Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1022: Heavy Gates!

Li Yao fought for a second. Although he had already done his initial disguise, Jin Zhenyi worked under the eyes of the Blood Demon for six months and could not be exactly the same size as six months ago.

Li Yao must allow the muscle fibers to shrink or expand further, adding a few more slight wrinkles to make himself exactly the same as Jin Zhenyin at this moment.

Adjust the muscles and bones while releasing a hollow metal sphere around and “dripping" around in the middle of the sky.

This little ball, a “vacuum cleaner-like" formula that absorbs all the smells, ashes and fluctuations left in the "sealed pota”, is the best aid to killing and destroying the remains.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! ”

The “vacuum ball" spins quickly, forming a giant swirl, sucking all the traces of the spider silk clean, Li Yao only then retrieved all the pharaoh and undressed clothes.

Just immersed in a biochemical agent, the bodyguard walked out of the toilet.

At this moment, the wrinkles on Li Yao's face have not yet been disguised. He simply turned himself in the biochemical medicine compartment, turned his back on the bodyguard and covered his changing figure with wide wings.

The bodyguard took a casual glance and sat down in the chair.

Li Yao took a slight breath of relief, closed his eyes, pretended to fall asleep, but quickly thought about the underlying architectural stabilization system in his brain, the most likely several structures, as well as the real Jin Zhenyin, the problems he might face.

“Based on the study of contrast matrix and spiritual texture in the Blood Demon Realm, and the scale of the Blood Demon Eye, there are not many options for their overall spiritual configuration. ”

“Jin Zhenyi has three iconic monographs," The Origin of the Demonic Pattern, "" The Early Bullet Studies of the Golden Peng Dynasty, "and" The Three Phase Stability Bullet Principle. "From these three monographs, I can preliminarily refine his styles, modeling ideas, and hundreds of bullet arrays that I love to use. ”

“He is a senior expert whose academic style has evolved over the decades and is unlikely to change dramatically in the short term. ”

“Well, when confronted with a supermassive treasure like the Eye of the Blood Demon, the methods that can be used to solve its stability and compatibility are predictable. ”

Li Yao replaced himself with Jin Zhenyi's character. Assuming that he was Jin Zhenyi, what would be the way to strengthen the underlying structure?

Li Yao has to figure this out.

Because it involves how he's going to destabilize the entire system!

Destroying the system is not difficult, it is difficult that he must completely collapse the "Eye of the Blood Demon” in just a few seconds and must not allow the other party time to switch to the backup system!

At the same time, he was silently aware of the reaction of the bodyguard.

He released a bunch of invisible spiritual filaments that monitored the heartbeat and blood flow rate of the bodyguard.

Close bodyguard, should be said to be one of the people who knows Kim Jin-hyeong best, if you see something broken, your heart beat and blood flow rate will definitely be abnormal for a moment.

Then Li Yao will have to think of another way.

Fortunately, the bodyguard didn't see Tianyi.

The bodyguard had no idea that he had only gone to the bathroom to protect himself or the target of the surveillance, and was stolen from the beam to change pillars and dropped his bag!

Two and a half hours later.

“You have fully recovered from changes in heart rate, pulse, and pupils. ”

After a preliminary examination of Li Yao, the doctor smiled, "However, for insurance purposes, it is recommended that you perform a comprehensive examination. ”

“No need. ”

Li Yao wears his clothes impatiently, shakes the artificial wings of the metal skeleton, pulls the crystal wire with his broad dorsal muscles, and manipulates the feathers to convey a slightly more agitating signal, “I feel fine now, I don't have time to hang around here, I have to work now! ”

“Guan, let's go! ”

Li Yao is naturally reluctant to undergo a thorough examination, which is extremely easy to reveal.

“Yes, Mr. Kim.

The bodyguard picked up a sealed ice box from the doctor, which contained three emergency medicines that could be treated in case of another burst of cerebral blood vessels.

The Blood Demon Eye experts, most of whom are working maniacs competing for seconds, are not willing to go to hospital at all if they are slightly fired into the demon. They often sit on their own for a breathing moment, inject one or two more medical drugs, and invest in wasted sleep and forgetting to eat.

In contrast, Li Yao's reaction was not unusual, and the doctor merely ordered them to leave.

After leaving the hospital, Li Yao pretended that he was still a little weak and deliberately left half a step behind, letting his personal bodyguard lead the way in front.

Jin Zhenyi was originally a silent character. Apart from his work, he did not like to communicate more with other people, which is one of the reasons Li Yao chose him as his target.

