Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1868: On the Wolf

If you look at the celestial realm as an infinitely outwardly extending sphere, then civilizations and civilizations choose to nurture their new bodies slowly away from the battlefield, the thinnest end of Federation and Imperial starships.

At the other end of the sphere, far opposite them, countless chases, escapes, bloodshed, explosions, conspiracies, betrayals, surrenders and death resistance persisted for the past three months and for the next three months, leaving the light of the stars overshadowed by countless explosions of starships.

After half a year of deep space sailing, or the desertion of the Kung Wang, the Imperial arsenal ship, the Werewolf, was completely turned into a bereavement dog.

The vast majority of its psychic missiles had been fired long ago, leaving an empty, hive-like magazine.

The dense and numb turrets are also distorted or, after a single overloaded launch, melted into distorted numbness.

Super alloy armored spotted rebuttal, many places reveal burning explosion pits and meteorite holes, ugly flowers and greens, like dermatologically ill skinned dogs.

And the darkness of the inexorable spiritual shield, coupled with intermittent flames such as asthma and cough, make up this formerly windy star sea giant ship, which is at its extreme.

Starfish mapping and positioning methods, as well as hyper-telecommunications systems, are all severely damaged, making it difficult for them to communicate with other "bereaved dogs” around them without knowing where they are, or at least to assemble into a defensive fleet.

Starsea Jump Pharmacopoeia is also malfunctioning and is undergoing emergency repair, but even if it is renewed, they lack the energy to drive Starsea Jump Pharmacopoeia.

Even if —— if they can still get enough energy, where can they jump?

This is the status quo prevailing for the imperial arsenal vessel, the Greedy Wolf, or thousands of imperial starships that are still unwilling to surrender and still drift in the stars and oceans.

The Werewolf was on a wretched bridge, the lights were extremely dim, and a light screen was lit like something, madly distorted and jumped, and from time to time there were several screens in the corner, which, after a strong jump, turned black and completely ineffective.

Dead air on the bridge, one third of the workbenches were empty, there were still suspicious spots on the ground, like blood mixed with brains, and everyone crossing the bridge was walking like a corpse, waiting silently for real death to come.


There was a suspicious explosion at the stern of the ship, as if it were a dull wave that constantly slammed the bridge's doors, and the curtain flashed desperately, representing hundreds of parameters of the Werewolf's power falling like a cliff.

The captain of the Wolf is a standard Imperial soldier, a Golden Dane class immortal, tall, robust, deep in the eye, elevated nostrils, a classical statue with a giant majesty.

However, such loyal and desperate captains of the Imperial Empire, after seeing another stunning explosion in the power compartment, could only squeeze the eyes of a gorilla, except for a few poisonous outbursts of anger emanating from the depths of his eye pockets.

From time to time, all covered in oil, hair and eyebrows were burned together with the power cabin supervisor and first mate, and even rolled up to the bridge.

“Captain, another serious explosion occurred in the power compartment. The power units 4 and 5 were all destroyed and some effects were also suffered along with the power unit 6. Preliminary estimates indicate that we lost another 13.5% of our power. Not only did we not increase our normal sailing speed, but our support for defensive shields and psychomagnetic fields was also greatly reduced! ”


The captain laughed very shady, “How are the casualties? ”

“Because of the timeliness of the discovery, casualties were not serious and only three slaves were killed," said the power cabin supervisor. ”

“Only three? ”

The captain whispered, "Well, draw another hundred slaves out of the power compartment and execute them. ”


The power cabin supervisor and his lieutenants were all silly and face-to-face, unable to say a word.

“Don't you get it, you idiots! ”

The captain was angry, looked like a demon, patted the console hard, growled, “Such a serious explosion, paid off my two active force units all at once, and only three slaves died? How is it possible that at least 350 slave soldiers will die in such accidents this time?

“It's simple, these slaves, cheaper than pigs and dogs, they're the ones who did it. They deliberately moved their hands and feet in the power compartment to slow us down and let us be chased by the federals!

“Haven't you heard of the Confederation's propaganda of deception and ignorance that the original slaves on our ships are all foolish? They have united in the Confederation, forgotten the glory of the Empire and human civilization, and forgotten their sacred mission and duty as‘ fuel ’!

“These nasty embryos, thinking they look like federations, can shake and become superior!

“They've been conspiring on the boat for a long time. Do you really think I don't know anything about dead people? No, I'm just trying to find their leader and beat them all up!

