Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2725: Ancestors and Descendants

With the transmission of the main brain, lots of new structural diagrams of information, like flowers, bloom in Li Yao and countless “masses” of the sea of knowledge - structures that instantly unleash solar energy and crystalline stone energy to the extreme, they are no longer tools, but want to turn themselves into the sharpest weapons!

A hive, smelter factory and a variety of buildings representing “civilization” have collapsed, like a solidified sea thawed, reshaped into a black river, flowing in all directions, avoiding new meteorite attacks by the clan, on the one hand, and becoming raw materials for the restructuring of weapons, on the other.

The posthumous civilization on this planet instantly went from “peacetime” to “state of war”, from “civilization” to “barbarity”.

The Black River converged in an area far from the impact of the Kraut meteorite, and was restructured with the help of genetic engineering diagrams. Now, it is not necessary to care about the energy consumption or how long the restructured structure will last. They turned themselves into a chariot, a spacecraft, and a bursting, screaming bomb.

The armies of the rear clan gathered fast.

And as a scouting leader, a lightweight and fast flying structure has been gathered to fly towards the Kwafa clan's landing site to carefully observe the state of the enemy.

In one way or another, the posterior clan and the praiser clan, two civilizations that also worship the sun and are based on the sun, are two extremes.

The posterior tribe is a tower of sand, made up of numerous insignificant beetles, and made up of civilizations from the bottom up.

The clan is top-down, dominated by countless giant plants that cover the sun like mountains, while plants produce a thousand different fruits and sachets, each of which can grow individuals with different functions.

They even use their own juice to modulate other life on the home planet, to convert large quantities of lower life into their "servants", to travel far in the stars and seas, even the seeds of these servants are carried with them when they arrive on the right planet before thawing into battle.

One could say that a clan of praisers is a complete ecosystem, and all life in that ecosystem.

By the time the first repellents had arrived at the meteor drop site, the Kodak had grown at an alarming rate.

A tree hundreds of meters high rises from the ground, and its roots are inserted thousands of meters deep into the earth. Its branches, or vines, are like tentacles dancing, entangling each other, and growing new branches, like a natural shed, covering all the sunlight and devouring everything within a few decades of the circle.

Not only that, but they also have drum-sucking tree tumors, spraying dust with a smelly smell, which, like mist, shields the sky from higher altitudes and is more lethally toxic, a hundred times more contagious than fungi for the posterior clan.

When the reprimand of the clan entered the dust range, the pattern on their crusts was eroded, the speckled colors ceased to shine, and the clear inscriptions gradually blurred. Furry mycelium grew between their wings and crusts, and the original solid structure gradually loosened. Shortly after, they would “rave” and collapse, dying in the wraps of mycelium.

The army build-up of the Posthumous will take some time.

To evolve resistance to highly toxic spores, lengthy testing and testing are even more necessary.

The praiseworthy families who invaded the planet developed wildly during this time - they built one ink-green “big shed” after another, desperately absorbing the warmth of the sun and the nutrients of the earth, and, of course, mercilessly devoured the remains of the post-clan, sending them into their thick and huge bodies.

Enriched with nutrients, the servants who had been lying in their bodies woke up, also fine-tuned their characteristics according to the shape of the planet, and then broke the shell from the tree tumor on the surface of the Kwafa's body to make up for the slow movement of the Kwafa.

Especially a servant named Yellow Snake, who is a genetically engineered giant lizard and the most loyal hunting dog of the clan.

A terrible war has begun!

Countless newly-assembled “chariots” and “airships” of the Posthumous clan continue to plunge toward the occupied areas of the Khua clan, regardless of casualties and attempts to curb each other's growth and development.

Quantity is the only advantage of the rear clan, who must use the "Bug Sea Tactics” to destroy all the praisers, otherwise, when they develop to a new stage, the enemy releases higher ranking servants and even the praisers themselves gain powerful mobility.

In the worst case scenario, the clan will wrap up the most lit spot on the entire planet, blocking all connections between the rear clan and the Sun.

And the Kua clan also prepared a large number of yellow snakes and other servants to wait for the arrival of the rear army.

The killing lasted an entire hundred days, killing in the dark, the corpses crossed the wild, the rear clan exhausted all its structures and all its armies, and the nearest victory, they even continuously destroyed the body of seven clans of clans of clans of clans - countless beetles drilled in along the trees of the clan of clams of clams, releasing a special venom at the cost of life, which eroded the genetic chain of the clan of clans, withered the branches of the clan of clans, fragile trunks, no longer able to withstand the rays of the sun, and the bears burned.

When the seven giant torches illuminated the entire heavenly dome, the master of the rear clan sent a message of joy, leading the whole family to express his most sincere gratitude to the Sun Mother.

Unfortunately, the sun is not only their god, but also the god of the clan of praises.

