Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2923 Deadly Pearl Necklace!

The eldest son took a look at his father's dark and unclear face, and at his decades-centuries-old elite death hidden in the darkness of the tunnel, he understood everything.

He nodded his head, tightening the short handled arrow blasting gun between his waist and walking away.

Song did not bow his eyes, said nothing, and no longer tried to sweep the door of the conference room to persuade hesitant generals, ministers and committee chairmen to act with caution.

Besides, even if he wanted to talk too much, it was too late - under direct orders from Song Lixiang, even the total flagship at their feet suddenly accelerated, joined the camp of wolves running swine, and rushed at full speed towards the remnants of Thunder into a tiger.

At one time, the entire Return Fleet split into four or five snowy white blades, and each branch fleet drove its speed to its limit, leaving no room for a half-way spin.

“Two million kilometres, one and a half million kilometres, one million kilometres, expected to take over in five minutes! ”

All starships are destined to run the power unit, squeezing every drop of energy out of every crystal stone, burning the spiritual shield enclosing the shell of the starship and the core of Pharaoh in the turret into orange red, like billions of meteorites breaking through the atmosphere at first glance, and like a giant wave of bears burning, sweeping and crushing the fragile towns on the coast.

In the assault compartment of those large warships, the armorers who are ready to dock and blade, are even more excited to scream directly. Each nobleman's eyeballs are burned to almost transparent colors, as if at this moment, the "god of war” has been turned into a tiger's head, dead in the palm of his hand!

Indeed, the situation of Lei Cheng Tiger Residual Front can be described by the word "wolf" in comparison to their tremendous advance.

Originally, it was a sore hundred holes, scarred, exhausted wrecked starship, but also had to brake in a hypervelocity escape, turn a hundred and eighty degrees, form a solid battlefield, and reverse the attitude of all officers and soldiers from "desertion and flight” to “backwater war”, so hard to climb!

A large number of starships are supplied with fuel to the power unit, cannot be sucked to the defensive layer for a while, the spiritual shield that is barely lifted is extremely dark, it seems that a single round of firing can tear them apart, while sparse battleships have an unruly array of battleships, further highlighting the thunderous warlord and helplessness.

Even at the end of the battlefield, several starships continued to flee towards the back of planet 4, despite the orders of Lei Chenghu, in an attempt to force them to jump!

This suggests that Lei Chenghu's control of the fleet has fallen to the bottom of the valley. Perhaps with one strike, his fleet can be completely dispersed and no longer assembled.

That is, a total massacre!

“500,000 kilometers, 400,000 kilometers, 300,000 kilometers, 200,000 kilometers, the last 100,000 kilometers! ”

The Returning Fleet is moving faster and faster, and every starship's bridge screams out loud and loud.

When only the last 50,000 kilometers of battle between the two sides remained, the Returning Fleet first launched its own roar, hundreds of millions of columns of light thicker and brighter than just now dyed the entire star sea into a white spot, all kinds of bullets wrapped in strong electromagnetic ripples collided like meteorite rain from the Nine Ghost Yellow Springs, and a large batch of crystals and cosmic warfare followed closely, like wild bees dancing, courageous forward!

The remnants of Lei Chenghu's barely fortified barrage could not resist such a "rainbow” attack. The S.H.I.E.L.D., the Magnetic Interference Spirit and the last integrated supply ships exploded when they were hit. The supermassive crystalline reactor that was hit was like a devastating bomb. In just a few seconds, the entire process of burning, expanding, exploding, spreading and extinguishing was completed, turning into countless pieces of super-high-speed spinning debris.

Covered by these wreckages, tens of thousands of powerless light columns also barely responded in the remnants of Ray's tiger formation.

But such scattered and weak firepower is not enough to break back into the defensive layer of the Skyfleet. Instead, it does not deter the enemy. Instead, it brings back to and from the Skyfleet a hundred times more confidence and courage - that is, those who do not dare to fight the lion tiger will have to instill courage in themselves when faced with falling dogs.

“Come on, let the fucking traitors see what we got! ”

“Lei Chenghu's head belongs to Benhou, nobody will rob Benhou! ”

“This is the new generation of gods of war, let me make a hammer and completely destroy Ray's flagship! ”

Both fleets maintain the highest punch speed the ship can afford, from 100,000 kilometers to passing away by mistake, just for a moment, but at this moment, about 10% of the ships in Lei Chenghu's area were blown up alive, more than 20% of the ships lost their spiritual shields and power, they could only turn in place and become live targets, and the remaining 70% of the ships were damaged to varying degrees, completely losing the concept of formation, rather than the warlord fleeing, rather than "creeping in despair” in the black desert-like starry sky.

