Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1517 Mutations in the Garbage Gene!

Indeed, these two remains are as described by the hearts and minds of the witches and the clouds.

One of them was twelve or three tall, small and rich in body, and the third already dry eyeball was protruded on his forehead. His arms were strangely long, and both sides of his arm bone had grown long bone spurs. It was like a tall, soaring blade. Even the leg joints were morphologically altered into forward curved reverse joint shapes.

Another male corpse, fifteen or six meters tall, with a large circle of horns protruding like a tumor on his head, two horns protruding like a machete on both sides of the temple, and a large number of strange shaped bumps growing on the shoulder blades, elbows and crotches, especially behind the scapula, is a very fine circular skeleton shape, like a hard-grown second arm.

Two giant corpses, very similar to the Pangu corpses found everywhere in the warships, were quite “fresh” in flesh and did not explode due to a sudden influx of fresh air.

Their appearance, although distorted to the extreme, was not blocked by scales and bone spurs between the eyebrows, and they were rarely able to recognize the hallmarks of a few witches with clouds and hearts.

And they have parts of their hands and feet that, apart from a few folds of expansion, have yet to reveal traces of the Pankos, like connecting the giant human body to the Pankos' body, or on the edge of becoming immutable.

The huge remains of the two men were all ripped out of their bellies, torn out by the five dirty hearts, and burned to ashes by the flames of the spirit.

Separate the broken remains, silently claiming the brutality of the battle a hundred years ago!

After listening to the two great gods introduce them to the shock that took place here, and seeing their immense carcasses with their own eyes, all the yuan babies fell into great silence, shocked by the shocking facts to no avail!

Li Yao's heart is furious!


After being attacked by some crab-shaped monsters and injected with some sort of "venom” into their bodies, the Witches became Pankos!

At first glance, it seems incredible.

But when you think about it, theoretically, it's not impossible!

The theory that the relationship between human civilization and Pangu civilization is “father-son civilization” has been proven.

According to the historical, archaeological and biologists of the Federation of Stars and Glows, it is highly likely that the original human race was the Pan Ancient Civilization that chose some kind of ape as a "phylloxera” and reintroduced the genes of many ancient races, including Pan Ancient, Female, Praise Father, Congratulations, Co-working…

Even though the original intention of the Pankos was to create an inexpensive and easy-to-use tool, they did give these “tools” their own genes.

So, in the genetic chain of the human race, it is likely to contain genetic fragments of Pangu, Female, Congratulations, Co-working, Praise the Father... countless ancient races!

Humans newborns have a few tens of thousands of chances of triggering some sort of "homecoming", growing hairs or monkey-like tails.

So, if this “ancestral” can be precisely controlled, can it “activate” the Pangu gene fragments hidden deep in the human gene chain and turn them into “dominant genes”, causing an instantaneous outbreak of "ancestral forces” that mutate into Pangu peoples?

There is also the possibility that perhaps human beings, who were initially used as “tools", have very weak genetic links to the Pankos and cannot be transformed into Pankos.

But before the annihilation of Pangu civilization, it was possible to cultivate a special set of “human vectors" that, deep in these human genetic chains, implanted all the highly compressed Pangu genes!

These humans will naturally inherit the highly compressed genes of the Pankos from generation to generation in the process of reproduction and reproduction, and the descendants of each generation will become the “bearers” of all the genes of the Pankos!

Hundreds of thousands of years later, these “carriers" have spread across the stars and oceans with the expansion of human civilization, and when the “carriers" are injected with a special “activator", hidden deep in their genetic chain, seemingly pointless “garbage genes” will erupt suddenly, shaking out all the power of Pankos and transforming humans into Pankos!

Does this possibility exist?


At least, Li Yao is very clear that, even with the strength of biochemical technology in the blood demon world, research on the genes of ethnic and demonic communities, more than 95% of the genes are still considered useless, and do not understand their functions and instructions of "junk genes, blank genes”!

In other words, to inherit the normal physical function of an ordinary person, it is sufficient to rely on the remaining 5% of the genes!

So, why exactly do these 95 percent of genes appear deep in human cells, are they really “garbage," are they “blank"?

Or is there an extremely dangerous use hidden that humans cannot recognize?

At the bottom of Li Yao's heart, he shook a chill. The more he thought about it, the closer he was to the truth.

Yes, he knew what the Pankos were doing building a weird laboratory deep beneath the Arctic Circle in the ancient holy world!

It's inheritance!

Just like the Blood Tattoo Clan's "Civilization Takeover” and the “Tombstone Program” that was thrown through life, the Pankos are also trying to keep their civilization going!

