Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1602: The Wind, It's Cold... (Fourth Amendment! Moon ticket!

Tang Xiaoxing was silent.

She has never seen such a cultivator, either on the Firefly, in the Dragonsnake Star, or from the Federation of Stars to the Firefly.

Of course, even among the fairy practitioners she has encountered, it doesn't seem to be so... unique!

Li Yao mentioned Tang Xiaoxing and went back into another spiritual energy around her, so that she could barely get rid of the impact of the shock bomb. The two ran along the street.

In Fish Dragon City, murdering treasure grabbing and gang fighting are common, but there are still not many times when there is such a big battle - even the guns have been used, the magnetic tracks have been interrupted several times, and no one can complain that everyone on the street is panicking and rushing, the two of them are mixed together, not too blind.

Plus the carefully calculated route Li Yao just took every angle into account, always running to the right position when it was right, perfectly blocking each other's sight.

In the dark, the other party mainly relies on three positioning magic treasures to lock the coordinates of Tang Xiaoxing. The naked eye observation is only auxiliary.

Li Yao took Tang Xiaoxing into a poor alley.

It's safe for now.

He looked down at the countdown shown on the light screen, which is when he analyzed that the attacker would enter the sewer guided by a tracking chip.

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

“Cover your ears. ”

Li Yao knocked on the light screen and whispered.


Tang Xiaoxing was still unknown and reacted slowly for half a beat - the impact of the shock bomb was too strong, until this moment, her soft brain still crashed into her stiff skull, like water tofu in a bumpy truck.

“Senior Lin, what are you--”

Tang Xiaoxing stunned, the voice did not set, behind the two people came a series of shocking huge noises, a furious flaming dragon drilled out of the sewer, the flames of Zhang Teeth Dancing Claws ravaged most of the sky.

Several armored men who had just entered the sewer were caught in the sky by fire dragons and were devoured by fire demons before they could even make a scream!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang! ”

Even dozens of sewer tops in front of two people were hit by ultra-high pressure airflow, and dozens of white smoke columns erupted like volcanoes!

“Wow, wow, wow! ”

The fortified glass windows of the tall buildings and shuttle cars on both sides were shattered, fragments like rain, and heavenly flowers scattered!

Tang Xiaoxing was almost shocked and didn't fall to his heels. His face turned back pale. He looked at the fire dragon rising from the sky and couldn't shut his mouth for half a day!

However, when she turned around again, she found "Senior Lin" 's hands in the beach pants, still slowly walking forward, slippers stepping on glass all over the floor, making the sound of "sand”.

“Senior Lin! ”

Tang Xiaoxing shouted, "It exploded and exploded, as if it was where we had just fallen, in the sewers around us! ”

“I heard that. ”

Li Yao Dao, don't look back, keep walking, keep walking.

Tang Xiaoxing was incredible: “Won't you look back? ”

Li Yao silenced for a moment, fading away: “If this number of explosions needed to be turned back, my neck would have been broken. ”


Tang Xiaoxing watched Li Yao deliberately shrink, showing a slight backdrop. It took him half a day to shut up and catch up quickly.

She had 10,000 questions in her head, but what she wanted to know more urgently than she had been attacked was...

This mystery man named “Lin Jiu", what exactly is his origin?

She had just started, but Li Yao stopped.

Next door is a tavern with two shuttle-like double front and rear shuttles parked outside the tavern.

Half a minute later, they took a shuttle and slowly climbed onto another intact magnetic track.

Fully enclosed housing allows them to interact with each other slightly calmer.

“The guns...”

Li Yao, while driving the shuttle, remembered carefully for ten seconds, “seven magnetic tracks should be used, in a 'lotus flower' layout, to form a triple helical magnetic ejection channel; the emitted bullets are between 500 mm and 550 mm in diameter, at a distance of five kilometers, at speeds of seven kilometers to seven thousand three hundred meters per second; and the flame afterwave with a hexagonal star shape at the opening of the firing instantaneous guns, has a dual mode of killing and shocking, the afterwave is pale purple in the killing mode, and the afterwave in the shocking mode is sky blue - do you remember, do you recognize this kind of guns? ”

After a long deep breath, Tang Xiaoxing finally gradually restored the refiner's clarity, his eyes widened: “Yes, it was the ‘earthquake-level’ assault cannon on our Firefly! ”


Li Yaoyang raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure? ”

“Should be sure! ”

Tang Xiaoxing gasped painstakingly, “Senior Lin must know that the flagship 'Firefly' of the Orthodox Government of the Starling Sea Republic is not a starship, but several starships escaped from the Imperial Claw, docked and supplied in thousands of worlds, after countless world resistance fighters joined us, in the course of a long millennium voyage, connected hundreds of starships to the mother ship, forming a supermassive cluster of integrated warships! ”

“In other words, the guns on our ships come from different worlds, some of them with rich local characteristics, unique family, no nickname! ”

“This‘ earthquake-level 'assault rifle is one of them! ”

“The destruction mode of this cannon is nothing, ordinary, but its‘ shock mode 'is very special, not the firing of metal bullets, but the firing of some special liquid condensation of' ice crystal bullets' out, under the magnetic force of the spirit and the super high speed, the ice crystal bullets will instantly vaporize, suddenly expand, creating a powerful impact force, dedicated to passing through heavy armor, shocking or killing enemies in a sealed space, if properly adjusted, can even make the enemies behind the heavy defense, the spirit can be completely disturbed, temporarily become obsolete! ”

“So good? ”

Li Yiutong, "Similar effects. Have you seen them on other guns? ”


Tang Xiaoxing shook his head, "These guns are very rare on our Firefly, and in the Federation of Stars and Glows I seem to have heard that they are experimenting with a new method called ‘Black Hole Bomb', which can disrupt all psychic activities on both sides of the enemy without distinction, but it is still in the testing stage and not quite as effective as this‘ Seismic Bomb '. ”

Li Yao nodded his head: “So, did this‘ earthquake speed cannon 'break down and sell to the Dragonsnake Star Realm or the Starlight Federation? ”

“Definitely not! ”

Tang Xiaoxing shook his head. “Although we have some technical exchanges with the Federation, the number of such guns is not very large, and the refining technology has long been lost. One bad one is less, we will not export such guns! ”

“What about this one? ”

Li Yao removed the ultra-fine filament embedded in the rubber mud.

