Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1962: The Terrible Flash of Red Line!

“Run! ”

Hunter screamed and the bullet came out simultaneously, but was torn apart by the thunderous lizard's claws, and just before he pulled the trigger for the second time, the arrow blaster was cut in half by the claws wrapped around the arc and the flame.

As this thunderous lizard tried to stretch its paws to the front of the glass, Hunter took the initiative to greet it and entwined it, rolling it into a bunch of lightning thunderbolts, burning bears.

The gas mask he had just put on his face was ripped off again, revealing a face as angry as a beast, and countless blood vessels bursting high on his burnt cheeks, like a snake that would come out of his body at any moment.

His right half of his body was similarly surrounded by electric arcs, which also condensed into sword-like and armored forms, helping him resist the claws and fangs of thunderous lizards.

One lizard at a time actually fought a banner drum equivalent.

The other proactively appeared, and the thunderous lizard, which attracted the attention of the three, also attacked.

The vast mouth of the blood basin opens to its limits, and a red light bulb becomes brighter and brighter deep in the throat. In a sudden, highly compressed and agglomerated magma, the next second, it will whistle and completely melt the three into the skeleton.


Glass held her head and started screaming.

At first, Li Yao thought that the little girl was afraid of nervous breakdown, but the Numen sensed a shock like a shock, releasing a strange and powerful force from the girl's deep brain, a very special magnetic field, a spiritual energy response to the rapid expansion deep in the thunderous lizard's throat, exerting a very strong "interference”.


The fireball blew directly into the thunderous lizard's throat, hurting it to roll all over. Six claws twitched violently, and the weird tail with the long bone prick swayed around, smashing a piece of heavenly flower-like gravel.

This level of damage alone is not enough to render this thunderous lizard completely incapacitated and painful into the bone marrow. Instead, it has become ferocious, with a dark purple stripe that exudes a compelling fluorescence, bleeding with saliva, and sprinkling "tickle-and-answer” from between its teeth.

Instead, Glass, the scream just now seemed to exhaust all his strength, she backed two steps, softly collapsed to the ground, breathing became weaker and weaker, without even lifting her arms.

“Glass, let's go! ”

Hunter's right arm shook out an arc knife more than two meters long, sparkling in the dark, gorgeous, after three collisions of electric lightning stone fire, his chest was torn open by a thunderous lizard with a deep visible bone wound, but he also cut off one of the strongest foreclaws of the thunderous lizard.

Seeing her sister collapse on the floor, the teenager's heart burned in a hurry, screaming to provoke a twisted steel bar, hitting the crumbling rock hard, shouting out a thunderous yell: “Come on, you two animals, come at me, Grandpa is here! ”

As he knocked, he threw out a huge arc through the steel bars and continued to draw the attention of two fierce radiation mutants, slowly retreating towards the darkness and away from the exit.

Two thunderous lizards were attracted to his roar and let go of Glass and Li Yao.

“That's right, come on, come to Grandpa! ”

Hunter's face was filled with blood, gradually hiding in the dark, his eyes as big as copper bells stared, indicating to Glass, “Now, run! ”

Glass chewed his wrist so hard that he swallowed silently, almost bleeding to tears, exhausting his last moments, and stood shaking again.

Hunter smiled brilliantly, as if those two irregular bars were saying, "That's right, Glass, run, brother will help you hold these two bastards! ”

Just as two thunderous lizards were about to be introduced by Hunter into the more complex and rugged depths of the underground rubble, a flat, dry metal voice suddenly came from behind them: "Kids...”


At the first sight of Qianjun, the sound was no less than thunderous noise. The two thunderous lizards immediately twisted their heads and stared at the direction of the teenage girl Glass.

Hant stared at Li Yao without tears.

Li Yao: “I'm sorry to interrupt your self-sacrifice, I just want to say that there are actually three thunderous lizards, and one of them is ambushed on our escape route, and that's the biggest and strongest one, it should be the head of this hunting team or something, this is a very delicate trap, they cut off hope of escape from the beginning of the hunt. ”

Hunter's pupils suddenly contracted.

Glass glazed incredibly wide.

The third thunderous lizard slowly emerged from the darkness.

It's bigger than the previous two thunderous lizards, wrapped in dark golden armor, like a layer of metal reaction armor, with a big sarcoma on its head, like a heart contraction, every time it “beats," an electric spark with a star dot, spraying a bunch of dark blue flames on the ground.

It's like a king in a thunderous lizard, with a gorgeous crown, one footprint at a time, not rushing up to two little guys, staring down at them.

