Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1250: Jackals and Rabbits

“The so-called 'guardians of ordinary people' of the cultivators are no different from the drowning of cats and dogs by extremist animal protectors, not least because they are more just, kind, benevolent than others, but because of their own selfishness. ”

"Li Yaoqiao said:" My heart? What selfishness? ”

“In our true human empire, there is a prestigious master of sociology and psychology, called ‘Martinulo’, who puts forward the theory of human needs on the five tiers of the ladder, pointing out that the entire needs of a person throughout his life, from low to high, are divided into five tiers: physiological needs, safety needs, emotional needs, respect needs and self-fulfilment needs. ”

Tang Qianhe whispered, “The physiological and safety needs are well understood, full of warmth and protection from foreign enemies. This is an instinct that animals all have! ”

“Emotional needs are also easy to understand, people are a populated race, a person is always eager to immerse themselves in the packages of affections such as affection, friendship, love, etc., what is called seven-long desire, even the Great Golden Immortal is difficult to avoid. ”

“Respect for needs, to put it bluntly, is a desire to occupy a place in society, to be recognized, respected and even worshipped by others! When this need is met, one can feel confident and feel the ‘value’ of one's existence! ”

“Self-fulfilment needs are the highest levels of need, meaning the realization of personal ideals, ambitions, doctrine, the excitation of personal potential to the limit, and the complete implementation of one's 'Daoist heart'! ”

“It is well understood to use Master Ma's 'five tier ladder needs theory’ to analyze what the practitioners do. ”

“To protect ordinary people, the first can satisfy the emotional needs of practitioners, the second can give them the respect and admiration of the general public, and the third can implement their ideas and stretch their hearts! In other words, all three of the more advanced needs are met in the 'five tier ladder demand theory'! ”

“To put it bluntly, the cultivator guards the common man and is then hailed and worshipped by the common man; it makes sense that an ordinary man keeps a pet dog, builds a kennel for it, buys dog food, or even calls it a part of the family, and eventually gets close to it. ”

“Do they particularly like small animals? Of course not. It's just to satisfy your empty mind! ”

“Otherwise, why are there so many cats and dogs in the world and so few cockroaches and toads? To be honest, cats and dogs are cute and slightly more humane. They can bring a sense of mental satisfaction to ordinary people, and ordinary people can only raise cats and dogs; and ordinary people can also bring a sense of mental satisfaction to practitioners, which is a premium pet, so practitioners protect ordinary people! ”

“Well, that 's--”

This strange discourse, Li Yao didn't really know how to refute it for a while.

Besides, he didn't dare to show too much resistance, so as not to arouse suspicion among the three immortals, he had to follow Tang Qianhe's words, “That doesn't seem bad, does it? ”

“If you just shut the door to drown your pet, of course it's personal freedom, nothing wrong! ”

Tang Qianhe snorted coldly, revealing both contempt and disgust. “Unfortunately, practitioners like extremist animal protectionism love to satisfy their own personal desires as so-called morality, treat their own good and evil as the truth of 'placing all the stars in the sea', and even interfere with the very normal behavior of others! ”

“The resources in the star sea are limited, raising ordinary people as pets, but it consumes more resources than raising cats and dogs as pets; and ordinary people are far more ferocious than cats and dogs, slightly careless, will always be ungrateful and bite back! ”

“The cultivators are all rat-eyed and extremely selfish guys. They only start from their own selfishness, their own instincts, and see that the ordinary people in front of them seem pitiful. They must be protected at all costs in order to satisfy their own mercy. If they do not know to do so, they will cause long-term destruction and eventually lead to the total collapse of the entire human civilization! ”

Li Yao frowned: “What destruction? ”

Tang Qianhe said seriously: “We human civilization, like nature's ecosystem, are actually the most sturdy and fragile thing! It is strong because it possesses some natural laws that can be self-regulated and balanced, and self-purified and evolved under seemingly cruel law constraints; it is fragile because once human beings, as spirits of all things, control the ability to modify certain laws and, driven by self-righteous compassion, it has really been modified, and that collapse is almost inevitable! ”

“You've heard of Ecological Balance, haven't you, Lee Daoyou? ”

Li Yao nodded.