At first glance, Tang Xiaoxing's face became uglier than that of the dead: “This seems to be a fusion of ‘Lingyu Jade' and ‘Poison Spider Ghost Silk’, a new material in the mustard materials laboratory on board our ship, still in the experimental stage, never outflow. ”

Li Yao shouted, retrieving the ultra-fine filament, and said very calmly: “Then the answer came out - it was the Firefly who qualified to mobilize the 'earthquake-grade assault cannon’ and the big character of this new filament. ”

“Moreover, both earthquake-grade assault cannons and new crystal wires are very distinctive treasures and materials, and since they dare to use them with impunity, they are not afraid to leave any horse or foot behind. ”

“The battle against each other is huge, but the use of a shock bomb, not a kill bomb, is not about your life, but about capturing you alive, and you obviously make great use of their value. ”

“I'll give you ten seconds to guess who's behind this, tell me the story in the simplest language, and I'll figure out how to help you. ”

Tang Xiaoxing's six gods were defenceless, listened to the explosion sounds of all sides, and fell into the state of all the grass and trees. He hesitated for a long time, or bit his teeth and said his guess!

Li Yao nodded as he listened. Three minutes later, he concluded: “I see. ”

“You are the daughter of Captain 'Tang Dingyuan' of the Firefly, and now the Firefly is divided into two factions. A large number of technicians, headed by your father 'Tang Dingyuan’, want to join the Starlight Federation; but the bureaucrats headed by 'Parliament of the Republic of the Stars’, or 'Speaker of the Star Club', ‘Choi Lingfeng’, disagree, and want to wait for the price and even swallow the snake! ”

“For centuries, the technicians on the Firefly and the bureaucrats in the club have been at odds. A thousand years ago, just fleeing the Imperial Claw, because carrying a large number of former government officials, naturally bureaucrats have taken the upper hand; but as the sailing of the stars continues, with more and more real technical problems to face, the importance of the technicians has grown, and by the time your father's generation of captains, he has finally been able to confront the club's bureaucrats and even secretly overwhelm each other! ”

“This disagreement can be said to be both an extension of your past contradictions and the outbreak of centuries of contradictions caused by this fuse of the 'Star Federation’! ”

“Anyway, the situation is stuck here now, and your father, Captain Tang Ding Far, believes that the Imperial Expeditionary Army is about to attack, that it can no longer be this way on both ends of the head rat, that hesitation must be resolved, and that time must be hurried to fully integrate the forces of both sides. ”

“So, on the one hand, he sent a 'general election expedition' with your participation, in the name of the Xingyao federal election, to get you ‘alliance' technicians to come into contact with the top level of the Federation; on the other hand, he's been actively planning to put forward a 'alliance proposal' directly at the 'club', and even if it doesn't pass, it will set off a wave on the whole Firefly, so long as the vast majority of technicians and grassroots sailors agree, those senators like the beetles can't stop it! ”

“So, you suspect that it was the Speaker of the Star Club, Choi Lingfeng, who got the news in advance, and made the first move to deal with your 'alliance'! ”

“In other words, while you were under attack, there was a great risk of a storm on the Firefly, and your father was in great danger, wasn't there? ”

“Exactly! ”

Tang Xiaoxing's mind was relaxed. I didn't expect the idea of "Senior Lin" to be so clear. Instantly, if she was incapacitated and turned upside down, it would be clear.

In her eyes at this moment, Li Yao turned into a great savior from the sky. The opponent made a fierce move, beating them by surprise. It is highly likely that the whole army will fall. Only this “Senior Lin” can rely on it!

Her eyes were filled with glitter. Chu Chu looked pitifully at Li Yao: "Senior Lin, now that you know the context, what should we do? ”

“It's just a little wind wave, okay, let me think for a second. ”

Li Yao smiled and comforted the girl. After a moment, he struck a ringing finger: “I thought about it! ”

Tang Xiaoxing was overjoyed. I can't believe his ears: “What did Senior Lin think of so soon? ”

“The crisis facing the Firefly today is indeed very complex, very dangerous and very chaotic! ”

Li Yao shrugged, “But all of a sudden I thought —— it's none of my business. I'm just going to buy materials from you. We're not very familiar with each other. Why does it seem like I'm going to save the world again? ”

“That's it. ”

Li Yao dropped off the shuttle in a sparsely populated slum, and climbed out and waved inside. "Tang Xiaoyou, this shuttle stays here. It's more or less the seniors' little heart. The mountain water meets, so we'll all have a chance to see each other later! ”

He slipped away.

In half a second, it disappeared.

Only Tang Xiaoxing stared and sat in the shuttle car. Never thought a man in slippers could run so fast.

She looked at the dark slums and slowly held her arms, giving her a goose bump.

A lousy dog bark came around and a night breeze blew from behind and it was cold.


Four more!

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