Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2303: Heaven Changes, Begin!

Fifty meters from an unnamed hospital, in an abandoned tunnel transformed into a rugged alley, seemingly twisted to the ground, such as a miner who was too drunk to even stand up, but was in fact the "shadowy” section of the most powerful killer in the peripheral stars of the Empire.

His shadowless and invisible sharp edge is more vain and impenetrable than the shadow in the mist. He then works with Li Yao to refine it for him. It is thin as a cicada wing, and the softest spurious knife can easily penetrate even the tiniest gap in the crystalline armor joint.

Less than twenty meters from the "Shadowless" section, it is a woman with strong makeup, but old and relaxed face and flesh. At first glance, she seems to have squeezed all her energy in the oldest industry of mankind, and can't even take steps apart from spreading her legs.

But under the guise of relaxation and weakness, the Trial Chamber of the Tin Dynasty has been formulated to inherit the secrets of the millennium, the healthiest and most perfect killing machine, the right arm of the moon's most powerful left arm, the head of the "Seven Witches”, to be repaired as a flaming witch to reach the realm of Yuan Baby.

In order to break the limits of the body and even the divine soul, the super warriors of the Magic Court will even deliberately lead countless demon heads into their own bodies, bite their teeth and rebel their heads, expel them from their bodies and even completely devour them as nutrients that nourish their spiritual world.

The seven great witches, all experts in mental assault and the most intelligent "meditators”, have been brewed through this cruel and mysterious method.

If this flaming witch wishes Linglong, she can plant a mysterious Fae deep in the target's brain just by glancing at the target, so that the target's spirit can spin out of control, and the living human body can burn to death!

In front of her, her upper body was deformed and swollen, her back appeared to have three giant sarcomas, her arms were thicker than ordinary people's waists, and her face was full of evil. At first glance, she was a strong man who was looking for joy. In fact, she was the toughest and most fearless commando captain in the Thunder Fleet, "Iron Head” Yu Xiong, a lunatic who dared to launch a shootout on his own at the Pilgrimage League position.

The reason why brothers in the army call him "Iron Head” is not because he practiced something that would make his brain so hard, but because everyone feels that there is only a cold, icy crease left in his brain, with no fear at all!

For example, "Shadowy” section sharp, “Flaming Witch” Zhu Linglong, “Iron Head” Wen Xiong, there are many more experts from the folk, the Trial Court of the Celestial Demons and the army.

After a thorough prior investigation, they all disguised themselves as miners, prostitutes, hawkers, batters, gamblers, patients, thieves everywhere in the underground world… They infiltrated the vicinity of an anonymous hospital, entered a pre-set position and locked their respective targets.

There have been countless reconnaissances of Sector 27, virtual battlefields have long been erected, and hundreds of manoeuvres have been repeated in virtual battlefields, with the doors of unknown hospitals being touched with closed eyes.

Even so, these killer experts who went through hundreds of wars, ruthlessly, nervously big enough, for a moment before the operation started, couldn't help but create a little tension.

Just because they seem to be targeting the same experts who live by killing - even more professional, brutal and violent than them!

Oriental benevolence is the prime minister of the Empire, Oriental master's own brother, his exquisite evil secret method, and the source of power that Oriental wants.

At the time of imposition, the level of security is conceivable.

Due to the need for confidentiality, Oriental benevolently did not trust the family warriors, let alone the agents of the Evil Hunters Association, but formed a tactical team called the "Thirty-three Limits”, loyal to him alone.

Thirty-three limits, an extremely strange name, represent thirty-three powerful deformers.

Originally known as the mighty ones of the Empire, they were severely injured in a vicious confrontation and were sent to Oriental Benevolence for healing at a time when their flesh was blurred and their bodies were almost abandoned.

Instead of replacing them with metallic and crystalline artificial limbs and artificial organs in accordance with conventional therapies, Oriental benevolence transplants a large number of organs, bones and limbs from alien star beasts for these lunatics and murderers who, in spite of life and death, are eager for greater power to avenge them.

The universe is vast and wonderful. Human civilization has ruled the 3,000 world for nearly 100,000 years. Although no advanced civilization of the same size has been encountered, there are many stars lying in remote regions, and unmatched star beasts lay out.

Many alien star beasts absorb ultra-high radiation and high energy particle streams, and in extremely harsh environments, the cells become distorted and evolve into galaxies, the so-called "absorption of the essence of the sun and moon” of ancient times, which is 100 times stronger than the spiritual beasts domesticated by humans and the demonic beasts modulated!

