Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1704: The Fleet Behind Brown Dwarves

80 light years further away from the “celestial rings" of the peripheral world of Starlight Federation, deep star sea, unknown stars, behind a brown dwarf.

The stars and oceans are vast, the stars are infinite, and if you draw a sphere with a radius of 100 light years around the seven worlds of the Federation alone, there are more than 5,000 stars in these seven spheres - most of them deserted worlds with no energy or life.

Even though the Starlight Federation has been launching unmanned mini-explorers and high-sensitivity triggered star seamines into these wild worlds every year, month and day for the past 100 years, trying to build a solid line of defense, or at least a "frontier line”, within 200 light years around itself, today, far from filling 5,000 wild worlds together.

Around 5,000 stars, there are still a large number of dark stars that have not been detected and monitored by the Federation, the so-called "frontier line”, which is entirely a thousand sores, nothing but a psychological consolation.

And "star" is at least the largest federal sky monitoring station, "Spider Ramadan," which can monitor and lock large celestial bodies.

Brown dwarves are one grade lower than stars.

Brown dwarves are gaseous objects that make up similar stars, but are not large enough in mass to ignite fusion reactions at the core, between the smallest star and the largest planet, and are therefore very bleak, also known as "failed stars”.

The inadequacy of mass to become a burning star makes it extremely difficult to release the spiritual fluctuations that can be perceived by Sashimi and any of the Federation's star stations.

According to federal astronomers, it is highly likely that at least 3,000 brown dwarfs will be present within a 100-light radius of the Federation's major worlds, compared to less than 500 currently discovered and named by the Federation.

There are still 2,500 brown dwarfs, like invisible eyeballs, slowly spinning and drifting in the dark and cold unknown stars.

While these brown dwarves are extremely difficult to explore and develop by the Federation 100 light years away, some of them still release extremely high temperatures at close range.

This temperature can be transformed into weak energy for a long-distance journey and a slight resting of the fleet from afar; it is not too violent, interfering with the various pharmacopoeia units that the fleet is highly worn over a century-long voyage; it can also slightly mask the spiritual energy fluctuations released by the fleet itself when resting, servicing, unfolding, and building large-scale array torches.

Even if perceived by the Federation's star monitoring stations, the fleet is considered only part of the Brown Dwarf Star.

The Black Wind fleet has been in the synchronous orbit of this brown dwarf for seven years.

An expedition to the stars and seas is not a one-off thing. When the Black Wind fleet departed 100 years ago, it faced its greatest enemy, the unknown stars and seas, and the passage of time itself.

At that time, they had only a small fragment of the imperfect star boundary coordinates at hand, and if they jumped on that imperfect coordinates, 99.99% would jump to an unknown wilderness that was not recorded on the star map, or could not see the half-point astronomical parameter characteristics, which would be a vortex in the star sea, without draining a lot of resources, which would be extremely difficult to jump out of, and even if it did, it would most likely be the second goddamn unknown wilderness.

Just in time, the real human empire, in the last millennium, has not expanded in this direction of the planetary world.

Thus, eating a defeated battle on the front line, losing his old nest, becoming a "lone soldier", and unwilling to be absorbed and annexed by other worlds, the Black Wind fleet accepted this glorious and daunting task, expanding the soil for the empire and consolidating the great rear.

Their mission is not only to explore and conquer the planetary realm, but also to explore and conquer the entire unknown star realm, from the imperial mainland in the centre of the star sea to the star realm, especially in the “Old Star Sea Empire” era, where the great thousand worlds documented in the scrolls of history and star maps are the focus of the search for "prey”.

So the Black Wind Fleet was not in a hurry to jump a very long jump into the star world, the coordinates released by Star Boy in the past.

Given the complexity of jumping in the star sea and the costing of spiritual energy consumption - every time the distance to jump in the star sea doubles, the amount of spiritual energy and resources consumed will have to be increased by a square number, and as a lone soldier, it is clear that the Black Wind Fleet, which is unlikely to receive more supplies and reinforcements from its home battalion, will never jump super far.

What they chose was a tactic called "Star Frog Jump," in which each short jump would not exceed 100 light years, usually within 10 to 50 light years, and each jump would be followed by a search for the most suitable star, exploring whether there were habitable planets and human civilizations around the star and dropping a special "star bomb” on it.

