Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 899: The Heartbreak Experiment

The shell of the black stone column opens slowly to four sides, each stone column can hold seven or eight stately demons. For the sake of safety, the expedition team transported a large number of biochemical warcraft storage tanks through the stone column to the lower space.

Stone columns ran silently in the spectacular light for almost half a minute before reaching the second floor of the Chaos Tomb.

This layer of environment is completely different from the temple above, and besides a huge space in the middle that resembles a square, the surrounding walls are filled with dense, numb lanes that at first glance appear to be inside a huge hive.

The ground was also seven vertical and scattered with countless remains, and people had seen no surprise. After ascertaining that there was no gas or poisonous ingredient in the remains, they labeled the area with some fluorescent natural paint, and then began exploring the surroundings.

Li Yao saw that Lieutenant Lao Bao led several core players and placed a group of sarcoma-like spheres in various corners of Central Square.

It is said to be a magical demon that collects the faint biological currents floating in the air and amplifies them before they appear in the form of light shadows.

If the biocurrents in the air are strong enough, you might see what happened 40,000 years ago.

“Bo! ”

All the spheres are placed together to connect the synthetic nerves, whilst making a slight noise, the top of the sphere blossoms like a flower, with several touch-angles that look like flowers, trembling.

Li Yao felt that all of the “flowers” excited a wonderful glow, spreading around like a tide, quickly filled the whole square, immersed in a pale green sea.

A moment later, the light flashed, and there really appeared a bunch of star dots.

However, perhaps it is too empty, the biological current is already dispersed for much of the time, the phantom is extremely blurred, only a group of phantoms can be seen to run and chase quickly, from time to time collide and die on the ground, but the details cannot be seen clearly.

From time to time, the light shadow scattered, but formed a vast army, like a silent statue, all over the square.

“It seems that there was a chaotic army once assembled here, or this is where the chaotic army was created. ”

Chu Zhengqing and other researchers, using the phantom as a clue, explored around and found new skeletons.

Many of the skeletal surfaces still have a faint metallic shine, in an extremely peculiar form, and it is conceivable that their masters must have strong and transcendent powers before they were born.

After gathering a great deal of information in the square, the crowd split up to explore the surrounding tunnels.

At the end of the tunnel, it was a laboratory. Perhaps suddenly, the doors of most of the laboratories could not be closed in time, and the array of defensive symbols could not be opened, or simply destroyed, so that they could have direct access.

Each lab covers a huge area with a perfect ventilation system and defense system, but Li Yao could tell at a glance that the defense system was out of spiritual energy.

“Someone was here once, stirring up the defensive charm array to the top, to resist something.” Li Yao covertly said.

There are still plenty of pharmacopoeia and training equipment scattered on the ground. A lot of pharmacopoeia, it is Li Yao in the dreams of the Ou metallurgy, never seen before.

Right in the center of the lab, there is a huge stone platform, engraved with dense numb spirits, condensed into a human figure, surrounded by iron cords and iron rings used to bind, looks like someone can be securely fixed to the stone table.


Another demonic apparatus that amplifies the biological current, placed in the center of the stone table, activated!

Perhaps the space is relatively small, the biocurrents are relatively easy to condense, or perhaps on this stone table, where incredible exercises have been carried out that have condensed large amounts of biocurrents, where the images they capture are much clearer.

A total of six distinct figures, all wearing silver-shinkling, fully enclosed robes, even the face, covered with a weird bronze mask, floating a hidden layer of light on the mask surface, should filter the air and sterilize.

“It seems that the ancients are not as ignorant as we thought, at least here, they already have a certain concept of sterilization.” Li Yao thought to himself.

These six figures, lying on a stone table that looks like both an operating table and an altar, are fixed to a naked human being.

The human face was calm and there was a sense of generosity and excitement because of the role of the medicine or the secret method of soul control.

Bioelectric current is extremely unstable. Li Yaoyao's illusion is also rapidly changing. At different times, the illusion dissipates. Humans who used to lie on the stone table are floating in the air. His long hair root rises and moves like a venomous snake. He is facing a plankton array for training.

The men in silver and white robes and bronze masks surrounded him and bowed their heads to document what was happening.

Li Yao noticed that some of these robe geeks, both ethnic and demonic, seemed to ignore each other's differences and watched and studied them very carefully.

