Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1495: Giant Divine Warehouse! (Third more!

The White Star River introduced the Dark Forest theory of the cosmologist "Willow Spike" from the time of the Star Sea Empire to the Li Yao system.

According to this theory, if the total resources in the universe are limited or, even if they can be regenerated, they regenerate at a very slow rate and manifest themselves in a limited form during the rise and fall of a civilization, and there is a lack of sufficient means of communication between the various civilizations initially to fully understand whether the other party is hostile and falls into a "chain of suspicion” state -

So, conceal yourself to the greatest extent possible and spare no effort to fight against all daring targets, which are the most rational, optimized and helpless choices.

The vast sea of stars, the relationship between infinite civilizations, like the warships in front of us, all of us are careful, all of us lurk in the dark, all of us silent, motionless, try to preserve ourselves to the maximum extent possible, and wait for others to kill each other, fight each other before fishing Ontario.

Those who are courageous, reckless, courageous, self-aggressive and voluntarily expose themselves to summon their peers will often become targets for the Dark Hunters to set fire to and be wiped out in the first round of strikes.

Looks like a very reasonable theory.

Li Yao did not like the dark forest theory, not at all.

He had founded Tianfire in the hope of turning himself into a Mars, igniting weeds, shrubs and trees in the dark forest, and eventually burning the whole dark forest clean!

But the slogan is the slogan, the reality is the reality, no matter what he thinks, he feels that the theory of the dark forest, even if not seamless, can at least speak for itself.

How can this theory be deciphered if it can't be broken?

Until this moment, as an "observer”, Li Yao suddenly thought of two very interesting questions when he saw this tiny dark forest with his own eyes.

First, since there are two higher privileged "observers”, myself and Longyang Jun, in this tiny dark forest, will there be some higher level “observer civilization” in the true universe, in the vast ocean of stars?

If that's the case, then every dangerous hunter in the dark forest is actually a clown performing a mute under an invisible spotlight.

They struggle, strangle their brains, hide, ambush, cheat, induce, attack... seemingly unpredictable, and God knows what to do without even knowing it. Perhaps the fibers would have appeared long ago under the “watchful eye” of an observer civilization, only at a point deep in the stars and oceans, causing a faint laugh?

Then, continuing to be guided by dark forest theory, self-proclaiming and killing each other becomes meaningless behavior.

It is the right way to unite and find "observer civilization”!

Because the hierarchy of observer civilization is not necessarily stronger than that of "observed civilization”, it is most likely that observer civilization, by chance, possesses some sort of "observation authority”.

Like now, the combined combat power of Li Yao and Longyang Jun cannot be stronger than the combined strength of thousands of practitioners outside.

They are not stronger, smarter and more agile than the people out there, they simply have more “information” than is essential.

If thousands of truthmakers outside can unite, even if Li Yao and Longyang can see their moves clearly, they can't avoid breaking through the bridge door and wiping it out!

Unfortunately, the existence of the Dark Forest Theory has made it impossible for thousands of practitioners to join forces.

At least until they are aware of the existence of the "observer”, there can be no joining forces.

Then, "observers” can take advantage of their information asymmetry, lay it out freely, induce it secretly, and break it all!

Is something like that happening in the real universe?

Is the Dark Forest Theory the truth, or is the “ideological virus” deliberately spread by some “observer civilization", in order to allow countless civilizations in the stars and oceans to benefit from self-enclosure and self-destructive entanglement?

Is this universe really a dark forest, or a normal forest that could have been vibrant and vibrant, covered only by clouds and mist?

Secondly, even though the "Dark Forest Theory” can be established in some local areas, such as the narrow tunnels and shady chambers of women's warships, can women's warships represent the entire world?

No, besides the warships, there is a vast world hundreds of times bigger. The sea leaps with fish, and the sky flies with birds!

Could the 3,000 great thousand worlds known to mankind be just a "lady warship”? No, it's just a tiny cabin in a lady warship!

Humans, civilizations, universes, this is...


Dragon Yang King Li Yiu stared, his voice filled with dissatisfaction and suspicion, "You're not —— are you being dazed? ”


Li Yao took a sip of spit and rushed to shake his head like a wave drum. "No, I'm thinking about the most important strategic issues that have to do with our future! ”

“Then don't think about it. We have no future! ”

Longyang Jun dragged dozens of optical filaments with his hands, slowly excited a ray of light to the limit, presenting a clear view of a half-step too illusory realm, “Look at this, Yunqin Golden Warehouse! ”

“What a giant soldier! ”

All the emotions in Li Yao's head about the theory of the dark forest instantly dissipated and his eyes flashed like a mouse wolf with stewed hens.

