Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1742: Full War!

Because of heavy blockades along the way by the Federal Army, the Secret Sword Bureau, and a series of "small gifts" set up by Li Yao along the Deep Blue Cerebral Hospital, it took them three hours to reach the top floor of another hospital building five kilometres from the target.

This hospital has nothing to do with Professor Mo Xuan and Thunderstorm Qin, nor is it as secret as Deep Blue Superbrain Hospital. Today it is still open to the public, and the two easily dive into the height of their hearts.

“Sizzle, sizzle! ”

A penetrating telescope made by Li Yao Ming was worn by two people, and their eyes instantly turned into two fluorescent green dots.

These telescopes are made of nineteen transparent wafers, belonging to the high-order magical treasure dedicated to the Yuan Baby Master, and with the amazing eyesight of the Yuan Baby Master, even a fly thousands of meters away can be clearly seen. After switching between different modes of the lenses, optical illusions can also be broken, thermal and spiritual energy fluctuations can be perceived directly, and there is a certain perspective capability.

They crawled onto the rooftop rooftop deck, all dressed in optical camouflage cloth, merging them with the light grey surroundings.

They concentrated and searched the deep blue supercerebral hospital inches by inches, bare parts of the ground.

Five kilometres away, the hospital seems calm, the vast majority of the buildings are hidden deeper, on lush ground, and only a few gardeners are maintaining the artificial lawn and looking calm.


“These people have problems. ”

Li Yao held his breath and his hands were almost stationary, but he carefully adjusted the lens for a more suitable focal length. Under his lens, the “gardener" fibers appeared, and each pore was clearly visible.

These gardeners, they're too strong.

No, not as strong as muscle tongue, bull tall horse, starry federal folk style martial arts, all kinds of training apparatus and fortifiers these days, even the ordinary working class has the opportunity to practice themselves as muscle sticks of tiger back bear waist.

But these people hide beneath their generous overalls in the most perfect inverted triangle, the muscles are even and powerful, the bones are sturdy and tight, they are suddenly full of strength, the perfect spring mechanic, even the vascular and muscular distribution is even, smooth and perfect!

It is painstakingly repaired for decades, and the five dirty six hearts and four limbs are all washed, moisturized and warmed by spiritual energy to show a special physique - in Li Yao's eyes, although they have not released too many spiritual energy fluctuations, these “gardening workers” are most likely powerful modifiers, and are also waterfought!

A private hospital that employs strong security guards, but is it possible that even gardeners are combatant fixers?

Also, Li Yao feels a little weird, even creepy, about the refinement of these gardeners.

Although they are also working normally, communicating, and even laughing, their eyes are dead-eyed, like a dark fog that can't be covered up, making them look like, like...

“Hey, don't you think these guys are like a bunch of dead people? ”

Longyang asked quietly.

“Yes, although they also have breathing and heartbeat and the temperature is the same as normal people, I also feel like they're a bunch of dead people, a bunch of guys just crawling out of their graves. ”

Li Yao shrugged for a moment and frowned, “Or, not dead people, but puppets, some kind of strange puppet...”

They were talking and suddenly both felt a cold, stinging look.

Five kilometres away, on the lawn, a “gardener" suddenly dropped his lawn mower, staring into the eyes of a black hole and shooting his cold eyes straight in their direction.

Some led the way, and all the rest of the “gardeners" seemed to be led by some magical force, all looking up at the building five kilometres away.

I didn't expect these people to perceive so acutely that even the covert snooping of two yuanbao monsters was discovered so quickly.

“Got caught. ”

Longyang Jundo said, "These guys can't be trivial. Do you have any problems with your arrangement? ”

“Absolutely, yes, no, yes! ”

Li Yao closed his eyes and slowly lifted his right hand, one word at a time, under the staggering gaze of five kilometers away. "Don't forget, I am the legendary Little Prince of Crystal Bomb, in addition to being the Little King of Ventilation Pipelines! ”


Li Yao struck a crisp ringing finger.

“Boom, boom, boom! ”

His ringing fingers, like a fantastic order, surrounded by a circle near Dark Blue Cerebral Hospital, suddenly made dozens of deafening noises, a bright fire ball burst out, instantly from orange red to dark black smoke, teeth dancing claws, covering the entire hospital!

At one time, the fire was bright, the black smoke was scattered, the alarm was loud, and the entire 109th district and several nearby urban areas all sensed an unprecedented explosion!

“Psst! Whoa, whoa! ”

The illusions surrounding the so-called "Mountain Clean Water Show, Blue Sky White Cloud” first appeared a twisted corrugation, then turned purple red, spotted denial, the last light screen one after the other extinguished, revealing silver and white cabin walls, showing that they were in a huge metal sphere in the cold truth.

