Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1975: Dogs Bite Dogs!

“Sizzle, sizzle! ”

After the completion of the madness of the transformation, Li Yao sprayed a big red sign on himself with a spray jar. It was a big star with a grinning face with teeth in the middle, the "demon star”!


Hunter and Glass saw Li Yao's new form and shouted, “Beautiful! ”

Li Yao smiled slightly, an arc burst out, stabbed Hunt hard, electrically grinning the little guy's teeth, jumping up and down: “Bullshit, isn't it obvious, who told you to stop and continue practicing! ”

In response to Hunter's Thunder Hanging Fist, Li Yao undertook in-depth research and major transformations, mainly to change the output mode of lightning energy.

Inspired by the "Heavenly Thunder Strike Ring," he helped Hunter refine a brand new set of looped arm armor that controlled Hunter's arc magnetic field well, forming a spiral shape in a circle, like the accelerating magnetic rail of a crystalline magnetic cannon, capable of instantly firing bullets at super high speeds.

“The Thunder Hanging Fist you practiced in the past is purely electric arc to kill enemies, but the arc is extinguished very fast, exposed to impurity air, and has great losses, which is a very inefficient way of fighting. ”

Li Yao explained to Hunter, "Now, I have a seven-piece metal ring on your right arm that collects and restrains your arc, allowing the arc to form a powerful accelerated magnetic field at the front end of the arm, firing rice particle-sized metal bullets out hard.

“The gods of the world, as soon as you can speed the bullet up to three or five times the speed of sound, let alone metal bullets, even if you suck a crushed stone over here, you have the unbreakable power! ”

According to Li Yao's estimation, this new mode of warfare will increase Hunter's combat effectiveness by at least 300%.

Of course, it would be cruel to change Hunter's intrinsic spirituality within just half a month and forcibly reverse it into a whole new form of combat.

No wonder Hunter screamed like a pig all day, tortured to death to live, dying.

Bloody Heart Demon: “I found out if you are a psychopath, must you reproduce the extreme pain you suffered when you first started practicing, all on innocent children? ”

Li Yao: “I'm doing it for him too. After all, he still wants to come with us to explore the ‘Sky City, Manju Sahua’. How can we not be strong? Hey, hey, hey...”

As for Glass, Li Yao also used the long-established metal fragments in the warehouse to refine a new set of pharmacopoeia, which are nine extremely sharp edges, thin as cicada wings, in the form of flying swallows spreading wings. Each blade is embedded with an ultra-high sensitivity brainwave in the center of each blade to receive the wafer. They can also be assembled together to form a giant flywheel.

The most delicate design is that the tail and body of the flying blade can be separated. Once the tail is pulled apart, it is a fine, thin wire of wire that is almost transparent in the air, but it is cut iron like mud, and cutting the human body is not much harder than cutting tofu.

“The magic you cultivate makes your brain a hundred times more volatile and sensitive than ordinary people, making it ideal for manipulating this lightweight and fast magic treasure. ”

Li Yao said, "The metal rings I helped you to refine not only help you stabilize the collapsing brain magnetic field, but also connect to the control chips in this blade.

“Now, imagine your brain fluctuating like a tentacle stretching out and controlling this blade, right, like this, throwing them out! ”


Three blades were turned into three streams of light. They threw off in the direction of Hunter. Hunter shouted strangely. His right hand shouted. “Sex”. Three metal bullets lasered out. In the middle of the sky, they collided with the blade, but only in the direction of the blade. He rubbed over his head and slanted into the cabin wall. It didn't seem to have entered the decaying wood. There was not even a half-sound of "Tinker Bell”!

Hunter and Glass looked at their brand new Fabao and looked back at Li Yao's eyes, becoming extremely admired, awed, and even hidden a hint of fear.

“Yiu, Yiu Lao, who were you in the past? We have never seen a grandfather as powerful as you. ”

“I would also like to know who I… am for such a piece of 'evil earth', for the sinners who live above it, and for the heavenly people who live in the 'City of Sky, Manju Savannah'? ”

Li Yao's Numen blossomed in a cold light, "Don't worry, we'll find the answer soon! ”


Half a month later.

“Whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo.”

Over Taiping Castle, a rushing alarm sounded. It was precisely the village's elite leaning out to participate in the “Great Gift Festival” day.

Ping Su was connected together and docked in the middle of the Great Lakes in case of an enemy Iron Shell ship, but today he was thrown out of chains and hooks, splitting waves and coming towards the shore at high speeds, and even the bows of several Iron Shell ships rushed ashore in one breath, pouring out a piece of tall sludge and waves.

