Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3314: Extra bis Revenge

By the time Yuri Axe arrived at the airport, a silver-tone, futuristic, supersonic passenger plane was ready.

Apart from the roar of the passenger plane, the entire airport is silent, as if empty, but with careful observation you can find numerous guardians hidden in the dark, like ghosts.

All guards were told that St. Petersburg had been attacked by a small group of rebels and that the shameful coup d 'état would soon subside.

It doesn't matter if you don't - the four spiritual control towers that stand in the four corners of the airport are enough to make everyone at the airport a puppet of Yuri.

“My mentor, the benevolent father of all mankind. ”

A young man dressed in a grey trench coat with dark eyes greeted him and opened the door for Yuri Axla himself, to whom he paid tribute.

The young man has a mix of handsome and innocent faces, fine as the jade skin is constantly flooded with holy light, so that everyone can see him without having to create a sense of trust. Only a few people can see it carefully and discover countless tiny wrinkles near his eyesore, indicating that he is probably far older than his appearance, while those deep buried eyes also contain countless things far more than “innocent”.

Despite the myriad calls Yuri Axe a “mentor," there are not many disciples who are truly recognized by Yuri, the youngest and most loved and trusted by Yuri.

His name is "The Sea of Heaven.”

On the face of it, he is the leader of the Earth's Water Purification Group, the leader of the General Alliance of Charities of the Red Cross, a civil rights movement calling for reconciliation between the underground and the radiological peoples, a well-known entrepreneur, inventor, philanthropist and tomorrow's star at the height of politics.

Hiddenly, he is a very important figure of the Yuri Group, independent of the Earth Reconstruction Commission, and another tentacle of Yuri Axe, Yuri's bottom card!

The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that we can only rely on the last cards to save our lives.

“The situation is out of control. Someone betrayed us. ”

Yuri waved at his loved ones and, without any courtesy, said, "We go to the Arctic base, then we find a way to find the traitor and take the most brutal revenge - the Earth Council cannot control the entire planet so quickly, and we still have a great chance! ”


The Tibetan Sea held Yuri aboard the plane, "The final victory must be ours. ”

“It's just that the glorious image that you've spent 20 years building in front of the world is going to ruin. ”

Yuri looked at the disciple, "Shall I? ”

“Of course.”

The Tibetan Sea laughed, hundreds of millions of wrinkles in the corner of its eyes, none of them trembled, “Tibetan Sea has today, all thanks to its mentors, and I am willing to pay any price for the ultimate... justice. ”

Yuri snorted coldly and walked to his room behind the cabin.

His ultrasonic invisible passenger jet, backed by doomsday technology, is more advanced and luxurious than before World War III, when the president of the flag State flew Air Force One, with spacious bedrooms and conference rooms.

The Battle of St. Petersburg consumed so much of his spirit that he was, after all, a 100-year-old man who could not resist such overdrafts that he had to rest.

The boarding passage and aircraft were slowly disengaged, and Manhattan Sea gave orders to the crew and tower to take off immediately.

Until now, everything is fine.

However, just as Yuri placed his hand on the bedroom door, his pupils suddenly contracted and his footsteps paused slightly.

“Knock! ”

Between moments, two arc-wounding iron hands broke through the door from inside and caught him, a magnetic explosive infantry!

“Wow! ”

The floor on both sides of him was also blown up by plastic bombs, and a team of elite SEALs jumped out!

Yuri's eyes flashed, surrounded by a flame of purple flame, the flame turned into a sharp blade and stabbed the attacker's brain, instantly bursting the eyes of all attackers, the pulverized brains erupting along the nostrils and ear canals.

But from a force of the same nature behind him, but more powerful than he was, he suddenly smashed the 100-year-old man to the ground.


Yuri turned around, stunned and angry flashed on her face, and roared as the trapped beast fought, and the purple glow deep in her eyes instantly intensified a grade.

But the young man was no match for ten times more brainwave indiscriminate bombardment than he was, and both sides were just five seconds frozen, like he was 50 years old after he was a hundred years old, his eyes and brain were almost roasted dry, a bite of purple blood erupted and fell to the ground.

Still hanging a naive and pure smile on the face of the Tibetan Sea, one step at a time, not slowly, walking towards the mentor.

As he passed the body of a seal, he paused and bent down to draw out the seal's dagger.

The dagger is sharp and engraved with the seal commando: “Easy day, only yesterday! ”

The Tibetan Sea reached out to the tip of its tongue, licked the eight words gently, then took the dagger and walked to the mentor.

The two eyes were opposite each other, and the spiritual comparison was still going on. Billions of purple rays staggered and collided between the eyes. At different times, Yuri completely collapsed, and her mouth, nose and ears all flowed with winding blood. She really moaned like an old man with a candle residue.

