Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1091: Frozen Man!

Donggou Harbor is a small town and few inhabitants exist as ghosts in itself, and of course there are no dedicated "ghost repair stations”.

However, the owner of one of the largest pharmacy stores in the area, happens to be a ghost repairer.

Li Yao and the boss climbed to find out that he was a pharmacopoeia mechanic on a large fishing boat. When he went fishing, he encountered a huge tsunami, the fishing boat turned upside down and the whole boat died in the water.

The rescue team scanned him only after he was struck by a bunch of lightning during his stay. Somehow, his body sank into the sea and a bunch of wrecks gathered together. He followed the waves for several days at sea.

After converting to ghost repair, he feared the sea wind wave and never wanted to go out again, simply using insurance money to open a pharmacy store in the fishing port.

Because the owner is a ghost repair, and when some ghost repair tourists come to Donggu Harbor to play, they occasionally lose their feet and fall into the water, and the body of the appliance enters the water, corrosion is damaged.

So, this pharmacopoeia store also features half of the "ghost repair service point”. There are many parts and accessories for the psychic body in the warehouse, even a pair of fairly complete second-hand psychic body for temporary use by needy ghost repairs.

Li Yao was very pleased with this nearly two metres tall spiritual body and spent money buying it, along with a large number of Pharmacopoeia units and components.

“Li Yao! ”

When he checked out, he suddenly heard his name.

Li Yao's pupils narrowed sharply and then relaxed.

He did not perceive the existence of the secret sword, but perceived the front door of the Pharaoh store. Several children, aged six or seven, were playing.

The pharmacy store often has some pharmacy unit packed cardboard boxes, some cardboard boxes are printed with powerful handsome crystal armor or flying sword pattern, flowers green, brass is nice.

Besides, a disgusting person who looks like a copper-headed steel and a disgraceful haunted repair owner, often assembles strange little toys for children with some obsolete pharmacopoeia components.

This pharmacy shop has become a stronghold for all the children in the small fishing port.

A fat, freckle-faced, curly-haired boy with several cardboard boxes, big and small, in crystal armor, with a wood-cut flying sword and his companion making a scene: "Come on, you monstrous beast, I'm Li Yao, I'm not afraid of you! ”

His companion dragged his nose and shot him with a toy gun: "You are not Li Yao, Li Yao is dead, you are a demon beast, big fat demon beast! ”

Little Fatty's face rose red: “Me, I'm not dead. The Federation is in danger. I'm back. I'm back to beat you skinny bamboo rod demon beast! Look at my basebone armor! Pfft, pfft, pfft! ”

A couple of kids rolled together and instantly turned into a couple of little muddy monkeys, fighting for fear:

“I'm Li Yao! ”

“I'm Li Yao! ”

“I'm Li Yao! ”

Li Yao leaned against the door and looked stunned. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but snap up.

His mood suddenly improved.

Ever since he returned to the celestial realm, he's actually been a little bit repressed, and even a little bit grieved.

He was born and died in the Blood Demon Realm. He was chased down by dozens of demon emperors. How hard did it take to destroy the eyes of the Blood Demon!

Even if you don't think about the scenery when you get home, when you come back, you'll be chased by the federal army and then by the secret sword bureau with your ass, what kind of a story is this!

Rationally, Li Yao knew that he was the "Son of the Underworld” and “Abyss”, obscuring the vast majority of ordinary people, federal soldiers, secret swordsmen and practitioners.

But emotionally...

It's perfectly normal to be sad, grieved, even angry, all kinds of negative emotions breeding wildly.

Li Yiu Jian sensed that in just a few days, the strength of the Blood Heart Demon almost doubled.

That means the dark side of his heart is getting stronger.

Until this moment, when these innocent children heard their names in their mouths, somehow, Li Yaoxin's dark cloud suddenly split apart, revealing a golden sunshine and gaining a whole new power!

“Premier federal hero...”

Sounds super meaty, super embarrassing.

Button this big hat on his head, he's got a little red-headed, big head.

Li Yao never wanted to be a hero.

Until this moment, I didn't see myself as a true "super federal hero”.

In his view, the title should belong only to textbooks, to photographs and statues that were genuine and solemn.

Neither is he eligible, nor does he want to be with these heroes at all.


Sloppy rain, the sea at dusk flashes a golden scale, quiet and peaceful small fishing harbor, children's laughter like a string of silver bells straight up to the nine rolls, between or from parents shouting, grabbing an ear to bring a muddy monkey home to eat.

Beautiful scroll, so beautiful that Li Yao couldn't even imagine, it was destroyed by war and virus.

He doesn't want to be a hero. Being a hero is tiring, annoying, stupid, and sometimes even grievous.

But if even a five- or six-year-old sees him as a hero, how can he let them down and even watch them die?

“Don't worry! ”

Watching the kids jump and disappear in the alley, Li Yao clasped his fists and said silently in his heart, “Whoever's behind this, I will definitely pull them all out! ”

“I will not let a senseless war fall on you. ”

“Definitely not! ”

He spent the night in an abandoned fishing boat on the shores of Donggu Harbor.

