Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2543 is short of start-up funds!

“Li Linghai never really believed in me, just as she never really believed in you, it was just a deal, and I made a condition that she couldn't refuse. ”

Li Yao cuddled his arms, his voice was full of temptation, licked his lips, “Money, sparkling crystal coins, astronomical digital resources, countless celestial treasures... we in exile government of the Starling Sea Republic have nothing else, all this stuff has, money money, a lot of money!

“How can Li Linghai hate the cultivators, but she doesn't hate the cultivators' money, overthrowing the rule of the four families requires money, rebuilding the order of the empire requires money, in the new order of the new empire, fighting with you ‘allies’, fighting for supreme power or needing money, why doesn't she cooperate with me? ”

“Makes sense. ”

Kim Yu suddenly realized and nodded. “If someone traded a crystal stone full of a planet, I would also cooperate with him, whether he was a practitioner or an extraterrestrial celestial demon or some other strange alien life.

“If he doesn't have enough crystals to make a deal to fill a whole thousand worlds, fuck it, I'll be on Faith Avenue in the next second!

“The only question is, didn't you just say that you fireflies have been out of repair for a long time, resources are scarce, and can no longer be sustained, so you want to surrender? Ask, how can you convince the Empire Queen of the Hall of Fame that you have so much money? ”

Li Yao's forehead sweated: “This, this...”

Jin Yu squinted his eyes: “Hmm? ”

Li Yiulian swallowed a sip: “Don't rush, let alone stare at me with this questionable look, let me explain to you slowly, this is complicated, really, quite complicated, it takes slowly, slowly, very slowly to explain clearly... Yes, our Firefly has been out of repair for a long time, resources are scarce, it can't go on, but at the same time, we are rich, we can say rich armour world, rich enemy countries, this, this is not contradictory! Deacon Kim, aren't you so smart, so commercially minded, that you don't understand the obvious? ”

Jin Yu shook his head: “I don't understand. Please continue to explain slowly. ”

“We, we don't have cash, we don't have the resources to repair the ship and feed all the people, but that doesn't mean we don't have anything else! ”

Li Yao patted the thighway, "Coordinates, we have coordinates! ”

Golden Jade's eyelids sparkled: “What coordinates? ”

“The coordinates of a thousand worlds! ”

Li Yaoxin thought electrically, infinite brain cell explosion, converged into a burgeoning long river, “mouth hanging river” river, taunting, "You should know that at the height of ancient civilization, human civilization occupied a total of 3,000 great thousand worlds, but with the ancient civil war, the rise of demonic tribes, the establishment and collapse of the Star Sea Empire, the war became more intense, Fabao's destructive power became stronger and stronger, and countless great thousand worlds were destroyed by the war, even their coordinates were extinguished in the long river of history.

“Until now, the Real Human Empire and the Covenant Alliance have taken control of more than a thousand worlds closer to the center of the star sea, all of which have become dead graves scattered around the periphery of the star sea.

“Though long gone, these worlds, after all, possessed an atmosphere and highly developed civilizations, even with a very sound industrial base and a variety of monuments with treasures, which, if found, are likely to rebuild the atmosphere and the ecosphere and restore their former prosperity - at least, far more convenient and cheaper than finding a planet of resources unsuitable for human survival and imposing settlements, right?

“Since the beginning of the Star Sea Empire, the people living in the middle of the Star Sea have been exploring the outside world, trying to restore the glory of the 3,000 worlds of the past, and certainly not the exception of the full days of the Star Sea Republic, when we dispatched countless fleets of explorers to master vast amounts of astronomical data and new route maps - these things were taken away by our Firefly, so much so that the external exploration of the Real Human Empire had to start from scratch that you spent an entire millennium, countless resources, just a little bit pushing the borders of the Empire forward.

“Until the last hundred or two years, because the cost of outward exploration is so high, sending ‘star children' to jump from planet to planet and search too inefficiently, in fact, the Empire has completely abandoned outward exploration.

