Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2573: Pinched, Dare You Die!

But just three seconds later, the commanders of these ships realized that it wasn't right —— Boss Bai wasn't transmitting harmless battlefield data, he was mixing deadly crystal brain viruses in a lot of battlefield data.

These unprecedented crystal brain viruses, like ghosts, instantly erode their fragile defense systems, making small “modifications” to their ships, locking them all into "absolute security patterns" of "coercive non-attack friendly forces”.

In Absolute Security Mode, the Enemy Identification System, which controls the Crystal Brain, automatically scans all Friends within the range of Fire and locks out all Fire thrown into the Friends.

This pattern is mainly applied to the interlacement of the canine teeth of both sides of the enemy, and the fire cover is extremely vulnerable to accidental injury to the friendly state.

But now, whether they or the loyal National Salvation Army are surrounded, within hundreds of thousands of kilometers of each other, there is no sign of half an enemy ship. Why would Boss Bai do that and lock down their attack capability?

Of course, a large ship will never be left to external forces to unlock, relying on the spiritual branding of the Captain, the Deputy Captain and the Fire Commander, who can still change the status of the ship by “manually unlocking it”.

But by “manually unlocking," it takes at least a minute and a half for the ship to exit Absolute Security Mode.

And while these captains realized the big deal was bad, there was a loud, dead bell ringing over their bridge —— the sound of a sweeping ripple hitting their spiritual shield, and they had been locked to death by the loyal National Army.

They are in the “absolute security mode”, temporarily losing their ability to attack the "friendly army", but the "loyal salvation army” as a friendly army has no sign of a soft hand. Under all the gunfire, don't say a minute and a half, even in just half a minute, it can make them sink into sand, float in the sea of dark stars, and break apart into broken iron coffins!

“Boss Bai! ”

“Commander White! ”

“White Star Sword! ”

Many of the captains were terrified, and the cold sweat instantly slipped from their eyebrows to their noses, fearfully asking, "What do you mean? ”

“It doesn't mean anything, it's just that Xuexiang specifically instructed me to do… security measures. ”

Boss Bai smiled lightly on the communication channel, his eyes seemed like two deep wells flurring with poisonous fog, the spectre watched many heartbroken captains, prolonged the tone, one word at a time, “Xuexiao told me that the empire rose and died in this battle, and the success and failure of this battle depended most on the martial arts of the monarchs, but among the monarchs there were many hearts and minds to bear ghosts, both ends of the head rat, see the generations of forgetfulness, fearful or light, even many people planned to ‘go down on the battlefield’, trapped in the wrongdoers, with the heads of the four great families to repair fairies, in exchange for their own glory and riches... do you have! ”

With the words "Yes or No" and the thunder sound of the tiger leopard, combined with the expression of the bearded stare and heavy bombardment, the shape of the eyes of Big White thief eyebrows has become overwhelming and harsh.

As many captains were struck by lightning, even across the curtain, they took several steps back from their consciousness and shook their heads: "No, I didn't! ”


Boss Bai forked his hands and waisted, “Ha ha," laughed. “I really think the Four are deaf or blind. Do you really think Snowman is a fool left to deceive and manipulate? Well, let me be honest with you, what have you done in the last few days? Snowman knows exactly what you've done!

“Many of you have shares in all the major trade names, stacks and shipping fleets under the Universal Chamber of Commerce or the Alliance of Commerce, don't you?

“Each of you has seventeen or eight dark net accounts with a large number of free star coins, and once the Universal Chamber of Commerce is destroyed, these free star coins will all go to waste, won't they?

“Many of you have sent your hearts and minds to act as spokespersons, stay in the Seven Seas Market right now, and maintain the closest contact with the top level of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, right?!

“Many of you have done the trick of betraying the interests of the Empire, even deliberately causing a new sharp warship to suffer some 'Star Sea Storm’, completely scrapped, but actually smuggled into the World Chamber of Commerce, right across the street at this moment, to fight us, right?! ”

All the captains stared at the four questions like balls, and the three souls were shaking together.

“You, you! ”

Boss Bai forked his waist, poked the lens with one hand, almost went through the light to poke the captain's nose directly, a look that hated iron and steel, Yao Wuyang for a long time, which took a deep breath, restored calm, vagina, “Naturally, you all have a hard time and reason to look at the whole empire, people like you are like cow hair, blaming you, it is so unfair. ”

“No, that's right. ”

These captains who fell into the trap were like watching a lifesaving straw, nodding their heads, giving in, "It's not fair, we, too, are forced to help! ”

“So, Xuexiao is willing to give you a chance to do what Xuexiao has told you, not only has everything been written off in the past, but it will be in your best interest. ”

Boss Bai chuckled, “Of course, some of you have a fever and do some stupid things about jumping off the wall. The commander set up some small ‘defensive measures', don't you think? ”

“No, not too much! ”

The situation is stronger than people, not to mention the fact that the handle is in the other hand. What can these captains say besides shaking their heads?

