Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2627: Daigo Irrigation!

Li Yao has never seen anyone who can “brainwash” such absurd and evil things, so obvious and bright.

Perhaps this is the skill that every emperor or leader must acquire.

Nevertheless, Li Yao's eyes spread a confused ripple, muttering: “Seems... reasonable, but this is brainwashing after all...”

“No, ‘brainwashing' is just a dumb, moronic custom, confined to past experience and imaginary fears, the name after the demonization of this advanced technology, as I have just said, the ancients, after seeing modern surgery, denigrated it as‘ witchcraft ’! Li Yao, I believe that you are not a simple, self-proclaimed mortal man and wife. You should be able to see the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology in the most rational and forward-looking way and the positive significance of revolution that it can bring to human civilization! ”

Wu Yingqi saw Li Yiu's shaking face, the moon shovel's general face revealed a few hints of joy, intensified the temptation, “In a word, whether demonic dynasty, star sea empire, star sea republic, real human empire or your Realist kingdom at the end of the future dynasty, the root of all the problems encountered is nothing more than two points - the star sea is too large, people are too distracted.

“To solve these two problems, or to rely on the Big Bang of Technology, to shorten the distance between the thousands of worlds with more sophisticated means of communication and transportation, so that central power can be quickly put to the ground, however easy the Big Bang of Technology can be to talk about, however civilization develops, as a three-dimensional life form of us, navigating and communicating in four-dimensional space has always been a very costly and risky thing.

“Since the distance between the stars cannot be shortened in the short term, it is only from the human heart, using brainwashing to reach a consensus, to bring people together. In fact, this is also the basis and premise of the Big Bang of Technology - why gather the world when people are not together?

“However, I still don't like the word 'brainwashing’, more accurately it should be 'perfusion’. ”

“Irrigation? ”

Li Yao subconsciously said, "Daiguo irrigation? ”

“Yes, this technology, which is based on the direct stimulation of the cerebral cortex to generate common emotions, memories and will, can increase the efficiency of human information exchange and knowledge transmission by hundreds of times, just like the legendary 'peak irrigation’, can make traitors who are selfish and self-righteous penitent, and can be called the nasty vulgar vulgar exaltation, which is an indispensable key technology for the evolution of humankind from a planetary civilization to a star sea civilization, further on the path to the evolution of a true ‘great cosmic civilization'. ”

Wu Yingqi said, "Perhaps you would think that I have obtained this technology from the Alliance, and even if there is nothing between me and the Alliance, you are mistaken. Its origins have nothing to do with what is called 'evil brainwashing’, but go back to the early days of the famine. When the Alliance of Pan Gu Civilizations was founded, its purpose was not to enslave anyone, but simply to form an alliance between civilizations, to be able to sympathize, understand each other, and live together in harmony. ”

“Early flood days? ”

Li Yao didn't expect Wu Yingqi to get such ancient technology, he couldn't help but hear God.

He held his breath and raised his ears, seemingly unaware that as Wu Yingqi spoke, he had more and more long black hair, which turned into a silky bundle of nerves, and burrowed into his body along his pores.

Li Yao and Wu Yingqi's consciousness, in this inextricable way, magically connected together.

Every word Wu Yingqi said next, as if it contained infinite information, not just voice, but also a picture of life, even accompanied by an intuitive story, like a crystal rock bomb, indiscriminately bombing Li Yao's soul, but did not provoke Li Yao's half resentment and vigilance - because it sounded unrelated to the current war.

“With your wisdom and your ability to deduce, it must be easy to imagine how the most critical thing to sustain a vast empire that spans all the realms of heaven is to bring together national consensus so that everyone can 'empathize', have consistent memories, unified emotions, unified glory, and congeal mainstream values and social consensus based on memories, emotions and glory. ”

Wu Yingqi silently eroded Li Yao's divine soul, “If the territory of a country involves only one planet or even one continent, it is very simple to build consensus. However, if the territory of a country encompasses two planets, one frozen planet and one desert planet, tens of thousands of light years apart, and the two planets are often disconnected due to storms in the stars and seas, sometimes not even a year and a half, even if they are connected, they can only transmit some small carriers, so as to develop alone hundreds of years, thousands of years, what ‘common memories, common interests' can be said between the inhabitants of the two places, contradictions and divisions are inevitable!

“Two planets, already so troublesome, what if 20,000 planets, even two million planets?

“And before the Alliance of Pan Gu Civilizations was founded, the situation in the universe was even worse than it is today - how chaotic the empire is today, how uneven the hearts and minds are, at least all the people are human beings, and the physiological structure and language and culture are roughly the same, dating back more than a hundred thousand years, all born in the same way.

