Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2143: Juvenile Armor and… Fangs!

“Are you sure you're okay? ”

Li Yao felt that the divine state of Li Jialing at this moment was like a shaky building about to collapse, and the building was stacked with countless triggering crystal bombs. He sweated cold and continued to understand comfortingly, “I know this bloody family affection ethic conflict must be hard for you for a moment and a half, or I'll hold off your uncle first, you screaming hysterically and crying? ”

“… not necessary. ”

Li Jialing took a deep, deep, deep breath.

Li Yao seemed to be able to hear every bunch of muscles and nerves in the juvenile body first being tightened by death, so tight that even the bones had to be strangled, and then another bunch of relaxed sounds.

Juvenile calm down.

It was a very weird, even somewhat frightening feeling.

It was as if, in just a few seconds, the teenager had become another completely different person, wrapped in a thick layer of frozen armor with fangs outside the deepest self.


He stripped the layer of armor disguised as a "normal teenager" and finally revealed his ruthless, deep and dark self!

“I'm fine, really. ”

Li Jialing softly said, “Brother Yao is right. Being a fairy fixer, he was born into a swirl of power like Li's family. All kinds of bone and flesh affection are jokes. This happens, it's very common! ”

“Well said! ”

Li Lingfeng laughed, “Of course you should be fine, so as not to waste the indoctrination I've been giving you for the past 10 years. In those years, I taught you so many conspiracies and betrayals, killings and deals, two-sided triple knife and heartbeat, iron stone heart and profit is the plan, just hope that you can be so calm and rational temporarily at this moment!

“Even the ancients knew that being born in the House of the Emperor would never enjoy the joy of the heavens and blood affection among ordinary people, and that was the price of power! Under the crushing of absolute power, there is no survival of any physical affection!

“Our powerful family controls so many thousands of worlds, far more than a hundred times more powerful than those of ancient kings, and your mother is irrevocable. The Empire Queen of Mother Earth has such a status, what kind of mother-child affection do you expect? Isn't that stupid? ”

“Uncle is right. ”

Li Jialing responded in silence. The iceberg-like sound made Li Yao next to him tremble. In just a few seconds, the teenager increasingly entered the character, grinning, "But why should we believe you 100%? Even if Li Linghai is a genetic provider in my blood, must she have come to kill me? Could it be that you jumped out of the wall on purpose? ”

Li Yao swallowed the spit and whispered, “Hey, are you sure you're okay? ”

Li Jialing said indifferently: “I'm fine, but I feel better now than ever. At least I finally know who I am and where I come from - don't you? ”

Li Yao slightly flashed, not knowing how to respond to this calm to horrible teenager.

Li Lingfeng sighed: “What else do I have to lie to you about now? Think about it and you'll see. How could Li Linghai have come so fast if there had been premeditation?

“It has not been more than 24 hours since the mysterious man beside you destroyed my 'destructive starlight mission' and bombed 'Sky City, Manju Savannah’. Even our reinforcements from the Li family did not pull back from the front line so quickly, assemble and integrate, then jump to Wuying Realm. Why did Li Linghai come so fast?

“Besides, this has nothing to do with her. As Empire Queen, naturally there are more important things to deal with. How can I be qualified and free to meddle in my affairs?

“There's only one answer, she's already here!

“She didn't come to you at all, she didn't even know the mystery existed. From the beginning, her goal was very clear: you!

“I assume she knew all along the secrets I had hidden from you, but she remained invisible, pretending to know nothing, and secretly plotted to ‘destroy’ you completely.

“This time I left the direct territory of Li's family and came to Wuying to advance the ‘mission to destroy the starlight' is her best chance. Her secret assault fleet should have been lying deep on the edge of Wuying's vast sea of stars for a long time to monitor my side of the operation.

“Perhaps without this mystery, she would suddenly kill and seal her throat at at the height of nervousness and chaos during the 'mission to destroy the stars'! ”

Li Jialing said: “Since it is a secret fleet, it is impossible to have a large number. How can it break through ‘Sky City, Manju Savannah’? ”

“Don't you see? ”

Li Lingfeng raised his voice, “If she wants to save people, it is necessary to break through 'Sky City, Manju Savannah’, but if her purpose from the beginning is simply to kill you, she doesn't need to move my main fleet and Star Wars Fortress. Once you have determined your coordinates, she suddenly kills you from the slash, completely annihilates your area, and then walks away silently, even counting this shit on 'Starlight Organization'.

