Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2293: The Dark War!

The Dark War between the Trial Court and the Evil Hunter's Association has begun!

Since time immemorial, as long as a country has intelligence and intelligence services, there can never be a single rationale, with at least two overlapping and checks and balances and mutually reinforcing sectors.

If only an intelligence and intelligence agency were to be set up, as was the case with the Starlight Federation more than a hundred years ago, with a single "secret sword agency" with full control over intelligence and clandestine law enforcement, as long as its head had a little ambition, it would be extremely easy to mask and override the higher rulers, with dire consequences.

Lu was drunk at the bottom of the secret sword bureau, and the "patriot mess” was the best example.

Thus, in the new federal era, the intelligence and special services of the Federation were divided into Spring Wind's Secret Sword Bureau and Golden Moon's Dark Moon Foundation, which competed and cooperated with each other, dynamically balanced like stirrups, to ensure that neither side's ambitions swelled nor threatened national security.

In the Empire of the Real Humanity, the same is true. Five hundred years ago, when the imperial power flourished, no matter how much the magic court was spoiled, the emperor never moved to abolish the mind of the demon hunters' association; and in the next five hundred years, no matter how powerful and trekking the family of the four electorate emperors, the demon hunters' association put up much credit for their clandestine seizure of power, it did not completely destroy the magic court.

This is the way of checks and balances, and neither the Emperor nor the four elected emperors will have complete confidence in this intelligence and intelligence apparatus.

These two intelligence and intelligence agencies had to be caught up in a dark fate, killed forever, and proved to those in power one by one that they were the colder, sharper, more efficient swords of darkness!

Now, the operation "Revenge of the Emperor, Innovation of the Divine Martial Arts” has reached its second stage.

The Orientalist family perceived the hidden hostility of the remaining three large families, and was even more afraid that the Thunder Fleet of Lei Chenghu would rush into the Oriental family's heartland and wreak havoc, so the main force of the family fleet would not dare to move lightly.

Neither Lei Chenghu nor the rest of the top three families wanted to fight a full-scale civil war, and no one was willing to mobilize the fleet to die in the star sea for life until they had to.

Under the needlepoint lead of many powerful people and prestigious elders of Germany, the four families plus the revolutionaries, the forces of the five parties reached a temporary tacit agreement - this table called "Empire” cannot be lifted, whose fleet first opened fire, is to completely lift the table apart, is to smash everyone's cake, is to fight all the rest of the forces, will be attacked by the group!

It is a good time for the Dark Army to emerge, when all the forces on the bright side are held together.

With four large families, especially Oriental parents, transfusing blood over the years, the size and strength of the Evil Hunter Association far outweighs that of the Magic Court. Conservatively, it is estimated that the number of "demon hunters” is at least five times higher than that of "witch hunters”.

But the advantage of the Heavenly Demon Trial Court is that I am the enemy - for the past hundred years they have been very low profile, the low profile is like an insignificant fresh water door, no one knows that they will be secretly modulated by Her Majesty the Queen in recent decades, the witch hunted by the ancient tomb of the Emperor, the fighting power is no less than that of the strongest demon hunter, in a weird and shady way, but it is too much.

More importantly, the Trial Chamber is on offense and is free to choose “hunting targets”.

You know, the tens of thousands of nearby worlds, with the polar realm and celestial stars at their core, are nominally ruled by His Majesty the Emperor, and all the bureaucracy here is sent directly by His Majesty the Emperor.

Of course, the so-called "direct emperor dispatch” has long been an empty phrase in the decline of imperial power, and today, the bureaucracy and administration of the dozens of emperors directly in the world have long been infiltrated by the four great families, almost half of them.

But it also means that there are a large number of immortals from the Oriental family who are extremely subordinate to the family, occupying high positions in the emperor and have to live and work here.

These people have Orientalists who lean on the mountains, naturally are not good officials with two sleeves of breeze, just fine, under the guise of His Majesty the Emperor, squeezing other powers of fairy practitioners and bottom people to constantly convey the benefits for the family, while the geese pull hair to satisfy their own personal desires - these are common and not strange “practices”.

Li Linghai has secretly gathered a great deal of evidence, the so-called "artillery shells”, since he offered to "revolutionize the empire”.

In the past, the status of the Orientalist family was indestructible, and even if the shells were fired, they would be easily dissolved. Even the remaining three large families would cover up the Orientalist family and not even half of the news would appear on the Spirit Net.

But nowadays, nowadays, the revolutionaries have shown strong power, the previous stage hit the Oriental family in a bad way, hidden to see the Oriental family's weakness, so it can get the support of Li family and the acquiescence of Yun and Song family.