Until the 30,000 years of great darkness when the demonic people ruled the star sea, the demonic people themselves focused on the path of “biochemical technology”, massacred and studied the alien beasts of the stars, killing almost all the alien beasts of the 3,000 world in the sky.

Shortly after mankind regained control of the star sea, however, the empire collapsed sharply. Over the next 10,000 years, the entire star sea was actually in chaos and darkness. The fires of civilization in many thousands of worlds were extinguished, and the aliens of the stars entered into the sky in vain, regenerating and reproducing.

From the Republic of the Stars and the Real Empire of Humanity, one of the major training paths for the powerful is to kill the alien beasts of the stars.

However, in the past, the stronger ones, at best, devoured the flesh and flesh of the alien astral beasts, refining their "cores” and “inner dans”, but few, like Oriental benevolence, opened their own paths to transplant the organs and limbs of the alien astral beasts directly onto humans.

With Oriental benevolence as the financial strength of the Empire Elder and Oriental Parent Elder, it is natural to search for the most powerful and fresh organs and limbs of alien beasts in the sky.

And the severely wounded and powerful transplanted these alien organs of the stars, as long as they survive a painful period of conflict, not only will their fighting power fully recover and rise, but they will even be infected with the unparalleled ferocity of alien beasts of the stars, becoming any adversary, the worst nightmare.

According to the information gathered in the shadows of Li Ling Hai, when these “beastly strong people" returned to retaliate, there was really a single person, tearing hundreds of opponents up and down the door in half into a bloody scene, but being benevolently exploited by the East, they pressed down once and for all, and instead used this retaliation as a test in action against the "beastly strong people".

The horror of a half-man half-star beast, even if only one, is enough to fight a battle squad, not to mention 33!

The periphery is an elite family of Orientals, more than a thousand trained armorers are always vigilant, the interior is guarded by an extinct murderer such as the "33rd Limit”, and a whole volcanic crystal bomb is planted underneath. No wonder there is a bloody storm on the ground. When Orientals and revolutionaries are unable to fight, Orientals have mercy and fear, and dare to carry out evil secrets on the ground!

1: 55 p.m.

The word "afternoon” seems to have lost its meaning in a dark world where the sun never shines.

However, according to the latest information, Oriental Kindness and others have been entering the unknown hospital from the secret passage for more than two hours. If any evil magic is being practised, this must be a critical moment for critical importance and non-interference!

And the members of the capture team who arrived at the preset position couldn't be delayed any longer - they didn't have to find a place to fix it without the prostitutes and customers changing their minds in the alley?

Several men dressed in scarlet leather armor, with steel nails on the leather armor. At first glance, they were the fierce characters of the groundsnake. They had already been suspicious. The curse in their mouths came to Linglong and “Iron Head” Wanxiong. It seemed as if they were saying that this bitch was very tight, and they didn't come here to visit their docks first, or something like that.

At first glance, it's like a gangster in District 27, a common figure in the dark world.

But intelligence shows that they are Oriental masters, Oriental benevolence's most trusted nephews, disguised as groundsnakes, and secretly protect Oriental benevolence and safety.

Can't wait any longer.

All the communication chips on the eardrums of the team members received three long, two short "drip” sounds.

This is the signal to act at any time.

“Fire Witch” Zhu Linglong suddenly shouted, as if he had been re-pinched by the fan dressed as “Iron Head” Wanxiong, taking advantage of the cheap.

“Iron Head" Valentine laughed.

That's the signal.

At this moment, those Oriental warriors disguised as groundhounds are walking through the “shadow” section of the ground, their attention is attracted by the shock and laughter of Ling Xiong, and they do not notice this "dying” drunk man on the ground, his eyes are slowly opening, his eyes are clear and cold.

Just after the last Oriental soldier walked by, the "Shadowless” section stood up silently, almost without a thick blade really like a shadow, gently moving from behind into the heart of an Oriental soldier.

The Oriental warrior couldn't even make a shout, couldn't even summon the armor, his eyes burst out.

The remaining Oriental fighters, including the "33rd Limit” in the peripheral large forces and unnamed hospitals, were at the extreme of vigilance.

Despite being a textbook classic, the shadowy assassination was first discovered by them.

But just moments after Duan Rui gently sent the shadow blade out, centered on an unnamed hospital, the lights of hundreds of meters nearby suddenly all went out and turned into a dark swamp with no hands.

Where the lights are still on, they are the most visible targets, bombarded by thousands of streams of light, flying swords and crystal magnetic bombs, and swallowed by the dark marshes after a cluster of deformed fireballs erupted!