“The Alliance of Civilizations, on the other hand, encompasses thirteen distinct carbon-based lives, and not too long ago, these thirteen carbon-based lives have only just been fought for!

“The difference between carbon-based life can also be unimaginable. To give the simplest example, the posterior clan and the praiser clan, who once fought the Battle of the Ten Days around ten suns.

“The origin of the backpack is an insect that grows a black crust, they are like an evolutionary version of the bee herd, a single individual has no consciousness and wisdom to speak of, but in a long evolution their solar crust has grown some sort of 'spiritual circuit' pattern, when countless insects come together to form a 'bee herd’, shaking the crust, the vertical and staggered spiritual circuit shakes the spark of wisdom, creating a common ‘bee herd consciousness’.

“From this point of view, the concept of ‘individual’ and ‘whole’ is very vague to the rear clan, and each rear clan, in fact, is a densely numb colony of bees, or a hive with life and freedom of movement, when one rear clan is seriously injured, losing 90 per cent of the worms, leaving 10 per cent of the worms to fly into another, becoming part of the body of another rear clan, and transmitting some of the information from the past to the new hive.

“So, many of the backpackers believe that 'they’ are immortal - and that's why the backpackers are brave and don't plan to die.

“Unlike the clan of praisers, they are not so much ‘animals’ as‘ plants’ of their origin.

“The Kua Patriarch is a giant race, and the adult Kua Patriarch can grow up to hundreds of meters, like a magnificent mountain or tall building, and is the largest of the thirteen Pangu races.

“But who can imagine that the newly born Kwapatra descendants are merely a small seed - the Kwapatra does not have a gender concept, but reproduces it in a ‘symbiotic symbiosis' way. Whenever the spring of the mother star arrives, the adult Kwapatra are affected by the magnetic field of the stars, condensing in their bodies the seeds of life the size of a nail cap, and they have to use a special gas to penetrate the seeds of life deep into the ground, allowing the fragile seeds to escape poisonous star radiation and to be nurtured in warm soils.

“And after that, every clan of praisers who pass through the seed burial site can sense the presence of the seed, and also puncture their tentacles into the ground, pouring nutrients and genetic information on the seed, which is the most sacred blessing for the clan of praisers, and can be understood as the way they mate and fertilize.

“Normally, a seed accumulates enough nutrient and genetic information to break ground after the blessings of twenty or thirty adult clans of praisers.

“But if it is through the blessings of forty or fifty adult praisers, it is the strong in the community.

“And if more than a hundred praisers give it nutrients and genetic information, it will surely become the leader of the clan, the best of the praisers, and even the giants who will be more than 100 meters tall in the future, the true mask of the day - this is literally the 'mask of the day’, because many studies assume that the so-called 'ball of praisers’ is made up of countless bodies of praisers.

“But no matter what the future, the just broken clan of praisers is a small tree seedling that does not even have the ability to move itself, can only use a special atmosphere and magnetic field to attract a floodplain ancient beast called 'Yellow Snake' to serve them, protect them from the enemy and get them enough food. Of course, the life magnetic field of the praiser clan has a great benefit for the evolution of Yellow Snake, which is a wonderful symbiotic relationship.

“At a young age, the Kwak Patriarch, under the service of the Yellow Serpent, will have to spend decades or even centuries before he can rise completely to the ground, become a free-moving adult giant and join the ranks of civilization - of course, after the extreme development of civilization and the possession of various earthless cultivation and quick-birth techniques, the Kwak Patriarch has created a variety of strange new reproductive methods, but the memories of the earliest ancestors, deeply rooted in the earth, are still engraved in their genetic depths and will never be forgotten.

“How can they shake hands and reconcile, how can they reach consensus, and how can they understand that each other is also a highly developed intelligent life, rather than an 'evil alien'? ”

Li Yaoyuan silently.

His mind was completely immersed in the illusions created by Wu Yingqi, as if he had truly become a clan of praiseworthy fathers and queens.

Indeed, it is difficult to understand each other's life form, let alone recognize the other's form, whether it be the rear clan of insect consciousness or the clan of young plants, adult animals, or the clan of praisers who after depletion integrate the remains into the "ball of praise".

“If the war between the two civilizations could not be stopped, both the posterity and the praise would probably be extinct. ”

Wu Yingqidao, "Pangu, this‘ mediator ’, used your so-called' evil brainwashing ’, that is, the advanced technology of‘ flaunting the roof ’, to make the two civilizations‘ sympathetic ’, share each other's ancestral memory and growth environment, perceive each other's joy and sorrow and desire, understand the thousand ways of civilization, finally reach agreement, welcome peace, preserve the two civilizations, of course, by the way, let them understand the existence of Pangu, do not have to be afraid of Pangu people's too advanced technology. ”