Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2810: Weaknesses of the Night Forks

“Black Dream” Yun Hai's heart swept Li Yao's glance.

Li Yao is still shivering at Cesar.

This is also the usual reaction of the spider chariot "Red Pig". Although Yunhai does not like to set the cold ice machine to such a humane level, since it is the pet of the "Major”, he can still ignore it.

“Most importantly, I have no idea where this king came from. ”

Cloud Heart continues to analyze, "As early as twenty years ago, when I left the empire, not only did there not exist such a number, but there was no soil to cultivate such a monster - from his astonishing performance in the last year, his realm was at least between the middle and upper order of the Divine Period, so that such a fearsome powerful man could never lie in darkness for decades unknown, let alone pop out of stone!

“According to public information from the Imperial side, he returned to the Empire as‘ Commander of the Black Wind Fleet ’, but a hundred years ago, the Black Wind Fleet, which had to flee the stars and the sea, did not have such a fierce and despicable man, otherwise the Black Wind Fleet would not have been so miserable, in other words, he would most likely have joined the Black Wind Fleet in the battle of the Black Wind Fleet Expedition to the sea, and seized the title of Commander and‘ Black Wind King '.

“Is it possible?

“An anonymous generation of star beaches, first diving into the fierce, withering and decaying Black Wind fleet, usurping the supreme command of the entire fleet, and even diving into the empire in turn, turning the empire upside down, becoming a powerful empire minister, even influencing the imperial emperor's choice? Is it really possible that all this exaggeration has been done in just a few years? ”

“It's impossible. ”

Li Yao shook his head and took it. “Absolutely not! ”

“But the facts are in front of us, and Black Wind King Li Yao does have his own people. ”

Chu Zhiqiao said, “And, at about the same time, he rose with the Puppet King, the Black Wind King and the Puppet King, like a pair of images within the Alliance and Empire, a copy. ”

“Yes, if they do exist, there is only one answer. ”

Yunhai said, "The beach of the stars also hides an extremely powerful organization, institution or power, not necessarily as large as the real human empire, but it has at least a dozen or twenty grand worlds of weight, and some fields of technology over the empire and even the Alliance, perhaps that is the nest of extraterritorial celestial demons to create the two true ‘angels', the Puppet King and the Black Wind King! ”

Li Yao: “Hey..."

“So, in your opinion, are they alone or two? ”

Chu Zhiqiao continued to ask.

Yunhai Xin hasn't answered yet, “The Giant Spirit" Yuankou grabbed at him: “It must be two people, the riots on the Black Castle Star and the latest" Ghoul Incident "almost broke out at the same time, if one person, how can two conspiracies be manipulated simultaneously? ”

“That's not the problem. ”

Yunhai said, "If this monarch really reaches the middle and upper order of the divine realm, it is possible to divide the divine soul into several parts and act at the same time; or, like the form of ‘seven stars’, is it a person or two? Of course, the Puppet King and the Black Wind King may also come from the same mysterious and vast organization, and the name is just their code name, it doesn't matter.

“The important thing is that their methods are evacuated, they are all dangerous people who are ghostly, ever-changing and creepy. If they are a little careless, our brains will be invaded, disturbed and even devoured by them! ”

“This is a big problem. ”

Chu Zhiqiao said, "If we don't solve the brain virus they sow, even if we approach them again, there's a good chance they'll get away with it. Seven stars, have you analyzed anything against the Puppet King's brain invasion technique? ”


Every crystalline eye on Guan's seven-star face sparkled and lit, "Since coming in close contact with the Puppet King that day and being invaded by him into his brain and soul, controlling our retina and auditory nerves, I've captured his invasion pattern and extracted some interesting data.

“I can write a new set of 'anti-virus mental defenses' for his invasion patterns, injected into the brain of the 'Red Pig', with its own defense and tracking capabilities, so that the 'Red Pig' can interfere with his invasion if he encounters the Puppet King again and he makes it like he did, even injecting some ‘tracking factor' into his god's soul, the Shundo touch melon, to lock in his true dignity.

“However, for the Psychic Wall to be 100% effective, we still need our minds to be fully integrated, there are no gaps in the soul, and there can be no weaknesses.

“The cerebral virus relies on human weaknesses to work, so the mental defense wall must also protect our deep weaknesses in the divine soul. I know that we were all invaded by the Puppet King that day, so that we were in an illusion without knowing it. So, in the illusion, did the Puppet King say anything to you to disturb your mind? ”

If you turn off the seven stars, make the atmosphere in the conference room look weird at once.