Once those shells blow up, the lethality is absolutely staggering.

The most important thing is to catch these Oriental fairy cultivators stealing high positions in the Emperor!

There are tens of millions of such fairy fixers, and the Trial Chamber of the Tin Dynasty can choose as many objects as it wishes to capture.

But demon hunters' associations must be tired of running around to defend themselves, and every important actor of the Oriental family must not be missed, and all must be protected.

Even with the number of demon hunters, coupled with the Oriental family's own team of tough bodyguards, it's not enough - not every Oriental fairy fixer goes out to work, there are seventy or eighty battle-type fairy fixers to protect, right?

It is even more impossible to evacuate Didu and return to the Oriental family's own territory.

This act of escape without war will be perceived by the Li family, the Yun family and the Song family as showing weakness. Once the three families with uncertain and ambiguous positions are completely reversed to the Innovators, the Orientals are truly doomed.

Yes, no matter how difficult it is, it must persevere until the Orient looks forward to the secret completion of the redeployment of the generals, and also reach an unspeakable secret agreement with the three remaining families to achieve a unanimous position, which will win.

I don't know who killed the deer!

Enter the polar realm of May, the celestial stars, the main continent, as early as the year's driest summer.

And a string of news that shocked the whole emperor, no, the whole star sea, and in the dry, hot wind, filled with intense smoke.

On May 2, Oriental Fool, the director of military education responsible for the management of the seventy-one higher-level military schools in the Empire, was arrested by an astonishing court of magic on his way to a conference. The following day, the media under Li Jia revealed a shocking case involving multiple inequitable warfare distributions, and then Shundo Gua involved hundreds of members of the military education system. Of course, the vast majority of those involved were reinstated to Oriental.

On May 5, the president of Imperial Bank of Montenegro, ranked among the top 20 in the Empire, was arrested in his own private residence. Despite the long precautions and the special resistance of the bodyguards who upgraded their defenses and firepower, the Trial Chamber of the Celestial Demons captured and raised people before the demon hunters' association came, and where did they go? I'm sorry, nobody knows. The public headquarters of the Trial Chamber was long gone. Only a few of the lowest layers of civilian staff are still working intermediately. As for Moon Mitsu and her most elite witch hunters, nobody knows where they are hiding and which target they are targeting.

May 7… May 8… May 10…

Almost every day Oriental and protégé family fixers are secretly arrested, and the next day they will be exposed in the media under Li's family. Some of them are involved in private fraud and some are criminal cases with a long history of dust cover - killing between fixers is perfectly normal. However, even the families of the victims will not choose to solve the problem by law. Instead, they will work out a way to avenge the lynchings after practicing their magic, but in theory the law can certainly be sanctioned. Whether or not it is "a crime to add, why is there no words" is not important. It is important to make it clear to everyone in the whole star sea that Oriental family is not invincible!

The power of immortals big and small in the empire is like a shark big and small, and the Oriental blood will absolutely drive them crazy, so long as there is enough blood in it, all sharks will jump against the Oriental family at all costs.

In the face of the long-standing deliberate attack of the Heavenly Trial Chamber, the Association of the Hunters of Demons naturally reacted strongly.

While countless Oriental bureaucrats and hawkers were secretly captured and wearing the hats of the "demon builders", the Evil Hunters Association also took the initiative to target the innovators and the Lijian fairy builders.

However, the strength of the Li family is not as good as that of the Oriental family. Not many people penetrate Didu. The Innovators have been hiding behind their backs and hiding behind their backs. How can it be so easy to catch them in haste?

Rapidly red-eyed demon hunter's association, acting more and more insane and unscrupulous, did not care how much damage was caused to the extreme heavens and celestial stars. After several losses, they really found several secret bases of the Celestial Trial Court by Shundo, both sides in the darkness of fire and more cruel than the fleet duel in the star sea!

Every day, countless demon hunters and witches stab their swords in each other's bodies silently in poor street alleys deep beneath the Emperor's earth, then hug them together and fall into the abyss of millions of places to return to.

Every minute, there's a great scene of conspiracy, fraud, takeover, betrayal and rebellion.

Every second, there are 100 per cent human beings who, because of conflicts of interest, are branded as "demons” or “monster builders” and thrown into a dark prison with no bottom.

Perhaps the massacre of mankind has always been more brutal than mankind's war against demons and demons.

May 19, White Stone Special City, west coast of the star continent.

A new raid and capture is underway on the suburban Shuttle Auxiliary Spiritual Magnetic Expressway orbit.