According to the true human empire, and the current state of absolute dominance of the people in the star sea, hundreds of thousands of years ago the Battle of the Seal of God should have been won by a female civilization that included people, while Pangu civilization was completely suppressed and eliminated!

Since all the "wise men” in Pangu civilization knew to leave eight volumes of the Book of the Seal of Heaven as the inheritance of civilization, what other plans could there be for transmitting the spark of civilization?

It's highly probable.

Even a hundred years ago, the Federation of Stars and Glories, a small force with only three worlds, would come up against the scourge of extinction, brainstorming, coming up with plans for more than a dozen and twenty survival plans, and proceeding simultaneously.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Pangu civilization was the absolute king of the stars and oceans. When faced with destruction, there must be more than one inheritance plan!

“Now that the current situation is unfavourable to Pangu civilization, it is like the seeds that have become spore morphology, as well as the worms of hibernation, hiding in the depths of the universe for more than a hundred and twenty thousand years, until the star sea stroke calms down, the time is ripe, resuscitate and rebuild civilization! ”

This is a reasonably reasonable and highly likely idea!

Eight volumes of "The Enchanted List” are the first plans to achieve this idea.

It may be another plan to seal the Pangu body in a hibernation compartment and try to rely on the spiritual power of powerful stars such as pulsars for hundreds of thousands of years.

The shortcomings of both schemes are evident.

Feng Shen Tian Book will not necessarily fall into the right hands. Even if the new race learns the contents of Feng Shen Tian Book, it is not necessarily a rebirth of Pangu civilization, it is just a psychological consolation.

And the size of the hibernation compartment and the need for a constant supply of spiritual energy is too obvious.

Hundreds of thousands of years too long. Who knows what will happen along the way?

Perhaps the Pankos in hibernation woke up and found themselves cut off from their hands, feet and trunks, leaving only one head in a glass tank, being studied by another supercivilization?

That would be fucking embarrassing!

Neither plan is very insurable, Pangu Civilization must have more inheritance plans!

For example, the key genetic fragments of the Pangu race are encrypted and packaged by the means of Xuanzhi and Xuanzhi and transplanted onto the genetic chain of the human race as vectors in dormancy!

Also, cultivate a mixture of spiders and crabs that automatically secrete “activators" that are extremely capable of survival and dormancy!

Once the time is right, release the monster to attack mankind.

As long as the "activator" is injected into the human body by the monster and hidden at the end of the human genetic chain, the mysterious genes that appear to be “garbage” and “blank” will reveal the traits of brutality and consume the original human traits!

Humans become Pankos!

Human civilization, once again replaced by Pangu civilization!

Or, the so-called human civilization, was originally the “servant” and “slave” of Pangu civilization who temporarily guarded the universe for hundreds of thousands of years while Pangu civilization slept!

Li Yao took a bite in his heart.

If he's right, it's a terrible plan!

However, it appears that the plan has just been launched and is still in its initial experimental phase.

Yes, the ancient sacred world is overshadowed by dark nebula, it is the natural “secret chamber of the universe”, it is perfect to choose the most secret and critical experiment in this world!

However, how the ancient sacred world could be hidden, after all, was found by the women's civilization.

Li Yao speculated that the fleet of women belonging to the "Dragon Yang Jun Past Life", knowing that Pangu people were carrying out such mysterious and horrific experiments in the ancient holy world, was determined to destroy the laboratory and strangle the horror plan.

So there's this scene they're seeing right now.

Female warships penetrated deep into the ground and penetrated the enclosures of Pangu laboratories. Elite warriors from both sides fought hard and eventually ended up together.

According to the remnants of the scene and the description of the two great gods, the female warriors should have accomplished most of their mission by destroying most of the laboratories, sabotaging the plan and completely sealing off the Pangu laboratories.

However, they have not been able to destroy the most critical "Activate the Beast” incubator, still sleeping in the depths of the ground countless “Activate the Beast”, potentially transforming some of humanity into Pankos!

Li Yao didn't know exactly how the war ended. Perhaps at that time, Pangu Civilization had already gone, and he had no time to worry about this laboratory, and the dark nebula outside the ancient holy world had strange interference and shielding, preventing the warships from transmitting information.

In short, as the two defeats of Pangu and Lady civilizations broke, the infancy of the autonomy of human civilization gradually unfolded and the ancient sacred world slowly forgotten.

Until hundreds of thousands of years later, the two great gods, the Witch with the Cloud and Meng Chen, died in the Ice Fields of Everlasting Night. The battlefield was set just above the Battleship of the Lady...