Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2261: Too… Gorgeous!

As dozens of streams approach, what lies hidden at the core of the streaming light is also clearly visible - a metal cylinder over 100 metres in length and about 20 metres in diameter, structured in segments, followed by power units and fuel chambers.

After being emitted from the starship's crystal magnetic orbit by the powerful force of the spiral, the fuel chamber reacted wildly with a near explosion intensity, giving off a brighter light than the star.

Every once in a while, the fuel chamber and power unit fall off, but ignite new, more powerful and bursting crystalline fuels, exponentially expanding the tail flame and multiplying the speed.

At the end of the day, the fuel chamber and power unit all fell off, changing from a cylinder to a perfect form of metal droplets, and the speed soared to nothing, stabbing into the defensive circle of the Valley Rain Fleet and bursting completely against the flashing barrage.

A magnificent, demonic figure clearly displayed on the surveillance screen of every starship in the Valley Rain Fleet.

The broken metal casing became the best jamming bait to attract the vast majority of the projectiles, but these giants continued to advance under the powerful inertia to plunge straight into the heart of the Valley Rainfly fleet.

“Giant Soldier! ”

Every starship in the Valley Rain Fleet is screaming.

“Didi Didi Didi! ”

Rebel Giant Divine Soldiers have just made a big difference on the front lines of the Empire's counter-attack battle, and their detailed data are naturally in the database of the Valley Rain Fleet. By scanning the appearance of Giant Divine Soldiers, releasing flame characteristics and other unique performance parameters, they can analyze each other's signals and identities.

Slowly appearing on the light screen, each of the notorious names, such as Lei Kwong Ear, plunged the commanders of the Valley Rain Fleet at all levels into great silence.

For the first two giant warriors, one is called the "Flaming Raven of Blood”, which is managed by Thunder Strong, an old Thunder Fleet brand.

Thunderfield is a fairly rare, purely combat-type god-strong man. He has a horrific record of destroying 12 Allied starships with one breath on the front line. Simply in terms of combat power, he is the number one master of the Thunder Fleet, and even met the top strong members of the family of the four major emperors, all of them have confidence to fight!

Without his obsession with martial arts, his unified knowledge of troop-contributing generals, platoon layout and even resource integration, and his time and interest in learning, Lei Chenghu would not be so easy to mobilize this superior expert.

Another “Star of the Underworld” is managed by the notorious madman "Shen Tu”.

Shen Tu Feng may be the epitome of a low-order fairy practitioner from the outer world of the Empire.

Without noble origins, there is no abundance of resources and an excellent cultivation environment, even with a better talent, but to serve as cannon ash on the battlefield and struggle to grow a path on the Shuro massacre.

Of the 10,000 cannon ashes, 99,999 died terribly. Only Shen Tu, with the dark blessings of his fellow robes, survived and grew hard, from refining gas to building foundations, from building foundations to knots, and condensed his own blood Yuan Baby in the blood sea of Mountain!

Unfortunately, the manpower is sometimes poor, and there is not much difference between a former infant in the district and an ant in the vast sea of stars. No matter how wildly the massacre is practiced and fought, it will not be possible to stop the entire fleet of his hometown from falling. Those who survive will also be reprimanded by the Expeditionary Force battalion and bear the charge of "standing back".

When Shen Tu was about to come to trial, it was Ray Sung-hoo who tried to save him.

Since then, this madman who has lost his homeland and compatriots has been loyal to Lei Chenghu and has proven under Lei Chenghu that he is by no means a coward in retreat. As long as he is given sufficient training resources, logistical supplies and reliable allies, he can defeat any enemy and succeed in transforming the divine realm after more than a decade of bloody warfare!

Whether Thunderbolt or Shen Slaughter, it is a hundred life and fierce warriors. The giant god soldiers have just emerged in the star sea, and a powerful and unparalleled killing gas is released from the cracks of the crust, instantly swallowing distance, and turbulent on the bridges of the starships of the Rainfall fleet.

However, instead of leading twenty or thirty Giant Divine Troopers straight to the flagship of the Valley Rainfall fleet, Thunderbolt and Shen Tu Ra led a Giant Divine Troop, such as a slow-opening scissors, to the left and right wings of the Valley Rainfall fleet.

“What's the matter, the rebels' strongest fighting force, didn't get directly into the core of our army? ”

When the commander of the Valley Rain Fleet flagship is confused, Detect Fabo once again makes a groaning scream.

Only then did they discover that under the cover of the bursting shells of many giant rebel warriors and the blazing flames of light, there was still a metal droplet that had not been broken!

This metal droplet is coated with invisible materials that absorb all fluctuations and radiation, like being integrated with the Dark Universe, relying on inertial high-speed flight, with no ripples and ripples whatsoever, to be discovered until this moment.

