Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1053: Dust of History

Golden Moon was struck by thunder and he couldn't speak for half a day.

Her brain lost its thought, but deep inside her body, a trembling chestnut called "Ambition” spins all over her body like lightning!

The father had a deep vision, as if it were a key that opened the power hidden deep in the blood, and she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, muttering: “Why me? I was too weak to fight without the help of my father and teacher. ”

“You are the best choice, not because you are my daughter, but because you have a unique advantage that no one else has. ”

Kim Tu said, “Of course you're still weak, but we're talking about a hundred years from now, at least 70 or 80 years from now. ”

“Today, you have reached the Demon King and Knightan level, and you have a famous master's point. A hundred years from now, your wisdom, body and training level will reach the peak, rushing into the demon king and Yuan Baby Realm, almost a nail on the board. ”

“More importantly, in the face of the threat of a real human empire, the new Federation must be highly united in order to balance interests by electing a candidate with special ties to the blooddemons, the stars and the celestial realm. ”

“You are of demonic origin and are inextricably related to the Blood Demon kingdom, and federal citizens of demonic descent will certainly support you. ”

“Not to mention the influence of your teacher in both Tian Yuan and Fei Xing, as long as you are loyal to your teacher, become his interest spokesperson, and gain the support of those bosses, it is not impossible. ”

“You know, your teacher, in just 10 years, has amassed enormous power and influence in the two realms of Tian Yuan and Fei Xing, but in his heart, he is not really good at it, let alone enthusiastic about using it to grow his power. ”

“It's not that he's not smart enough, it's just that he doesn't want to be here, as if he has a higher pursuit. ”

“And these are exactly what you're best at. ”

“Your teacher does not have children yet, according to the rules of the cultivation world, and you, as his disciple, are of course one of his most trusted people. ”

“And you should not fail this trust and take the opportunity to participate in the management and operation of a range of organizations under his aegis, slowly growing them to become a key player in the new Federation! ”

“Wouldn't it be a win-win situation to cultivate your teacher, provide more resources, but also improve your own influence, connect with more powerful people, build a vast community of connections and interests, and ultimately rely on these forces to ask the Supreme Throne of the New Federation? ”

"Father, don't forget, I'll tell the teacher everything I said today. ”

Jin Tu Huihaha laughed: “Tell him, I am not like the Phantom Ancestors. I will not be afraid of anyone knowing what I have done or said! ”

Golden Moon thinks quietly, and this time she thinks not about not saying no to her father, but about the probability of success in this matter.

After half a day of thinking, she shook her head: “My bottom is unclean. Over the past few years, I have done countless unseen things. Although they have been used in bloody demon infighting, I have not killed federals, but I am afraid there is no shortage of judgment from a 'hard handed'. Even... Even if there is a battle in a hundred years, my competitors will turn these old bills against me. How can people choose a hard handed, cold, ruthless witch as their leader? ”

Kim Tu Di's laughter turned into a smile in the grip of the ticket, shook his head: “You are wrong again, my daughter, this dark history of your early years will not be your stain, but your ace! ”

“In peacetime elections, of course, there are concerns about a harsh, ruthless leader. ”

“But a hundred years later, the real human Empire Expeditionary Army is at a critical juncture under the city, a time of war between life and death! ”

“At that time, all the new Federation needed was a hard-hearted, ruthless, resourceful leader, with enough cold nerves to withstand the pressures of this war to lead the new Federation to its final victory! ”

“So even if your political enemies don't have to do this to you by then, you should find yourself someone in the dark, dig up all this‘ black history ', render it big, attack yourself viciously, and prove to all the citizens of the Federation - you are a powerful enough leader to survive any adversity and win by any means! ”

Golden Moon is stuck listening.

The Golden Slaughter put his hand over his daughter's head, and three rounds of blood crossed behind him. It seemed like a mysterious force poured out of him and poured into his daughter's heavenly lid through his palms.

“My daughter, once again, do you have the ambition, the confidence, the determination to be the first Speaker of the House of Speakers of Demonic Descent in the history of the Starlight Federation 100 years later, before the attack of the Real Human Empire? ”

The Golden Moon has been silent for a long time.

She bit her teeth tight and trembled lightly around her, as if she were fighting the power of her father, but also eating his strength, life and ambition greedily.

