Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2874: Inaccurate Dirt

“Nutrition! ”

The arc that it injects into the Lu Light Dust Spirit is still strengthening, gradually changing from dark purple to incandescent, not only tearing the Lu Light Dust Spirit apart more and more, but even stirring up a stream of smoky data, rising, like burning the Lu Light Dust Spirit to ashes alive.

Forgiveness is a tough man like Lu Qingdust who can endure more than a hundred times the pain of mankind. He can't help but scream terribly.

He twisted, wriggled, struggled like a dry earthworm in the sun, but could not escape the raging sun, torment and ravages.

“What should I do?”

Li Yaoxin was in a hurry, his soul twitched constantly, "Lu Qingdust seems very painful, this is also... too bad! ”

“So now you are Xiaoxiang Xieyu, all pitied on Lu Qingdu's head? ”

The blood-hearted demon said, "Remember what he did to us in the Federation. Now Volkswagen plugged his soul into it. Didn't he plug our soul into it that day, plugging us all into a thousand sores? You're not trying to save him, are you? ”

“I, I don't know, Lu Light Dust deserves his sins, but his sins should also be tried and punished by the Confederate people, how can this be... No, it is not a real 'fu fu’ at all, it is just a code name, crazy artificial intelligence, it is not qualified to force any human being to this level! ”

Li Yaotong took a beating and continued, “Besides, if Lu Qingdust can't stand the punishment, if he really surrenders, it will make it easy to get a lot of federal data, make it more perfect to deduce and take control of the war scene, and can best judge our strategy for the next step, which is bad! ”

“Makes sense, and then what, we jump out and die and we change the situation? ”

Blood-hearted demons, “Remember, our souls are more critical than Lu's, once we are completely devoured! ”


Li Yaobun was helpless and could only watch Lu Qingdu's soul struggle under the fierce bombardment of the “painful data flood”.

“I... I...”

The soul of Lu Light Dust, burning hard, will extinguish at any moment.

“Speaking of your choices should not be difficult, and any carbon-based intelligent life with normal logical thinking skills knows how to choose. ”

Volkswagen dragged Lu gently in front of him, fading away.

“Indeed… it is not difficult…”

Lu Jingdu grinned, his soul gathered out on his ugly face, giving off an incredibly brilliant smile, suddenly from his soul a limb similar to his arm, and stormed the past hard towards the depths of the fluttering light group, "I choose the second road, asshole! ”


His fist smashed countless waves of data on his fluttering face, like a circle of rings spreading outward.

Then more tentacles of light were inserted into his soul, transferring ten times more painful data to his soul, taking up almost all of his divine space, depriving him of the ability to think logically, and spiritual data was overflowing.

That's the ancient cultivation term, so to speak, “the soul is scattered”!

“Lu Qingdu...”

Li Yaoqiao looked at the scene, very eager to whistle, regardless of anything rush out to beat Volkswagen into the impulse of Pig Head 3 - if he couldn't beat Volkswagen, he would really do it.

What a drunken grandson of Patriot leader Lu, even if he is a demon, he is also a demon of the Starlight Federation!

“I really… can't analyze, can't understand, can't calculate and infer your thoughts at this moment. ”

Forming a flickering glow, for the first time, it reveals a similarly confusing emotion, muttering, "Why, I clearly gave you and your country, the best option, if you nod your head, you can get hundreds of times more life, endless technology and mystery, and your country can get at least a hundred million years of security, and perhaps I won't interfere with it until your little civilization is finally asleep.

“Why, you wouldn't even agree to such generous terms - don't tell me you still care about the life of the Alliance and the Empire, no, you don't care at all, in your original plan, to hope that both the Alliance and the Empire will be destroyed so that your Federation can rise and fall.

“So what's the real reason, I'm really curious.

“You're still dealing with ‘real’ and ‘fake’ issues, don't you believe I can 'borrow fake reality’ and not restore 100% of everything in the real universe in the virtual world? ”

“Hoo-hoo... Hoo-hoo... Hoo-hoo... Hoo-hoo! ”

With the strong stimulation of the Volkswagen arc, Lu Light Dust's divine soul had already reached the edge of fragmentation and near extinction.