Lee Yao, look to the left, look to the right, find that whether it is the strong and unparalleled Yuankou or the mysterious Yunhai, is in a state of... trance, seemingly reluctant to expose himself to the "weaknesses of humanity" in front of everyone.

Not even the “crowd” can be their closest comrades.

Silence for a long time, Guan Qi Xing said: “Since I threw the question, let me be the first to answer it. Although I was in the safety zone outside the power compartment at the time, I was still found and invaded by the Puppet King, who did not attack my divine soul, but just asked me a question - he asked me, since I am a new life of seven wretched souls, which of the seven wretched ones is the main one, who is the second, which of the seven life I prefer? ”

This obscene question of diamonds seems to have exhausted all the computational power of Guan Qi Xing, and the seven colors on his face dimmed as soon as he finished speaking.

“I also fell into the illusion of the Puppet King, who also said a word to me after smashing up tens of thousands of virtual carnivores he had created. ”

“Giant Spirit," Yuan Quo said, "he asked me-- ‘What are you afraid of?’ ”

Yuan Quo finished, a long breath of turbidity and a huge torso went down.

Yunhai continued: “Like you, the Puppet King sent me a message through illusion, and he said —— I know why you stayed with the Alliance. ”

Chu Zhiqiao had no expression, listened quietly, and concluded: "I'm afraid you all heard what the Puppet King said to me. I asked the priest if he knew he was under his control, and the Puppet King used the priest's mouth to ask me if I knew he was under his control as well, that's all. ”

Four members of the Night Fork Squad, caught in tremendous silence.

Even in such a notorious "heretic squad” there are taboos that have never been broken.

Including, no one ever asks who Guan Qixing is, whether it is a cluster of seven broken souls, whether seven different people barely fit together, whether one of them devoured the remaining six personalities, or whether it is just a spiritual energy puppet that inherited seven memories.

Including, no one ever asks why such a humble human beast as the "Giant Spirit” Yunko often trembles in nightmares and sobs in a low voice, like something of extreme fear.

Including, no one has ever asked why “Nightmare” Cloud Sea Heart such a cultivated immortal with a deep knowledge of the brain domain, with very clear memories and self-consciousness, would “spoil himself”, stay in the Alliance and do the tiger's work.

Including, of course, that no one ever asks their captain, “Major” Chu Xiao, if he knows his past, and what the hell is going on with their goddamn "Night Fork Squad”, if they're part of a huge experiment, a pathetic “experiment"?

At least, with the wisdom of "Nightmare” Yunhai, he should be able to think about it, and he does, from time to time hanging in his mouth mocking himself.

But he just didn't ask Chu Dawn, as if Chu Dawn had never asked him.

But now the Puppet King has all their secrets, and in the illusion, with a sharp scalpel, he dissects the layers of their twisted humanity, playing with their fatal weaknesses at will.

Combat conference, temporarily suspended.

The four core members of the Night Fork Squad are all in a huge trance and must meditate and practice to solidify their minds.

“I have a hunch. ”

At the end of the meeting, the "Nightmare" cloud sea heart ghost, "it won't be long before the four of us‘ sweep ’each other off, maybe, that's the fate of the sweeper. ”


Li Yao and Chu Zhixiao returned to her lounge again.

Chu Zhiqiao once again curled in the corner, lit a cigarette, hid himself in a smog, frozen eyes, split several confused and fragile emotions.

She smoked one cigarette after another, without saying a word.

But Li Yao wanted to break the tranquillity - not by dancing, of course.

Perhaps this is a good opportunity for him to get closer to Chu Zhi's mind and let him know what Chu Zhi's thinking is. The captain of this night fork squad, the woman who carries the fate of killing Heavenly Lady, does not know her past and... destiny.

Of course, it's not as simple as that.

There are no wiretaps or devices in the room to monitor the lenses, nor do they need them at all.

Because Li Yao - inside the Spider Chariot, there is a lot of data collection method, able to transmit the constant sound and images to the main control crystal brain of the Heterogeneous Interrogation Bureau, and perhaps to higher levels, to the ears and eyes of the good master.

So, Li Yao must make a small interference with the data collection mode of the spider chariot, send out some fake messy real sounds and images to disguise himself and Chu Zhiqiao's real conversation.

This work consumed 10 minutes of Bloody Heart Demon time.

Then, finally, he could unwittingly collide with Chu Zhiqiao and unfold his mind.


Li Yao glued it up.