Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 979: No Unholy Robbery! (Fourth more!

In the undersea mountains on his left, he rests on a thorny sea cucumber that merges with gravel, ready to spit out his mouth with spikes and barbed guts.

In the darkness on his right, a swarm of ax fish swayed through the unscrupulous currents, highlighting their strength.

The darkness ahead emits a slight glow, which at first glance resembles the decaying material of whales in the upper ocean, falling into the deep sea, forming a unique phenomenon of "whale falling”.

But Li Yao knew that it was a terrible "bait” disguised by the tentacles above his forehead, and once the poor fish thought it was a "whale down” and went looking for food, it would fall into the big mouth where the teeth of the birch were staggered.

The dark world is filled with horrible hunters, and once they neglect a little, they become the most horrible prey in front of even more horrible hunters.

Li Yao observed quietly and calculated the ocean current fluctuations formed as these deep sea creatures traveled, carefully selecting their own targets.

Finally, he locked his eyes on the ax fish.

At first glance, the ax fish is like a pile of clear soft flesh, and if it trembles like a frost, humans and animals are harmless.

But their tongues, which are flexible to the extreme point, can be pushed by water pressure and thrown out at high speeds, like sharp axes, which will split their prey in half several times bigger than them.

They also love group activities, and once clustered, even the most fearsome “swordtooth sharks" dare to jump to the top and are one of the deadliest hunters in the deep sea world.

This group of ax fish gathered in the same size as the basebone armor.

Li Yao followed them and carefully observed them for half an hour, recording all the disturbance characteristics caused by the current as they swam, which led them to swim in the direction of a city free of chaos.

An hour later, in the darkness ahead, a luminous jellyfish emerged that was only planking like a lantern, showing a colorful glow, reaching out more than a dozen meters away, like an excessively devilish flower and a light gorman dance like a willow in a breeze.

Li Yao knows that these luminous jellyfish are demonic beasts raised by the Hai people.

On the tentacles of luminescent jellyfish, extremely sensitive perceptual cells are distributed to detect subtle changes in ocean currents.

In the deep ocean, where five fingers are out of sight, vision is the most useless thing, and all hunters perceive the size, class, and danger of nearby prey through changes in water flow.

Each different marine creature has a different wave of turbulence when swimming, and the difference between demonic warships and demonic beasts is even greater.

Through the perception of luminous jellyfish, seafarers can know exactly what they are swimming by.

Li Yao manipulated the basebone armor and swam past the luminous jellyfish.

He held his breath and each bunch of nerves was as stable and precise as a scalpel, carefully regulating the biochemical muscle bundle activity of the power array and the surface of the armor, simulating the ax fish that had just been recorded and should show fluctuations while swimming.

In the dark depths of the sea, he disguised himself as a herd of ax fish starving for their prey.

He even had the guts to rush straight at a luminous jellyfish, posing as if these fierce axe fish were trying to rip the luminous jellyfish to pieces.

The luminous jellyfish was frightened and retracted slightly, shrinking into clumps.

More luminous jellyfish float from all directions, threatening to reach straight and release a faint toxin.

It's not an attack, it's a warning.

They are “guard posts” arranged here by the Sea Nation, tasked only with surveillance and unwilling to provoke a group of fierce axfish.

Li Yao stagnated for a moment and swam away.

Thus, even if the sea people really perceived the scene through the luminescent jellyfish, they would only assume that it was a group of hungry, mad axe fish who wanted to attack a single luminescent jellyfish, but were frightened by the large number of luminescent jellyfish that gathered to retreat.

In this way, Li Yaozhen inadvertently crossed the sea line!

He slumped silently in the trenches not far away for half an hour, and infiltration was a success without the arrival of a sea clan.

Nevertheless, he remained cautious and continued to disguise himself as the fluctuations of an axe fish float at extremely slow speeds.

Most of the time, he shut down all the power arrays and relied on the power of the dark currents beneath the sea to rush him to the shore where the turbulent city was located. Only when the direction of the currents deviated too much would he start the power arrays and look for a new current.

After all, in the waters above his head, there may be a large number of sea-grown “tooth sharks”, “king squid", “abyss whales” and other horrible demonic beasts.

In the deep sea, surrounded by a large group of sea people, this is a terrible nightmare that Li Yao is unwilling to face.

Finally, he discovered a continental shelf that lay directly beneath the sea.

The city of chaos is just ahead.

According to the structure chart given to him by Lieutenant Later, he quickly found a secret passage deep beneath the sea.

The Fire Ant King had long considered the possibility of being besieged by the army once his identity was revealed, so he built intricate, maze-like passages beneath the city.

Less than a week after the all-out offensive by the Allied Coalition forces against a city free of chaos, not all of these passages could have been discovered, although the city had been ruined.

Li Yao rubbed a shadow into the curved rock seam. First, he gently pushed a tube of special medicine into the sea water. In front of him, a series of corals immediately emitted a faint light.

He twisted the bush three times to the left, and suddenly a lot of bubbles appeared deep in the rock seams, revealing a mossy transfer formation.


Half a minute later, Li Yao took a long breath in the hundreds of meters deep underneath the turbulent city.

In front of him is a dark brass ring suspended.

He crossed his fingers, flexed his fingers in the opposite direction, pinched a strange ruling, and gently bounced off a mindset.