But he was like a return light or even a Jedi counterattack, adapted to this degree of pain, the distorted soul was cleared up again, and in the blast of the arc, he sent out his own, federal, human, unscrupulous laughter.

“You'll never understand, even if one day you can control all the stars in this universe and convert all the star energy into your computational power, you'll never understand. ”

Lu softly roared, “I don't care what is‘ real ’and‘ false ’. I have always believed deeply that even in virtual space you can have real life, but only if you are free, unparalleled and free from any laws and destiny!

“If your future really comes, the whole universe becomes your brain, all the virtual space and all the life in it, including humans, you created it, don't you say, everyone is firmly controlled by you, precisely calculated, and there is absolutely no room to resist you?

“Everyone, every link from life to death, even every second, is arranged by you. You can observe and interfere as you please. When babies are born, you know how they die. Everything is doomed. Everything cannot be changed. They can only walk on a clear line, rigidly and without any possibility of derailment!

“Humans like this, aren't they still wire puppets under your control? Isn't this human civilization still on death row in a cage called Time?

“No, I would never accept such a fate, I would never recognize such puppets and death row inmates as representing human civilization!

“I am the devil, I am a believer in chaos, and the truth of chaos is to doubt everything, to rebel against everything, to break everything, to make everything impossible possible!

“Even if you can calculate everything in the macro world, even if you can calculate the position and velocity of every star, every atom, there are still things in the micro world beneath the atom that no one can measure, which is the 'theory of inaccuracy' of chaos, which is why the human spirit was born in chaos that is so incalculable, incalculable, incalculable!

“We humans, sons of chaos, are the product of ‘inaccuracy', we represent absolute freedom and infinite possibilities from our lifetime, we will never recognize that there are those who can calculate, predict and control our future, we will never accept the oppression and restraint of any destiny, we will never be able to endure… to become anyone, any form of doll and slave, whether you are the demons of the heavens or the floods above the demons of God, anything that wants to limit us, we will fight it to the end!

“Now, do you understand?

“Truth and falsehood do not matter, absolute freedom is the key.

“Or when we are manipulated, bound, computed, sealed by irresistible destiny, even if we live in a real universe, that life is pale and false.

“And when we unleash the infinite possibilities of our ‘inaccurate’ spirits, even in virtual space, we can cultivate the most real life! ”

In the deafening roar, deep in the deaf soul of Lu Dust, the rain-spotted “fists” again burst heavily on the luminous luminous mass.

This time, more ripples and apertures surged over the fluttering light mass, tearing it apart into countless pieces of illusion that it had worked so hard to create.

“It's over. I didn't expect Lu Qingdust to be infected by you. ”

Bloody Heart Demon to Li Yao, “also turned into a hot, bloody high school student! ”

“What an incredible idea. ”

Volkswagen has been silent for a long time, letting the storm of Lu dust bombard its light mass, smashing a circle after circle of halo, “Well, let's go the second way, as you wish, but before I tear your god apart, I'd like to ask you one last question.

“If you reject me for reasons other than the distinction between so-called 'real’ and ‘illusion’, simply because you don't want to be manipulated by some kind of force, how do you know that the ‘real universe' in which we live is not being calculated, monitored and manipulated by some higher power, how can you be sure that you have ‘absolute freedom’?

“Tell me, if you find that even our ‘real universe' was created by some existence, that everything was arranged in the Big Bang hundreds of millions of years ago, that many generations of intelligent life, including you and all mankind, were sealed by an unchanging fate, what would you do, and how would you face such a universe? ”

Lu gently laughed.

Laughed outrageously and insanely.

His soul shows an unprecedented glow, like a precursor to a supernova explosion.

“Even if I were just a tiny piece of dust in the stars and oceans, there was no god above the universe who could control my floating trajectory. ”

Lu Qingdu said, “If the universe is really, as you say, computed, controlled and manipulated by some kind of force called ‘fate’ or 'heavenly path', and everything can't change, then I 'm--

“Destroy the universe! ”