Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2867: The End of the Flood

“We, the prehistoric civilization, the Hong Chao Legion and the Pangu Alliance of Civilizations, the common descendants, are the ultimate form of carbon-based intelligent life! ”

Forgiveness is the deep and calm of Lu Light Dust. When he hears such shocking news, he can't help but start stunning.

Li Yao was equally excited to be unable to help himself, and a mysterious sense of pride emerged.

The voodoo word may have moisture, but this is not necessarily false, and the greatest evidence is that magical civilization - a magical civilization from the depths of the multiverse, whose individuals are also human shapes, is almost no different from those of the Pankorean universe, except for blonde eyeballs.

Moreover, the Earth in Li Yao's dream is not only a human being in all its forms, but also a common home. If the relationship between “Earth” and “Flood Tide” is extremely close, at least it shows that “human form" is one of the most prevalent forms of the pluralistic universe under the flood tide.

Often, the most common form on the evolutionary path, the most powerful form, the survival of the fittest, the less powerful form systems are eliminated.

“Prehistoric civilization, Pangu civilization, Hong Chao Legion, Hong Chao and the Earth in foreign dreams, everything, hidden into a line, what is the relationship between them? ”

Li Yao was thinking.

“No, you lied to me! ”

After a moment of excitement, Lu Qingdu also returned to calm and sinked his face, “If ‘human beings' are truly the new generation of 'civilized carriers’ you place great hopes in, how can they be used as tools, even in the soul of human beings, to implant such abominable prohibitions as' the best way - the three fundamental laws’? ”

“Why can't you think of anything so simple? ”

Volkswagen relaxed, "Because there are many ethical obstacles involved, not all individuals of Pangu civilization are willing to abandon their original form forever. In the eyes of many people, abandoning their own form is tantamount to abandoning their civilization.

“If we combine the genes of prehistoric civilization with Pangu civilization and produce offspring, are we really ‘authentic' Pangu?

“Not to mention the genes captured by the 'Hung Chao Legion', is it the claw teeth of these floods that ‘tarnish’ the pure and sacred bloodlines of Pangu civilization?

“Can such an artificially formulated 'bastard’ truly inherit the great tradition of Pangu civilization, rather than cultivate the tomb diggers of Pangu civilization?

“You see, these questions are almost unanswerable, and if you start by saying, 'We're going to create a new generation of carbon-based life forms, because we're all too backward now, and we have to get rid of them altogether, and we can't keep any of them', how many people do you think will support it and how many people will oppose it?

“If it is so revealed to the public, it is only feared that the civil war of Pangu civilization will erupt more than 100,000 years in advance. ”


Lu Qingdust slightly flashed, “I think so. ”

“Didn't you suffer like this yourself? ”

"It's as if you suddenly told your own compatriots - that we're too backward in our flesh and blood form right now. In order for civilization to leap, we must immediately change to a new form of 'virtual world plus super spiritual nets plus metal puppets'. How many compatriots will accept this despite your best intentions? Think of you as a demon, banish you so badly that even your grand plan will be extinguished? ”

“Indeed, the masses are blind, it is impossible to accept such radical changes. Moreover, those who fear the tail of their necks, false benevolence, and the so-called strong who remain crippled, cry out the slogan of hot blood, childish high school students and spare no effort to hinder the progress of civilization...”

Lu Qingdu bit his teeth. Speaking of this, he suddenly woke up and stared into the glow of the Volkswagen. He added a few more colors of vigilance. He laughed coldly, “Wait, you said you were not interested in spying on my secret. In fact, you still didn't move your voice. You gathered a lot of information about me and Xingyao Federation. Even the consequences of my deportation from the Federation, you know what I mean. Should I applaud your intelligence-gathering capabilities? ”

“I just want you to understand the need for an artificial plan. ”

"You are unlikely to replace the human flesh with a large number of metal puppets on the grounds of 'version update, civilization reboot’,“ but with the justification of 'creating an entirely new tool to free mankind from dangerous, onerous and simple duplication of work', you will have the support of the general public and an infinite investment of resources.

“At that time, only a small handful of people knew all the truth and, in order to avoid falling into a whirlpool of ethical contradictions and opposition, ‘man-made schemes’ had to be covertly launched under the pretext of 'making new tools - human beings'. ”

“So that's it. ”

Lu Qingdu exclaimed for a moment, "As you said, the plan should be very smooth for both the Pangu and the Lao tribes. Why did it develop to… the end of the famine war? ”

“Yes, the first tens of thousands of years have indeed gone very well. ”

Volkswagen said sadly, "We absorbed a great deal of technology from the maker of the dark screen and the Hung Chao Legion. After the absence of emotional disturbances, the order of the whole society became stronger, the coefficient of friction in the operation of society became smaller and the efficiency of resource utilization continued to improve. On the other hand, the research of the women's ethnic group has made breakthrough progress, and several different forms of ‘human experiments' have been created.

