Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1734: It's Not You Again, Is It, Lee Demon?

Golden Heart Moon and Night Ming simultaneously show the smile of the ticket, the tail of the Black Whirlpool is heavily defended and firmly entrenched in the secret chamber of Golden Soup.

Lu Qingdust is still tightly sealed in steel chains, like being wrapped in an iron coffin, can't even move a pinkie finger even a millimeter, let alone show what a "smile” is.

He was hung upside down from his head and feet, and his sight, hearing, smell, touch… The five senses were all sealed off, and he fell into the darkness of death that ordinary people could not bear.

In absolute darkness, he counts the numbers, quietly and patiently awaits.

“What a monster. ”

In the secret room, the black wind monks responsible for guarding Lu Light Dust, looking at the monitor screen Lu Light Dust as a straight-line EEG intensity analysis curve, face to face, are all incredible, “With this‘ five senses cut off ', the ordinary monks insist on three or five hours is the limit, even if it doesn't collapse, the brain should always have some unusual reaction? This guy has been suffering for so long, the brain waves are so calm, calm like a dead man, like, like a crystalline brain! ”

“Ancient tradition has it that deep corners of the stars and seas often reveal some incredibly strange beings. ”

Another black wind monk manipulated the crystal brain and once again thoroughly examined all the restraints and shackles around Lu Light Dust to make sure that there was no half hole, which only slightly eased the sip, “No wonder he clearly volunteered to surrender, the commander or to impose the highest standard of restraint on him - such a monster, who wouldn't be afraid in exchange? ”

The voice went down, “Didi” sounded, the secret chamber door slid open to both sides, and the other team of Brothers of the Black Wind carried a large number of banned pharmacopoeia and surveillance crystal brains poured in.

“Commander's orders, during the war, to double the confinement and surveillance of this man, put him down and replace him with a higher restraint! ”

Numerous Blackwind Brothers have dropped Lu Light Dust off the cable, replacing the newer, bigger, stronger Forbidden Treasure.

When his mask was unmasked, he was found staring at his eyes, but his eyes were quite stiff, and his pupils were solidified there, and he did not zoom in or contract, even when he was exposed to strong light.

The surveillance crystal brain next to him showed that even at this moment, his breathing, heartbeat and even brain waves were calm to the point of no waves in the ancient well, without any outside interference.

An experienced doctor, shooting a bright light from the ring, stabbed Lu's light pupil, frowned: “Is he not dead? ”

The voice did not go down. Lu's left eye remained still. His right eye, which had been shot by the glare, suddenly turned in the direction of the doctor, faded away: “No. ”


The doctor freaked out and almost sat on the floor without a butt.

“Lock him up. Seal the five senses. Seal! Connect his brain to the highest level of surveillance crystal brain so the Commander can master his every move at any time! ”

Numerous black wind monks hugged him up, at different times, put on a larger set of “metal coffins” for Lu Light Dust, shouted, and hung him up again.

Throughout the process, Lu Light Dust cooperated perfectly. Apart from the word "no”, there was no redundant sound, leaving a huge mask with no voids to be snapped onto his head, once again depriving him of all sensory stimuli.

Even when hundreds of cold pointy needles slightly penetrated his cerebral cortex and forcibly monitored his brain domain, his fingers, lips and pupils didn't tremble a bit.

As the cable tightened slowly, the upside down man swayed again gently, shaking, falling asleep and waiting at the deepest point of the "black whirlpool”.


Hundred Flowers, on the outskirts of Third Star Harbor, the stars sparkle and whistle.

Even if Li Yao and Longyang realized from the beginning that the so-called "stars” were not real stars, but some kind of deadly treasure, it would not help.

Because at that time, they had just escaped from the ship undergoing the jump of the stars and sea, still in the strong interference of space ripples, the five dirty hearts and even the three souls were trembling at high speeds, at this moment they have just returned to their positions!

And by then, the stars had arrived.

Tens of thousands of bright little stars spread into a huge web of stars spanning hundreds of kilometres.

Each “star” has a huge spacing, naturally impossible to hit and move the infinitely flexible Li Yao and Longyang Jun, but enough to wrap them both in a "star net”.


The voices could not be delivered in the vacuum, but Li Yao was like hearing a tsunami of demonic sounds running through his brain, spreading tens of thousands of "small stars” around him exploding simultaneously, releasing millions of bright arcs, like snake dancing, flooding and sweeping everything!

The arc came and went fast, completely extinguished within 0.01 seconds, turned into a shadowless and invisible spiritual magnetic storm, instantly penetrating the basebone armor and Li Yao himself.

“Pfft, pfft, pfft," the manipulative light screen of the basebone warfare immediately extinguished, the crystalline brain and a large number of pharmacopoeia units resembled mud cattle into the sea, no longer responding to Li Yao's call, even the spiritual energy fluctuations in Li Yaoqi's eight pulses and limb carcasses are like a boiling pot of hot porridge, running mud with water, extremely difficult!

