Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1461: Immortal Palace!

Li Yao carefully weighs the seamless components of these clothes and scans the spiritual lines and symbols on them.

After spending five years in the ruins of Kunlun, he now has a preliminary understanding of the symbolic system of the Pangu and the Lady Dynasty. Although the meaning of all the symbols cannot be fully distinguished, the nuances in the styles of the two are clear.

Pangu symbols, like their architecture, are horizontally flat and vertical, one glance at the board, the law is so strict that it is almost rigid, using more right angles and straight lines, constituting a delicate geometry, rarely seen the application of arcs and circles.

The symbols of the Lady Clan, however, are curved, often with streamlined clouds and radioactive lines, often even appear cluttered, like full of life force that can't be vented anywhere.

On the “core” extracted by Special Envoy Long from the Qian Kun precepts, he engraved a circle of wave symbols that blossomed around him. This is a distinct characteristic of the female Qian symbolic system.

In other words, hundreds of thousands of years ago, in the Battle of the Shepherd, the ancient holy world hidden in the dark nebula did not escape the search of the Ladies and Nationalities Alliance, and there was a great war here?

Also, the so-called "Yunqin Twelve Golden People" is distinctly a giant god soldier, that is, a super magic treasure made exclusively for the sake of the people, which gives the people the ability and Pangu resistance.

If this place had not been discovered by the coalition of women and ethnic groups, there would have been no such thing as the "Yunqin Twelve Golden People”.

Li Yao shrugged and concentrated on observing.

All the members are covered with pawnshops, where the refining level is relative to the original and rough ones, with a large number of dowel structures, with numerous arcuate and linear tracks engraved with a variety of Xuan Oo complex arrays.

These symbols, however, come from the hands of future generations of mankind, and Li Yao can barely distinguish them. Their effect is to decompress some highly concentrated information, which has similarities to the array of parsers engraved on Jade Jane, but is only a hundred times more complex.

On one knee, Special Envoy Long assembled most of the components in an orderly fashion, gradually forming a circular orbit about four or five meters in diameter, surrounded by four strangely shaped pharmacopoeia units, like toads with raised lips, which should be used to fill the crystal stone.

Indeed, Special Envoy Long extracted four fist-sized red crystals from the Qian Kun ring and threw them into the big mouth of four metal toads facing the sky, just half of which was embedded in it.


The circular orbit twitches gently for a moment, and the inscriptions on it shine one after the other, not only flashing in orbit, but even turning into a fictitious shadow, slowly floating in the middle of the sky, forming a semi-circular mask, with thousands of symbols slowly rotating.

Special Envoy Long held his lips tight and his expression was very condensed, his eyes hiding a hint of trance and romantic anticipation, mounting those extremely sophisticated components, one on the “core” of the shuttle, into an octagonal pendulum, like a diamond-shaped crystal.

Special Envoys Han Yuantai and Chi Changsheng held their breath and stared straight at the diamond-shaped crystal in Special Envoy Long's hand.

Wan Mingzhu was not breathing, but the deep eye emitted two nearly coagulated ghost fires, obviously nervous.

Not to mention, Li Yao's teeth are deeply embedded in his lips.

With diamond-shaped crystals in his hands, Special Envoy Long slowly reached the center of the Bulletin mask, his hands slightly loosened, and the diamond-shaped crystals hung in the void!

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, whoa! ”

Dozens of silver-shaped rays emanate from all sides of the orbit, centering on different sections of the diamond-shaped crystal.

After a brief refraction at the depths of near-transparent diamond-shaped crystals, it becomes a circle of ripple arc, gradually becoming a pair of 360-degree encircled operating interfaces!

“Amazing! ”

Li Yao raised his thumb in his heart, darkly for the ancient sanctimonious refiner's predecessor.

He knows exactly what this diamond-shaped crystal is, and what Special Envoy Long calls the "core” is supposed to be the storage unit on one of the dominant crystal brains of the female civilization, like the storage chip of the human brain.

While it is unclear how exactly this storage unit got into the hands of humans, it is clear that when it was discovered, the associated master crystal brain and operating interface had been lost.

The circular orbit around, obviously the people of future generations, to find a way to specially refine the analysis and extraction method for it, is to rewrite a whole set of spells of extraction and analysis, and also to design an operating system that is relatively simple and understandable to humans!

Such an operating system, of course, is unlikely to produce as little as one percent of the information stored inside the storage unit as the originally compatible master crystal brain.

However, for the ancient people who knew nothing about the concept of "crystalline brain”, it was already quite horrible to be able to do this!

Special Envoy Long stared at the operating system for a while, his hands solidified in the air for a moment, then gently brushed over it like running water.