“But this is just because you don't have precise coordinates, and it's certainly hard to find a habitable planet out of 10 billion planets, but if you have relatively precise coordinates, if you can restore the life of a thousand worlds, imagine, how much profit does that mean, how many opportunities are hidden, how much money can it bring flooding? ”

Jin Yuyan's eyes stared again, his eyes sparkled like crystal coins, and his voice filled with the feeling of crystal coin collision: “How many coordinates of the unknown thousand worlds have you mastered? ”

“Not many, just a hundred. ”

"The coordinates of these thousand worlds have long been stored in the database of the Academy of External Exploration of the Republic of the Stars and were taken away with us as we evacuated," said Li Yao. "Our initial idea was to flee to the outskirts of the Stars and find a few stable thousand worlds to settle in, rebuild our country for a thousand years, and then find a way to counterattack the center of the Stars and Sea.

“It is only unfortunate that when we look for these thousands of worlds, as we did in Tutsuo, that we find that they have long been destroyed by war, that civilizations have all perished, or that they are like a world of evil, full of rust and desert.

“We carry too little resources to transform and rebuild such an abandoned world, and on the other hand, we fear that after settling in, we will again be found by the Empire's pursuers, and that will be all!

“We searched one thousand worlds after another in panic, documented their details and charted a new course, but eventually abandoned settling there and continued to flee to the depths of the stars and seas until, finally, resources were exhausted and it was too late to turn back.

“So, Deacon Kim, you see what I mean, we are like finding countless treasures, but hungry and dizzy, lacking the strength to push the treasure gate, if you don't want to do something about it, you will starve to death outside these treasures flowing with milk and honey! ”

Kim Yu finally understood: “So, you know where hundreds of abandoned thousand worlds are, but you lack the first resource to develop them, which is… start-up funds? ”

“Yes, start-up funds, the word is too good, or else I'm just a martial arts man, but you're a business genius! ”

Li Yao was so excited to pat his thighs, his voice became more tempting, “You know, those thousand worlds used to be very rich and developed. Many worlds in ancient times were famous for hollow heavenly bliss, where countless of them could be cultivated as unimaginable predecessors; some worlds were important production and R&D bases for 30,000 years of demonic dynasty, laboratories and military factories could be found underground, even the ruins of the flood age were everywhere! Unfortunately, we lack the start-up funds to develop them on a massive scale, and we can only look at the ruins of 10,000 years of dust, and do nothing but drool.

“Thinking about it, I don't want to sit around waiting to die. If I starve to death, we can only go back to the center of the star sea to find someone to work with. Li Linghai just entered my field of view.

“At first I thought she was the leader of the revolutionaries, so I was honest with her. I didn't expect her to be stuck behind the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi's head!

“Even if we dedicate all the thousand worlds discovered by the Firefly to Wu Yingqi in a thousand years, he will not be able to let us go. In that case, I had to flee to the outer world to discover it. Compared to Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai, you, the premier commercial superior of the real human empire, are in themselves the Deacon of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, founded on the star sea trade and asteroids, and seem to be a more suitable partner!

“Come on, Kim, don't hesitate, let go of each other's stereotypes. Whether you come out to fix real or immortal, it's all about getting rich! If you think about it, if you discover a thousand new worlds, you can open hundreds of trade routes, and rebuild the profits of a thousand worlds, including real estate trading, mining and spiritual field development, all kinds of headaches and fees for interstellar immigration land, boom, boom, boom, boom, I can't count, or you can count for me? ”

Jin Yuyan's breathing was clearly rushed.

Even though he desperately wanted to suppress his heart beat, he was now not in control of his original body, after all, but accidentally revealed traces of the spider.

“Is that true? ”

He asked for a piece of crap.

“I know there's no reason to believe that. ”

Li Yao spread his hands and said calmly, “But please think about it from a different angle. Even Li Linghai and Wu Yingqi believed it. Why don't you believe it? ”

Jin Yu said slightly and fell into contemplation.

“Do you think, with the wisdom of Li Linghai and Wu Yingqi, they will be easily deceived by me, and they will not investigate my words? ”

"I had a great time working with Li Linghai for most of the year," said Li Yao. "It was only after I accidentally discovered the existence of Wu Yingqi that both sides turned upside down. It became apparent that the problem was on their side, not mine. If I had lied, they would have killed me already! ”

Jinyu Yan took a deep breath.

“I still think you're lying, but at least you've fallen from 10% to 1% —— intuition tells me that what you call the Starsea trade route seems to really exist, and working with you could really make me rich and enemies. ”

Jin Yu held onto his forehead, “This is a strange feeling, but whether you are telling the truth or not, the situation at hand seems like I have no choice but to believe you with some reservations. ”