He discovered that the cabin shown on the light screen was located in the middle of the female warship, almost the largest and largest of the spaces, so magnificent as a giant arena!

The entire space is covered by a similar dark blue fog on the first floor to the bridge, and it is rare to see an inwardly recessed human giant pit on the surrounding wall. The smaller pit is more than a dozen meters tall and the largest is dozens of meters, which should be the hangar used to house the Giant Divine Soldier.

In the middle of the warehouse, there are platforms that look like huge altars, each with hundreds of orbits nested in rings, either filled with intricate symbols or equipped with a full range of tools to glide along the track.

On some of these platforms, lying on a porous, broken giant warrior, the enclosure is almost shattered, revealing sophisticated internal components to the pole, which should be undergoing repairs.

Others were raised high and 90 degrees perpendicular to the ground, where some of the giant soldiers who were about to be repaired stood still.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years of change, the metal casings of these giant warriors appear bleak and even rusty.

But that scolding cloud, the roaring of the stars, still permeates from every silent crevice of them.

Even through the light screen, Li Yao can feel the kind of heart beating, the blood boiling, the five dirty six hearts together creeping, become like hunger thirst impulse!


His eyes fell on the end of the warehouse.

There, on a unique, black-iron throne-like overhaul platform, there was a giant soldier who should have completed the repairs.

This giant soldier...

At about thirty meters in height, the torso and limbs are extremely thin, like a giant skull made of black brown iron, outside a slender skeleton, covered with a layer of black feathery scalloped armor, like wearing a wide feather coat or cloak.

Skull-like skinny face with nothing but a deep cross-shaped groove that divides the facial armor into four parts, with a red crystalline eye embedded in the groove, not as bright red as fire, but as dark red as lava clotting and blood drying up!

Even in a dormant state, this dark red lens still gives Li Yao a “no" beating feeling, like a powerful heart of a wild beast!

In addition, a circle of whips wrapped around several bunches of red crystals gathered around the limbs and torso of this giant Black Skull soldier.

It's like a vine and a python skeleton, and it's like a black skeleton giant soldier exposed to the blood vessels and meridians!

The texture and agglomeration of the red crystal is very similar to the crystal armor of the Dragon Yang King and should be a common blade material for the Lady Clan.

However, in terms of permeability, finesse and many other aspects, it is better than Longyang's crystal armor.

Elegant, mysterious, ruthless, abusive... this giant Black Skull soldier wrapped around a deep red venomous snake, like the king of the King's Landing Star Sea, high on the throne, staring at all the other giant soldiers with indifference!

Li Yao's eyes were like a paste. He was stuck to this giant soldier. How could he escape?

Seeing this giant warrior, he suddenly felt that the giant warriors he had personally mastered in the past, including the Great Fire Dragonfly, lacked that hint of heart string.

He couldn't help but reach out and go through the light screen and gently rub the crust of the black skull, along with the “blood vessels” and "meridians” of that bunch of deep red crystals!

“It's mine, I have to get it! ”

There was a thunderstorm in Li Yao's brain!

It was not until a smile and abuse came from the warehouse of the Giant Divine Warrior that Li Yao emerged from the instant trance and gradually magnified the slightly blurred details into a person hidden in the corners of the Giant Divine Soldier, Pangu and Girl wreckage and repair platform.

Ancient Sacred Nationals found the Great Warehouse one step ahead of them!

Yiu Li immediately realized that this had nothing to do with luck. Mainly, the space occupied by the Giant Divine Soldier repair warehouse was too large. In order to facilitate the access of the Giant Divine Soldier inside and outside the warship, a giant tunnel was built that leads directly to all parts of the warship, making it difficult to ignore it!

“Qi Zhongdao, Yan Leaving People, Ba Xiaoyu, Master Bitter Cicada, the four masters are here! ”

Longyang Junju concentrated on adjusting the angle and clarity of the surveillance image, locking the super masters one by one, “and Han Puling, Chee Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu are also here, the sword is drawn, it triggers immediately! ”