The halos surrounding the diamond-shaped crystal submerged the entire crystal palace like sea water, gradually becoming clearer and more sophisticated into a three-dimensional map, intricate as a maze, which, in appearance, should be a guide to a large military base.

Floating shadows swept from the faces of Wan Mingzhu, Han Yuantai and Special Envoy Chi Changsheng, like taking all three of their souls away.

The indigenous peoples of these ancient sacred worlds have grown taller and stronger in their hearts. In this transcendental period for years, they have barely been able to help but feel a profound shock!

Only the look on the face of Special Envoy Long was more confused than shocked. Her eyes on the map were extraordinarily deep and strange, still silent, and she clicked gently on the operating interface.

“Ha! Ha!” [sic]

Stereoscopic maps shrink, shrink, shrink, and eventually shrink to a point.

Instead, it's a fluctuating mountain range and a fragmented coastline, followed by the contours of the entire continent, and even the transparent line shape of the entire planet, and even the relative position of the planet throughout the galaxy.

It's like the further the lens that depicts the map, the smaller the scale, the deeper it goes into the universe.

Numerous intricate data hovering in the void, like a bunch of wildly beating fish, are mathematical expressions of the basic profiles of the ancient sacred world, covering the star features of the ancient sacred world, possession of several planets and satellites, stable spaces in the star sea suitable for setting as jumping points, and so on.

“This is the ancient holy world! ”

Han Yuantai whispered.

Fixed to reach the original infant level, just hold your breath and fly upward with your flying sword, you will have the opportunity to break through the atmosphere and see your world from the stars and oceans.

So, even the foolish ancient world rarely adheres to the term "heavenly circle”, but long ago realizes that its own people live on a super mud pill, surrounded by a vast universe.

The same is true of the ancient sacred world, where indigenous peoples have long known that the world is round and that mapping in the stars and seas has produced many, if not all, global maps.

So, Han Yuantai and others quickly recognized the world on the map.

Special Envoy Long smiled, her movements on the operating interface were slow and stiff at first, like grasping for the first time, but quickly became more skilled and smoother, like long ago, hands gradually turned into two clusters of grey fog, more and more characters were connected by her to the instruction string and instruction set, and finally, hundreds of dozens of dozens of dozens of dozens of dozens of dozens of symbols gathered on the instruction set, “bang” sound, the global map of the ancient holy world burst, replaced by a pair of new three-dimensional structural diagrams, like dozens of giant metal puppets of different structures!

Li Yaoju stood out, almost to blame.

Here, this is a structural diagram of dozens of different "Giant Soldiers"!

While these are very rough general figures, there are still many structures that appear bleak and crippled, which should be the reason for incomplete extraction of information.

But those spiritual circulation structures that are not surprisingly tailored, as well as the fantastically open Pharaoh mounting mode, are all called Li Yiumei gaze, deep in the brain as if hundreds of thunder burst at the same time.

That doesn't count. Special Envoy Long continued to inspire a series of different dynamic pictures, as if he was intent on scaring everyone alive and dying in the place, and also scared Mama White back to life.

The picture shows a small human being, entering the “spiritual palace” of a giant soldier, sitting on his knees with his hands constantly stamped, reading words in his mouth, and the spiritual circulation around him has changed incredibly.

Li Yaoxin thought electrically, instantly understood - this is the tutorial of the Giant Divine Soldier, which teaches human soldiers how to master dozens of different Giant Divine Soldiers!

“Gentlemen, how are you? ”

Special Envoy Long leaves the fiction of dozens of giant god soldiers to make all sorts of incredible moves in the void, he asked faintly.

Envoys Wan Mingzhu, Han Yuantai and Chi Changsheng were all in great shock.

It took Han Yuantai a long time to breathe turbidity and mumble: “It's true, the legendary ancient demon actually exists, and it has such a powerful power! ”

“Such a magic treasure, such a means, such a magic, is certainly not the realm of demons that we, the fixers who struggle with in the worldly world, can cultivate! ”

“We had always thought that the so-called ‘Yunqin Twelve Golden People', then there were only twelve of them. After an entire 100,000 years of conversion war, they had been destroyed one by one. Never thought, but there were dozens of them! ”

“So even if the original 'Yunqin Twelve Golden Man' is gone, we still have a chance to find more immaculate giant golden men? ”

"Perhaps better than you can imagine," said Special Envoy Long. "Based on the scattered information gathered by His Majesty from the countless wild history notes of the past dynasties, this‘ Immortal Palace ’hidden in the everlasting land of the Far North is more than just burying a group of Yunqin Golden People. It is even possible that it is a refining base for Yunqin Golden People! ”

“As long as we master the 'Immortal Palace’, we can continue to refine as many Yunqin Golden People as we want! ”