Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1599 Senior Lin (New January, Moon Ticket!

“Fabo is for people, not for show tricks...”

Tang took a deep breath, her confused eyes gradually became clear, and looked at Li Yao with a particularly different look, “I seem to understand, seniors, I really shouldn't have helped Zhao Tongtian adjust the crystal armor just now, but should have told him openly - this crystal armor is not suitable for him to carry out long periods of unsafeguarded lumping and patrolling tasks in the complex environment of the Dragon Snake Star, then how to adjust the school is irremediable, even though it can be adjusted to perfection at one time, but three or two not very intense battles down, only a few faults, will become very troublesome! ”


Tang's face became redder and her voice lowered. “I could already see that, but I didn't even think about it. That Zhao Tongtian was a really annoying guy. I didn't even look at him with my eyes open. I didn't even think he was the true owner of" Deep Blue Thunder ". I don't think he... deserves this crystal! ”

“I think so, too. ”

Li Yao said, "I don't like this hateful guy either, I don't think he deserves‘ Deep Blue Thunder ', so at first I didn't even have an interest in coming out and studying this crystal armor. ”

“At first?”

The Tang maiden's eyes sparkled and caught the focus of Li Yao's sentence with great acumen.

Li Yao smiled and turned the subject off: “You know, I was busy sneaking around, studying the work of the mother of the witch Ma Xuan, the representative of the wild stream refiner, Master ‘Xie 'an', especially comparing her crystal clay with the leader of the deep sea stream refiner, the solar eclipse River Shaoyang, and found a very interesting difference. ”

“In the Federal refiner circle, it is generally recognized that Jiang Shaoyang is one of the most outstanding people, besides the old refiner master 'Professor Mo Xuan’, and even has the momentum of 'Little Mountains at a Glance'. Xie 'an is also a good refiner expert, but there is always a gap compared to Jiang Shaoyang. ”

“This statement is not necessarily correct. After all, several of the most sophisticated and leading high-end crystalline armor in the Federation are from the hands of Jiang Shaoyang. There is even a universal view that high-end monks above Knight should wear ‘Deep Current’ crystalline armor. Mid- and low-order monks below Knight are suitable for ‘Great Waste Current'. ”

“This view is not necessarily unreasonable, but after studying carefully the hundreds of sets of crystalline armor polished by Xie 'an and Jiang Shaoyang himself for the past 30 years, I found that - although Jiang Shaoyang's armor is overall ahead of Xie 'an in various performance parameters, Jiang Shaoyang is only 7% higher than Xie 'an in terms of serious failure rates leading to disability and death! ”

“Indeed, Jiang Shaoyang's crystalline armor employs a variety of new technologies, and even cutting-edge Shentong, which is still being tested. A slightly higher rate of serious failure is normal. ”

“But what is the serious failure rate of the armor that Cheyenne herself grinds? Zero! Hundreds of sets of crystalline armor, even in such a harsh and remarkable environment as the 'Tianhuan War', dressed in touch and roll by master knots and even Yuan Baby Grade, bear the bombardment of the main guns of warships, the ravages of enemy Yuan Baby, sometimes for months and even a year and a half without effective maintenance and repair, but always stable, not present due to the failure of the crystalline armor itself, resulting in the maiming and even meteorization of the armor! ”

“Terrible, horrible stability. No wonder the vast majority of the top federation experts chose deep sea crystal armor and appointed Jiang Shaoyang as their own maintenance and adjuster. At the same time, they called the Tingling Bell of the Confederate God of War, but always chose Xie 'an as their own refiner! ”

“I think the word 'round’ in Cheyenne's refiner style should mean that she can put her whole heart into Pharaoh, with all her heart dedicated to the spirit of the user, not just the difference in refiner methods? ”

“The witch Ma Xuan thinks she has learned her mother's method of ‘round and round'. In fact, she has learned nothing but fur, but she does not understand the true essence. This young man has a long way to go! ”

Li Yao sighed and drank all the soup from the sour veal noodles. He smashed his mouth and handed the empty noodle bowl to the Tang maiden.

Tang's maiden name looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao also looked at Tang's maiden name with no expression.

“Oh, oh! ”

Tang Junior Girl suddenly realized, her hands respectfully held the noodle bowl, threw it in the trash can, and turned back to listen to Li Yao's teachings.