The Crystal Armor has lost most of its fighting power, like a set of iron coffins on its body, making it a complete burden!

Li Yao called Longyang Jun on the communication channel, but found that the communication channel was also severely disrupted, and sometimes died silently. Sometimes there was a stinging sound of sand, it was impossible to contact each other at all!

“Li Yao, what's going on! ”

Longyangjun's thoughts are transmitted under the package of spiritual energy, but even this kind of transmission of thoughts is intermittent, “the spiritual energy around us is completely confused, like some kind of serious interference, is rapidly consuming!

“Our crystal armor was instantly subjected to ultra-high intensity psychomagnetic interference, many chips were destroyed, it was extremely difficult to return to normal for a moment and a half, and the concentration of spirits around us was constantly decreasing, I can feel it! Such a thin battlefield is extremely detrimental to a former infant like us!

“Damn, what a weird attack this is, what a weird attack! ”

“It's a high-intensity magnetic pulse bomb! ”

Li Yaosheng said, "It can instantaneously release special pulse energy, and spirits free in the star sea can react like ‘resonance', producing radiation interference that approximates the solar black explosion, easily penetrating the armor, walls of the city and even the blockade of the rock formation, on the one hand instantaneously consuming the spiritual energy of the attack area, drastically reducing the concentration of spiritual energy, on the other hand, destroying all the pharma in the attack area, regardless of the enemy, all pharmacopoeia units and spiritual wafers will not be spared!

“To put it more graphically, this kind of bomb is like a 'black hole area' that creates a fairly thin piece of spiritual energy and the pharmacopoeia is dysfunctional, so it's also called a 'black hole bomb’!

“A hundred years ago, this was just a theoretical treasure. I didn't expect to be in action so soon. It worked quite well! ”

“Nice shit! ”

Dragon Yang's got to jump, "Black Hole Bomb? Such a despicable, insidious and poisonous treasure, which son of a bitch came up with it? This is digging the lives of all the practitioners and fairies! Pigs and dogs are better than that. Skinny cramps and knives are too much! ”

Li Yao: “Well, you can just curse a few words to solve the problem. Should I curse you so much? ”

Long Yangjun: “I swear to you, I'll lock you up... Hey, hey, it can't be you, it can't be you again, can it, old Lee Devil! ”

Li Yao: “Don't stare at me like that. That's what I used to say. ”

Longyang Jun: “…”

Li Yao: “Later, from all the factions and groups in my name, I just randomly transferred a special fund, and invited a group of the most powerful bomb experts in the Federation to carry out research. It's a pleasure to know that they are so helpful! ”

Longyang Jun: “I'm starting to regret forming a team with you. The Federation is dangerous. I'm going back to the ancient holy world! ”

Li Yao: “Come on, as the creative developer of the black hole bomb, I have a deep understanding of this fatal flaw of Fabao. It's good. In this‘ black hole area ', our spirit and Fabao have been seriously disturbed, but so have others!

“Everyone is on the same level. I'm an expert in martial arts. What are you afraid of when you have a weird crystal armor?

“Besides, I think federal research on black hole bombs has just begun. You see, the" black hole area "that was created is not very big, and it won't last very long. A dozen or twenty seconds at most. We can fly out easily. What are they going to do? ”

Longyang pointed not far away: “Is that the other party's ‘method’? ”

When Li Yao looked back, he saw a large number of meteorite fragments that laid heaven and earth, dense numbness and wind chip electricity.

That's right, meteorites, the simplest, most ordinary stones without engraving a half-seat array and without carrying any psychic energy, will not be disturbed by the Black Hole Bomb.

Larger meteorites are the size of a fist or head, while the smallest one is smaller than a tail finger, even like an elongated embroidered needle.

All meteorites have been imparted a very strong thrust in the distance. There is no friction in the star sea. The speed of meteorite rain instantly rises to its limit, smashing heads at Li Yao and Longyang King!

“Shh, shh! ”

The storm rained hard on Li Yao and Longyang's spiritual shield, smashing a brilliant ripple!

The so-called "Black Hole Bomb” is, of course, really unlikely to drain all the spiritual energy in the entire area, nor to completely disrupt all the spiritual energy reserves in the bodies of the two Yuan Baby and Old Monsters.

But at the very least, it can cause serious disturbances to them, dramatically delaying the speed of their spiritual energy, while the speed of spiritual energy consumption increases dramatically!

Just escaped from space ripples, took one shot or a series of black hole bombs, then was struck by meteorite rain in the head and head by an eye-catching Venus. Forgive me, a foreign species of two Yuan Baby and Old Monsters, were tired of coping, and I could not stop screaming.

At this point, two moon-white starships slowly slipped into their sight in the direction of the black-hole bomb and meteorite rain.

A large number of star naval shuttles and crystal armor, like a swarm of bees, took off as a third wave attack ladder, jumped at Li Yao and Longyang King!