Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2530: Kim Yu-yan's Law of War!

Li Jialing thought about it for a long time, creepy: “Good value for money? It's so insidious! If I were a master family bottom fairy repairer and took such a 'long term interest’, wouldn't I expect the family to defeat the war? Only if the family loses and the elder dies can my ‘Forward Interest' be realized!

“If a thousand, 10,000 Lower Fairies have secretly purchased these ‘Forward Interests', then how can this battle be fought? ”

“You've got an idea. ”

Li Yao said, "Purchasing such a 'forward interest' would be tantamount to cutting meat for the elders from their parents and leaving their real names behind. It would naturally be risky - if the 10,000 World Chamber of Commerce loses, the data from these clandestine purchase agreements will fall into the hands of the top four families, and none of these bottom fixers will die well, so I estimate that 99% of bottom fixers won't dare to take advantage of this cheap price.

“But the fairy fixers, who always have a deep gambling power, lose their eyes, and are willing to lose their money, as long as 1% of the ambitious, destitute and vicious fixers dare to take these high-ranking shares, they will be tied to the chariots of the World Alliance of Commerce and the Innovators. What will they do in the war, who will they help?

“What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg, according to Blue Sky Market Supervisor Left Eagle, those truly valuable interests will not be put on the open market to sell, but they have long found the four large families to hold some real power, but the status can no longer be elevated, the depressed middle level, no money at all, just give them away for nothing - in the case of the World Federation of Commerce and Innovators, these mines, Lingtian, Ranch, Factory, Ownership are not theirs, no cost at all, no white, as long as these depressed middle levels dare to accept, they will have to work for the World Alliance of Commerce and the revolutionaries, digging the walls of their own big men! ”

Li Jialing muttered in silence for a moment: "How many middle-level members of the four extended families have accepted such an option? ”

“Much more than you think. ”

"You know, the middle class of these four big families did not deal with the World Chambers of Commerce on the first day. Instead, they formed a 'good fortune' with the World Chambers of Commerce decades ago, relying on the loyalty and devotion of the World Chambers of Commerce. In other words, the World Chambers of Commerce has long grasped evidence of their massive bribery and covert collaboration.

“Generally speaking, the World Chambers of Commerce will certainly not do anything to kill chickens to collect eggs and fish, and throw out this evidence to make it easy to threaten them, but who dares to cooperate with the World Chambers of Commerce in the future with one such thing?

“But if the Universal Chamber of Commerce is really dying, who cares so much? How many people have to be buried?

“With the brutality of the internal struggle of the four families, once someone is stabbed with evidence that he has colluded with the Universal Chamber of Commerce, is he still alive? Is there a way out of his family?

“Since there is no way to live, why not take it?

“Thus, from the grassroots to the middle, the immortals of the four great families are dragged down step by step, and when they are awake, they will never be able to turn back! ”

Li Jialing sighed: “Do the top of the four families know that it has eroded? ”

“How can you drag all the men under you out and shoot them? Don't say shooting, the current war is imminent, it needs to be 'up and down, sincerely united’, even if only to investigate individual cases, everyone will be in danger, worried, greatly hurt morale, how can we fight later? ”

Li Yao coldly laughed, “You have the crystal armor, I have the money, you have the starship, I have the option, you have the Giant Divine Soldier, I will use the candy coat shell to beat down your entire Giant Divine Soldier repair and maintenance team, dig it up, this is the general deacon of the World Chamber of Commerce, Golden Jade Yan's military technique! ”

Li Jialing thought about it for a long time, and had to admire Jin Yu Yan's harshness and sharpness. "I didn't know until today that the non-combatant God of Fortification is so terrible! ”

“The immortals emphasize too much the law of survival of 'weak flesh and strong, winner as king', so much so that simple force can be lifted to the point where there is no such thing as an added force. Combative immortals tend to shine brightly and cannot afford a lifetime of complete disrespect for non-combatant immortals. ”

Li Yao said, "It is not clear that human civilization has developed to this day into a highly refined era of division of labor and cooperation. Some forces are more powerful than pure force. Some are just under the system of fixing fairy avenues. Once these forces come to the surface, it is often not known how to deal with them. Once these forces have emerged, they only know how to deal with the kung fu who use knives and rifles with fists.

“Come on, check it all out, we can go to the big market. ”

Li Yao patted Li Jialing's shoulder, indicating that he should do his job.

The two of them went to bid farewell to Huo Dongling and naturally did not forget to ask about the cargo transaction of the Bear - the crude ore brought by the Bear was not of high value and could not be sold at too high a price, but the soldiers dared to cross the blockade line to the Seven Seas Big Market at a time of turmoil, with a very strong demonstration effect, the so-called "Thousand Golden Horsebones”, so the staff of the Universal Chamber of Commerce said that even if the price of the ore was not too high to procure enough supplies, they could first sell them a batch of necessities on credit, let them return, and help the Southern Lingxing to temporarily survive the crisis.