Half a minute later, the trembling chestnut stopped, the bottom of the Golden Heart Moon's eyes, the dim glow the same colour as the Golden Slaughter.


The Blood Moon came from behind the Golden Slaughter and covered the Golden Heart Moon's face with a faint red veil.

Her voice was gentle, like a feather, but unbeatably firm, like a nail that fell into an iron block.

“If I really devote my whole life to the Red Tide Project, to the integration of the three communities, to the New Federation, then the New Federation becomes my life, my soul, my everything! ”

“I will never allow anyone or any force to tear it apart again, destroy it and destroy it. ”

“If one day I really become the supreme leader of the Federation of Stars and Glows, everything I do will be based on the interests of the Federation of Stars and Glows, not on the self-interest of the demons or the people. ”

“The Federation of Stars under my leadership is destined to be a powerful 'human civilization', not a 'demonic civilization’! ”

“Because no matter how well you plan to surrender and how ‘conditional' you are, it is surrender. In the next hundred years of integration and assimilation, people will occupy an absolutely powerful position. After a hundred years of assimilation, even those who have some demonic origin in their bodies will consider themselves‘ human ’, not‘ demonic '! ”

“The demon's name and flag are doomed to never recover, never again! ”

“So, if the father wants this way and spends a hundred years reuniting the name 'Demon Nation’, then the daughter is doomed to disappoint you and even stand opposite you! ”

“Did Father ever think about that? ”

“Of course I did, but what does that matter? ”

Kim Tu slightly coughed, “The name and flag are all people come up with, ‘man’ is also good, ‘demon’ is just one word, the definition of this word is given by people, and can change and distort at any time. ”

“What's wrong with my people abandoning their old names and flags to harvest the entire star sea? ”

Golden Moon squinted his eyes: “Even if the name of the 'demon tribe' completely disappears into the long river of history, doesn't it matter if the father? That's not what my father meant! ”

“No, it won't go away. ”

Golden Slaughter's face once again glowed with excitement, watching the moonlight cover rolling clouds, slowing down, “All history is created by contemporary people, the truth about history? There's no truth! ”

“Five hundred years of bloody warfare between the Federation and the Demon Nation, the two sides resemble each other's enemies, which is why the Confederation's textbooks dramatically portray the ‘evil’ history of the Demon Nation, calling our 30,000 years of rule the 'Great Dark Age’. ”

“But for the last 30,000 years, is it really dark and not even bright at all? ”

“Are we, as heirs of ancient human civilization, really not creating a more glorious civilization? ”

“I believe that the textbooks of the planetary world will never present a ‘Great Dark Age', and if you discover a new world in the future, and the people of that world have not even seen the demon fur in the last 10,000 years, they will not care about a 'Great Dark Age'! ”

“Understand, daughter, the future of the demons depends on you, and the past of the demons depends on you! ”

“If you can be a great leader, lead the Federation of Stars and Glows over the Real Human Empire, even kill to the center of the Star Sea, counterattack the 'Polar Realm, the Celestial Star’, and merge all the peoples and demons of the 3,000 worlds together to create an unprecedented and powerful kingdom! ”

“Then, one day, future generations will re-evaluate the 'demonic race', confront the ‘Great Dark Age’ of 30,000 years, define it as a crucial link between ‘ancient human civilization' and 'modern human civilization', spare no effort to study the flash points in the 'Great Dark Age', and take a more profound view of the human race, demonic race, demonic beast empire and Star Sea empire. ”

“The demonic race will eventually be recognized as another form of people, and 30,000 years will be recognized as part of the history of mankind, and the bloody revenge of the past will eventually become - the dust of history! ”

Golden slaughter, the last fog in the deep realm of the Golden Heart and Moon, she spread her palms open, her eyes slightly confused, it seems difficult to imagine these little palms, to control the demonic people's past and future at the same time.

But this confusion passed in a blink of an eye, and the Golden Moon smiled softly, completely different in temperament and a second ago.

“I promise you, Father. ”

Golden Heart Moon gently pressed her heart with her hands, as if she had pressed the demonic past and future into her heart. She stared into her father's eyes, one by one, "I will use my life to complete the Red Tide program, to fulfill everything my father had just predicted, until finally, to become the Speaker of the... Xingyao Federation! ”