Li Yao smiled contentedly after weighing the backpack of the sinking Dynasty.

This trip has paid off well and should redeem hundreds of credits.

Back at school, he redeemed the spoils of war for credits, went to the infirmary and briefly handled the minor injuries. Before he could catch his breath, he received an invitation from Ding Zheng to celebrate his passing the 30,000 mark.

“Li Yao is here! Li Yao is here! ”

In front of the bamboo sea cabin, the colorful parrot squealed and the door opened automatically.

As soon as Li Yaogang entered the door, a strong wind swept in.

Suddenly he was caught by the bell.

The latter also twisted it hard on his arm, hurting his teeth and grinning.

“What's going on? Didn't you say you wanted to buy me dinner to celebrate my 30,000 points? ”

“Of course you have to eat, but first...”

Ding Zheng twisted it again and said in an exhaled manner, “Let Sister twist you two times to solve the qi, you son of a bitch, you didn't ring so fast to break the 30,000 mark, the fastest Penghai kept to break the 30,000 mark, it's all broken! ”

Li Yao stunned: “What does that have to do with you? ”

Ding's eyes were bigger than those of a cow. Angry:

“I was the second fastest, and now you're squeezing me into the third. Do you mind? You're such a monster. Maybe one day you'll be better than me. Aren't you going to bully me? No, while I'm better than you, I'll ruin you before I get enough of Ben! ”

She twisted it again and shouted:

“What's the matter, it's been a month, your muscles are stronger, twisted hard, like you're twisting a rock, it doesn't mean anything at all, forget it, no more games, come eat! ”

Li Yao was speechless, walked into the living room, and was made to cry by the dinner on the table:

“You want to celebrate with dinner, you want to buy me instant noodles? ”

Ding Zheng held a bowl of instant noodles, sat on the floor with one ass, “snoring" to eat, eating while still processing on the crystal brain, vague:

“I've been so busy working lately, I don't have time to make big fish meat. It'll only take a second. I've added two halogenated eggs to you! ”

After a pause, he said:

“I've seen all of your hunting results, and you've done a great job. From the wounds, your Sandblade Act is pure blue. Even if I hunt around the southern part of the wilderness, I can't do better than you! ”

“But after all, there are not many high-value demonic beasts in the south. If you want to get 10,000 points in a month, you go hunting in the north, where the high-end demonic beasts gather. ”

“I know that you are crazy and adventurous, maybe one day you will sneak up to the north and play with your little lives, so I came to you specifically today to make you relax. ”

“I've been too busy lately to spare time, but after the last 10 days and a half months, I have a few days off. I'll go with you to the north and help you with the battle! ”

Li Yaoxin was warm.

So this is the real purpose of Dingbell's call.

With Timbell, one of the youngest foundational masters in the Federation, the danger will be greatly reduced, and he will be able to hunt demonic beasts more freely.

With instant noodles, Li Yao didn't know what to say for a while.

Ding Zheng smiled, with a noodle in his mouth, waved:

“You've been a human meat sandbag for so long, what can I do for you? Besides, your ‘vulture Li Yao' is now a strong talent. It is also normal for us freshmen in the First Year of the War Yard to give special attention to talents like you and schools to accelerate your growth! If I hadn't been too busy lately, I'd be up north with you right now! ”

“Sister Ling, thank you! ”

Li Yao held his breath for half a day, holding his breath.

He also sat his ass next to the bell and chewed the halogenated eggs sprayed with incense.


Ding answered a sentence, concentrated, buried his head to work.

Li Yao sucked the noodles and accidentally glanced over Ding Zheng's side face. Suddenly, he found that the human dragon was pretty when he didn't talk and focused on his work.

The calm and indifferent temperament, and the wind and fire when you speak, is entirely the judgment of two people.

It's like a pair of twins with a cool resemblance and a diametrically opposite personality. It's weird.

“What are you looking at? ”

Ding Bell glanced at him with some dissatisfaction and thought Li Yao's eyes were strange.


Li Yao's face became red and his eyes flashed to the light. He shifted the subject in a bit of a panic. “I've been watching your work. So busy lately, have you opened many new classes? Hey, 'Thundercup Freshman Faculty Competition', what's this? The winner will reward… 10,000 credits! ”

Li Yao suddenly jumped up and poured half a bowl of noodles on his chest, but couldn't help but wipe his head into the light screen.

“Freshman contest, winner awards 10,000 points? Great, I'm signing up. I'm signing up now! ”

Li Yao danced excitedly.

Ding Zheng dragged him back raw, angry and funny, said:

“Take it easy, watch carefully first. This is a faculty rivalry, a group battle based on student unions, not a personal battle. Your strength is stronger. You will be the only one in the refinery department. How can you participate? ”

“Based on student unions? No personal battles? ”

Li Yao suddenly exhaled.

“Yes, according to the practice of previous years, this is the freshman rivalry between the two university student unions of the Faculty of Martial Arts, Blade Hall and Iron Fist, each side choosing a thousand of the strongest freshmen to compete. ”

“Because I am a new teacher, mainly responsible for freshman chores, I am familiar with the situation, so this year's contest, I am one of the staff, I have been busy with this recently. ”

The Thunder Cup Freshman Faculty Competition is a traditional event of the Great Waste War Courtyard and has been held for decades.

The aim is, on the one hand, to demonstrate the results of the new students after one year of training and to facilitate the selection of talent by the various factions.

On the other hand, it is also to compete for the next year's investment of resources.

The golden lords behind the Great Wilderness War Courtyard, most of them martial arts sects, respect martial arts. The vast resources they provide, of course, must be used by the most powerful faculties.

From the beginning, the Thunder Cup was sponsored by the famous Martial Arts sect of Hehe in more than a dozen wilderness, including the Magic Fist Gate and the Hundred Wars Knife Alliance. The winner is the king!

In a nutshell, this is a tailor-made competition for resources between the two university students in the martial arts department.

According to the rules, other faculties can also participate, and as long as they are strong enough, they can be sponsored by many militant sects.

In action, however, which faculty can fight the Iron Fist or the Blade Fair?

Minutes on the ground!

So, in addition to some faculties in the first decade and a few others entered the competition with a cheap mindset, and after being blown to pieces, few faculties have signed up for the Thunder Cup in the last 30 years.

Over time, the Thunder Cup turned into a civil war between the two university student associations of the Faculty of Martial Arts.

Li Yao has been buried in Fabao all day. There is no free time at all. He doesn't know the details of the Thunder Cup very well and is normal.

Seeing here, Li Yao fell into contemplation.

Slowly tapping his head, he asks thoughtfully:

“According to the rules, students from all faculties can sign up for the Thunder Cup, with a maximum of 1,000 entrants and no lower limit. ”

“If you win, you can earn 10,000 credits, divided equally among the contestants. ”

“In other words, as president of the Refinery Student Union, I am fully qualified to enroll in the competition, and as long as I win, because I am the only participant in the Refinery Department, can I earn 10,000 credits? ”

“Theoretically, yes! ”

Ding said, "The question is, Iron Fist will have 1,000 contestants, Blade Hall will have 1,000 contestants, smart little brother, tell me, how are you going to blow up 2,000 opponents in the race? ”