Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1775: Ten Thousand Cannons Ringing, Line Up To Shoot!

Too low hits and shooting speeds; because starship viability is greatly enhanced by new composite armor, multiple airtight gates, internal defensive symbol arrays, and liquid metal patching materials - in other words, weak defenses; and because the starship's ultra-high speeds bring defects such as straightness, steering dysfunction, etc., making the star sea warfare a little like 10,000 years ago, when mankind had just invented crystal magnets, glare guns, and taught the cultivator to ordinary warriors, giving ordinary people the opportunity to master the flying sword.

In the days when modern cultivation civilization had just sprouted, crystalline magnets and glare guns at that time were extremely low hit rates and shooting speeds, and the power of “new toys” was very suspicious. The flying swords controlled by ordinary people were even more distorted, volatile, with no precision or destructive power, so that demonic repressive forces tended to laugh at their bellies and refer to them with utter contempt as “the people of the Union” in the face of the ethnic uprisings armed with these simple weapons.

However, the KLA soon came up with a whole new tactic to complement the new Pharaoh and the new system of force composition.

They lined up their troops as neatly and densely as possible, and the Commander of the Realists was ahead of them, all of them treading on neat drums, solemnly, solemnly, classically, and without a tattoo. At the command of the commander, the soldiers risked the enemy's fiercest attack until they walked beneath the enemy's nose, before orderly swords were fired and fired to the limit within a unit area to compensate for the shortfall in hitting rate and destructive power.

This slightly clumsy and even ridiculous tactic quickly showed incredible power and proved to be used only by truly fearless, bloodthirsty men, for which future generations have taken a very imaginary name - standing in line to shoot!

Over tens of thousands of years, the pattern of war has changed, but the most basic principles remain unchanged. To win, the strongest firepower must be concentrated in the shortest possible time and more destructive energy and ammunition must be poured over each other's heads!

Yes, once the number of starships on both sides exceeds 1,000, when the narrow path meets each other, it will happen - in the star sea, with the cannon giant ship as the basic unit of “queue shooting”!

The Uranus fleet and the Black Wind fleet, like two classical armies with ancient trigger glare guns, stepped in a cosmic vacuum that could not be heard, but stirred the drum point of everyone's heart, pointing a sharp bayonet at each other's eyes, slowly approaching each other.

The Black Wind fleet has kept its speed steady at three thousandths of a light speed, not too fast, and the night deliberately presses the rhythm.

On the one hand, the S.H.I.E.L.D. ships deployed in the front of the battlefield can only maintain the highest volatile efficiency of the Psychic Shield, the Interferometric Force Field and the Psychic Magnetic Disturbance Mist at such speeds; on the other hand, he does not want to rush too fast - in case the Uranus fleet crosses each other, he is most likely to fall between the Near-Earth Defense System "Uranus Iron Wall” and "Uranus Fleet” and be hit by double fire from the enemy on his belly.

Though not afraid of such a blow with the strength of the Black Wind Fleet, an experienced commander would still not make such an adventurous decision.

For the Uranus fleet, the best strategy is, of course, to accelerate everything, try to cross or bypass enemy lines, and together with the "Uranus Iron Wall” form a back-and-forth clamping posture.

But they also have their own concerns that the smaller size, weak defenses and simple internal structure of the Uranus fleet can lead to poor steering, and even if they can cross enemy lines with fierce cannon ash, they may not be able to turn around 180 degrees in time to bite the buttocks of the Black Wind fleet.

The flexibility of the Black Wind fleet and the quality of the masters are obviously on top of the Tianyuan fleet. If they really cross each other, who bites whose ass might be!

At the beginning of the war, commanders on both sides were reluctant to throw a single shot, and on a cosmic scale, the two fleets were moving more slowly and more cautiously, entering a textbook-like state of "line-up shooting”.

“Enemy ship distance - 1 light second! ”

1 Light second is a very symbolic distance.

This means that the vast majority of Xuan Guang weapons can hit the target in less than a second - if the target Spirit Shield and Spirit Magnetic Mist interference are not counted.

The Black Wind fleet was sharp and clearly farther in range than the Uranus fleet, but their guns remained silent, never engaging in inefficient indiscriminate attacks, and continued to crush them like a rolling cloud, highlighting the "Black Cloud Wants to Destroy the City”.

The Black Wind fleet did not fire, and the Tian Yuan Iron Wall, which provided fire support behind it, held its teeth shut. Both sides watched as the cannon tube and charm array of a magnificent cannon across the street shook an incredibly pungent flame, like a spring pressed to its limit, like a burning bayonet getting closer and closer to their own eyeballs, and their hearts kneaded repeatedly, covering the hearts of all soldiers on both sides.