A practitioner floating in the middle of the sky, his strength is quite good. On several occasions, he broke through the speed of sound and burst the plankton array into pieces. The robe geeks, though unable to see the expression clearly, were also satisfied from a nod posture.

Soon after, however, the practitioner screamed, smashing heavily from the air, holding his head and rolling all over the floor.

Li Yaoxin moved and looked around and quickly found a workbench next to the lab.

Nearly all of the items on the workbench were decayed, but a heap of them, Li Yao, was very familiar with their structure and purpose.

This is a wooden shelf used to store Jade Jane in ancient times.

Reaching for a touch, he actually touched a jade Jane from under the decaying shelf.

It is certainly impossible to store any value, not even the magic of the city, and it hasn't been used for 40,000 years, and I don't know if it can be driven.

Li Yao clasped Jade Jane in the palm of his hand and carefully rubbed the spiritual pattern on his thumb. This is the standard method used by Baijingzong to clean the symbol array.

A moment later, the hard jade stone was sensed a little softer, as if it had become a semi-condensing amber. Li Yao smiled at the bottom of his heart and deepened a mindset into it. Indeed, a large amount of information fragments were read.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and integrated these pieces, but they were experimental logs for a period of time.

From these log analyses, what we're doing here is an incredible experiment!

“Isn't that exaggerated? Graft root? ”

Spiritual roots are the foundation of the cultivators. Each cultivator must awaken the spiritual roots in order to acquire the ability to swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In their subsequent cultivation and killing, the virtues and weaknesses of spiritual roots also have great significance. For example, the release and absorption of divine ideas need to be accomplished through spiritual roots, manipulating various magic treasures in isolation, and not least the spiritual silk that is inspired from spiritual roots.

So, in Starlight Federation, training in spiritual root development has been very important since childhood.

All learning is centred on improving the development of spiritual roots. There are a large number of fortifying agents on the market, which are prepared to improve the development of spiritual roots.

Even so, the development of spiritual roots to 100%, the awakening of spiritual roots, and the becoming of the cultivator, remains an extremely remote hope.

The vast majority of ordinary people can no longer practise wildly. All their lives, they will not be able to awaken the roots of the spirit and control the power of exhaling rain.

This is true in modern times, when there is a perfect system of cultivation theory and support for all kinds of drugs, especially in the ancient period of cultivation, 40,000 years ago.

The Immortal Road is small, it is harder to become a fixer than to go to heaven. If it wasn't for coincidence, Hong Futian descended, ordinary people would not dare to expect to be a higher fixer in their dreams!

However, the research carried out here seeks to completely break the line between ordinary people and practitioners!

“The cultivators have spiritual roots, and when the cultivators age and fall naturally, the spiritual roots wither. ”

“Yet the vast majority of the practitioners are in bloody strangulation all the time and are rarely able to survive without disease. ”

“The vast majority of the cultivators died in the midst of all sorts of killings at a time when their spiritual roots were still at their most developed level! ”

“Wouldn't it be a pity if, because of the fall of the cultivators, this spiritual root was annihilated? ”

“If the spiritual roots of these unfortunately meteorized fixers can be removed and transplanted into the minds of powerful martial arts without spiritual roots, can these powerful martial arts become fixers step by step? ”

Li Yao synthesized all kinds of information in the experimental log, and the last thing he analyzed was this crazy idea.

That's right, madness, even his daring and inclusive refiner can only be described by the word "madness”!

You know, spiritual roots, like yuan babies, are not a real organ, not that dissecting the brain of a practitioner can dig up a “root system” that looks like ginseng.

Spiritual root, is a kind of organ that is between flesh and pure energy.

You can't even see it. How do you take it out? How do you transplant it?

Besides, is the spiritual roots of the truthful, even if they can be taken out, suddenly bearable in the minds of ordinary people?

Li Yao remembered the scene when Ouyan's massive memory debris first hit his brain.

This crazy experiment, most likely, is that the brain of the strong fighter was completely destroyed and burned to an idiot, right?

From the results of the experimental log, that's true.

Countless experiments have failed, and even if it is true that the “artificial fixer” who transplanted the roots of the spirits has not survived for three days.

The best result is the automatic withering of the spiritual roots, and the fighters are hit back to their original form. As for the worst result, it is unbearable.


Three is in place!

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