This hand was pretty good. People from Southern Lingxing were so grateful to the World Alliance of Commerce and the Innovators that they had reached zero point. After thanking each other, they promised to go back and spread the news to other sprawling planets around Southern Lingxing, so that everyone would know how “benevolent” the World Alliance of Commerce was, and the only people who really wanted to cut everyone off were the Four Major Election Emperors, the bloody nobles.

Knowing that the Bear can return full, watching Huo Dongling smile like a flower bud, Li Yao and Li Jialing let go of their hearts.

The two men and the young girl said goodbye, left the port and entered the Seven Seas market officially.

The Great Market of the Seven Seas is divided into two zones, inside and outside. The outer region is where free trade takes place. Since it admires “absolute freedom”, the inspection will not be too strict. No one cares about their identity and intentions. The Alliance of Commerce fighters simply roughly checked the weapons they brought in to see if there are any weapons of mass destruction. Even ignoring their fake names and obvious light masks, they were given two crystal cards with dynamically changing trading passwords and waved free.

Li Yao and Li Jialing were caught in a group of businessmen, mercenaries, assassins and fugitives from the north and south, almost all wearing butterfly-like masks, surrounded by long or short hooded robes, squeezed into a vacuum pipeline and a huge transparent capsule.

“Gooooooooooooooooooooooo! ”

Beneath the transparent capsule comes a slightly diluted thicker liquid than the gel, wrapping up all passengers.


When the viscous liquid did not reach the passenger's head, everyone felt the eardrum shake slightly, and the surrounding light was dragged into colorful lines.

They marched deep into the Great Seven Seas Market at the speed of wind and electricity, and for just a few minutes the harbor and the star sea were thrown far behind their heads, deep into the glowing filth of this immortal monetary beast.

When Li Yao and Li Jialing finally escaped from the viscous liquid of the transparent capsule, they found themselves dry and refreshed, and not even the hair tip was wet by half a drop of liquid.

Before it was too late to quarrel, it was deeply shocked by the magnificent sight of 10,000 colors in front of it.

This is the busiest and liveliest market the two of us have ever seen. Every inch of space covered by sight is filled with exaggerated, colorful, and loud signs. Below the signs, the whole empire is gathered with adventurers from the North and South China Seas and the Third Church. There are all kinds of strange costumes and strange shapes. Even the powerful Kaling looks like a black leopard, even if it is thrown into the crowd, it is not eye-catching at all, and some of them exist a hundred times weirder than him.

It's a big market in the Seven Seas. I really don't know whether to describe it as a "car dragon, shoulder to shoulder” or "smoky, fish dragon mixed”.

Anyway, in Li Yao's memory, “Fish Dragon City” on the outskirts of Xingyao Federation expanded a hundredfold, the chaos a hundredfold, almost the appearance of the Seven Seas Great Market.

Even if the army of the United Fleet of the Four Great Families were to fall, and the battle to survive was triggered, the Seven Seas market still could not smell too much nitrogen smoke. It ran, danced, and the lights were still shining.

It is only occasional public broadcasts that echo throughout the confined space that tell people that this is a time of war.

“Money is freedom, money is life, money is everything! The Four Election Emperors want to rob us of the money we've worked so hard to accumulate for centuries, they want to kill us all! Citizens of the outside world of the Empire, gather your courage, defend your money, it is sacred! ”

“Mega News, Mega News, The Nine Realms of Tianan officially signed the Tianan Mutual Protection Pact in recent days, responding in eight words to the demands of the Four Election Emperors' families to force them to march - ‘This is a mess, and they will not be commanded’! All fleets of Tianan Nine have been disengaged from the ranks of the Allied Four Family Fleet and will be strictly neutral in the next phase of the battle! ”

“explosive news, just happened explosive news! General Yun Zhengxin, the Supreme Commander of the Expeditionary Army's 4th Warring District, has just announced that, in view of the current volatile situation in the Empire and in preparation for a new counter-attack by the Alliance, all fleets of the Expeditionary Army's 4th Warring District will be under the unified command of ‘Liao Haihou’ Lei Chenghu, and will send the best patriotic soldiers along with Lei Chenghu's thunderous fleet to Didu to discuss matters related to the joint formation of the Cabinet with the 'Senate Innovation Committee’. This astonishing news has already triggered a chain reaction in the rest of the Warring. In the future Empire, real, pure and just patriotic soldiers will surely play a greater role! ”