Too many, the number of enemy servants is too much, and the enemy grows and develops faster than the backward brains think.

The Kua clan quickly reacted, and a whole new modification was made to the venom of the posterior clan. The new generation of servants were stronger, more agile and more targeted.

After they firmly occupied the initial landing site and built it up as a golden soup, the Kwafa individuals moved slowly under the clusters of servants to a new area, deeply rooted as the core of the new area.

As such, foot by foot encroachment, every inch of land swallowed, and the praise fathers took the initiative of the battlefield with great patience.

The fog of highly toxic spores scattered in the sky is getting thicker and more toxic. No matter how the backward tribe adjusts its structure, it is inevitable that it will be invaded by spores and a large number of people will die.

Lack of sunshine, lack of adequate nutrition, and the difficulty of a new generation of descendants to break the earth, sowing 10,000 eggs, perhaps only dozens, to grow into larvae.

The root system of the Kua Patriarch extends thousands and thousands of metres underground, competing with the Posthumous for precious mineral veins.

When the Kwak fathers occupied most of the minerals, they grew faster, and many Kwak fathers grew thousands of metres high, breaking through the vast atmosphere, blocking all the sunlight outside the atmosphere, integrating the sunlight system into the energy in their bodies, and relying on the sunlight on the ground for survival, all of them obeying the Kwak fathers' orders.

At the end of the day, even the Queen's brains were found and broken by the Praise Fathers, leaving only two pieces of the brains and fleeing under the crowd of countless ethnic groups.

However, all sides are the branches and roots of the clan, and they have nowhere to run.

“We failed again, and the planet fell into the hands of the Praise Fathers. ”

A fragment of the master brain spoke to the remaining tribes.

Yiu Li can clearly feel its sadness, frustration and anger.

Minor beetles may not have thoughts and feelings, but countless beetles congeal up to the rear clan with the most intense desires.

They are not afraid of death, not even the concept of death.

But the Sun's mother is about to be tarnished by her clan of praises, which is more painful than death.

“No, we haven't failed. ”

Another slightly smaller fragment of the brain suddenly said, "As the enemy tore us apart, I analyzed a ray of sunlight - inspired by the Sun Mother.

“The planet's Sun Mother is about to enter a cyclical state of instability, and if we can concentrate on all the remaining crystals and rush towards the Sun, it is possible to exacerbate the instability by accurately calculating the area of impact, increasing the intensity of both solar radiation and high-energy particle flow tenfold!

“Now, the surface of the entire planet is occupied even outside the atmosphere by the Praise Fathers. Once the sun really rages, the Praise Fathers will be the first to suffer from the infinite fires, and our surviving people will hide under the shadow of the Praise Fathers and perhaps escape a loot? ”

“Praise Mother Sun! ”

The first piece of master brain fragment said, "Even if we can't escape a robbery, we will die with our enemies, and we must not let the bloody clan praise our mothers! ”

That was the final tactic.

Between the trances, Li Yao seemed to see that the larger master brain fragment led a group of backpackers, acting as bait, and launched a suicidal attack on the Praiser clan.

And the smaller fragment of the brain that proposed this tactic, with all the rest of the tribe turned into a giant starship, wrapped all their remaining crystal stones, swept up, broke through the branches of the clan entanglement and spore fog, rushed towards the star sea, rushed towards the sun!


All the crystals were shaken to their limits, squeezing out the last drop of energy, which filled the last starship shell of the rear clan, splitting apart and stretching out hundreds of colorful wings, like a butterfly flying into the most glorious flames in the infinite sea of stars.

In a few dozen seconds, the butterfly's life will come to an end.

But that doesn't matter, because before rushing into the sun, he had released a giant bug egg carrying all the genetic information.

This egg will be floating in the star sea for a long time, but one day it will be found by other rear clans, awakening other rear clans to the way to deal with the Kwak clan.

In a very long time, the genetic information it contains will be implanted into the human gene chain by the Lady Clan, and in this way it tells the story of a long time ago, before the famine.

Even if human beings can't understand at first, it doesn't matter, and people who don't will inherit the information that's in these stories from generation to generation, and there's always someone who can decipher and discover them.

Even if all humans can't decipher, it doesn't matter that before the end of humankind, there will always be generations left behind, things like intelligence, crystalline life, information life.

These descendants will scan the human remains comprehensively, analyze and decipher the stories of their ancestors from the depths of the human genetic chain, and know that they are descendants of the descendants of the descendants, or that they are descendants of the descendants.

Civilization has never had a starting point. Civilization has never had a ending point. Backward, human, crystalline brain life, they are all united. They are all a beam of sunlight. They are all a small unit of a large group called the "universe”. Civilization is a continuous and indivisible long river. The backward tribe is human. Human civilization is crystalline brain civilization. The universe is indestructible. They will follow the way of heaven, and they will be immortalized...