“Nature's ecosystem, a very balanced and perfect work of art, imagines a grassland like this, with a few jackals, lots of rabbits and mountains of green grass, making up a simple ecosystem. ”

“Rabbits eat grass, jackals eat rabbits. ”

“Rabbits are so cute, they give rise to compassion at first glance. ”

“The Jackal's face is gloomy, raw and ferocious, and the scene of hunting rabbits is bloody! ”

“At first glance, it's easy to define a rabbit as‘ good ’and a jackal as‘ bad ’! ”

“One day, some all-powerful people came to the meadow and saw the bloody scene of the jackals preying on rabbits, and saw the cute picture of the little rabbits rubbing around in their arms. At one time, they gave birth to the idea of 'strong and weak', beating all the jackals to death, leaving only the furry, meaty, warm and lovely little rabbits. ”

“Will this meadow become a fairy realm? ”

“Of course not! ”

“In less than a year, rabbits with super fertility and expertise in destroying grass roots will destroy the grassland completely, while rabbits who have lost their source of food will die in large numbers and be completely extinct! ”

“Understood? ”

“In this ecosystem, the seemingly ferocious Jackals are the protectors of green grass, little rabbits and nature as a whole; and those who look like ancient hot intestines, hoe strength and weakness, are the demons, enslaved by self-expanding morality, the irrevocable demons! ”

“Perhaps they are out of good intentions. Perhaps they gave countless blood and sacrifices in the course of protecting the little rabbit and in the 300 rounds of battle with the Jackal...”

“So what? The fact that the entire ecosystem cannot be changed and is completely destroyed by their 'good intentions'! ”

Li Yao had a "buzz” in his head.

The mantra of the fairy practitioner has been refined for thousands of years. Even if the strong word is taken into account, it at least seems distracting and rational.

Tang Qianhe took a deep breath, his face was filled with divine glow, and he said proudly: “Human civilization, like ecological balance, has its own intrinsic logic of operation and development. ”

“Competitive choice, survival of the fittest. Only by maintaining a certain level of brutal competition can the best genes be ensured and passed down from generation to generation; the poorer genes will be slowly eliminated, so as not to waste resources and pollute the environment! ”

“It's like the metabolism of human civilization. It's a normal, reasonable process. It's superior and superior! ”

“But with the development of human civilization, new technologies and new divinity have emerged, and it seems that we have defeated nature and can ignore laws and logic! A lot of people slowly gave birth to arrogance, selfishness instead of reason, trying to ‘substitute for the way of heaven’, their representative is the modern cultivator! ”

“Modern practitioners have swept away the enemies of human civilization, created a stable world free from internal and external worries, and developed advanced spiritual energy technologies to make all kinds of magic treasures and divine powers widely available. The living environment of ordinary people has greatly improved and life expectancy has multiplied. As a result, the number of ordinary people, such as volcanic eruptions, has been inherited, as well as inferior genes that should have been eliminated by harsh environments! ”

“It's like losing a natural enemy like a jackal, an infinitely swollen rabbit on the meadow! ”

“Such a beautiful world, but man-made, very delicate and fragile glass greenhouses, can never last. ”

“As long as the number of ordinary people reaches the critical point, their infinite desire for resources will eventually crush the entire world, and the cultivators immersed in their inferior genetic immersion will lose their hearts and minds to progress, to the same dust, to the same pollution, and eventually to the realm of immortality. The fire of human civilization in this world will be extinguished once and for all, as if it were a wasteland devoured by rabbits! ”

“Do not think that I am alarmed by the dangers. In the history of expansion of our true human empire, we have discovered many self-destructing believer worlds. It is precisely the tragedies of these worlds that we have seen and learned their lessons that inspire us to go further and further on the Avenue of Immortality! ”

“When you get back to the base, perhaps you can ask Su Lao to show you how to destroy the Realist world! ”

“In short, no matter how harmonious, beautiful, prosperous and developed a world of practitioners seems, how harmonious and united the relationship between practitioners and ordinary people is, it is in exchange for an overdraft future at the expense of future generations. It is a return light before death. Before the end of civilization, it is only the last glory! ”

“For those of you who do not know the truth and who have received decades of brainwashing education, some of the things we do at first glance seem cruel, ruthless, and even abusive! ”

“But it's like a jackal preying on rabbits, and the seemingly ferocious thing is a necessity for ecological balance, and it's good for the whole meadow and even for the longevity of the ‘rabbit’ race! ”

Li Yao took a deep, deep breath.

He felt that he was somewhat surrounded by Tang Qianhe.

Tang Qianhe certainly did not have such a theoretical level. This should be the theoretical master of the immortals. It took hundreds of years to elaborate it and instill it in all the citizens of the Empire since childhood.

Li Yao did not want to continue to kill the enemy on this theoretical battlefield without preparation. He nodded as if he was suddenly enlightened, and changed the subject: “I, I think I understand! But what if... it's not just ordinary people who eat, it's fairy fixers? ”

“Ordinary people are just ‘original', very special high-end animals, if it doesn't matter, what if it hurts the real kind? ”