“In just tens of thousands of years, Pangu civilization actually raised several levels to the extent that it was originally created by the peak. It seems that everything in the calculation of the" Volkswagen system "will never be omitted.

“But the computational power of the 'Volkswagen system' is so powerful that it is not possible to exhaust the mind of every individual of ancient civilization, and at its deepest depths there is always something that cannot be sealed and deleted.

“No one knows exactly why the civil war started.

“Perhaps it is the divisions and controversies between the two sides over the distribution of resources and computational power - the Pankos who want to devote more resources to the overall purification of civilization, as well as to the study of starships and dark screens; and the Ladies who are totally obsessed with 'man-made schemes’, hoping to throw endless resources on the theoretically perfect carbon-based life of 'man’.

“Perhaps when the 'Hung Chao Corps prisoners’ were first studied, their genetically deep chaotic and violent fragments were not completely deleted, so that some evil things came back to life.

“Perhaps the Pangu Expeditionary Army stormed out of the Dark Curtain itself, tearing the Dark Curtain apart a huge rift, making the vast array of information from the outside world more frequent and intense, which can drive straight into, interfere with and infect individuals of Pangu civilization, namely, the 'Celestial Invasion’.

“In short, Pangu civilization was completely divided when it was the last time it should be divided.

“Civil war broke out.

“In the beginning, Pangu, the leader of the Alliance, took an absolute advantage, not only possessed the strongest force and resources, but also had the full support of the remaining eleven carbon-based life races, in addition to the Lao, Pangu, Praise Fathers, Co-workers, Congratulations, Back... almost twelve races, severely suppressed the Lao.

“However, the Ladies also have their own key to victory.

“Firstly, the Female Xu Nation at the time controlled the highest authority and overwhelming majority of computing power of the 'Volkswagen System'. The number of computing centers and spiritual network nodes controlled by the Female Xu Nation was more than that of the Pangu Nation.

“There is no way, ‘genetic fusion, creation of human beings', which requires a long period of high-intensity computation by the superbrain in order to make a breakthrough. As the masters of the 'artificial plan', the Lady Clan naturally controls most of the 'voodoo system’.

“Secondly, in the study of 'Hung Chao Legion prisoners' and ‘Hung Chao technology', the women have gone further than the Pangu and the rest of the ethnic groups, so far as the 'phantom energy', which is considered taboo by ordinary people, is secretly weaponized and put into action.

“Thirdly, and most importantly, the Ladies have a natural ally, which is the legion of human beings that has just been created.

“Humans just born are still quite weak and tiny, but they have shown the advantages of super fertility and super low energy consumption - even if a human has only one percent of the battle power of a Pangu race, if he only needs to consume one tenth of Pangu's resources, and can live a hundred times more than the Pangu race, that's terrible, isn't it?

“Of course, both parties have ‘man-made factories', and both have human servants, but the man-made factories controlled by the Pangu are all delivered to them after the construction of the Lady Clan. All of them produce old models and low versions of humans. The Pangu people do not dare to completely let go of their autonomous escalation authority, and they cannot play all the fighting power of humankind at all.

“On the harsh battlefield, the Lady Clan constantly experimented with and eliminated new models and new versions of humans, and constantly improved and strengthened their performance against the battlefield. In this way, humans mastered all kinds of divine talents, awakened their ability to learn and upgrade themselves. Until the end, they invented a strategic weapon that was enough to rival the demons. Finally, they were able to defy the 12 carbon-based races led by the Pankos, and the Chamber!

“The war of even enemies, that is, the most brutal war, for 10,000 years, our universe was covered in the flames of the end, countless stars were extinguished, more than ten times more planets were lit, hundreds of millions of living beings did not have time to make their last cry, and with their home planets were extinguished with smoke, let alone those steel floods that took countless generations to build, which had been used to enter the outer realm of the army, were all in each other's slaughter, turned into broken steel coffins, drifted in super-high radiation turbulence, and eventually crushed into gloomy stardust!

“As people feared a long time ago, once the civil war broke out in Pangu civilization, no carbon-based race would be the winner, Pangu would be fine, and so would the ladies, and the remaining eleven strong races like the demons would all be burned down by the war and completely extinguished.

“This is the end of the famine, but it is the dawn of mankind. I had no idea that the so-called 'reboot of civilization' would take place in such a cruel manner! ”