Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3241: Furious Soul

In a five-finger black storm, dozens of iron and steel beasts made deafening noises, relying on faint lights to chase each other.

At this time, the earth had been divided by rainwater and mud into staggered chessboards. In the very low visibility darkness, it was impossible to distinguish between shallow flats of accumulated water and ditches and swamps several metres deep, distinguished by intuition and even a hint of luck.

With Li Yao's mastering skills and amazing perceptions, during the storm, thunder and marsh right clash, there were still several times to risk falling into ditches and swamps. The Land Cruiser moaned over and over again, hearing that the two passengers in the car were numb in the scalp and fearful.

And the chaser behind him didn't have such amazing driving skills, some drove one head into the roadside seemingly oblivious "small water depression”, most of the cars were trapped vertically, others were trapped in mud-wrapped branches, weeds and other messy things tires, no matter how started, besides the outbreak of rolling black smoke, speed was just not liftable, more people deviated from the direction, one head was distorted into an otherwise non-existent stormy river, instantly flooded into nowhere.

Even so, more than a dozen Land Cruisers are getting closer and closer to Li Yao.

“Heh! Heh! ”

These SUV roofs are equipped with launchers, fired from the guns in the black hole, either to wrap the tire's special fiber mesh, or with sharp barbed chains, trying to stab Li Yao's SUV hard and lock each other tight.

Even a few vigilant awakeners have climbed to their roofs and are ready to jump straight at each other as they approach each other.

Li Yao how can Yiguo be bold, encountering such a crazy chase, his forehead also seeps a layer of white hair sweat.

In order to escape the two steel hooks fired from each other, he had to hit hard and the Land Cruiser was out of control. Soon after that, a chaser jumped towards his Land Cruiser.

It was too late to change direction, Li Yao bit his teeth off, the tire on the right hit a big stone in front of him, the whole car was hit by a big stone and took off, the roof tilted 45 degrees, just perfectly flashed past the jumping awakener - this guy's foot had touched Li Yao's roof, but it slipped under his foot, slipped straight down, made a grunt, didn't go into the dark, no more noise.


Li Yao relieved slightly, but the tight nerves did not dare to relax at all. He had already heard the noise of the turbulent waves and the raging of anger coming forward. It was the largest river “Lingxi" within a hundred miles!

Since it is called a “creek”, it is not so fierce and vicious, but under a hundred-year-old rainstorm invasion, Lingxi has long turned into a claw dragon, upstream collapsed mountains bring a large amount of rock and mud, making the river water clear and calm, like a magma without temperature but increasing speed and strength, it is daunting.

The village road built along Lingxi is an extremely dangerous path of death. On one side is the frightening Lingxi, and on the other side is the steep mountain wall directly up and down. The mountain conditions cannot be clearly seen between the shades, but there are constantly giant stones the size of the head falling from above, or directly into Lingxi, splashing a clump of mud, or severely smashing the village road, risking a complete collapse.

Even on weekdays, no one in this village, up to three or five meters wide, is willing to walk. In such harsh weather, even if drunk lunatics come here, they will probably wake up half of the wine.

But Li Yao was neither crazy nor drunk.

He's just a little crazier than a drunk lunatic.

Looking beneath the heavenly dome of lightning thunderbolts, caught in a raging rain, this village path between the cliff and the flood, somehow, Li Yao's brain suddenly flashed out deep into the universe, crushed rock star belt, countless meteorites and interstellar dust caught in lightning, rushing towards him.

No matter how dangerous the environment is, it's far worse than the speed of life and death in the Crushed Stone Belt!

Li Yao stepped on the throttle and the Land Cruiser swept up the village road like an arrow from the string. Between the rage, the rockfall and the collapsing village road, the wind broke off the waves and went nowhere!

The rear chaser's lights clearly stalled.

They didn't seem to expect Li Yao to go crazy like this.

Without hesitation for too long, these equally insane awakeners followed.

But it is not just the word "madness” that is enough to rush forward on such a path of death.

Not only is there danger on both sides of the village road, but it also bends in front of it, often with sudden and sudden turns, and slightly carelessly, the vehicle will rush directly out of the road and into the Spirit Creek - which is tantamount to direct death, with no possibility of escape.

And if you slow down and move forward carefully, let alone lose track of the target, just the boulders that keep falling on the cliff will be enough to smash their roofs and even smash them directly into the flood.

