Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1353: The Clash of Civilizations!

After describing the general face of the ancient period from the vast and smoky ancient books, both the Starlight Federation and the Real Human Empire conducted an in-depth study and analysis of the differences between "second-hand cultivation” and “modern cultivation”, as well as the causes of these differences.

Li Yao's experience is even more unusual. Having the memories of the ancient cultivator, Ouyanzi, he has a deeper understanding of the congenital defects of ancient cultivation.

The difference between second-hand and modern repairs is essentially between feudal societies, self-sufficiency, smallholder economic systems, and modern large industrial systems, and even post-modern information society systems.

The former is just a simple accumulation of experience, painting tigers like cats, knowing that somehow, knowing that a spell can summon a certain kind of divinity, and that such divinity can play a certain role, that's all.

As for why this spell summons a particular divine talent, how it is made up, and why it presents unique destructive power, aggression, and all sorts of strange powers, it is not known that a single brain is thrown over the head of the "demon”.

The latter, on the other hand, deals with the fundamentals of finishing, refining the principle, calculating big data, which can be repeated on a large scale and produced in large quantities under equivalent conditions.

Even the simplest flying swords and "ignites" must understand their principles thoroughly!

Give me an example.

The same “Lotus Handstamp", in the ancient civilization, may be the "grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandmaster's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's

As for the “Master Ancestor", 89 out of 10 were “taught by Inhumans, the fairy demon dotted" before mastering the fingerprint.

The principle of the handprint, the process of spiritual energy circulation... I don't know three times, the state of the complete black box, I only know the input conditions and output results, what happened in the middle, ghost knows.

Such a "black box handprint” is handed down through carriers such as Jade Jane and Book, with two kinds of results.

If the inheritance is intact, it will be embraced by future generations as a guiding principle. It will not be easy. It will be regarded as the “ultimate god". Everyone will also be practicing, and not even half of the posture can be changed.

People's fingers are long and short, palms are large and small, and even the direction of fingerprints and palm prints can affect the effect of fingerprints.

Besides, this “Cactus Professor” fingerprint, originally probably practiced in Pangu civilization, by a race of six fingers, originally copied, wrong from the root, how much power is left?

This is still a good situation.

If the carrier for storing this fingerprint is damaged - in the hundreds of thousands of years of civilization, it is common practice to change the dynasty, it is normal for civilizations to perish several times, and there are 89 inheritances that can be damaged - then future generations of monks will have to find a way to make up for it.

But they do not know the basic principle of the so-called "fingerprint”, and the method of supplementation has also become a genre, no matter how much smallpox is blown, after all it is four words, “the heart is the spirit”!

This is not worth mentioning.

Modern civilization is different.

If modern manipulation civilizations were given an entirely new fingerprint, they would first realize that the so-called "fingerprints” were nothing more than to use the most flexible organ in humans - both hands - to direct the biological currents in the body between the ten fingers, to construct a unique magnetic field through the swing of the fingers, and then to use these magnetic fields to excite the spiritual energy hidden in the human body, the Qian Kun Ring or nature, to break through the critical points, to create a chain reaction and to construct a larger "spiritual magnetic field”.

So, a fingerprint is a “command” that calls a function, and different fingerprints represent different commands.

But orders are not irreversible, and everyone can “write” their own, most concise, direct, graceful, and error-free orders, taking into account their own realities.

Understanding this principle, Modern Brothers fine-tune this handprint by combining information such as the size of their palms, the length of their fingers, bone density, and even the average hand speed, the limit hand speed, and so on, with the powerful computational power of the crystal brain.

Including the degree of bending of the ten fingers, the angle size of the finger seams, the frequency of shaking of the arms… all are input into the crystal brain to construct the model, repeatedly tested, and after millions of digitized tests, you can output about the perfect handprint implementation process.

Modern monks follow this “standardized perfect stamping process” and can also be assisted by training facilities such as "hand stamped fixers”, which work half as hard as natural events for thousands of miles a day.

This is just the beginning.

When a brand new handprint is discovered, the Government will also enter it into the relevant "handprint database” and match it with the existing handprint to see if a series of handprints appear.

It is also mixed with the true spells in the 'Curse Database', calculated over and over again in the virtual world, whether there is some kind of curse that can be used together to increase power.

There are numerous follow-up research projects such as this.

But all research, including the vast database of magic tricks, can only be powered by a strong central government or super commercial institution.

In a smallholder economy, it is impossible to have such a power in a dysfunctional court and classical sects with neighbors.

The same is true of Li Yaozhan's manoeuvre.

The seemingly simple straight-fist, whip leg, knee collision, in fact, from the attack route, the respiratory rate to the spiritual energy wrapping model, all are carefully calculated by countless expert scholars, hundreds of years, thousands of years of heart and blood accumulation crystallization, and after more than a trillion times per second of computation and optimization of the supercrystal brain, abandoned all the luxurious and unrealistic redundant actions, and returned to the most fundamental meaning of the concept of 'attack'.