It is unlikely that a star will be destroyed directly at the level of the divinity of the true human empire and of Pharaoh, and the purpose of such a "star bomb" is not to destroy, but to activate a specific area of the star and provide them with the power to make their next jump.

When all the parameters and coordinates have been recorded in the map of the stars and updated, and massive torches have been established near the local stable planets, this means that other fleets can easily travel between these stars and the Empire itself in the future, and that these stars are included in the “map” of the Empire.

At this point, they also tend to gather enough energy to start a new "star frog jump” and repeat the process.

So, for a hundred years, we stopped walking, constantly exploring, documenting and building, and we didn't reach the stars until a decade ago.

The Black Wind fleet has had pretty bad luck over the past 100 years.

They have not found many habitable planets of developmental value.

Even if the historical material and the remnants of the star map left behind by the Empire of the Star Sea are recorded, once there was a prosperous civilization of the human world, found by their painstaking and resource-intensive efforts, it is often found that the local world has collapsed, the spiritual energy system has been depleted or depleted. The so-called civilization leaves only a fractured wall, even though some bloodthirsty wildlings persist in the desolate world of spiritual exhaustion, they cannot compensate for the resources consumed by the Black Wind Fleet in search of them.

Resources, resources, resources! Resources are the most precious thing in the stars and oceans!

Civilization, civilization, civilization! Civilization is once again the most vulnerable being in the cold universe!

After three or four major disappointments in a row, the situation of the Black Wind fleet became extremely embarrassing.

Not bad, on the face of it, they are "pioneering” vast areas of the Empire's new territory, but they are all desolate worlds with the lowest ratings, barely worth half a penny.

In the star sea, the least valuable is the so-called "frontier”, looking up at the stars, billions of stars, infinite frontiers, all theoretically rich in resources and extremely high value, those worlds that have not had an intelligent living spirit since ancient times, can claim the imperial land by inserting a flag, singing a national anthem, and building a star torch beside it at most.

However, there is no point in such “national territory”. Even though the value implied by “theoretical” is even higher, it is necessary for the Empire to be able to develop it on a large scale at an appropriate cost!

Even if a world claims to have 10,000 resources, what use is it if the empire develops it and collects, smelts and transports the resources back to the Empire itself, but consumes 20,000 resources?

This does not count for the construction and maintenance of the torch, and the various administrative and supply line defense costs that the Empire will have to spend in order to rule the world - the ghost attack fleet of the Allied gods is not easy to deal with!

Unfortunately, the Black Wind Fleet has not discovered much in this world in the last hundred years.

The star domains they discover are often worlds like "Well, theoretically, it's possible to find 10,000 resources if you do deep exploration, but the cost of exploration is 5,000, and the cost of subsequent exploitation is estimated to be 10,000 to 100,000 resources”.

In a world like this, it is simply impossible to redeem the Black Wind Fleet for many points of contribution.

No point of contribution, no nest of their own, means that the Black Wind Fleet will not be able to get more supplies and new warships from the other worlds of the Empire, and that if they slip back just like this, they will only be eaten in one bite, thoroughly compiled, or sent to the most dangerous fronts and the Alliance to spell out the two paths.

Black Windman is naturally reluctant to choose any path.

They keep pushing deep into the sky and throwing!

That is when they received news of the demise of a claw fleet, of the presence of a regional power by the star sea, and even of the exiled government of the star sea republic, the final "mobile land”, lost for a millennium!

A hundred years of bad luck has been reversed, but opportunities and challenges still coexist.

The good news is that the prey in front of you is fat enough to swallow this self-proclaimed "Federation of Stars and Glows” and that the Black Wind fleet will be at least three or five times stronger, even if it returns to the center of the Star Sea, and will have enough strength to fight everyone, including the Emperor and the warlords of all roads.

The bad news is that the prey seems to be a little overweight, hidden beneath its large body is not only fat, but also strong muscles, strong bones and sharp claw teeth.

Back and forth to the Black Wind Fleet in the Valley, there are two options.

They can set up a massive array of star torches here, build a vast gateway to the sky, truthfully report the intelligence here to the Empire itself, report to the greedy Emperor and to the warlords and warlords of all roads, and summon support from the mainland.

Of course, building and activating the Gate of the Stars and maintaining it at extremely high transmission levels will further deplete the war resources of the Black Wind fleet, weaken their combat power and put them in a passive position in the game of splitting their prey.


Do it yourself! Eat this huge federal thing by yourself and devour all the benefits!