“If all goes well, she will be able to return to Tidu 'Polar Realm, Starscream' in three days, and even if I hold a large amount of circumstantial evidence in my hand, what can I do?

“This is what she should have done. She brought no badges or stamps on the starships or the armor this time. It should have been her own secret forces, but these ships had undergone a shattered transformation and hung up a lot of scrap copper and iron, very similar to those of Starlight's people. - Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

“Of course, no one expected this mysterious friend to suddenly kill out and disrupt everything - both ruining my decades of hard work and completely disrupting the rhythm of Li Linghai, forcing her to venture here! ”

Li Yao rubbed his nose: “Well, you're welcome, that's what I should do.

Li Lingfeng glanced at Li Yiu severely, and his eyes were brighter than the lightning in the sky.

Li Jialing crooked his head for a moment and slowly said: “Even if you're telling the truth, you can't prove that she has no intention of saving people. Perhaps her secret fleet is lying on the edge of Wuying, which is to kill and rob people at the most critical time? ”

“Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, are you still expecting a certain amount from your genetic provider - or ‘biological mother' - to persuade you to give up such childish and ridiculous thoughts, or else it will only get more painful! ”

Li Lingfeng grinned, “Do you think I'm cruel and mean? Then let me tell you, compared to your superficially insane, seemingly clueless, bright, but deeply hearted, almost deceiving the whole powerful family and even the mother of the Empire, your uncle and I are pure and pure fixers!

“One thing, don't you think, is strange? If you are the blood of Li Linghai, why did you fall into my hands? I raised you secretly.

“Besides, I clearly know your relationship with Li Linghai, why invest so much resources on you, at all costs, to smash you into a secret weapon against Li Linghai? Generally speaking, isn't it natural for mothers and children to be connected? Am I not afraid that when you know the truth, you will run to Li Linghai, so that I can steal chicken without eating rice? ”

Li Jialing smiled slightly: “Perhaps you are too arrogant. Never thought I would know the truth? ”

“Hmm, if you think so, you underestimate your uncle, you underestimate your own mother. ”

Li Ling Fengchang, “Your uncle is a strong converter. Your mother's fixation is higher than mine. How can she not recognize you as her own flesh and blood as long as both sides are in close contact? ”

“By then, it is probable that your mother and son will stand together in the same camp against me - and I will do so, will I not destroy myself and raise myself a grave digger? ”

Li Yao and Li Jialing frowned at the same time.

It is true that there are some things that cannot be said. No matter how arrogant the powerful wind is, there is no reason to leave such a big blossom!

“The reason I dare to do this, even if you know the whole truth, is to have confidence that you will stand by me for a simple reason. ”

Li Lingfeng smiled and shook the answer without panic. "Because this is not the first time Li Linghai is going to kill you, but the second time!

“She killed you once a few decades ago, more precisely you who had ‘destroyed' the embryo, when she thought she'd completely ‘destroyed' your redundant embryo, but didn't expect you to die and eventually be saved by me.

“At that time, Li Linghai didn't have the power and horror of today. I could still find a way to hide your existence for decades and eventually find someone to raise you up and raise you secretly!

“Now, you see, Li Linghai, although your own mother, always hated that you were a problem, tried to kill you at all costs, and had already killed you once!

“I, your uncle alone, did not save you out of some kind of physical affection, but used you as a chip, trying to make you a secret weapon.

“But objectively, I did save you, raised you, sheltered you at the most critical moment, and even used all the resources within my purview to grow you at all costs! ”

Li Jialing's body swung and his voice grew colder: “Then I have to say ’thank you' to you, uncle? ”

“Hmm, I never thought you'd thank me, I know you hate me, and I don't give a damn about your gratitude or hatred! ”

Li Lingfeng snorted coldly, “I just told you the truth, and then asked you to think carefully with the calm and reason that I have instilled in you all these years. Which side should I stand on, on your uncle's side to save and raise you, or on your mother's side to kill you again and again? ”