As if they were about to be swallowed up by its cortical bones, it was the greatest honor of their lives.

“This is not a thunderous lizard, but its mutated evolutionary breed, the Thunderlizard King! ”

Hunter seemed to have been kicked in the throat, and his voice was completely twisted, "Three years ago, I might have had the strength to fight it, but now--”


Glass screamed softly, suggesting that Hunter should stop talking. The teenager and the girl leaned together and gave up their futile struggle. In the dark blue light of the thunderous lizard, the green face was filled with despair.


Li Yao twisted his tracks and moved hard on the rugged rubble. He gauged with interest the huge, precise and perfect killing machine in front of him. “Interesting little thing, from a crawling attitude, doesn't look very natural. ”

“Grunting, grunting! ”

The Thunder Lizard was provoked by Li Yiu's ugly goosebump appearance and unpleasant attitude. He made a lava tumbling sound deep in his throat. The sarcoma on his head continued to expand, quickly expanding more than his head.

It's like 10,000 thunderstorms in there!

Li Yao finely adjusted the "all-purpose cleaner" 's crystal eyes, staring at each other without blinking, carefully grasping the spiritual flow and construction model of the radiation mutant beast.

He finds that when escalated into the realm of the Divine God, there is a whole new sense of power, battle and enemy power judgment that no longer even requires naked eye observation and a direct experience of the flow, turbulence and proliferation of spiritual energy, which is more precise and efficient.

Originally, Thunder Lizard would have launched the craziest attack in the next second.

But it was like suddenly sensing something, a panicked scream, the sarcoma on the top of his head shrinking instantly, turning around and fleeing, not even the two remaining companions.

In a flash, it perceived the presence of horror in a broken barrel of iron.

But it was too late.

In the eyes of Hunter and Glass, the "all-purpose cleaner" suddenly ran out of three dark red light clusters, covering three radiation mutants, including the Thunder Lizard King, not only making them immobile, but also swaying and floating halfway into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the dark red light group turned into tens of thousands of dazzling red lines, “sex, sex," and a dazzling dance within the three-headed radiation mutant beast broke them apart into clean, intact pieces, broken down into countless pieces of meat much bigger than the nail cover.


Hunter and Glass stuck their tongues, such as Fallen Nightmare, and spared them years of struggle in the "evil earth", and saw all kinds of bloody and cruel scenes, but the scene in front of them was so weird that it exceeded the limits they bore, they looked at each other, they were so trembling that they couldn't themselves, they vomited.

Ignoring the reaction of the two little guys, Li Yao studied the structure of the three-headed radiation mutant beast while experimenting with his new method of attack constructed from the Numen.

The bright red line used to accurately dissect the radiation mutant beast was his mindful manipulation of countless fines of dust, rubbing dust into a bunch of filaments ten times thinner than hair, triggering high frequency oscillations, allowing dust and air to friction at high speeds, producing high temperatures of thousands of degrees.

These dust threads, originally approaching the molecular grade, are like a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud, and are instantly heated to its limit. Naturally, they are indestructible, and the strong armor and housing are irresistible.

The only defect is that the dust is of negligible quality and the high frequency friction with the air is extinguished for 0.1 seconds.

But the second wave of dust thread can follow, like a burning knife, cutting off all targets.

At least for this moment, Li Yao is still very satisfied with the effect of this small defensive measure.

As for the slightly strange structure of the three-headed radiation mutant beast, there is no secret whatsoever under his cattle-like method, and it will soon be revealed.

He was right that none of the three radiation mutants were naturally generated or even simply radiated.

Because Li Yao is in their bones and throats, a large number of very sophisticated pharmacopoeia units have been found to strengthen their body structure, improve speed and strength, and launch lava-like spewing attacks.

Experiments seem to be underway to combine the most ferocious radiation mutants with Farbao to create a perfect war machine with half a flesh and half a machine.

Lee Yao dug three very precise wafers deep into the brain marrow of the three-headed murderous beast. From the symbol array and basic architecture engraved on it, it should be some kind of data scanning and storage wafer dedicated to recording their combat data.

Fortunately, the radiation interference in this area is extremely serious. Li Yao did not perceive the existence of the Spirit Net, nor did the three chips have the ability to upload combat data in real time.

Perhaps the chip also contains some kind of instruction that the beasts that implanted the chip, at intervals, proactively appear in an empty, uninterrupted location, allowing the immortals to proactively collect all of their combat data over time.


In front of Li Yao, the three chips were severely crushed by the hands of the void and turned into the flames of three groups of fury.