In just a few minutes, four chasers have vanished into the flood.

Li Yao's condition was not much, he was almost hit by boulders on several occasions. The shell of the Land Cruiser had been scratched and scratched. Even the engine had been hit hard, causing a "clicking” noise.

But he must not stop here.

Be sure to rush over.


Zhang Daniu and the ghost cat screamed simultaneously.

In the light of the pale light, a series of vertical and horizontal cracks emerged on the cliff in front of it. Large mountains were collapsing completely, with countless fist-sized, brain-sized and even larger boulders rolling down, like hail, on the village path.

Looks like, in three or five seconds, the village path will be completely interrupted by boulders or completely blocked by collapsed mountain bodies.

Li Yao didn't even blink his eyelids and accelerated again, rushing towards the collapsed mountain body.

The screams of Zhang Daniu and the ghost cat are even more harsh, but even if they scream louder, Li Yao is deafening. At this time, the heavens and earth seem to become dead silent. Only three voices are particularly loud. The first is the sound of boulders falling, bombarding the village lane and roof, the second is the engine sound of off-road car howling, and the third is Li Yao's own heartbeat!

Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft!

He couldn't tell if it was a heartbeat or if the boulders were pounding the hood, the roof and the windows.

“Wow! ”

The window was smashed out of the hole by a splashy gravel, which rubbed Li Yao's cheek and flew out, leaving a deep ditch on his face, bleeding out, mixed with sweat, just like a red tattoo.

Li Yao's eyes also turned red.

Don't say it's just a hail falling rock, even if it's a copper wall iron wall, he's going to rush over!


Faster and faster, the front wheel hit a rockfall again, the Land Cruiser came up empty, rubbed a series of sparkling Mars on the cliff, the three of them had a feeling of cloud-driving fog, only heard the sound of "Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow” coming from the rear, when the Land Cruiser heavy landed, looked out through the rear view mirror, the village road at the rear had disappeared, completely interrupted by the rockfall!

Two of the pursuers' Land Cruisers were unable to brake and planted directly from the fracture of the village road, mixed in mud and gravel, washed away by cloudy floods.

Li Yao even saw three or five healthy awakeners jump out of the trunk and try to swim up the riverbank, but at this moment the Spirit Creek is filled with mud and rocks, the former sticking to them like glue, while the latter hit their heads and torso as hard as a sharp blade in a meat grinder. At times, the awakeners disappeared into the vortex of the flood and never came forward.

The rest of the pursuers were at risk of stopping at the fracture of the village road.

But this does not guarantee their safety.

The village road had already been beaten by heavy rains and had just been attacked by falling rocks. At this time, with the weight of so many Land Cruisers, where can it be supported? From time to time, the sound of "clicking” continued to collapse.

The chasers rushed backwards, but in such an environment, the reverse was more than 100 times more difficult than normal driving. Without waiting for them to completely withdraw from this dangerous section of the road, the village road collapsed hundreds of meters again, and three Land Cruisers fell into the Spirit Creek - fortunately, the awakener in the car was in a bad position and escaped long ago and jumped onto another car.

But the village road is more than 100 metres apart, which means that no means can send them this way.

Li Yao saw this place before stepping back on the throttle and moving on.

All the danger seemed to have been released in this section, even the storm calmed down quite a bit, they sailed out of the village road in shock, finally saw a smooth paved road, Zhang Daniu and the ghost cat, which was intolerable, “Wow” all vomited out, one breath for half a minute, even acid water and bitter guts were about to be thrown up.

“It's not far from the border, and there's not too much rough terrain ahead, is there? ”

As usual, Li Yao grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, clicked on the computer with one hand and looked at the satellite map, “There should be no more pursuits, how should we...”

The voice went down and a sharp white stream suddenly drilled in from the roof, smashing the computer and entering the off-road vehicle's dashboard.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone's ears rang.

It's an arrow!

Zhang Daniu and the ghost cat stared and couldn't even react.

Li Yao scolded and looked over the top of the car at the hole through which the feather arrows had been fired. The archer who had just shot his lightsaber was found in the middle of the sky.

The guy was equipped with a flying backpack, the silver brilliant wings seemed to be held by lightning, steadily suspended in the middle of the sky, surrounded by a dark blue force field, the storm could not cause him any interference, pulled the bow again, this time directly on three arrows.