Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 961 Operation Crab! (Fourth more!

Han Slaughter was silent, and the blinking eyes revealed that he was mobilizing all brain cells and calculating them quickly.

“I see.”

Five minutes later, a white mist appeared on his head and nodded, calmly, “You're right, completely conquering the bloody demon kingdom, impossible to achieve in a short time, then there's only one option left. ”

“You convinced me, Major Lee, that I could work temporarily with the demons, as I did on Phantom Island. ”

“Assuming, of course, that the demons are willing to cooperate with us, though I do not have much hope for that. ”

Li Yao was excited. In any case, the difficult first step finally went out! He said, “Thank you, Colonel Han. I thought...”

Li Yao doesn't know how to express his messy emotions.

“Thought I'd be angry at you for being a traitor to the Federation, or even for being a ‘traitor’ to the Leitons?” Han Slaughter asked.

Li Yao scratched his hair and nodded: “Almost. ”

Han Slaughter smiled, “I didn't think so, but I'm afraid a lot of people in the Federation would be angry at us for making such a choice. It doesn't matter, being able to be outraged with a 'super federal hero' is probably the greatest honor of a federal soldier! ”

"'I'm sure one day you'll understand us,' said Li Yao. ”

Han Slaughter smiled again and said faintly: “I want to tell you a story, Major Lee, when the Battle of Dawn just broke out. ”

“The Battle of Dawn was the first large-scale strategic attack of the Blood Demon Realm against the Uranus Realm. Unlike the outbreak of previous beast tides, this time all the regular troops of the Blood Demon Realm were deployed, almost including all the main forces of the Phantom Nation and most of the power of the Lion Slaughter Nation! ”

“During the Battle of Dawn, the Confederate Army has been crushed, the strategy and tactics are chaotic, exhausted, the festivities are lost, the entire wilderness has been lost, even Major Lee's alma mater wilderness war court has been abandoned, the enemy has been hit to the demarcation point between the wilderness and the Plains, the giant blade closed, arguably the most disgraceful war in nearly 300 years. ”

“Throughout the Federation, there is panic and a sense of failure. ”

“At the time, however, no one knew that the Confederate army had failed so quickly, half true and the other half deliberately, and that a top-secret plan was being conceived, code-named 'The Crab Project’! ”

“Yes, our first super-strategic attack on the bloodthirsty world was indeed unprepared and lost a great deal during the pre-war period. ”

“However, after ten years of reunion, the Federation depleted the power of the state, forming a whole sixteen all-crystalline armored regiments, more than 70 per cent of the soldiers in the regiment were equipped with ‘basebone armor' designed with the participation of Major Lee! The commandos and officers are also equipped with more advanced models of armor! ”

“With these sixteen all-crystal armored regiments, we have the full power to block the Allied Coalition forces from the northern line of the Great Wilderness and even drive them back to the Blood Demon Realm! ”

“However, after judging the whole battlefield, the General Staff made a very adventurous decision, prepared to plan, lure enemies deeper, eat the main force of this Alliance of All Demons, one soldier at a time, they cannot escape back to the Blood Demon Realm! ”

“Many towns have been abandoned on our own initiative. Many strategic mistakes have also been made on our own initiative in order to induce the Alliance of Evil to make the wrong judgment about our strength and intentions! ”

“Both the Confederate Army and the citizens of the Confederation have paid a terrible price to turn the wilderness into a mass graveyard for the Allied Powers of All Demons! ”

“As the Allied Coalition forces drove straight into the wilderness, such as into a deserted land, eventually reaching the Great Blade Off in the southern part of the wilderness, their supply lines grew longer and longer, and the fierce demonic soldiers gradually became fatigued. ”

“And twelve of the Federation's sixteen all-crystalline armored regiments, like two giant crab clamps, surrounded the rear of the Alliance of the Horns, silently from the left and right flanks, trying to sever the link between the enemy and the Blood Demon Realm, leaving them in the realm of Heaven and Earth forever! ”

“The plan, which is called dancing on a razor, is extremely risky and, of course, extremely confidential. ”

“In order to conceal the existence of the plan and to better explain why the APC did not appear in the wilderness, the General Staff and the Ministry of Defence made a good scene in which the Federal Army deliberately pretended to preserve its strength, stood defensively and even panicked, fearless gestures and allowed the spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence to advocate words such as' the formation of the APC is not easy and cannot be easily consumed ’, ostensibly transferring all 16 APC regiments back to the major cities in the hinterland of China, especially near the capital, with an indelible posture. ”

“My SWAT regiment, one of the earliest fully dressed regiments in the Federation, was also drawn back to the capital. ”

“No one knows that the real SWAT regiment is moving very secretly in the depths of the wilderness, and that the 'crystal armor' that appears near the capital is just a realistic model, and a three-dimensional three-dimensional illusion. ”

“This strategic deception was indeed a great success, and the Allied Coalition of All Demons knew nothing about our true intentions and thought that we could push harder to break through the Great Blade Gate and continue to bomb indiscriminately, despite the difficulties of supply. ”