“In that case, join the battlefield! ”

Boss Bai said that he was courageous enough to send the different coordinates of the past and the route set according to the coordinates to keep them close to his army.

It was not until these ships were integrated into Boss Bai's fleet system that they discovered the starships manipulated by the closest champions, Xiaoming and Wen Wen, who were stunned once again - all deeply deterred by the incredible size and manipulation of the "loyal National Army”.

“How, how is that possible? ”

“How is it possible for a loyal National Army to maintain such a complete formation and jump to the Seven Stars? Without the Stargate guide, this is simply an impossible miracle! ”

“Why the size of the loyal National Army, is this really a temporary fleet of star bandits? ”

“A ship less than 50,000 kilometers from us, like an ice-cold meteorite, we didn't even detect at first, what kind of concealment module was used, what kind of crew was operating these 'invisible’ starships! ”

All new captains have a belly question mark.

But they didn't even dare to throw half the problem.

Because they found themselves cleverly sliced apart by a "loyal salvation army", with almost every starship next to four or five Big White starships, and they showed them bloody fangs in no way at all, as if they could be torn to pieces in ten seconds.

They are like death squads or artillery ashes in ancient siege warfare, forced by armored and heavily armed elites, at the forefront of the battlefield.

Half a step back is the sharpest white blade, cutting off their heads without hesitation.

Destroying their tiny starships on a battlefield of such magnitude and chaos is more insignificant than crushing a few ants.

Whether or not you want to believe Boss Bai's bullshit, these hopeless captains seem to have only one way to go into the dark.

“Very good.”

The laughter of Boss Bai came back, “Looks like you are all smart people, knowing that ‘silence is gold' smart people, believe that our cooperation will be very pleasant, and not only will you all survive, but you will also get the prize of the snowman, even meet the snowman himself in an unexpected place!

“Now, let's get going, get more scattered warriors and join our battlefront - remember, the more new starships you join, the safer your ship will be if you let them all go to the front, the more starships you join.

“So, what do we do without me explaining it? ”

For the rest of the day, Boss Bai traveled outside the Seven Stars.

Under his command, this strange joint fleet is like a shark with an extremely sensitive sense of smell and near transparency, avoiding the sweep of the World Chambers Hunting Fleet every hundred thousand kilometres in advance, and searching for more and more scattered soldiers.

The vast majority of the Rangers had no problem accepting his command, and when he sent out his advanced authority in the "Flying Electric Optical Super Tactical Chain”, he took the initiative to release the Spirit Grid and the master control crystal brain, and then joined Boss Bai's battlefield.

It's like a snowball, it takes the most effort at first, but as Boss Bai's fleet is shaped and expanding, it has become one of the most smoothly assembled and massive temporary fleets, naturally more and more attacking starships are attracted to him, and he doesn't even have to work so hard to find them, these starships compete to get close to him.

And, of course, it's not like you haven't encountered an untamed "prick head”.

Some powerful warlord starships, either driven by powerful men with several giant warriors, or under the control of low-order immortals in the family of four major electorate emperors, look down on Boss Bai, an outburst of star thieves, and are reluctant to accept his command.

But the overwhelming majority of the untamed generations, after reading the secret order written by Yunshoufeng himself, and after the baptism of the 10,000 guns like the demonstration by the white boss, all chose to "endure a moment of calm and quiet", and gave in.

Until the end of the first day of intense warfare, the number of starships under Boss Bai had expanded three or five times before he encountered any real hardship.

The other party is not a starship, but a temporary fleet that has also assembled.

The commander of this fleet is a strong man from one of the four great families, the Song family.

It is a coincidence that this Song family strong is also a third class of the Tang Empire, called “Tiger Mountain Horse”!


I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I was just getting up this morning, and the kindergarten teacher called and said that my son had fallen, had a big bag on his head, and threw up.

Take him to see it. He also took him to provincial babysitter to see it. He ended up queuing up all morning. When he had to shoot the CT, he told us that the CT machine was broken and that this is the machine that shot the kid in the head. It takes two days for some part to arrive.

Two more hospitals said they couldn't see the child's head. Finally, they only finished watching it at City One Hospital. Fortunately, there was nothing in the way.

One, two, the hospital is almost finished reading, come home hurry the code, everyone, there is another chapter later, allow me to slow down first, what a day without feet!