Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2472: A New Civilization Appears, a Loyal Dog of 4D Life!


"On the journey of human civilization to explore the stars and seas, we have encountered star aliens, many of whom had developed technology a long time ago, even some of whom possessed the ability to manufacture starships and cruise the stars and seas.

“The remnants of heterogeneous starships, though rare, are not so special. Why is Boss Bai so cautious about the remnants of these heterogeneous starships that he does not call them ‘heterogeneous stars’, but rather ‘heterogeneous'? What's the difference between 'heterosexual' and ‘heterosexual'? ”

“Because these Skywalkers from across the great universe, they look so much like us. ”

Old White Avenue, "I didn't directly discover their remains, but before the wreckage of their starship was extinguished, I saw their shadows shocked from some of the speckled light shadows - an individual of extraterrestrial civilization that was as tall and as big as we were, even exactly the same, the only difference was that their skin was whiter and rough, half of them blonde, the other half had messy hair and eyeballs in all colors.

“Whether the color of the skin, the color of the hair or the color of the eyeballs is genetically insignificant - ignoring these tiny differences is like our reprint, a ‘mirror version’ from across the great universe. ”

“What the hell happened? ”

"Both Pangu and human civilizations yearn to jump out of the mud of the 3,000 world and explore the unknown beyond the great universe, but countless expeditions have left the civilization of the 3,000 world for hundreds of millions of light years, always without gain, even judging that beyond the 3,000 world, there is a ‘wasteland' where even the stars are completely extinguished, like a huge, thick black wall, firmly locking Pangu, humans and… future civilizations.

“But Boss White said that there was already a Fae starship on the other side of the great universe, crossing an endless black wall, coming to our world and looking very much like the humans we have here? ”

“Exactly. ”

Boss Bai looked far away and sighed, “It's been buried deep down in my heart for a long time, and until today, that kind of suffocating shock will still come to mind - I wouldn't be so surprised if these days outsiders were muddy monsters with tentacles that could deform at will, but they were more human, almost exactly like us, just snowy skin, blonde eyes. ”

“I don't know if Boss Bai has heard of the concepts of ‘livable belt’ and ‘standard star’. ”

At this point, the champion interrupted Boss Bai, saying, "The biologists and cosmologists of the real human empire studied the hundreds of galaxies in which the 3,000 great worlds are located and concluded that life - at least the environmental requirements for the birth of carbon-based life - are very demanding, that carbon-based life can almost only be born on moderately sized and structurally sound planets that are not far from the stars, that are not cold or hot, and that the stars need to be in a relatively peripheral, relatively calm orbit throughout the galaxy in order to reduce the radiation interference at the core of the galaxy and the invasion of various star sea storms, but absorb the energy from the center of the galaxy, the source and the subtle.

“Though the stars and oceans are vast, there are few planets that meet the conditions for the birth of carbon-based life, and the regions and orbits of these planets are called ‘living zones’.

“Thereafter, the scholars of the Empire also deduced a ‘standard star’ based on the physiological characteristics of human beings, Pankos and females. The standard star is not a real planet, but theoretically a scenario in which all aspects of the environment tend to be perfect. Temperature, atmosphere, gravity, air composition, photothermal irradiation conditions, mountain rivers and ocean distributions… are most conducive to the eruption of carbon-based life and the rapid surge of civilization.

“Empire scholars set tens of thousands of parameters to rate the real world planets in order to assess the ranks of all the great thousand worlds. In terms of parameters, the closer a planet is to the 'standard star' condition, the higher the level, the easier it is to create a powerful carbon-based civilization. The stars of the three thousand great thousand worlds are often very similar to the 'standard stars', and the parameter matching rate reaches more than 90%, so that Pankos, women and human civilizations can be born.

“Although Pangu and Female Civilizations are more than 20 meters tall and have three heads and six arms, human snakes and other characteristics, their morphology is almost identical to that of humans on the scale of the Great Universe, and even the gene banks of both sides overlap by more than 95 per cent, which is why Pangu Civilizations are the ‘fathers' of human civilization.

“An environment that is very different from a 'standard star', for example, a purely gaseous and liquid planet, or a cold planet far from a star, or a rubble star belt without an atmosphere, certainly has a certain chance of producing carbon-based life, or even carbon-based civilization, but such carbon-based civilizations often have all sorts of deadly flaws, and in no way resemble ‘standard civilizations' adversaries born in a 'standard star' environment, then, after the rise of ‘standard civilizations' such as Pangu and humankind, other carbon-based life and even carbon-based civilizations are often conquered and destroyed, and in the end, only one carbon-based civilization exists, and that is what humankind is now.