“But at the same time, all the people of the Federation have been deceived. ”

“In the face of a passive-beating turtle strategy like the Confederate Army, all the citizens of the Federation are angry! ”

“During that time, the Confederate army became a target, countless angry people were cursing, for ten years, in the state of the highest war, military spending had multiplied, everyone had to cut their clothes, tighten their belts, squeeze out every drop of sweat, formed a whole army of 16 all-crystal armored squadrons, usually bragged about the world, once a real war had been fought, where? ”

“Many celebrities are writing in the major media. Why is the situation so critical in the wilderness that the all-crystal armor regiment is still shrinking in the major cities of the Plains? Did these armor install power charm arrays during refining? Can't you just lay on your knees and be a stationary turret? ”

“Many citizens send turtle shells and soft dried shrimp to the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff, sarcastically shrubbing turtles and soft shrimp. ”

“Uniformed Confederate soldiers walking down the street are surrounded by angry citizens, asking what kind of war they are fighting? Do you care only about the capital and the great cities' dignitaries, but not about the citizens of the Federation in the wilderness? ”

“One of the worst was the first and second military academies, which brought together the 'top nine' students and had a massive march. ”

“At that time, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defence, Major General Zhang Sichuan, executed a superior order, stating in the media that 'there are still certain problems with the performance of the basebone armor, that the 16 all-crystal armor regiments do not yet possess much field capability, and that it would be appropriate to adopt a strategy of maintaining the city in order to avoid unnecessary losses’. ”

“As a result, Major General Zhang Siqian was known as the ‘surrender party', and one of his private houses was burned down by angry students. ”

“As for me, as commander of the ‘Leisure Corps' stationed in the capital, I was naturally attacked, and I have long laughed at countless titles such as' Confederate traitors’. ”

“Oh, by the way, 'Leisure Regiment' was the nickname that the people gave us. ”

“Remember, that was half a month before the final operation of Project Giant Crab, and I showed up in the capital once to participate in the National Day parade. ”

“It was also part of a strategic deception, and I was flying straight into the middle of the wilderness that night, leading the Tiger Regiment and becoming the first all-crystal armored squad to rush against the enemy! ”

“As planned, once the two 'iron pliers' of the 'giant crab' come together, my ‘SWAT Regiment' will penetrate the most fragile junction between the Alliance of the Horns and the Blood Demons, cutting off ties between the enemy and the native. ”

“As you can imagine, the enemy will do everything in its power to connect with the native world, and the army of the native blood demon world will go wild and rescue. ”

“The SWAT Regiment will be under the greatest pressure, most likely the entire Regiment, ready for sacrifice, from me to every cook. ”

“At that time, my only son was attending the first military academy in the capital, and the General Staff gave me a special half-hour to meet him, who was also participating in the parade, after the parade. ”

“Of course he didn't know about Project Crab, not to mention that I was going to see him last. ”

“As a result, do you know what he did after seeing me? ”

Li Yao was deeply attracted and asked: “What is it? ”

Han Tuhu seemed to be laughing: “The little bastard dumped a piece of calcium on me as soon as he saw me, and said, 'Do you have the face to join the parade? Replenish the calcium!’ And then the head went away. ”

“I didn't have time to talk to him from beginning to end. ”

Li Yao quietly asked softly: "The giant crab project, has not succeeded? ”

“Of course not. ”

Han Tu Tiger smiled a little bitterly, "But the problem is not on our side, but inside the Alliance of Wanxi. ”

“According to our plan, as long as the Alliance of Wanxi continues to attack the giant blade for three days, the entire perimeter will be completely closed together. Even if my SWAT regiment is exhausted, I will never let a Bug from the Alliance of Wanxi flee back to the Blood Demon Realm! ”

“But no one thought that the low-ranking demons on the front line would mutiny! ”

“The mutiny of the low-ranking demon clan led to the collapse of the front line of the Allied Coalition of Demons. When the main force of the Allied Coalition of Demons came to an end, all the cannon ashes on the front line were dropped to flee back to the Blood Demon Realm as quickly as possible. ”

“This accident, completely beyond our calculations, only temporarily changed our strategy, from annihilation to crushing, so I chased Thoreau's ass for thousands of kilometers, caught him up in the dark realm, and finally became what you saw. ”

“Think about it, it's ridiculous, we've carefully planned for half a year, made countless sacrifices, took countless curses, and we're about to succeed, but we've lost to the chaos within our enemies! ”

“But that's how wars are, well-planned, perfectly executed, and unable to keep pace with change. ”

Li Yao sighed: "Now your son must understand your hardship and feel deeply guilty for everything he has done. ”

“You don't understand what I'm saying, Major Lee. ”

Han Tuhu put the end of the field cap on his head correctly, soothed every crease on the cap, and adjusted the Red Star medal to the center, "What I'm trying to say is, I don't care about that little bastard or anyone else's understanding and guilt, even if they despise me forever and hate me, it doesn't matter. ”

“I don't need their understanding, I just want them all to...”

“Live. ”


Fourth and even more, howl!!!