The two people on the way were silent, and the bodyguard suspected him, soon took Li Yao to a lifting platform on the edge of the living area.

This is the only way for the living area to reach the work area, and also the delimitation line between the third and second alert areas.

In front of the lifting platform, there are several rigorous tests arranged, as well as a group of brilliant, golden Alliance of Wanxi troops stationed.

The First and Second Warning Areas, the true work area of the Eye of the Blood Demon, are heavily defended and have no dead ends.

Ventilation pipes, drains and emergency channels were all blocked by the tightest security system. Li Yao, Fire Ant King and Golden Heart Moon repeatedly postulated countless times, and concluded that even if Fire Ant King controlled all insect demons, it would never be possible to infiltrate.

So, Li Yao can only impersonate and enter brightly!


Four tracks of Xuan Guang crossed, scanning the face and shape of Li Yao and his personal bodyguard, including walking posture.

The other side immediately grabbed their identity.

“Tier 1 expert Jin Zhenyi, standard working hours are 8: 40 am to 10: 20 pm, why is it three and a half hours late? ”

The two officers opposite raised their heads and glanced at Li Yao like ice. Coldly asked.

On the first step of the close bodyguard, he sent Kim Zhenyi's treatment record and the doctor's monster print signature: “When Teacher Kim was eating in the third cafeteria in the morning, he went mad and received three hours of restoration treatment at the hospital, which is a hospital certificate. ”

Two officers turned around for half a day, contacted the third cafeteria and hospital, confirmed the matter, nodded and said to the two: “Let's go! ”

In front of the two, is a series of tests.

First, it detects the fingerprints and palm print of the pharmacopoeia, like a large crystalline magnetic sphere, with several different grooves, hand-shaped, claw-shaped and hoof-shaped, corresponding to different kinds of demons.

Li Yao placed his left hand on top and suddenly highlighted a small needle in the middle finger of the hand groove. He gently stuck it on his middle finger and drew a drop of blood.

Li Yao was already ready. Not only were his fingerprints imitating Jin Zhenyin, but there was also a small blood sac under the fingerprint film, which contained a drop of Jin Zhenyin's blood sample.

A moment later, deep in the symbol array, two "droplets” were heard, emitting a soft green light.

“Fingerprint pass, blood pass, next item! ”

An officer walked up and removed Li Yao's eyelids with a special instrument to see if he wore a chip on his eyeball.

Of course, Li Yao wears the chip, but it is the latest generation of iris transforming chip that Fire Ant King personally participated in research and development. Once it is adhered to the eye, it will automatically dissolve, it is completely integrated with the eye, and can never be checked out.

Two to three days later, this biochemical wafer, modulated with active cells, is completely absorbed by the body under metabolism.

The officer studied it carefully for half a day before aiming a new instrument at Li Yao's eyes.


Two colorful lights stabbed Li Yao's pupil deep.

“Dip, iris contrast complete, 100% consistency! ”

The officer's face hasn't changed a bit, and he still looks at his face: “Here's the sound mark test, please read it with me - the sky is broken, long live the bloody demon! ”

He connected the two biochemical nerve bundles to Li Yao's larynx and bradycardia.

Li Yao said faintly: "Tian Yuan is ruined, long live the Blood Demon! ”

“Didi, sound mark passed! ”

The officer opened his palms and said politely: "Please remove one hair and one feather so that we can carry out the final test. Rest assured, it won't take too long. ”

Li Yao's face grew darker and darker, like a time-consuming workaholic who was on the brink of a seizure.

He pulled his hair and feathers out of his head and wings, seemingly too hard, with a little blood stain on his roots.

Naturally, hair and feathers are collected from Jin Zhenyi's hometown, where hair is glued to the scalp with special adhesive, but feathers are planted directly into artificial wings.

Half a minute later, the last part also passed smoothly.

On the other aisle next to Li Yao, the personal bodyguard went through the same rigorous test, and the silent voice said: “Can we go now? ”

“Let go! ”

The officer waved, loosened the gate, another staff member entered Kim Jin-hyeong's workplace, and the symbols around the lifting platform began to shine, ready to send them to their destination.

Lifting platforms and short range transfer arrays in the eyes of the Blood Demon are manipulated by special personnel and require fingerprints and passwords to start.

This was supposed to be a safety measure, but it saved Li Yao the trouble of not finding a place to work.


As Li Yao and his bodyguard were about to cross the transmission line, the three werewolf officers in black uniform, wearing scarlet sleeve badges, slowly stood up from the blind corner and patted the werewolf tooth battle knife between their waists, smiling and looking at them.