“I, the man who deals most fairly, the ancient stone of the stars is a rare treasure at the edge of the star sea, you are willing to use it in exchange for my fingertips, naturally I can't just lay around. ”

Li Yaoshen exclaimed for a moment, “Do you know why I have so much to say to you? ”

The Tang maiden shook her head: “The younger generation doesn't know, please make it clear. ”

"" Let's just say, do you think the mainstream refinery on the Firefly is more inclined to "deep currents" or "wild currents"? ”

The Tang maiden frowned slightly: “We don't have such a division, but I'm afraid we'd prefer to say more ‘deep currents'? ”

"'I think so,' said Li Yao. 'After all, you are from the center of the star sea, formerly known as the‘ government army '. All kinds of advanced technologies and divine masterpieces must have carried a lot of precision magic treasures to the ship at first. Eighty-nine out of ten are on the path of‘ deep currents’. ”

“But after a thousand years of exile, I think you should consume the same treasures and supplies on board, and the Firefly is broken, and even a lot of technology and magic is lost, right? ”

“Do you really think it would be appropriate to still follow the 'deep current' refiner route in this situation? ”

“I don't mean anything else, I just look at the problem from a more objective perspective, I think it would be better to have more contact with the 'Great Wilderness Stream' if you really had technical exchanges with the Starlight Federation, I think some of the ideas of 'Great Wilderness Stream’ are more suitable for the Firefly Bug at the moment! ”

Tang Xiaoxing shuddered slightly. After a moment, she was so excited that she couldn't help herself. She couldn't help herself: “The younger generation is called ‘Tang Xiaoxing’. She is a lecturer in the refinery department of 'Xinghai University' on the Firefly. Have you not asked her to give her your name? ”

“Lin Jiu. ”

Li Yao casually made up a non-nutritious pseudonym and took the tune of the word "vulture”.

Tang Xiaoxing naturally knew that “Lin Jiu" could not be the real name of this mysterious senior, but she did not expect this to earn the other party's full trust, a deep salute, “Lin Xiaoxing has benefited the younger generations a lot, but this is not a place to talk, I wonder if it would be fortunate to invite Senior Lin to our Firefly to set up a treasure warehouse in the Dragon Snake Star area, everyone talk slowly? ”

“Go to your pharaoh warehouse...”

Li Yao repeatedly counted his interests.

The main problem is that Brother Xinghai on the Firefly must be the focus of the attention of all forces, including the messy ears and eyes of the Imperial Palace, the Secret Sword Bureau, etc., and must be staring at them.

Ever since I was a teenager, I've been used to "vulture" Li Yao stumbling around in the dark. I don't really like the feeling of being watched by many people under the spotlight - no matter who I am.

However, the material brought from the centre of the star sea is indeed tempting.

And the identity of this "Tang Xiaoxing” on the Firefly must not only be as simple as "Lecturer of the Refinery Department of Xinghai University”. Li Yao wants to use his own power to pry the situation between the Confederation and the Empire. The Firefly may be a very critical entry point.

“Yes, we have a very large pharmacopoeia warehouse in the Dragon Snake Star, with state-of-the-art refinery rooms built with the central technology of the Star Sea, better than the refinery facilities here, generally closed to the public, for our own personal use. ”

Tang Xiaoxing was thrilled. “However, Senior Lin is naturally different. Whatever materials and Fabao you need, seniors can get it for you! ”

“The refinery room doesn't have to. ”

Li Yao decided that he didn't want to use a refinery room that was most likely to be monitored by others. After all, many refinery methods were secret. Even the refinery room in front of him was tested repeatedly. After no problems, he was relieved to use it. “The materials can be seen. I have a list here. How long will it take you to see them all together, and how much will it cost? ”

“No problem!”

Tang Xiaoxing overjoyed, "Senior Lin, please! ”

“One more thing. ”

Li Yao shook Erlang's leg and threw his slippers on the girl's foot. "Actually, I like to keep a low profile. That's the end of the conversation, there's no need for a third person to know, right? If you agree, maybe you'll still have a chance to talk like you just did. ”

“Love the low profile...”

Tang Xiaoxing looked at Li Yao, a very low-key figure, completely speechless.


Four St. Pharaoh's Center entrance.

Three, three, two, two, free people talking.

“Did you hear that today, a very powerful refiner master arrived in the Pharma Mall, the magical technique, to keep the whole place under control! ”

“Yes, isn't that Chu Zhongjiu, Master Chu? That's the master on the Firefly. The alchemy is really superior! ”

“What Master Chu, is another ‘Master Tang' who should be several times younger than him, but the refiner is also several times more powerful! ”

“What, Don, Master Tang? ”

“I don't know, come on, let me tell you, I was there, Master Tang's method of reconditioning, I can see my eyes straight! ”

Over the heads of these idle people, three luxurious black hidden armored shuttles whizzed past.

The front and back were two bodyguard vehicles filled with masterful hands. In the middle, a luxuriously decorated shuttle such as the mobile palace, Tang Xiaoxing, known as' Master Tang 'by countless people in the pharmacy mall, sat restlessly opposite Li Yao. Some curiously measured his hands in an attempt to guess the identity of' Senior Lin 'from these flat hands.

Li Yao looked out the window.

Little lights floating out the window in the middle of the sky gradually dimmed, and the "night” descended.

Fish Dragon City finally revealed its smoky, lawless face, hidden in the dark corners of the city, clandestine fighting and explosion.


The long planned entertainment is finally about to begin, a new month, a new “plan”, a new fierce battle!

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