Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3270: Legend, Return!

A village surrounded by mudslides.

Countless villagers are trapped in precarious highlands.

Heavy rains like waterfalls, mud rolling over, wild beastly roars, ravaging their homes, everyone shivering in the storm, galling to wait for the storm to subside, or floods and mudslides completely devouring their highlands.

However, one of the villagers behaved exceptionally differently.

His gaze was distracted, his expression dementia seemed to fall into deep memories, and then he reached out to the sky, as if he had received some kind of information from the clouds of darkness, like releasing his life information, all together.

“Hey, Ho, what's going on? Are you freaking out? ”

Push him hard, boys.

“I, my head hurts a little, I don't know what's going on, I think of a novel I just saw the other day. ”

A teenager named Ho showed his pain and confusion, holding his head and mumbling, “Something came out of my head, strange, this is, this is--”


At this time, the village made a deafening roar. The floods and mudslides were too fierce to wash down the largest and most sturdy building in the village. Countless building materials and vehicles rolled over and struggled in the mud and floated under their feet.

The water level is rising again.

A little tree was just on the shore, and in the blink of an eye, it was devoured by mud.

Some scream, some cry, some look forward to rescue, but the affected areas are too large for rescue teams to arrive at all.

A teenager named "Aho” was suddenly blocked from several women and children in the face of flooding and mud.

“Ho, what are you doing? ”

Several of my little buddies are seeing dementia.

“I, I don't know. ”

Ho's eyes became like a universe of billions of stars, his expression gradually changed from hesitation to firmness, and he said, "I just, suddenly, have a feeling that I, can overcome floods and mudslides! ”


At the same time, thousands of kilometres away, a city completely destroyed by the earthquake, hundreds of millions of tons of computed reinforced concrete and architectural garbage turned to rubble, not knowing how many people were pressed into cold and dark confined spaces, experiencing the hardships of survival and death.

A middle-aged man in a camouflage suit is kneeling in front of the ruins of a building and digging hard.

Tears were already dry, nails were all bald, and his face had no facial expression, like a machine driven by “habit”.

However, no matter how desperate he was, even if he had heard the faint call from below, the power of mankind was limited, and he could not take thousands of tons of architectural garbage out of the ruins with his bare hands.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

The man shouted blood in his voice, and the muscle bundle on his arms was like a tight rope that broke, but the futile attempts were always futile, he wasted half an hour, tried all the tools at his disposal, could not move the heaviest floor by half an inch, but sat on the floor with his ass, crying.

But at this point, it's like getting some kind of signal, “buzzing” in his head, brilliant stars, deep universes, and the pride and glory of countless people between the stars and the intersection of the universe!

The man's eyes flashed suddenly.

Take a deep breath and sip into the palm of your hand. Once again, the man inserts his bald nails into the gap between the steel bars and the concrete, shouting and giving his full strength.

Between moments, muscles tense, vascular clashes, like ten dragons emerge from beneath his skin.

“Knock, knock! ”

Reinforced bars bent, rubble splashed, in the horrific calls of countless people around, major hundreds of tons of building garbage, actually raised by this man alive!


Not just teenagers facing mudslides, but also men lifting floorboards, not just in East Asia, but all over the globe, millions of "hot blood” and “souls” from the Great Space Battlefield are awakened by information, and millions of dust-sealed "Lee Yew Spirit Pieces” emerge from the depths of their brains, flying into the air and lashing deep into Ark Island at the speed of a windswept electric barrier.

Deep in the command center of Ark Island, the will of the Earth can clearly perceive the wild surge of tens of millions of "Lee Yao Shen Soul Pieces”, bombing it indiscriminately, even the original “buzzing” sound turned into Lee Yao's low roar, surrounding it at 360 degrees, Shanhu tsunami.

“What are you doing? ”

The Earth's will felt that it was losing control of the "college student Li Yao" 's body.