A number of artillery positions, federal soldiers who had never experienced such a massive Starship duel, whispered vaguely, preferring to remain in the flames of destruction rather than continue to suffer this silence!

When there were only 0.8 light seconds left on both sides of the front, the commander of the Black Wind fleet was like hearing the groans of these poor bugs across the street, responding very generously to their demands.

“Imperial Army, harvest it! ”

From the fog of war in front of the Black Wind Fleet, tens of thousands of columns of light flashed, like the Devil's Long Sword, instantly devoured 240,000 kilometers of space and stabbed the Tianyuan Fleet straight into battle!

The Tian Yuan fleet naturally also possesses a psychic shield and a psychic magnetic disturbance technology. They are home-grown warfare and even urgently deployed a large number of defensive cosmic mines in front of the fleet that neutralize the Xuan Guang vibration field. Only a series of huge light balls swelled up like air, and the columns of light emitted by the Black Wind fleet hit the light balls, scattering them all, becoming formations of mist scattered around the fleet!

The colorful mist shines the space of the Uranus fleet like a fairy realm - but if you look around at the temperature and radiation intensity, you can see how terrible this “fairy realm” is!

Those who can't get out of the mothership's range of space shuttles and crystalline armor are all like a single leaf lone boat in a wave of shock; some of the unlucky masters are directly swept by the glaucoma, even at the edge of the protection of the spiritual shield, instantly vaporized and dissipated into a smoky cloud; even in the starship, dozens of layers of armoured protected crew, such as reinforced alloy, crystalline fiber, high-hardness ceramic, etc., are also like invisible hammers in the temple and heart of a harsh note, depressingly want to vomit blood!

“Uranus fleet, fire, fire! ”

Starting with the response of the Uranus fleet, all the Xuan Guang cannons, particle cannons and crystal magnetic cannons roared. Although the columns of light they stabbed deep into the stars were thinner and darker than the Black Wind fleet, the number was significantly higher, with more than 100,000 sparkling "sharp blades” almost tearing the black velvety universe apart!

Once the Xuan Guang cannon starts to turbulent, the devastating beam can last for more than a dozen seconds or even a few dozen seconds, so the "line-up shooting” in the star sea is even more like a long gun confrontation from the ancient Shu era, the two sides add up to more than 100,000 light columns, like 100,000 long guns, long guns like forest, dense numbness, stabbed into each other, death will not recover!

Both sides have fairly strong defensive systems, and even tens of thousands of columns of light can't easily cause harm - at least for the first three minutes.

Only a speckled rebuttal, a dark mist of war, and an arc that blooms out of the mist of war can tell everyone how powerful the power of death surrounds them!

The first metal bullets propelled by the crystal magnetic orbit on both sides also smashed their heads in front of each other and gave the precarious Psychic Shield another try!

Finally, first of all, on the side of the Uranus fleet, some of the starships' spiritual shields want to shake weak, super strong alloys up to a few meters thick and reinforced ceramic layers embedded with defensive symbol arrays are all punched through by the bright light, exploding like an ugly tumor, the fireballs are raised at a naked eye speed, “tumors” everywhere, dozens and hundreds of lives are instantaneously obliterated, limb amputations and cluttered debris on the starships are all erupted, floating between the universes, or instantaneously vaporized or turned into cold dust!

Even so, as long as they are not accidentally hit by a crystal warehouse, these ships will immediately eject large quantities of gel and liquid metal to repair the damaged compartment.

At the same time, they still spare no effort in launching a counterattack to throw more Light Guns before they are completely torn to pieces!

In the same scenario, on the side of the Black Wind Fleet, they were technically ahead of the Federation, but did not form a crushing advantage. The dense and hazy fire of the Uranus fleet, coupled with several asteroid-grade artillery guns on the "Uranus Iron Wall”, still caused them some trouble.

The battle between the stars and the sea is not instantaneous. At this point, we need to compare the resilience of both sides, the severity of the battle formation, the commander's ability to control and the performance of the starship.

But more often than not, the key winner is...

“Imperial Army, slaughter it! ”

“For the sake of the Federation, keep moving forward! ”

With a tragic white universe as the stage, between the 100,000 flaming guns, the cosmic warshuttles and armorers of both sides attacked the cluster, such as the two angry wasps, like two raging iron floods, before their battleships, collided hard together!