The copper ring “buzzes”, engraved on the surface, and a string of ancient spiritual lines gleam, driving the copper ring to spin quickly.

The copper ring is not completely closed, there is a gap, after half a day of rapid rotation, the rotation slows down, like a compass, eventually the gap stops in a certain direction.

The Golden Moon is locked!

This copper ring is a "concentric ring" made by Li Yao using the ancient method, divided into sub-rings and female rings, specifically designed to locate the orientation.

While the coordinates are unclear, unable to communicate instantaneously and other defects, the biggest advantage is that the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted are extremely weak, more concealed than any modern communications locator, and extremely penetrating and difficult to shield, ideally suited for use in a mixed place such as a dragonsnake in a chaotic-free city.

Before diving into Skull Island, Li Yao had discussed contact issues with Golden Heart Moon.

At that time, they didn't know what the Blade of Chaos and the Fountain Ancestors were up to, not to mention when they would be reunited.

Therefore, Li Yao faked the ring of the concentric ring and gave it to Golden Heart Moon for her to wear on her ankle.

Thus, as long as they are within 100 kilometers of each other, Li Yao can sense her approximate orientation through the female ring.

The agreement between the two was that Li Yao dived into Skull Island and investigated the inside of the Blade of Chaos, while Jin Xin Yue, as a bloodthirsty demon slave, stayed in the city, taking the opportunity to gather all kinds of intelligence in this third-class, five-way miscellaneous place.

This is the old business of Golden Heart Moon, natural driving is ripe.

However, I didn't expect the blade of chaos to be completely exposed, and the city was attacked by the army and trapped here with the Golden Moon.

The past Golden Moon was a demon king, and even in the midst of a riot, self-defense should be fine.

But after absorbing the whole "chaos blood", Golden Heart Moon changed from demonic to human race. The power system was completely different. She could not carry out the magic of the cultivator in front of the Alliance of All Demons, but she did not know how to hide to this day.

Under the guidance of the mother-in-law concentric ring, Li Yao swept towards the hiding place of Golden Heart Moon.

Half a day later, he appeared deep in the city, beneath a rubble, releasing the Dragon to low altitude for reconnaissance.

As can be seen from the eyes of the Dragon, this city was chaotic and vibrant in the past, and now there is nothing left but chaos.

Cities are burning, many peripheral areas are completely ruined, large demonized plants are burning together, forming a rather spectacular smoke belt, like a black cloud, teeth dancing claws.

Deep in the ruins, occasional explosions and the collapse of withered ancient tree buildings are heard.

The burning sky is filled with feathered battle eagles and vultures; on the torn earth, countless insects wave sharp sickles, climb through the streets of pit depths, and after burning, the bones pile up like mountains, tearing hearts and lungs crying in intense black smoke, rushing straight into the sky, like countless solid black columns.

Civil wars between demons are no more benevolent than wars between demons and tribes.

Just as Li Yao was personally involved in the planetary world, the civil war between people was as brutal.

Though the city was built by the Fire Ant King, security concerns put the vast majority of demons in the city in no way related to the blade of chaos.

However, even if they were not members of the Blade of Chaos, they were all losers in the power struggle of the great demonic Powers and had to flee here.

Of course, the Allied Coalition soldiers will not be courteous to them, and these exterminators will not be able to be caught in good hands.

Coupled with the attempts of the true blade of chaos to break out in a city free of chaos, the war erupted.

However, the vast majority of the elites of the Chaos Blade were taken to the Chaos Tomb by the Fire Ant King and Lieutenant Lao Ba. The rest of the members were defenseless and suddenly unable to defend themselves. Naturally, they were not prepared for the Alliance of Wanxi.

By the time Li Yao infiltrated, the city had been basically attacked by the Wanxian coalition, and most of the resistance had been suppressed.

The city is filled with the Allied Coalition of the Hordes, searching for suspects in their homes, even though copper and silver blood have been raided, vast resources have been scratched and all free people have been enslaved.

The periphery is surrounded by biological and chemical warcraft and demonic warships, and not even a grasshopper can jump out.


Four more!

Some friends say, "Bull, you're conflicted." Didn't you say at first that the Qian Kun Ring creates a space for storing objects? How come it's compressed again?

Good, old cow loves to read so carefully friends!

In fact, there is no contradiction between manufacturing space and compression.

Still the example in the book, even if a newspaper is rubbed together, it still has the size and needs space to store it, right?

Likewise, you have computers, you have a lot of compressed files, and no matter how you compress them, it still takes up a little space on your hard drive, doesn't it?

So, taken together, the Qian Kun Ring releases some kind of force field, magnetic field, and compresses the item altitude, while creating a small four-dimensional space in which to store the item after the altitude compression.

When you want to call, reverse, extract, unpack, and then use.

Old Bull looked at the previous paper. At that time, he wrote, "There is a few meters of diameter of space in the Qian Kun ring”. This can be understood as the level of Li Yao was still relatively low at that time, and the principle of not touching too deep was not too deep. Like an elementary school student, Internet access is fine. It is unnecessary and difficult to understand how to write code, a reason ~

Thank you for your attention, and welcome more pricks, so that the old cow can patch more patches, making the world of "Forty Thousand Years of Fixing" more rational and more harmonious.