Strike the most vulnerable areas of the target with maximum force and shortest distance.

It's that simple.

It's so ugly.

It's just so rough.


Li Yaoping's uncanny fist broke through the dazzling sword shadow of the local baby's eyes again, completely smashing his eagle hook nose.

The local baby screamed and his whole head was embedded in a hard mountain rock, like a broken nail.

Of course it is.

The work of the local babies was practiced by him alone in the wilderness hills for decades, closed doors and built cars.

Li Yao's “Alien Yuan Baby" method is a collection of the intellectual essence of tens of billions of people in the three realms of Tian Yuan, Blood Demon, and Planet Earth. It was born in hundreds of yuan babies, tens of thousands of knots, millions of foundations and countless brothers of gas refining, constantly communicating, improving, testing and adjusting. It contains the logic of psychoenergy, biochemistry, motion trajectory, aerodynamics, human anatomy and hundreds of other disciplines.

And this thousands of disciplines will have to be developed in a highly developed industrialized and informatized society!

This is not a battle between two yuan babies.

It is a corner of bias. Therefore, it is self-proclaimed. It has been in the midst of the ancient cultivation civilization of the smallholder economy for more than 100,000 years, and the modern cultivation civilization known as the sea of stars and stars, laughing at the 3,000 great thousand worlds. For the first time, there is no suspense in the clash of civilizations!

“The Yuan Baby here is too weak. ”

Li Yaoxin faded away.

In terms of spiritual intensity, the local baby is quite so-so.

But his stamping, manipulation, spell reading, and even close-knit beating moves were filled with all kinds of fancy burdens and inexplicable movements.

The movement is creepy, the posture is elegant, and the exciting acoustic photoelectric effects are quite exaggerated.

It's just a shame it's not a pageant right now, it's a fight.

Li Yao estimated that these extra moves to squeeze eyebrows and open teeth and dance paws were either originally created by Pangu people, a physiological necessity.

Either in hundreds of thousands of years of war and dynasty, information distortion, blackmail, somehow remains.

Or some kind of sacrificial ritual that summons the demons and expresses their devout beliefs.

Whatever it is... it's useless!


Li Yao is another foot, passing through several ghost fires, kicking off three rear teeth of the local local baby.

The cave is also heavily exposed, the strong local babies, but at this moment it is like a big horse monkey stripped from its hair by the hardy raw, wolf to the extreme.

His eyes were filled with anger, his expression was sad, his hands were still dancing like cramps, his words were read in his mouth, and he cried desperately for the immortal sacrament of demons that did not exist.

Although each senseless redundancy took less than 0.1 seconds, the three or five actions taken together were almost half a second.

Half a second is enough to do a lot of things in the ex-baby monster's feud.

“Feudal superstition kills people! ”

Li Yao sighed and said darkly in his heart.

In order to step into modern civilization, we must first dismantle all feudal superstitions and establish an atheistic world view and cosmic view, so that we can look at the ancient myths, magic treasures and scriptures with a more objective attitude, and conduct research, improve and even completely overthrow them.

But how easy would it be to do that?

Li Yao remembers that the planet of previous generations was a place with no half-hearted traces of prehistoric civilization, whether pyramids, boulder arrays or Great Wall, it was manpower.

Even so, billions of people still believe in the existence of the so-called Buddha of God.

And many worlds in this world really exist prehistoric civilizations that humankind cannot understand.

Once the giant remains of Pangu civilization have been exhumed, they can easily be regarded by the common man as the remains of the demons, and their remnants of the Star and Sea warships, orbital space stations, are not “palaces in the sky, palaces in the sky", what is it?

It is so hard to let an ancient practitioner who has witnessed the remains of an ancient disk and who is able to isolate objects, divide water and control fire, deny the existence of a demon and become an atheist...

And how does modern civilization break faith in the devil?

That is the logic of "bliss depends”.

In 30,000 years of great darkness, people were brutally ruled by demons, and demons promoted the theory of divine demons and ruled the star sea with a "four-pillar system”.

In the four-pillar system, the demonic race is the "demonic descent”, the "chosen race of God", while the human race is the traitor of the god race, both oppressed and enslaved are the destiny of the people, such destiny takes tens of millions of years and cannot last forever.

In order to resist the demonic race, the people naturally have to crush it together with this theory of "divine demon destiny”.

“There has never been a Savior, nor the Immortal Emperor. It is up to us to create the future of mankind!

30,000 years of sinking in darkness, 30,000 years of prayer, 30,000 years of struggle, not half the Mao Gods can come out to save their own people, fully aware of this.

Since then, after defeating the demon race, we have made a breakthrough into the explosive development of modern civilization!

Perhaps, without this 30,000 years of sinking, we will not be able to change bones and be reborn. Today's world of heaven, like the world before us, is still sinking into the ancient era of superstition, blindness and self-proclaimed!