Hundreds of thousands of light columns rip through the stars and illuminate the universe while shooting black droplets at this windswept electric frigate, arsenal, and destroyer of the Valley Rain Fleet Flagship and Archer!

“Boom, boom, boom! ”

There was a huge roar of main guns coming from inside the ship, and the deafening roar created a fantastic sense of security, while a series of glittering light balls overlapped, as if to erect a glittering copper wall iron wall in front of the Valley Rain Fleet, and to give the command of the Valley Rain Fleet a sigh of relief, finally gaining a few minutes to line up from the barracks.


Glaucoma, crystalline magnets and various high-explosive bulbs do not instantaneously explode as usual, but rather have a new life, slowly extending to both sides in strange peristalsis, distortion, agglomeration and transformation, with a strange bump above.

Ten seconds later, this glorious glow formed a cloaking day with at least a hundred kilometres of golden eagles or... vultures!

“Here, here, this is--”

On the bridge of the Valley Rain Fleet flagship, everyone stared at each other, breathing air backwards and backwards, and the golden vultures gathered across the street with their barrels slowly fanned their wings to defy all the rules and regulations of the high form of arrogance and condensed gaze at them!

“Discover the enormous spiritual response! ”

“Giant warrior, new Giant warrior! ”

“There is a stronger psychic response than just now with the Raven of Blood and the Star of the Underworld, and there is absolutely no data in our database on this Giant Divine Soldier - how is that possible! ”

In a series of incredible shouts, the covered golden vultures shrink and deform again, but how to shrink, still split into hundreds of kilometers of golden streams, the streams formed a cape like wings, and the wind floated behind a golden giant god!

Without waiting for the commanders of the starships of the Valley Rain Fleet to swallow the cold air into their bellies, the tens of kilometers of streamlined cape behind the Golden Giant Soldier will once again change, and the vast spectrum of blue light will wind to form the complex symbols of Xuan, and countless characters will gather into three lines of golden brilliance, brilliance, and hegemony that can be clearly seen throughout the stars.

On the left is “Golden vulture”, on the right is “Vulture Li Yao”, but on the top is the irrefutable three words: “Surrender! ”

Each word is more than a kilometer in diameter, even if it's not too eye-catching in the vast ocean of stars, but under all the detection magic treasures, it is clearly presented on every light screen, like a hunting flag, very arrogant and dancing.

“ …… ”

On every starship in the Valley Rain fleet, all commanders at all levels of the three lines were silent.

“Golden vulture, vulture Li Yao, this, what the hell! ”

The Supreme Commander on the flagship was incredible, "Draw your name with flames before the war. Is this guy crazy, or is he trying to disturb our minds with this retarded tactic?

“Where's our giant soldier? Let's go! Give me this guy and blow him up! We must not let the enemy break into our formation! ”

The only advantage of a battleship in the confrontation between a warship and a giant divine soldier is that it continues to drain and destroy the long-range firepower of decay.

To unleash the advantages of long-range fire without any hesitation, it is necessary to widen the distance between the two sides, in other words, not to allow enemy giant warriors to intrude next to their own warships. Otherwise, not only will there be dead spots in the range of fire, but they will also be extremely vulnerable to accidental injury to the friendly forces.

Not to mention the devastating blow of being torn apart from armor and hull by giant warriors and drilled into the interior of their own warships.

The only way to effectively deter enemy Giant Divine Attacks is to send your own Giant Divine Soldiers, except for their own Crystal Armor and Crystal Shuttle attack clusters who are fearless to fill in their lives.

As the elite guardian of the core world of the powerful family, the Valley Rain Fleet certainly has a large number of giant gods. Even if many giant gods have reinforced the Emperor, there are still a dozen giant gods left.

At the moment, a war machine like the Iron and Steel God jumped out of the starship, accompanied by dense numbness such as wasps and ants-like crystal armor attack clusters. The flame of power unit lasers turned them into colorful clouds of war. The clouds of war split into three strands, each headed towards Li Yao, Thunderfield and Shen Tu.

Behind them, the Valley Rain Fleet also worked hard to transform itself into the most suitable circular arc battle formation for a firefight attack. It was like a big, shiny pot aimed at the commandos of Li Yao and other giant gods. The density of the flash barrage was instantly ten times higher than just now. It was like a raging rain between the stars!

The cockpit of the golden vulture - inside Lingfu.

Li Yao was wrapped up by Xiao Kuo's whole child. It was like sinking into a black swamp. The flesh and blood seemed to melt, and the soul and the giant soldiers were completely integrated.

Faced with three giant enemy warriors, thousands of armours, and a barrage of bullets covering the sky, his mouth was filled with a slight smile.

“What could be happier for a practitioner than to have the resources of a group of practitioners to kill another group of practitioners, and to have an untrue practitioner shouting for himself? ”