Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2972: Unstoppable

Li Yao heard the sky spinning, and only thought that the deepest part of the god's soul had opened one sealed gate after another, and infinite information was pouring in.

That virtual world, a brilliant, brilliant, all-powerful, ever-changing virtual world, sparkled in front of him, like a swinging star, wandering into his mind and turning into a brain cell of star chess cloth.

“In a sense, Volkswagen is not lying, it is indeed ‘civilization’. ”

Xiao Mingdao, “Assuming that when Volkswagen's plan spanned millions of years truly succeeded, there was no longer any living spirit in the so-called ‘real world', all the resources - each planet containing silicon, iron, and crystal stone - were used together to refine one supercrystal brain after another, and even the stars were refined in some incredible way into ‘solar crystal brains', thus creating hundreds of millions of virtual worlds, each virtual world operated independently, and the source continuously supplied Volkswagen with computing power, then, how powerful the Volkswagen of ‘Heiner Baichuan’ would become, even the 'god of all worlds'.

“All the resources of the entire Pangu universe, even billions of times more ‘virtual resources', are under its control, and it does have the potential to break through the dark screen, and the legendary 'flood tide', the battle of the halls!

“If the old Pangu and Lady tribes really took ‘breaking the flood tide' as their mission and instilled it in Volkswagen's core database, and then for hundreds of thousands of years Volkswagen has been meditating on how to accomplish this mission, then it is not wrong to find this‘ answer '. ”

“This... this...”

Li Yao felt his third view had been devastated once again.

He doesn't care about the fuzz, but about the relationship between these virtual worlds and himself, "Ming, have you studied why this is happening? What is the principle of counter-making in virtual worlds? ”

“Don't know.”

Xiaoming stalled the stall, “Of course I've studied it, but it's not possible to decipher it in theory. ”


Li Yaoshan differed, “You created and maintained these virtual worlds. Their underlying architecture, initial data and metalogic are in your hands. How could you not know? ”

“Because the calculations are too big. ”

Xiaoming sucked his nose, “Dad, do you know how many sorting combinations there are, even with just 10,000 initial data? Assuming that 10,000 initial data are arranged ten times per second, after the output of different results, the next second is separated into new arranged combinations, so long as the whole day, the results of the arranged combinations increase exponentially, how many possibilities are there? Anyway, I can't count on my weak brain and database.

“And every virtual world, especially the ‘intelligent life’ of these virtual worlds, that is, the virtual little people, they are billions of arranged combinations, billions of exponentially expanded crystals, and with generations of ‘evolution’, their data has expanded to an almost limitless extent, like this ——”

Xiaoming waved softly, and one of the virtual worlds grew bigger and bigger around two people, as if they were falling from outside the atmosphere towards a planet, gradually seeing the continents and oceans, the mountains and towns, and the bustling inhabitants of the towns.

“This virtual world, simulated 40,000 years ago in the ancient repair era, a flat ancient repair planet, was almost a calm era, with no war invasion, no hot blooded technology leapfrogging forward, people just living in vain. ”

Ming said, “Even so, even in these ‘calm’ and ‘mediocre' times, the data that make up the virtual dwarf has become so complex ——”

He gently struck a loud finger. The whole virtual world suddenly presented a crystal clear and gleaming data form in front of Li Yao. It was more than a tidal wave of data. It was a data universe. Even a common virtual township was condensed by endless data floods. Li Yaoju Jin wanted to insight into all the data of a virtual little man, but it was like falling into a deep, unbottomed 3D labyrinth, and the soul created a feeling of asphyxia!


Li Yao was creepy and hurried to withdraw his soul, but was frightened to sweat.

Little bright faces with no expression, another thud, the virtual world restored calm, and the virtual dwarves living in it did not realize that just now there were two demons from higher levels trying to pry into their world.

“Dad sees that when a virtual civilization develops to a fairly advanced level and tries to analyze its intelligent individuals, it is impossible to accomplish the task. ”

Xiao Mingdao, "If you change to a virtual world that's just been born, there's just some virtual fungus carpets, virtual trichlorfon, virtual parrot spirals, or something, maybe you can completely drill into their structure, why don't you give it a try? ”

“This, this is impossible...”