On the other side of the Return Fleet, although all the sub-fleets belonging to the extended family are on their own, they can finally sustain the most basic battlefield, and the ammunition and fuel are quite plentiful, the morale is even higher than outside the Nine Clouds, the situation is hundreds of times better than the remnants of Lei Chenghu.

More importantly, through this blade attack, they not only broke the remnants of Lei Cheng Tiger, but also inserted between the remnants of Lei Cheng Tiger and the jump point of the fourth planet, cutting off Lei Cheng Tiger's escape path.

That's the main thing.

“Lei Chenghu's remnants are truly overwhelmed, and Victory Eagle has circled over our heads! ”

Return to the total flagship of the Fleet of Heaven, the military genius of the four families and the next god of war candidates, all think so.

Many people still look despicably at Song who probes his head in front of the door and does not return: “See, the enemy is so weak, he was truly going to run, if according to Song Ji Shuai, be careful, if he walked as a camp, he would have missed the fighter plane long ago, and the tiger would have returned to the mountains! ”

Song didn't say anything, he didn't even move the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes.

He just sighed lightly, lightly, and shrunk his head back.

The Returning Fleet continues.

Just after completing a hypervelocity sprint from a trillion artillery shells, the starship cluster still maintains considerable impact, at least millions of kilometres in rotation before turning its head for a second round - perhaps the last.

At this point, they are still interacted by their inertia and the gravitational circle of planet IV, moving along a synchronous orbit.

Using the enormous mass of Planet Four to treat synchronous orbit as a giant "gravitational slingshot”, “dump” yourself out, thus reducing fuel consumption and increasing fleet speed by another step, which is the norm in Star Sea warfare.

In the meantime, there has been plenty of manoeuvrable and flexible armor and space shuttles, firmly holding back the remnants of Lei Chenghu and buying deadly time for the build-up and rushing of his army.

Eye on eye, they have reached the stretching limit of "gravitational slingshot", about to be thrown out hard to unleash hundreds of times their anger and killing intentions.

At this moment, 99% of the people on and off the Returning Fleet no longer doubt the victory that will come, it is only a matter of time, an hour or a minute.

And their entire fleet, unwittingly, came to the back of Planet Four.

Then they saw the machete.

The handlebars, thin as cicada wings, bent as moon teeth, sparkled as if the comet's tail could be cut off and even the planet could be cut in half.


The nobles looked at each other and stunned for a long time before anyone realized that it was not a real lunar machete, but a small fleet, an assault fleet of thousands of wolf-toothed assault ships and destroyers, the distances between them had been compressed to almost collide, the thousands of tail flames had gathered together, at first glance, like a sword that split waves.

In this way, this silent assault fleet minimized its reflective ripples and miraculously escaped the scans of the Return Fleet by taking advantage of the planet's shadows, dividing the broken battlefield debris and twisted space ripples!

And now, this compressed fleet of onslaught to the limit is expanding and spreading its own light, just like a knife from dangerous white to more dangerous blood!

The most dangerous knife in the whole star ocean, out of the sheath.

“This is - the fleet of White Star Swords! ”

Finally, several highly remembered aristocrats, from the raging data, saw Tanni, howling like a pig.

It wasn't just the fleet of White Star Swords that stunned them.

The sharpening of the White Star Sword's knife, which is just the size of thousands of destroyers, is not enough to reverse the entire battle.

Behind the White Star Sword fleet, however, in the shadow of Planet Four, in the mysterious fog of war, there was a string of things like a pearl necklace that sparkled to form an almost perfect circle.

Around the Pearl Necklace, which was supposed to be a spot of stars, it turned into the darkest black at this point, as if the entire space had been dug out of space, or, in other words, opened a door to the stars.

“Yes, it's a stargate, it's a supermassive star sea jump beacon, something jumps in, and... countless supermassive objects jump in! ”

Every starship of the Returning Fleet, just so excited and cheering, was replaced by an appalling scream.

The alarm system used to monitor supermassive objects and spatial ripples sounded incredibly loud and almost punctured the eardrums of the entire nobility.

In fact, without warning system, noblemen stick their nose tips on the starboard window, you can see just by the naked eye, how magnificent that supermassive stargate hidden behind planet 4 is, and how magnificent it is that it is leading the jump of the star sea!