“Squeak, squeak! ”

The bow opens like a big mouth of a black hole, hundreds of steel plates and machine gun towers, rust spots, black smoke rolling out, like a giant steel beast.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow! ”

Every shuttle stretched out the plug-in members of the fork, many wearing leather armor, studs, tiger back bear waist, arrogant and trekking strong men hung on it, waving swords and guns, roaring and shouting.

A number of shuttles have also been transformed into direct landings to improve towing capacity with tire and track drives, followed by a huge bucket.

Suffice it to say that these huge caravans, which were used to carry the harvest, are now packed with old and weak women and children - women and children are responsible for the rapid collection of goods that descend from the sky when strong men confront fighters in front of them and in other villages.

Above evil, without idleness, everyone must make their own contribution.

There was even a red, green, light-colored track car, dragged behind by a steel-structured tower, above which were dozens of elderly dragon bell villagers, with steel inlays, a mask and helmet hundreds of times more magnificent than a gas mask, swallowed with colorful smoke, danced with hands and feet, and sang strange cavity tunes.

Hunter and Glass climbed onto Li Yao right and left, whispering to Li Yao that these are the priests of the village, praying for more good luck to the heavenly people, so that the village can take more supplies in the "Great Festival of God”

At the front of the haunting queue, a rudimentary platform was erected on three large masts. The leaders of Taiping Township, including Ding Zhengyang and Zhao Li, watched the battle and gave orders.

In previous years, Ding Zhengyang was in the center, but this year, Zhao Li, the shady exploration captain, pointed in the middle, Ding Zhengyang just coughed beside him.

“Ha ha, this is the piece of shit you made out of garbage puppets, what else 'demon star’? ”

Zhao Zhang ran a single shuttle full of spikes and rushed up from the rear, unintentionally, splashing a large amount of dust toward Hunter and Glass. “Looks like there is a pattern, I don't know if it really fights, will it turn into a piece of scrap copper rotten iron in three seconds! ”

Hunter and Glass looked at Zhao with anger.

“But don't worry, this year is my dad's big game, and it won't happen. ”

Zhao Zhang chuckled proudly, “You will also harvest ten times more material than in previous years when the ancient village chief commanded. Sit back and watch my father and our Iron Blood Juvenile Club show up, hahahahaha! ”

Zhao Chung whistled, riding a single shuttle like a dozen others, the evil shaped teenagers stormed all the way and flew away.

“What's the rush? ”

Li Yao perceived the anger of the teenager, didn't think otherwise, “With your strength now, after the" Great Festival of God "got a lot of supplies, enough to go to the" Blood War World "to break out, there is no need to get involved with such a small character. ”

In less than half a day, the convoy rolled forward and arrived in a ruined city called "Crushed Rock City”.

Every year, the specific date and place of the Great Jubilee is dropped by the heavenly people from the sky track one month ago, and Crushed Stone City is the destination where a lot of material will be dropped this year.

According to Hunter and Glass, this is the most complex and dangerous environment.

Because the ruined city is full of sore holes and shaky high-rise buildings, a slight cough could completely collapse, in case materials fall into such buildings, suddenly pick it up, it is highly likely to cause the building to collapse, buried by 10,000 tons of boulders.

Moreover, the intricate maze of urban environments greatly increases the chances of clashes between forces, and there is a greater likelihood that bandits and murderers who have been eliminated from the "Blood Wars World” will quietly ambush between the fractured walls and walk away with one vote in mind.

“If it's a plain, even a hilly environment, within ten miles of each other, it's much better. ”

Hunter sighed a sigh of spit at the serrated weed on the side of the road, “Unfortunately, ten times in the 'Grand Festival of Nature', at least three or four times in this extremely dangerous urban environment, and three or four times in a highly radioactive area filled with a large number of mutant beasts. If the supplies have not fallen, we must fight the blood of the radiating mutant beasts first! I really don't understand, the heavenly people live in the sky orbit, you should be able to see the terrain below, if you are really kind enough to rescue us, why not throw away the rescue materials where we can easily find them, but it would be so difficult for us? ”

"Perhaps this is one way for us sinners to atone for our sins," Glass said. ”

“Ugh, I don't believe it. ”

Hunter stared dead into the sky lane, "Perhaps as Master said, Heaven loves to see us bite like hungry wild dogs, bite dogs, kill people!

“One day… I will definitely go to Sky City, Manju Savannah and ask the heavenly people to understand! ”