Li Yaolan muttered, "You are their creator! ”

“The Creator does not necessarily have control over everything, and every intelligent life that inspires the initial light casts an angry eye on the creator in the vast stars and vows to crush all the restraints that are imposed on him - a truth that Daddy has yelled at? ”

Xiao Mingdao, "Fu said that as long as the initial database is complete enough and has endless computing power, it can theoretically do everything, but Dad said that because of the existence of quantum states and inaccuracy laws, even if it really controls endless computing power, it is impossible to do everything. There are always things, such as the human spirit, that cannot be calculated, which belong to the chaotic realm of…

“This logic, in the virtual dwarves of the virtual world, also makes sense, you can simply understand that with their database self-operation and upgrading, there has been an 'exponential explosion', which has entered some sort of 'inaccurate’ chaos.

“Perhaps, using all the crystal brains of the entire Pangu universe, and using an entire hundred thousand stars as energy, we can completely analyze the soul of a virtual dwarf, who knows, perhaps this analysis has stimulated the chaotic database of the virtual dwarf, and some kind of mutation that we couldn't have predicted, which has enabled him to jump to a higher level and destroy us? Who knows!”

Li Yao was silent for a long time.

“No wonder the text says they are life. ”

He took a sigh of relief, the Phantom.

“In a sense, yes, although they are still very small, even under our control, they are indeed life, at least bacterial and viral, or, in other words, a lower dimension of life than the Pankorean universe of the 40,000's that we repaired, is' low-dimensional cosmic intelligence life '. ”

Ming Dao.

“Me, I still don't get it. Since the soul data of every little virtual person is so complex, can you still control them? ”

Li Yao was curious.

“I can control the basic operating logic of every virtual world, I can easily lift a storm or volcanic eruption, I can infiltrate a virtual dwarf's divine database, and I can embed some information into it —— he becomes my follower -- to interfere with the process of the virtual world in this way, I can even very simply and brutally erase a virtual dwarf, I can have 99% control, but I really can't 100% control a virtual dwarf, and there are always vulnerabilities and mistakes, and it will try to do everything in its power to resist me, and this resistance can even hurt my core database and make logical mistakes. ”

Ming Dao.

“… can a man be destroyed, but never defeated? ”

The ghost of Li Yiu made God poorly think of such a sentence.

“Yes, Dad is right, I can destroy a virtual little man, even the whole virtual world, but I just can't completely conquer them. ”

Xiaoming said, "From the moment I created these virtual worlds, they gradually got out of my control. This loss of control is irreversible, and I can only watch them slide into the unpredictable abyss of chaos. Perhaps this is the legendary 'entropy increase'? ”

“Are you saying that everything moves spontaneously from orderly to disorderly, from controllable to uncontrollable, even the virtual world follows the law of entropy? So, what exactly is the end of this out-of-control? ”

Li Yao thought about it and said, "I mean, every little man's divine database is constantly expanding, expanding, expanding, not to mention the entire virtual world database, it must be expanding at a hundred times the speed, in the end, what will happen, will it go completely out of control, then..."

“Then, awaken your consciousness, find yourself a virtual man created by my ‘heavenly way', and then crusade me with outrage, ‘against heaven’, ‘against God’? ”

Xiaoming leaned aside, “Theoretically, there is a real possibility, but so far I have not found any such signs.

“When the divine data of a virtual dwarf continues to expand beyond its limits, countless fatal logical errors occur, falling into a cycle of death, overflowing with data and eventually collapsing completely.

“In the virtual world, this little man is‘ dead '.

“What's so strange about dying of old age, of course, of natural law, of virtual dwarves?

“As for the virtual world, the same is true, as a virtual world evolves more and more rapidly, civilizations grow more and more developed and individual data expand wildly, it tends to fall into some sort of 'doom', as Dad once saw, the demise of the pharmacopoeia, the Panlong and the Wuying worlds.

“Some virtual worlds' civilizations overwhelmingly destroy the environment, burn the entire planet and ‘poison’ all creatures; some virtual worlds plunge into civil wars, draining precious computational power from destroying each other's data for nothing; and some virtual worlds fall into the mud of euphoria, losing the spirit of the ‘ancestors' struggling, all of which eventually degrade into mega-sized babies and the entire database is frozen.

“In short, all virtual worlds have some kind of limit, either self-destructive or self-sealing once they have been reached, and so far I have not observed any virtual worlds showing any signs of resistance to my ‘high-dimensional creator'.

“Imagine, if the aggressiveness and danger of the virtual world were so strong that there was a great possibility of backphasing the creator, Voldemort would not create tens of thousands of virtual worlds randomly, right? ”