“But that doesn't mean I'll tolerate all their sabotage and negativity. No, never!

“We have to fix the power unit and the Starsea Jumper as soon as possible and find a way to get enough fuel, maybe a hundred of the same kind of bodies, so these hogs can squeeze their bones a little tighter and figure out what they are!

“Moreover, the food aboard the ship is grossly inadequate, and even the immortals are unable to meet the daily consumption of cultivation. There is no need to keep so many hogs and dogs that waste food and keep their numbers to a minimum sufficient to allow the starship to function properly.

“Go ahead, freeze the bodies after they've been disposed of, in case you need them. ”

The words of the captain between the lines, along with the first mate of the fairy repairer and the chief of the power compartment listened, create a chilling feeling.

A moment of silence, first mate, first half step, bowed his head: “Captain, about the news we received from the Green Island, saying that the Green Island has assembled a sizeable fleet that will allow all nearby imperial starships to rush to the round...”

“That thing, stop it, it's just a trap. ”

With a red eye, the captain said, "First Vice President Fang, you and the chief Qin are both from the Black Wind Realm, the most authentic Black Wind man, naturally it is in the best interest of the existence of the Black Wind fleet.

“But don't forget, almost half of our ship and the entire Black Wind fleet are not from the Black Wind world, but from four other smaller worlds that we have annexed.

“Do you really think that by the time you're sure you're going to die, these four little immortals will still be loyal to the Black Wind Fleet and the Empire?

“Humph, let's analyze the battlefield afterwards, it's all very clear that the sub-fleet from those four little realms collapsed first, leading to the disintegration of the entire battlefield!

“Afterwards, many of these four small starships chose to surrender to the barbarians of Starlight Federation, which is clearly stated in the Confederate propaganda for deception.

“The integrated supply ship Green Island, originally from one of the four smaller realms of the 'Fire Spider Realm’, more than 70% of the ship's people are firespiders. To this day, I don't trust them. Who knows if they have surrendered to the Federation, but are leading us into the pockets of the Federation?

“Alternatively, they have not surrendered to the Federation, but they are missing a 'name' to use the head of our Black Wind Man in exchange for their future in the Federation!

“Never mind them, we still have to find a way to fix the facility and jump behind 94532 Brown Dwarf, rendezvous with Big Squad, or simply jump straight back to the Empire! ”


First Vice President Fang and Chief Qin stood upright, and at the same time straightened their arms, toasting an imperial military salute.

The two men were about to leave the bridge, and a Lingbo scout on the platform suddenly shouted.

The first mate rushed over and shouted as well: "Captain, at 300 light seconds from us, we found a starship of our army, which should be a S.H.I.E.L.D. from the other party's spiritual wave form! ”

“Wonderful! ”

Captain Horan stood up, his eyes glowed, "Close in on this S.H.I.E.L.D., send a distress call, then sink it by accident, and you'll get enough material and fuel to support us in a hyper-remote jump to the stars! ”

“Yes, Captain, come and see...”

First Vice President Fang drew a “please” position. Qin Supervisor in charge of the power cabin did not leave, but followed the captain.

The captain doubtless had him, poking his head into the light screen.

That's when the mutation begins!

First Vice President Fang and Chief Qin were at the same time, and several soldiers who were ambushing were flying over. More soldiers were watching from afar, and even people closed the bridge door directly to prevent the outside world from knowing what was happening in the bridge.


The captain made a shocking roar.

Unfortunately, since he can be captain, the vast majority of his time and energy naturally goes to how to steer the starship. He is a managerial fairy practitioner in the open realm of Golden Dane.

First mate is usually responsible for managing the deck and occasionally flying out of the ship with the commando team to kill enemies. He is slightly worse than the captain, and his fighting power is still slightly higher.

Combined with the assistance of a power cabin supervisor who is also a friar of Knightan, as well as several other battle-savvy immortals, it was unexpected and ready to prepare a variety of aggressive and confinement magic treasures.

In the blink of an eye, three or five clear caves were burned between the captain's chest and then suppressed with restraint, like a pig, and thrown to the ground.

“Phew... Phew... Phew...”

When the captain was defeated, it was like removing a large stone that suppressed his heart, his chest fluctuated and his breath hurried. When he looked at each other, his eyes became clearer and firmer, as if he were saying, "Finally, it's all over. ”