Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2510: A Line of Confusion

“Tink! Tink, tick, tick! ”

The two are engraved with a complex pattern, like a swordball bullet, dragging a red, white and two streams of light, chasing and colliding with each other, gathering together at times and separating them to outline the intricate, labyrinthine lines in the void.

When one of the white bullets was about to be "overpowered” and was about to be “shot down” by the red bullet, two more white bullets flew in on either side to join the regiment, further complicating the red and white polylines, curves, straight lines and arcs.

If you look at it again, instead of four bullets, there are a hundred bullets in red and white dancing around in the sky, like a three-dimensional chessboard, like a thrilling and powerful Starfleet battle.

Each bullet, which is a piece of chess, is a starship, where the bullets collide, like the pieces swallow each other, and the starships destroy each other.

Spirits haunted by red bullets are noticeably more abundant, giving them faster speeds and stronger power, and in a one-on-one comparison, every white bullet killed is overwhelming.

However, the platoon layout of white bullets implicitly implies fleet command theory. Once the formation is gathered, the formation changes thousands of times, and the various formations are blooming, the red bullets can be dragged into the abdomen to suffer the enemy, the dilemma of the first and last divisions.

By virtue of their respective advantages, you come and go faster and faster. In the end, you can only see two fuzzy fogs of light, which collide and penetrate each other, crossing each other's "defensive lines” almost simultaneously, and lashing towards the commanders behind each other's scenes.

At the same time, the two commanders moved to the limit, first cutting each other's spiritual energy control force field, then using their own force field to capture all the bullets, clustering them together in their palms, forming four burning and bursting metal spheres, and throwing them into the center, the shock wave immediately emitted two deafening roars, almost completely destroying the entire refinery.

Shockwave and smoke gradually dissipated, and two commanders - Li Yao and Bai - laughed simultaneously.

“More than a hundred years ago, when I first met you, I thought you were a sly, dirty, fearless thief. I didn't think you'd make it today! ”

Boss Bai slapped the metal debris in his palm, watched as the shrapnel shot him to the ground of a thousand sores, emotional.

“I never thought I'd have another day to say goodbye to Boss Bai, and you had such an encounter... ”

Li Yao said sincerely.

This sentiment is not just for Boss Bai, but for another wreck - the sword of the heart - that blends into Boss Bai's body.

Deep beneath the Spider's Nest, Li Yao, assisted by a training log from the Heartfelt Sword, struck a whole new realm and broke out for five years, completing the first critical leap in his life.

So, the Heart Sword is half his master.

He and Boss Bai have such a source and the relationship is naturally unusual.

This is one and a half months after their occupation of the Blue Sky market, the construction of the Arson Joint Fleet has been initially completed and operational tasks have been issued, including the orderly conduct of tactical fraud and intelligence-gathering from outside.

The war outside the Blue Sky has begun, the war on the periphery of the Empire is gradually burning. The four families have urged the “loyal salvation army” to fight in the Blue Sky market three times and five times. It is time to kill out and show the Imperial Fixer the power of the "arsonist”!

Tomorrow, Li Yao will leave for the Seven Seas Market, the old nest of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, so today there is only time to have a final consultation with Boss Bai in the refinery.

“Li Yao, I don't remember very well right now. ”

Boss Bai looked at Li Yao and said, "Remind me, did I ever tell you" thank you "for saving Bai Happy?

“Forget it, thanks twice should be good, thank you, Li Yao, besides... nice to see you again, really. ”

As soon as I mentioned my son, this star thief who aspired to cross the ocean and scold the multiverse, his eyes and voice softened, looking at Li Yao, his eyes unexpectedly sincere.

“I'm glad to fight alongside Boss Bai again! ”

Li Yao was moved for a while and couldn't help but say, “Otherwise, why don't you come with me to the Seven Seas Market tomorrow? Anyway, now they can simulate basic fleet tactics. It shouldn't be too much of a problem if they don't fight a shifting hard war. Boss Bai and I will go together, more hope to persuade Kim Yu Yan! ”

Boss Bai was also quite moved: "No! ”

Li Yao: “…”

Boss Bai patted Li Yao's shoulder and said, "Li Yao, your skills of unaccompanied sneaking in and your three-inch tongue are famous for the stars and seas. If you go alone, you will steadily win the ticket. Besides, you cheated. No, did you persuade Li Jialing to go with you? If I follow you again, don't I trust you or even look down on you and insult you? ”

Li Yiu foxed suspiciously: "Really? ”

“Yes, well, not so much, we have guests waiting outside the practice! ”

Boss Bai said a lot, waved, removed the defensive shield and sound shielding system next to the refinery, instantly sharpened his eyes, stared at Big Congratulations and waited outside for the "guest”, cold, “Yongchun Hou, you are a believer, you are really back to life, hard work! ”

It was Yong Chun Hou Li and Bai who were loyal to the four families who watched Li Yao and Bai consult outside.

