Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 560: The Choice 5,000 Years Ago

Sha Yulan swept the bear with an infinite glance, and saw that he had no objection. A moment of silence, he said: "The change in sky robbery is the biggest change in the last 5,000 years of our planetary world. When I did not force myself to land on Iron Plains, I also knew only one and a half paws, or more than a decade later here, slowly analyzed and sorted out, gradually depicting the whole story of that year. ”

Li Yiu's eyes glowed. "I grew up on the beach of the stars. I hadn't even heard of the robbery in the first place, and the gas refiner was completely unharmed, but I don't know why. The gas refiner of the Heavenly Sun tribe, when he saw me, seemed like he had a vengeance for not sharing heaven. He couldn't even say half a word, he fought hard. What a reason. Even if he died, he would let me die! Five thousand years ago, what happened, what was the sky robbery, and what was it, meteorite rain? ”

The bear snorted, “Heavenly robbery is the biggest disaster in a thousand world, isn't it a meteorite rain in the district so simple! ”

He waved, indicating that Sha Yulan continued to say that he was sitting next to him, his face was a bit silly, and he seemed to be thinking bitterly about something.

"I haven't seen a fixer from the stars for more than a decade," said Sha Yulan. "You've saved Yan's life. These things are no big secret on Iron Plains, so I can tell you. ”

“These alchemists, including the Raging Sun tribes, despite their brutality and grumpy temper, cannot be said to have hatred of the practitioners for no reason. ”

Sha Yulan cleared his voice and continued: “This matter, from the point of view of both the refiner and the practitioner, is to say that the public reason, the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law makes sense, I try to describe the process in an objective and emotional way. ”

“Brother Li Yao, you should know that our star world was once an empire town 10,000 years ago, with a large fleet of stars and sea fleets, with military bases all over the planet and a high level of civilization. ”

“By the end of the day, the Empire Expeditionary Army commander, the bloody godson, had rebelled and turned into a monster, called the Last Day Warrior, started a civil war, and hundreds of years of war broke apart the star kingdom and almost wiped it out. ”

“Nevertheless, there are still plenty of relics available, plenty of starship wreckage to repair, plus six Imperial Army remnants, and their descendants, struggling to survive across planets and debris worlds, slowly turning into six sects, leading people back together and perpetuating civilization with great difficulty. ”

“The six majorities, all descended from the disabled, are naturally much more organized than ordinary civilians. ”

“There are wreckages and relics all over the planetary world, which can be handed down in great quantities to solve the infinite divinity. ”

“Thus, the restoration of the level of civilization of the star world was fast, reaching a level of 67% in the height of the Star Sea Empire some 6,000 years ago, only on a smaller scale. ”

“By that time, the planetary world had developed more than a dozen stars capable of using the energy of seven or eight stars to permanently alter the landscape and atmosphere of the three planets as the home of mankind. ”

“On more than a dozen other planets, mining sites have also been developed to collect precious celestial treasures. ”

“Throughout the planetary world, there is a glimpse of glory. ”

“Iron Plains, then the capital of the planetary world, also known as Home Star, is home to the headquarters of the six major sects of the United Government and the source of the civilization of the Asteroids. ”

“And in the sky, we astronauts repaired a large number of Imperial starships, and based on them, we refined updated, bigger, faster, crystalline warships capable of withstanding the shattered void and shuttling through the stars. ”

“It was our golden age, and all of us had only one goal: to make expeditions and explorations across a thousand worlds, to discover more fraternal civilizations, to unite them, to help them, to rebuild a great alliance of civilizations across the universe! ”

“At that time, everyone firmly believed that an unbeatable civilization of nations could be achieved! ”

Sha Yulan's face was full of visions and suddenly revealed a hint of bitterness: “Just a year before the expedition fleet was ready to depart, astronomers from the star world suddenly detected an unusual fluctuation coming towards the star interface. After incredibly complex observations and calculations, it was finally confirmed that it was three meteorite rains, one large and two small, aimed at each of the three inhabitable planets developed by the star world, one of the largest meteorite rains, straight towards the Iron Original Star! ”

“If it's a regular meteorite rain, how is it possible to target a habitable planet exactly, or three in one breath? ”

“Undoubtedly, this is not an ordinary astronomical phenomenon, but a precise strike at the sky! ”

Li Yao could hear God all the time. He heard the word "heavenly robbery” and couldn't help but say "ah”.