More than a thousand kilometres from the capital, the Secret Sword Service has not expanded its search here, and the wind has been quiet all night, and no one has found this abandoned fishing boat.

By 2: 00 a.m., he assembled a pharmacopoeia for use in Heavenly City.

Mainly a heavily remodeled, unchanged exterior, but completely non-faceted, ghost repair dedicated spirit body inside, and a very powerful light emitter.

This spotlight can emit a seven-color glow, and will say, "I'm Li Yao, I'm alive!” Eight words, shot at a height of thousands of meters, each with dozens of meters of sight, are absolutely clear on the ground.

As long as these eight words are typed in the sky in the heart of the capital, in front of the Speaker, Iron Handsome, the Director of Intelligence, the hundreds of rulers, thousands of media outlets, tens of billions of federal citizens, preferably on the stomach of the "Original Name", it will be all right!

“Son of the Underworld” and “Abyss” can only stare dry, how can we stop him? To beat him up in public? The whole country won't say yes!

At 3: 00 a.m., Li Yao crossed the seabed and infiltrated a fishing processing vessel belonging to the local faction of the "White Sea Pie” in Donggou Harbor.

The White Sea Pie is a small portal, and there are not many practitioners all sent up and down. This conventional fishery processing, let alone too many practitioners, takes care of it.

After all, who would have the idea of how many fish and how many conch?

Processing ships work for ordinary people, and there is only one non-combat fixer who manipulates and repairs all sorts of magic treasures on board, with little or no vigilance at all.

Not only does the processing vessel itself operate offshore every day, but it also has a large catch of small fishing vessels, which will be transported here at 3 or 4 a.m. Inside the processing vessel, there is a large freezing bin that, through a specially modulated ice condensate, can freeze seawater completely within half a second, while guaranteeing the integrity of the seafood cells inside and keeping the meat up to date.

The seafood was carefully selected by the workers and graded, and frozen into a large quadrilateral ice cream with condensate and stored in a special frozen container.

The ice condensate itself is dark blue, and after freezing it changes to dark blue, with low visibility and no clear view of the deep conditions.

Different containers, sent to different hotels and seafood markets in different cities, of which the highest-rated batch of seafood, are thawed in the warehouse of the Grand Hotel, flying directly to the Grand Hotel Junhao in Heavenly Metropolitan.

Li Yao knows that the Grand Hotel Junhao is an industry under the name of the “Emperor's Gate”, a well-known federation. The Emperor's Gate is very powerful in the capital circle. This kind of disputed seconds of seafood container is generally exempt from inspection. Even when it comes to inspection, it is sure to open the container and sweep it for a few glances.

At 4: 09 a.m., Li Yao made his hands and feet in the power compartment of the processing vessel.

At 4: 21 a.m., a small fire broke out in the power cabin.

After the only fixer on board gave the job to his assistant, he mumbled down the power compartment.

This is a very common psychic line aging, causing an overload accident.

Unfortunately, however, several of the most important stabilizing units were partially burned out, making repairs cumbersome.

Next, the most important time to freeze, if not disposed of in a timely manner, is likely to lead to the total decay of hundreds of tons of fish.

The repairman couldn't help but squat in the power compartment and start repairing it for half an hour.

During this time, the freezer was full of ordinary fishermen who owed days and not half of the fixers existed.

After an hour, the fixer finally took care of the problem with a lot of sweat and returned to the freezer.

At this time, several containers of seafood have been frozen.

This includes shipping to the seafood container of the Grand Junhao Hotel in the heart of Heavenly City.

At 6: 33 a.m., the container was loaded with a crystalline floating boat with the symbol "Emperor's Gate” gleaming in the sun.

The floating boat headed for the capital.

At 7: 25 a.m., a new harvest was finally found in the pull net search in Qingyuan City. Li Yao's stolen abandoned shuttle car in the old neighborhood was found, and various surveillance images of him driving away from Qingyuan city surfaced.

However, when the surveillance footage tracked to the outskirts of Qingyuan City, all the clues were cut off again, and the shuttle was like ice melting in the water and disappearing into the invisible.

At 8: 55 a.m., security on the outskirts of Tiandu rose again.

A total of nine levels of security have been set up. All pedestrians, shuttles, short-haul buses, crystal rail trains and civil aviation carriers entering Tiandu are subject to the strictest inspection!

The problem is that the secret sword that makes up the secret sword bureau is also the flesh and blood, not the all-powerful God, and the resources that the secret sword bureau can mobilize are not unlimited.

When they throw all their power on this side of the inspection and search, they naturally lose sight of a cargo float from a small place like Donggu Harbor.

At 9: 45 a.m., two secret swords boarded the floating boat, close to victory.

However, after scanning every crevice in the floating boat with the blue light to make sure there were no suspicious characters, they looked at the sign of the Emperor's Gate, touched their noses and let victory slip out of their fingers.

At exactly 10 a.m., above the Grand Junhao Hotel in the heart of the city, the floating boat slowly landed.

One more day until the “Hundred Days Celebration".

Zero kilometers from Tiandu.

Vulture Lee Yew, dive into the capital.