Li Yao did not hide his existence in front of Li Yao.

Because in the battle to suppress the Fleet of the Rainbow, he fell on the head of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet of the Fleet, in the eyes of all the people, which could not be concealed.

As long as they are not prepared to kill, the matter will surely be known, so why not show your presence and further deter the disease!

Li Yao's deterrence proved to be quite effective.

Because this is not the first time Li Yao the vulture has been heard.

Already in the process of the revolutionary wind, destroying the decaying rise and invasion of Emperor Capital, the gold sign of “vulture Li Yao” hung high. All four families know that this “vulture Li Yao”, who rides the giant soldier “Golden Great Vulture”, is the number one revolutionary general.

Of course, the well-informed and powerful know better that this notorious fierce man, the number one innovator, who someplace miraculously rises superior, has become a wanted criminal of the Innovators.

And the reason why the revolutionaries wanted Li Yao is ridiculous - he is said to have defected to the family of the four main election emperors.

This is quite confusing. I really don't understand the positions of Li Yao, Boss Bai and the current situation.

Despite their cooperation, the four extended families are still different interest groups. Perhaps one of the other family's tactics rebelled against this “vulture Li Yao”, but did not inform Li's family, and it is unknown that they are fighting their own small calculations.

In short, the emergence of Li Yao as a “revolutionary traitor” is not a bad thing for Yongchun Hou Li, who has no way to go and falls into despair. At least it shows that Boss Bai is not lying. They are not on the revolutionary side, and there is still great scope for cooperation between them.

People, most afraid of not figuring it out, can do anything once they figure it out.

When Li Weiwei thought on the septic tank, he had thought through everything. He had lost all his soldiers and horses. He also met such a fierce man as "vulture Li Yao”. He couldn't fight, but he didn't want to die. What other options besides cooperating?

After all, everyone belongs to one country. It's an imperial civil war. Whoever wins or loses rots in the pot. He just needs to make sure he gets a bowl of meat, and his head can eat it. Nothing else seems important.

In short, after an evening of detailed discussions with Boss Bai and Li Yao, and after agreeing on various conditions, Yongchun Hou Lili returned to the territory of the four large families with the “first-hand soldiers” chosen by Boss Bai, actively ran for the "loyal national army” and helped them gather the latest information. Even a month later, he returned to Blue Sky Market and came back to life.

He worked very hard for the “loyal National Salvation Army” and didn't have any second thoughts - he is weak now and is not qualified to play tricks.

Upon returning to Blue Sky Market, we saw the high standard of comparison between Li Yao and Bai boss. This is a downward horseway, but it is also a dose of mindfulness pill. For the standard fixer, Yongchun Hou Li is their instinct. The stronger Li Yao and Bai boss, the more loyalty he will have.

“Working for Li Daoyou and Commander Bai doesn't mean hard work. ”

Li Xiaohou was very humble and offered a courtesy to the two of them. His face was full of laughter. "Xiaohou Luckily did not disgrace himself. Finally, he completed the work entrusted to him by the two of them, the marching chart of the Allied Forces of the Four Great Families, the distribution of the forces and the time of the division of troops and other key intelligence. We all got it! ”

Fighting in the periphery of the Empire has been ignited for a long time, according to Rigorous, but it is not a simple battle of fleet groups, but a protracted, muddy war of water depletion and looting.

On the family side, the previous days had just lost the Emperor, even the Emperor Shenwu had collapsed. Before the new Emperor came to power, there was the problem of a group of dragonless, unstable military hearts, more afraid of being attacked by the Emperor's revolutionaries, unwilling to suddenly launch an elite fleet to jump to the outer world of the Empire to crusade against rebellion.

And the revolutionaries of the Emperor, who seem to be in a very good situation, are too weak to win or lose, even to consume, so they are reluctant to attack easily.

On the other hand, the Empire now has a large number of elite distributions in the "New Light Rehabilitation Area”, the so-called "Expeditionary Army System”, which has just been reclaimed from the Alliance.

The Expeditionary Army can be called the most powerful force in the Empire. Neither the Innovators nor the Four Families spare no effort to fight for them, but the attitude of the Expeditionary Army is rather vague. There is a hidden tendency to be self-contained. It is very discerning in the New Light compound area, sitting in a mountain watching tiger battle, waiting for the victory and defeat to be clarified before coming out a hammer to dictate meaning.

The Expeditionary Army is an intricate and large group, with its various sub-fleets coming from all over the world, without a leader, but many of the Expeditionary Army's Shao Zhuang officers are now honored by Thunder Fleet's Supreme Commander, Lei Chenghu.

Lei Chenghu was theoretically an innovationist cadre. He obeyed Li Linghai's orders and nailed him as hard as a nail into the heart of Li's family. After that, he was still quiet for six months, as if he had disappeared.

This is the most interesting thing.