"Heaven Robbery is the most mysterious phenomenon in cosmology," said Sha Yulan. "Whenever the powerful cultivate a certain number of levels, or civilization develops to a certain degree, it can trigger Heaven Robbery! ”

“During the time of the Starling Sea Empire, mankind was also subjected to a number of heavenly robberies. Sometimes it was able to resist the past with the combined resistance of the Emperor and the twenty original monarchs, and sometimes it was impossible to stop it. ”

“A holocaust often leads to the total destruction of one or even more great thousand worlds! ”

“The astronomers of the planetary world immediately made the most sophisticated calculations of the orbit, scale and destructive power of the robbery, but the final conclusion was…”

“Half and half. ”

“There is a 50 per cent chance that the holocaust can be resisted by mobilizing all the resources of the entire planetary world. ”

“But there's a 50% chance that no matter how many resources you mobilize, no matter how hard you struggle, you won't be able to stop Sky from destroying three planets! ”

Li Yao was stunned. "Can't you calculate more accurately? ”

Sha Yulan smiled bitterly: "Heavenly robbery is the most difficult phenomenon to explain in the modern world. ”

“Ancient practitioners believed in God Buddha, believed in the so-called 'heaven’. The robbery on that day was a good explanation. Anyway, it was arranged in heaven, either to punish good or evil, or to carry out tests. What is the number of kung fu robberies, the reward of merit, the right and left are in the underworld, the things of Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi. ”

“We modern practitioners don't talk about superstition, let alone believe in the existence of God. ”

“For 10,000 years, superstitions in the ancient world have been pierced by us one after the other, finding objective patterns in them. ”

“Only heavenly robbery, still mysterious and unexplainable, has become the deadliest weakness of modern theory of truth repair! ”

“Legend has it that at the end of the Star Sea Empire, there was once a Liu Shuzhen, the Dojo ‘Sacrificial Savior', who spyed on the mysteries of heavenly robbery. ”

“But he quickly went off into the demons, caught up in the war, and disappeared. ”

“So, for something as mysterious as' sky robbery ', which can capture its orbit and predict its strike time, it's already very difficult, countless astronomers in the process of measuring sky robbery, overspend their lives, burn their souls, and finally die of the depletion of their souls! ”

“Until the end, it is said, the power of the holy robbery falls on a certain uncertain and incalculable value, which, if odd, is likely to resist; if even, it is absolutely irresistible. ”

“Dozens of astronomers, however, have formed a great array, burning their lives together, sacrificing together, and they cannot calculate whether this is an odd number or an even number! ”

“The details are long gone, in short, you just need to know this conclusion. ”

Sha Yulan's face revealed a hint of sarcasm and a hint of cool, just telling the story, like exhausting all her energy, gasping, and continuing: “If 51% of the people are likely to resist the heavenly robbery, or 51% are likely to be absolutely unable to resist it, it will be all right, and the damage will be bad on this 50%. ”

“At that time, the planetary world was capable of large-scale star navigation and of providing an absolute defense against a planet, all of which required considerable resources. ”

“In the face of the fierce robbery, the cultivators were divided into two factions. ”

“The first, calling themselves the ‘Home Party', advocated abandoning all peripheral planets, concentrating all their populations and resources on the home planet Iron Plains, and using the resources of the entire planetary world to refine a supermassive star-class defensive array outside the home planet to defend itself against the Heavenly Robbery. ”

“Homesteaders calculate that as long as all the resources of the entire planetary realm are concentrated, it will be absolutely resistant to heavenly robbery. As long as the home planet is preserved, peripheral mining sites and secondary planets can be rebuilt within a hundred years. ”

“Another factionist, calling himself the ‘Starry Sky', believes that retrenching on Iron Plains is self-destructive and only leads to the destruction of an entire civilization. ”

“Now that there is a large fleet and the technology of star navigation is highly developed, it would be better to concentrate all the resources of the entire planetary world, modify the fleet and simultaneously refine a large number of star fortifications. ”

“Anyway, the goal of the sky robbery is the planet, so take everyone out of the planet, live in the sky, and become a star civilization! ”

“The advantages and disadvantages of both opinions. ”

“The theory of homecoming is that it is good to be able to resist the heavenly robbery with a single stroke; but if the star defense battle is broken, then the whole civilization will be destroyed. ”

“But how easy would it be to move all the people who lived on the planet up to the age of two hundred, down to the babies that were swaddled, to the starships in just a few decades, according to the Skype method? ”

“Besides, human beings originated from planets, and to move completely away from them and to live in cold, narrow starships would not necessarily be able to step on the real earth for the rest of their lives, a change that would be too cruel for a civilization. ”

Li Yao spoke out: “You can live in the stars temporarily. Wait till the sky hijacks you and move back to Tiehuan Xing! ”

When you say it, you realize you don't have a brain.

The resources of a thousand worlds are limited, and if they are all used to refine starships and towns in the sky, they will not be able to build a star-class defense battle.

If we don't have enough defense, maybe Iron Star will be completely blown up by Heaven. How can we move back?


Let's have four chapters today. There's still a lot of work to be done.

The weather has been getting colder and colder lately, and I got up at 5: 00 or 6: 00 in the morning.

Anyway, the old cow tried his best, and everyone supported him a lot. Monthly tickets recommended votes or something, vote if you have one!