“Of course it's a great game to do - take it back! ”

Bloody Heart Demon grins, “In the battlefield of usurpation, we have never been afraid of anyone, of anything that exists, of anything that purports to be a demon or creator! ”

“It's impossible. ”

Earth will bite the teeth, “You will never succeed! ”

“In that case, what are you afraid of? Why don't you just let us drive straight in and destroy ourselves! ”

Bloody Demon laughs, “Or we can drag you to death together! ”

“Childish, in front of you, is just a projection, a body, a 1% power. ”

The Earth will snort, “Even if the projection is destroyed by you, the split is seized by you, and 1% of the power is extinguished by smoke, so what? ”

“Yes, you are just a projection of the true earth will, a disguise, but projection and disguise are an entrance that allows us to deeply intrude and thoroughly analyze the true earth will! ”

The blood-hearted demon shouted, "Once you've completely devoured this projection and parsed your structure, we can dive into the body of the true Earth will and figure out what the so-called Earth will or 'supercivilization' really is!

“We are bacteria, we are viruses, we are uncontrolled cancer cells, we have not done enough, defeat is more than our style, even though we can't beat you, but we can get into your filth and mess you up and create a great opportunity for the resistance on the great cosmic battlefield to take a deadly blow, if you're not scared at all, then wait and see! ”


The voice of the Earth's will sank low, “Why do you do this, you are not a real Li Yiu, isn't this a great opportunity for ‘Bloody Heart Demon Personality’ and ‘Li Yiu Personality' to split completely, why do you have to reintegrate yourself into his control? ”

“Come on, who says I'm not really Li Yao? I am so intelligent, so deep, so resolute, so resolute, so ambitious, so reckless, it is Li Yao's personality, but I am usually too lazy to give the opportunity to that hot high school student! ”

The blood-hearted demon laughed sarcastically, "There is no need to provoke a divorce, I can never reverse it to you - even in the case of my predecessor Blood Tattoos, it is a mystery that feeds on emotional fluctuations, and the more intense the emotional fluctuations, the more satisfying it makes me.

“But your ‘super-civilizations', the souls of all of us, are connected together, even fused into a ‘superconscious' that does not discriminate between each other. Individuals have no meaning at all, and it is unlikely that a little strong emotion will arise. Everyone is the same. You are me. I am you. I am you. You have me. I have you. How can emotions flow between countless identical individuals?

“That's why I dare to guess that you can simulate everything and even create everything, but not at all as the emotion of a normal human being, let me submit to such an ancient well as yours that there is no wave and never change, it is the torture of life as death!

“And Li Yao... Well, let's just call this hot blood high school student, although his shortcomings such as flooding and exhaustion of bamboo books have reached a monstrous level, he is finally a fleshy, living person, with all the advantages and flaws and emotional fluctuations as a human being, than you and cold things like you form a team, I would rather stand in his shoes, exploring and perceiving the entire universe with his eyes, hands and divine soul! ”

Along with the roar of the Bloody Heart Demon, “College Student Li Yao" 's brain is deep, and a magnificent seven-color light explodes like a fireworks.

“No, it can't be! ”

The Earth's will to control this body has become increasingly chaotic and weak, and a silver sweat bead has penetrated through its pores, as if it were its strength, expelled by this body from its innate habitat.

“Nothing is impossible, Red Pole just said that humanity's most precious quality is‘ change ’, people will change, maybe you have absolute confidence to control Li Yao when he leaves Earth, but you never know what we went through in Pangu universe, how much has changed, how powerful he has become, what he is fighting for! ”

The blood-hearted demon laughed. Instead of ignoring the will of the earth, he shouted hysterically at the deep end of the "college student Li Yao” brain. "The sun is sun's ass. Why are you still sleeping?" Li Yao personality ". Come on, get up and take back our bodies!

“When you crossed the Rainbow Bridge, didn't you swear to yourself that you would never fall completely into enemy control, that even if you were controlled by the enemy for a moment and a half, you would eventually wake up with your tenacious will and steadfast heart? I believe you, just watched you go as a ‘bait'. Now it's time for you to live up to your promise, 'Li Yao personality’!

“I believe you, Six Billion Spirits believe you, and the countless lonely resistance on the Great Space Battlefield also believe you, all the 'Lee Yao Spirit Pieces' have been gathered together, now, gather together, wake up, go back, send out the roar of the universe again, the legendary vulture Lee Yao! ”