“I've talked so much about ‘livable belts' and ‘standard stars' that I want to tell Boss Bai that if there is really another powerful civilization on the other side of the cosmos that can cross the star ocean, as long as they are carbon-based life, it is highly likely that they will also be human beings - not coincidences, but the inevitability of survival, so Boss Bai doesn't have to be so upset. ”

Boss Bai nodded, "Yes, I also took the initiative to study the concept of 'livability belt' and ‘standard star', as well as the concept of 'standard civilization' derived from standard stars, so that I could be slightly relieved, which is that the so-called 'winners are all alike, the losers are the losers.'

“But at the time, I was really struck by these blonde-haired heterogeneous civilizations - because they didn't just look so much like our Pankos, they seemed to have a lot of similarities in language and culture.

“Well, the engraving I just gave you on the chip is supposed to be their language, it's a very strange language system, and it actually blends the tone into the text, and if you grasp a simple pattern, you can see the text at the same time and know its pronunciation, and even extract some energy from the void based on the pronunciation, unlike the pronunciation that we have to remember the hard back text, the tone changes completely -- it's amazing, isn't it? ”

The boxing champion's crystalline eyes sparkled, "So, can Boss Bai understand the language of the blonde Bigeye people and even understand their cultural and social systems? ”


Boss Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head. “As I said, I only discovered the wreckage of a star and a half, and after the wreckage fell into my hands, it quickly decayed and vanished, instantly turning into nothingness. Except for some of the information I scanned down in time, there was nothing left.

“I even suspect that it is not normal weathering and decay, but some kind of security measure. It is the defensive mechanism of these blondes. After sensing the existence of our civilization, they voluntarily erased their traces. At the end of the day, there is only this almost melting chip left! ”


The electricity flashed in the eyes of the champion, "But Boss Bai still found out, otherwise you wouldn't know the name 'Gao Clan'. ”

“Discovery, indeed, is discovery. ”

Boss Bai cautioned, “But eighty-nine out of ten is still my own deduction, and it can even be said that I just found 1% visually by the blind, and then I deduced 99% indiscriminately, even that 1% may not be reliable, which is most likely my misreading..."

“No problem. ”

"Why don't you tell me," said the champion, "according to your" fussy deduction ", what exactly are these blondes doing in the world of civilization, how can they relate to me? ”

“Then I'll tell you, just pretend I'm telling a story. ”

Boss Bai sank for a long time, "Although they look almost like us, these blondes, their social forms, especially the way energy is used, are completely different from our Pankos.

“We who live in the real world, including the present human civilization and the Pangu civilization in the age of floods, are all three dimensions of carbon-based life, all about the victory of man, all rely on our own strength to extract energy from the universe to survive and develop, we can say that we are on our own! ”

The champion nodded: "Well, from Pangu to humans, a pulse of inheritance can be said to be a different stage of civilization, indeed relying on the power of oneself - three-dimensional carbon-based life - to cultivate and evolve. ”

Old White Avenue: "But these are different blondes from across the cosmos. Although they are three-dimensional carbon-based civilizations, they actually coexist peacefully with another four-dimensional or higher dimension of life, forming a symbiotic relationship. ”


"There really is a four-dimensional life," said the champ. Can 3D and 4D life also communicate with each other to form symbiotic relationships? The universe is so big, so full of mysteries! ”

“It's just my guess, and the truth is, there's 18,000 miles to go, so just listen to it as a story. ”

Boss Bai took a pause and said, “Symbiosis, but in my opinion slavery and domination - these blonde and eye-catching people seem to worship four-dimensional life, or it seems that four-dimensional life has given them a lot of ways to use energy, dominating the evolution of their civilization with one hand, so they worship four-dimensional life as a god, and four-dimensional life is their heaven, their god, their god!

“Their civilization, founded on the ‘will of the gods', in all social activities and even in the fiercest wars, is subject to the 'law of the gods' in order to use powerful power. They even define the power of their starships as some kind of 'magical power of the gods’, so I gave these four-dimensional life loyal dogs a name and called them, uh, 'magical civilization'. ”