Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2238: The Big Thing Is Done!

Lei Chenghu cut the nail and cut off the communication image on his side after not being able to argue with all the captains, only to pull out a bloody countdown and display it on the other side's light screen.

From the communications still open, all the starships' captains, first mates, staff officers and even bridge crew members were all deterred and in a state of havoc and semi-hypnosis.

Some people fly fast to grind their teeth, probe around and gauge others' reactions; others nervously rub swords and knives around their waists, their eyes full of confusion; and some bridge crew members steal whispers and then turn a vigilant eye to their commanders.

The countdown continues relentlessly, two minutes and fifty seconds, two minutes and forty seconds, two minutes and thirty seconds.

Whether it's a starship or a detector at the Shenwei Prison Control Center - not far from Earth orbit, countless high-mass, high-density objects tear the barrier of 3D space apart into holes, like giant beasts that emerge from the fog, revealing claw teeth one after the other.

They shook debris from the stars and pounced hard at the prey.

“General, our air defense network is far from repaired to a second launch, not even a crystal shuttle can be hit! ”

Yunchenghua whispered, “What if someone refuses to surrender after three minutes? ”

“First of all, there are a large number of us in the Shenwei fleet, and under their leadership, all starships will land and surrender in less than three minutes, at most one minute. ”

Lei Chenghu said very calmly, as if he were describing a truly obvious fact, "Second, if, three minutes later, a handful of starships refuse to surrender, then order the surrendered starships to defeat all these recalcitrant ‘traitors'. ”

The clouds widened their eyes: “This...”

Lei Chenghu smiled, stopped talking and even stopped focusing on Shenwei fleet, but stared dead at the deep sea fleet that was leaping out of four-dimensional space and was massively assembling outside near-Earth orbit.

The Admiral's eyes were cloaked with clotted blood, and he didn't know what the idea was of going deep into the realm of God's soul.

It's a tough psychological pull saw.

But halfway through the air, we have just seen the flagship explosion in the sky, lack of sufficient intelligence, both to resist the strong pressure of the deep sea fleet behind us, and infiltrate a large number of “innovators” inside, into the dilemma of the divine fleet, but are doomed to fail.

Two minutes into the countdown, the Shenwei fleet collapsed completely and one starship after another removed its spiritual shield, lowering it to a relative altitude of 100 meters.

The more powerful the role models are, the more starships that land, the more conspicuous the starships that are still hanging alone in the sky, the more pressure they are under, the more dense the locking ripples that hit the shells of these starships, the more the "wave waves” continue to sound, before tearing apart the starship's spiritual shield, severely ravaging everyone's eardrums and nerves on the starship.

Thus, even if the captains of these starships wanted to delay for a while, the bridge crew members' burning eyes and stupidly moving swords forced them to land with the stream.

Three minutes later, all starships landed 100 meters from the ground, removing colorful spiritual shields, like bald chickens in the cold wind.

All captains send signals to Shenwei Prison Control Center through public channels: "Willing to obey the orders of the Imperial Liao Haihou and General Lei Chenghu, let General Lei drive! ”

And the unrest inside Shenwei prison, also in the killing of Shura Hell, came to an end.

How the Allied Prisoners of War believed firmly, ruthlessly, fearlessly and with the finest killing machines - but their numbers were so small that they temporarily stuffed Divine Prison as a prisoner of war camp.

Most of the inmates held in Shenwei prison are also criminal criminals who are violent and heartbreaking.

The number of these dangerous criminals is more than ten times higher than that of the Allied prisoners of war, and even if there is a slight difference in fighting power and organization between the two sides, such a large number of disparities are quickly bridged.

When the tide of wild beasts swept, the annihilation of the Allied prisoners of war was doomed.

At the end of the day, the guards of Shenwei prison had to join the battlefield in order to save a few Allied prisoners of war from the madness of criminals and leave them alive for interrogation.

Otherwise, all Allied prisoners of war would be torn to pieces alive by criminals and chewed into meat sauce!

Of course, when the Allied prisoners of war were almost slaughtered, the dogs could not change their shit-eating criminals and started attacking each other again. Perhaps they thought that if they killed enough people, they could take the credit and Ray Chenghu would take the rest of them with him.

Ray Sung-hoo did not stop criminals from doing so, and this acquiescence seems to the inmates to be encouraging.

He even ordered Yunchenghua to keep the exits of Sectors I and III to the outside world tightly sealed and, if necessary, to reduce the concentration of oxygen imported into them, allowing prisoners to faint at any time without oxygen.

At the moment, it is not necessary to do so now, to quench the inmates' energies and reduce the number of beasts.

Not more than half an hour has passed since the Allied assassin kicked his door.

