Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1096: Seamless Heavenly Clothes!

Over the past few months, some of these blurry pictures have been shown to Rockstar, Professor Mo Xuan and others.

But with so many pictures, so clear, the vast majority of people have never seen them before.

Suddenly on top of the noise, add a few more points.

Ding Zheng closed his eyes and stared dead at the golden moon in the image, not knowing what he was thinking, but his hands grabbed the rich thighs, ten fingers deeply embedded in the flesh, desperately suppressed some emotion that could never erupt here.

Rockstar snorted: “Photos can be forged. Now that the crystal brain technology is so developed, what kind of photos can't be forged? Could it be that the demon tribe is upset that Li Yao destroyed the eyes of the bloody demon and planted them? ”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if the pictures are true, what does that mean? ”

“You know, while we were still in the Star Realm, we and Li Yao repeatedly postulated many times. If we want to defend the Real Human Empire, we must focus on the power of the Star, the Tian Yuan and the Blood Demon Realm, and even explore more worlds and get more help! ”

“Li Yao came back this time with the biggest aim of stopping the war between the Blood Demon Realm and the Uranus Realm, which he told us before we left, and you know it! ”

“Is it true that he's mixed up with Kim Tu's half-daughter? Couldn't you be persuading the Commander of the Allied Coalition to stop the war? ”

This is a powerful question.

Many of the revisers who took part in the conference were also “cautious" and nodded at the moment.

They are not Ding Zheng. Li Yao's private life is irrelevant to them. Even if he is truly the son-in-law of Kim Tu Hua, if he can promote cooperation between the three worlds, it seems that... it is not a very evil thing, right?

“It is indeed our common desire to put an end to the war and promote cooperation among the three worlds against the Real Human Empire," Lu Cold and Drunken said. "If it does not prove the existence of the Red Tide Project, we even intend to send an exchange mission! ”

“But see how the demons trample our hopes for peace? ”

“The Red Tide project three months ago, if successful, would definitely turn the entire capital circle into a scorched earth! ”

“And today, this happened again! ”

“Is it not enough to prove the evil nature of the demonic race that there is absolutely no chance of peace? ”

“If Li Yao has not been devoured by the Blood Demon, why let such a thing happen, why dive into the capital and lead the whole thing yourself! ”

This is the first time Lu Yiu has made it clear that everything that happens today is led by Li Yao.

But the people didn't even have the strength to be “stunned."

"Evidence, we need proof! ”

"'Listen to me,' said Lu. 'When you're done, you'll naturally release irrefutable evidence. ”

“Until the Eye of the Blood Demon was destroyed, the pattern of the Blood Demon Realm was dominated by the Lion Slaughter and the Spring Country, and the Blood Robe Ancestors and Spring Ancestors were honored. ”

“However, after the destruction of the Eye of the Blood Demon, the main power of the Blood Demon Realm was damaged, and the Commander of the Allied Coalition of All Demons, Golden Slaughter, took advantage of the great cleansing, subjugated the power of the Lion Slaughter Nation and the Fountain Nation, and became the true Lord of the Blood Demon Realm! ”

“In this‘ big wash ',‘ Blood Demon Li Yao 'also did a lot of work, becoming the right arm of the Golden Slaughter. ”

“There is even reason to believe that he and Golden Slaughter have reached an exchange of interests and become the heirs of Golden Slaughter, the future Lord of the Blood Demon Realm! ”


The fallen star interrupted him and asked another important question, "And not to say whether Li Yao is a blood demon, first say why Jin Tu Jie should pass all the power to Li Yao, an outsider? ”

"Because we have evidence, Kim Tu has an incurable terminal illness, and his life will soon be over. ”

“Blood demon Li Yao needs power, and Kim Tu Biao needs a strong man to preserve his family, descendants and power after his death, and the two naturally fit together as one beat. ”

This top-secret news is stunned to hear.

Commander of the Allied Coalition, Golden Slaughter, has an incurable condition?

Their first reaction was that Lu was joking, but think about it. Think about it. Things of this magnitude will soon be proven. Lu Lun can't just spill such a stab to break the lie.

Lu continued: "In short, after reaching an agreement between the blood demon Li Yao and Jin Tu Di, it took several months to gather power, then secretly dive back to the realm of the heavens and infiltrate the capital, the whole process of infiltration and infiltration leaves a lot of evidence, all the secret swords of the demon can be proven. ”

“If everyone is interested, I can ask the past chief of the demon to carefully report to you the whole process of monitoring Li Yao's infiltration. ”

Ding Zheng couldn't help but stand up and shouted: “Chief Lu, all the information you gathered from the Falcon Squad is their side of the story! Where exactly are these Falcon Squad members? Can you come out as a confrontation? ”

Lu shook his head drunk: “Is it that easy to monitor Li Yao? The vast majority of the members of the Falcon Squad were killed by Li Yao and Jin Hubei, only a few of whom were still hiding east of the Blood Demon Realm, making it extremely difficult to return the news. ”

“I'm the only one who knows who they are, but I can't say. ”

Ding Zheng glared at him: “Can't you say that? Why!”