Li Yao grinned and looked with satisfaction at his destructive achievements. "On the way here, we have made a clear picture of the situation. At least three troops are stationed in the vicinity of District 109. When they hear such a fierce explosion, they will soon arrive. ”


Longyang Junduo, “The horse and foot are showing up across the street. ”

Deep Blue Ecstasy Hospital is the worst affected area of this serial explosion.

Li Yao used mostly smoke bombs and shock bombs, not so much as a powerful destructive force, but the noise was horrifying until now, as if thousands of armies were attacking here.

And his special smoke bomb, with the effect of a lot of smoke and poison in the ancient holy land of witchcraft, completely devoured the ground part of the hospital, disrupting all possible detection treasures underneath.

Under the sudden and unpredictable raid, those “gardeners” reacted instinctively, they all summoned the crystal armor in the first place, and turned into heavily armed and powerful Ironclad gods of war!

Li Yao instantly analyzed the crystalline armor models on them, all of which were refined in the last twenty years, and were personalized and modified very professionally.

Stop talking about gardeners, even ordinary low-ranking monks can't afford such a home!

Also, on that man-made lawn of green oil, there were two rounded floors that sank down very suddenly, slowly shrinking in a spiral towards the surrounding area, revealing the caves of two black holes.

Countless silver and white battle puppets, like the "Too Virtuous Warriors", emerge like a flock of bees, jumping a few dozen metres away and landing next to these “gardeners".

A gardener, with seven to eight combat puppets, forms a battle unit.

Twenty or more battle units, each corner of the ground segment of the Deep Blue Supercerebral Hospital, are firmly controlled.

It took less than ten seconds to build the entire tactical defense system.

"“ Even the gardener of your ‘Three Kingdoms Premium, Vulture Li Yao', "said Longyang Jun. ”

"'That's right,' said Li Yao. ”

Longyang Jun Dao: “What are you waiting for? This is the place. I've put up with it for a long time. Let's do it! ”



Li Yao and Long Yang Jun lifted the invisible camouflage cloth, rose up, two seemingly flat sets of crystalline armor instantly wrapped them tight and solid, two people left and right, at the same time kneeling on one knee, set out to run, then - punch!


The flames of volcanic flames erupted behind the two of them and beneath their feet. Even if the performance of the ordinary crystalline armor was flat, under the spiritual energy of the two Yuan Baby and Old Monsters, they were squeezed out of their limiting performance. The whole distance of five kilometers was swallowed up between moments. The two of them were like two meteors, severely smashed inside the park of Deep Blue Superbrain Hospital, and several silver and white fighting puppets dared to resist them, all of them were smashed into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron!

Hundreds of battle puppets, and dozens and dozens of dozens of armorers disguised as gardeners, jumped at them silently.

“Tsuki-tsuki! ”

Li Yao straightened his left arm, his palms quickly condensed a milky white light ball, instantly turned into an eye-catching light column, two battle puppets as chest piercing, but was barely resisted by the spiritual shield released by the third battle puppet, which caused him to slightly frown: “These are not ordinary battle puppets, their spiritual shield is extremely strong, it also seems to have a certain force field distortion effect! ”

“These guys aren't regular gardeners either! ”

Dragon Yang's body was twisted into a strange arc. It flashed strangely from under the purse clip of five battle puppets. The long sword was turned into a colorful arc. It shot into the head and trunk gap of a “gardener" crystal. I didn't expect that the strength of the “gardener" was extremely strong. I instantly saw through the attack trajectory of Dragon Yang, slanted the battle knife in time, and spelled a hard note with Dragon Yang!

In spite of this, the other party's battle blade was broken and the whole man flew out, but it still made Longyang Junxiao.

She is a Yuan Baby Monster. Although she did not exert the ultimate attack power of Yuan Baby Peak Realm, she reached at least the rank of Yuan Baby Rank. The other party actually... barely blocked it?

“Let's see what you really are! ”

Li Yao snorted coldly. The light green flame around him couldn't resist the expansion. He rushed towards the densest place of the other party. Three or four battle puppets were forcibly bombed along the way by him with a spiritual shield. He instantly flashed in front of a "gardener".


Li Yao stretched out his right hand and forked his five fingers. The spiritual flame was like a flood beast. He suppressed the other party firmly. He couldn't move at all. Even the surrounding crystal armor “snapped” and a piece of armor broke out!


The “gardener” was under total repression by Li Yao and suddenly had a tsunami in his mouth that was absolutely nothing like a human being, followed by an entire head that seemed to explode!