Within half an hour, both Shenwei prison and Shenwei fleet have fallen into the hands of Empire Admiral Ray!

“Warden Yun, draw one of your most trusted bodyguards to the ground for two assignments. ”

Lei Chenghu's face was not sad, as if Li Yao and the two men had taken the great one and surrendered the Shenwei fleet. It was a worthless little thing, such as taking a toy from a child, faint words, “First, searching for a hundred miles of snow, I highly suspect that the Alliance spy Oriental Lei did not die in the explosion just now, must find most of his wreckage, if he is still alive, kill him!

“Secondly, ask all the captains of the ships of Shenwei fleet and the key figures of the bridge group to come inside Shenwei prison and say… I will praise them face to face in the most critical moments, make the right choices, save the lives of countless soldiers and soldiers, and tell them that I will personally go to Emperor to pray for them.

“Also, at all costs, repair at least one energy supply base station as soon as possible and restore the initial defensive capability of Shenwei prison, leaving the prisoners and prisoners of war who are still at war alone for the time being until they are all tired.

“Finally, where are the political prisoners, you and I can go together and release them. ”

Everyone in the Center for Cloud Formation and Control couldn't believe it, so… it was easy to surrender the entire Shenmei fleet.

After a moment of inactivity, the warden “snapped” an upright position, withstood the excitement and executed the order.

Lei Chenghu then threw his cold ice gaze at Li Yao, in order to preach into the secret divine channel: “Well, now you can go to your master and prepare for negotiations between the two sides, but I will not go to her starship until she has shown enough sincerity. If you want to talk, please ask our noble queen to come to ‘my’ divine prison.

“Rest assured, you are all my saviour, I will not embarrass you, as long as you bring the words, Her Majesty will surely devalue to the Divine Will prison, after all, the situation should be a little more urgent - I have the Divine Power Fleet, as long as a starship can jump from the super remote star sea, you can return to Warzone III, my Thunder Fleet, and Her Majesty has hidden in the darkness for so many years, but leaned out today, only afraid that the arrows have come off the strings, one can't clean up? ”

In the face of Lei Sung-hoo's gesture of control, Li Yaofei blinked quickly, “Well, it's not urgent to contact Her Majesty, can I go with General Lei to release all political prisoners? ”

Lei Chenghu stood still again and stared at Li Yao's eyes adding a little confusion. It was really unclear what kind of person Li Yao was, and how could Empire Queen Li Linghai send such a shipment to carry out such a crucial task: “Are you... not afraid of your master? ”

“First of all, it has been said that Her Majesty is not my master, I am absolutely free, only faithful to the Avenue of Immortals and the Real Human Empire. ”

Li Yao Zhengzheng said, “Secondly, before I came, Her Highness ordered me to ensure the safety of General Lei's life, which is my highest priority.

“Moreover, the strong personality charm and infinite hegemony that General Lei has just displayed has deeply persuaded me, bringing my admiration and admiration of General Lei to an indelible level.

“What if there's still so much chaos inside Shenwei prison, and the political prisoners are hiding the Allied spies? So I have to stay close to General Ray and defend him if I have to give my life!

“As for Her Majesty, it doesn't matter if she waits a little longer. Anyway, Shenwei Prison and Shenwei Fleet have been taken care of, or General Ray's safety is important! ”

Ray Sung-hoo: "... you want to go with those political prisoners behind my ass who are most likely to rise again in Higashiyama? ”

Li Yao: “Hey, hey, hey. ”


At the end of the day, Lei Chenghu still hasn't obstinated Li Yao.

After all, with Li Yao's strength, he died like a dog cream sticker behind Lei Sung-hoo's ass, nobody would rip him off.

And Lei Chenghu didn't want to completely tear off his face with Li Linghai. Even if his mouth was hard, in fact, everyone really needed each other.

Thus, those who once controlled the major points and hubs of the Real Human Empire, in the Emperor's extreme heavenly realm and celestial stars were highly weighted, but offended the family of the four electorate emperors. Political prisoners who had always fallen from the cloud into the abyss stayed in the dark cold dungeons for more than a decade or decades. The first glimmer of hope seen was that Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua were made up together.

Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua, they are naturally not strangers, one is the “god of war” of the hall, the other is the warden of Divine Will Prison.

Li Yao was particularly impressed.

Before going to jail, Li Yao will release the weather to transform the godly old monster. A ray of golden light and all kinds of eye-catching acoustic and photoelectric effects do not need money to hit himself, baking himself into a powerful wind, like a god.

Without waiting for Yunchenghua to open the door, Li Yao grabbed it and tore off the iron fence with his energetic hands, smashing the door lock and kicking all the defensive symbols.

“In the name of the new empire, you are reborn. Don't worry, I ‘vulture Li Yao' will fight to keep you safe! ”