Lu was drunk and silent for a long time, his cold eyes swept from the faces of all the practitioners, one word at a time: “Because there is absolutely reason to suspect that within the Federation, even among you, there are some bloody spies called the 'Sons of the Underworld'! ”

This phrase caused a terrible wave, and many of the cultivators stood up!

Lu drunk hands pressed, indicating that everyone should calm down, calmly said: “The so-called 'Son of the Underworld’ is a top-secret plan planned by the Blood Demon Realm for decades, and we have just discovered the scale of half a claw. ”

“A few decades ago, the Blood Demon kingdom mastered a top-secret technique that could completely disguise the Demon Nation as a human form and not be scanned by any blood test. ”

“In this way, the Blood Demon kingdom has sent countless‘ Sons of the Underworld 'to infiltrate the Federation and have grown in secret, until now, many' Sons of the Underworld 'have reached a high position! ”

“The Son of the Dark, now discovered, is just the tip of the iceberg, and it is through them that our intelligence network in the Blood Demon world will be severely damaged! Only a few Falcon Squad members in my possession survived! ”

“They are our last ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ in the Blood Demon kingdom, and I will never tell you who they are, otherwise in a matter of days we will be deaf and blind again! ”

Lu Zheng said here, took a pause and dropped a deep water bomb, "and Li Yao went back to the Federation this time to lead these ‘Sons of the Underworld’ to carry out a big operation! ”


The crowd was not surprised. Professor Mo Xuan stood up and said in the voiceless voice of Gujing, “Director Lu, this doesn't make sense. ”

“Assuming everything you say is true, Li Yao became the heir to Kim's carnage and the future Lord of the Blood Demon Realm. ”

“So how could such an important figure, at great risk, dive back to the Federation and assassinate the Speaker? ”

“Unlike the bloodthirsty world, there is nothing lifelong about the Speaker of Parliament, who is going to step down every five years for at most two terms, assassinating a Speaker, what kind of substantive blow can it do to the Federation? ”

“Besides, who knows that Speaker Jiang is a conservative and has always advocated caution and stabbing him in public, what good is there besides stirring up public opinion and exacerbating the fighting? ”

“Even if he becomes a blooddemon, he maintains the most elementary wisdom, and even more cunning. ‘Blooddemon Lee Yew' risks exposing himself and exposing the 'Son of the Underworld’, so change the chancellor? Isn't this a bargain? ”

Professor Mo Xuan spoke of the point in a word, and many of the practitioners nodded: “Yes, such an assassination is unjustified. What good would it do to the bloodthirsty world if President Jiang was assassinated and replaced by a more stubborn President Wang and President Li? ”

Lu was drunk and smiled. "Who said the purpose of the Blood Demon Li Yao was to assassinate the Speaker? ”

“Assassination of the Speaker is only a means, and his real purpose is - the original warship! ”


Professor Mo Xuan was completely shocked!

Lu was drunk and cold-blooded: “Assassination of the Speaker can be done by looking for a few dead men, even if success doesn't make any sense, but the task of seizing the original title of 'Three Kingdoms' Fantastic Battleship ', I'm afraid only‘ Li Yao ’will have a chance, right? ”

“Diving into a battleship and seizing control is what he used to do. More than a decade ago, when he was a green teenager, he did it once at a solicitation conference for the basebone armor. ”

“In the star world, he has infiltrated enemy warships countless times to win. ”

“And finally, and most importantly, it seems to be with Professor Mo Xuan to dive into the ‘Fantasy', the predecessor of 'Original', and succeed in seizing it? ”

Professor Mo Xuan was silent.

“We are now in the Original, we have a very clear understanding of the power of this supership, it is arguably the most powerful battleship of the three worlds, and it is unique, even the star world cannot refine another of its ranks in the short term! ”

“Taking the original name can, to a large extent, change the power comparison between the three worlds, so that the Blood Demon realm can regain certain advantages. Do you think that such a task is not worth ‘Blood Demon Li Yao' doing personally? ”

"Once he had broken into the heart of the ship, he had mastered the structure of the ship, held on to the leather bag of 'Vulture Li Yao', and did not even need to use force," Lu sneered. "It is possible to deceive the original brothers of the stars! Think about it, folks. Is that the truth? ”

The fallen star suddenly realized: “Is that why you raised the original number to the highest level of automatic defensive sword array, keeping no one near you? ”