“It's you, it's you! ”

Yuri stared at the Sea of Ten Thousand Hidden with the most poisonous eyes and howled with the most incredible voice, “Why betray me? Why, what good did the Earth Council give you? It made you willing to destroy the entire Earth Reconstruction Commission and destroy our hard built cause! ”

“Style, my dear mentor, beware of your style, you are all a hero, even if it is the end of the road, there is no need to behave so badly. ”

The laughter of the Sea of Tibet grew stronger, he squeezed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if to treat the breath emitted by Yuri when he was extremely depressed and scared, as the best food, “Aren't you the one who taught me all the things about fighting the corners, luring me into fraud, conspiracy and betrayal? Didn't you say that people like us, betrayal, like breathing, should become a cost to survive in this ugly world? I followed your precept today. What's so strange about betraying you? ”

“Stupid, stupid, out of reach! ”

Yuri shuddered, rather hated iron and steel. “Betrayal also speaks of interests and timing. Now you have no reason at all to betray me and deserve to betray me!

“At this moment, the entire planet is united under the banner of the Earth Reconstruction Commission, surrounded by my infinite glow. You are my favorite disciple, and I can give you anything you want, betray me, and rely on an organization like the Earth Council. What's in it for you? Nothing!”


"What about the highest power?" ”

“Power or supreme power? Ha, ha, ha, ha! ”

Yuri laughed like a dying crow, "I thought you were a smart man. I didn't think you were so stupid! Manzakhai, I always knew that you were ambitious and would never give in, but I didn't expect you to be so eager to wait even for a few decades!

“Yes, as long as I'm here, you'll never have the supreme power of the Earth Reconstruction Commission, so what? I'm in my 130s and I can't live forever, and now your wings are not rich, nor is it a good opportunity to take supreme power. You can wait 20 years, 30 or 40 years at the most, and I'll give you the whole cause, even if I don't turn it in, then it's not too late for you to choose betrayal!

“Now you want to betray me to gain the trust and supreme authority of the Earth Council? Haha, childish, too childish, even if you betray me, you have a distinct 'Yuri brand' on you, you will never make the 'Earth Council’ stand out and climb to the summit! ”


The expression of the Sea of Tibet remains unchanged, "Dear mentor, please have a little faith in your best disciples, as long as I think there is nothing that can stop me, ‘Earth Council’ those turkeys and dogs, and what is it? ”

“But it doesn't make any sense! ”

Yuri's eyeballs stood out, gasping, “Even if you can get rid of the stains in your background and climb to the peak of the Earth Council in the most difficult and tortuous way, for at least 30 or 40 years or more, what's the difference between the route I would have chosen for you and the steady rise of the Earth Reconstruction Commission? The former is more dangerous, longer, more uncertain, the latter is almost certain, you are my best disciple, no one can replace you - so-called power, not a reason to betray! ”

“Yes, you can see that. ”

The Sea of Heaven continues to smile, but deep flames are pouring down its eyes, "I did not betray you for the ridiculous reason of ‘supreme power', but for another, more ancient, stronger and even eternal reason - revenge. ”

“Revenge? ”

Yuri stunned for half a day, his neck and the meridians on the temple popped up, and he could hardly believe his ears, “This is more like a joke than ‘for power', and you and I have no vendetta, worth destroying everything we have!

“It's me, my replica found you in that hospital and helped you carefully conceal and falsify your legal identity, otherwise a deformed demon like you would never have crossed the border in the then 'Alliance'!

“I taught you to develop the Power of Heart, become the top 10 superpowers on the planet, and give you a lot of financial and technical support to set up the world's largest water purification company!

“I'm the one who wrapped you up as a philanthropist, a civil rights fighter, a ‘saint' known all over the world!

“It's me, I grew you myself, I gave you everything today, every drop of it, and throughout the process, I rarely tortured you, and I rarely used you, completely different from other disciples and experiments!

“You are the most perfect work of art I have ever created, a masterpiece of God's grace, and I cannot help hurting you, even if there are some minor injuries, in order to cultivate the 'power of the heart', I have given you everything! If you betrayed me for ‘power’, I could understand, but, ‘revenge’? I have no idea what revenge there is between you and me! ”

“Between you and me, no, but--”

The Wanzao Seal bit the SEAL dagger in his mouth and gently struck a ringing finger.

In the bloody cabin, the country music sounds brisk from time to time.

“in heavenly West Virginia

Blue Ridge Mountains, Chanan Doa River

It's a long way from home. Older than the trees.

Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze

The country road, take me home, that's where I live... ”

Yuri's eyes were blind and he didn't understand what the Sea of Heaven meant.

“Remember ‘Jack Barrett'? ”

Wan Tianhai raised the dagger and stared dead at Yuri, pointing the blade at the mentor's eyebrows, “Former SEAL commando, one of the first experiments of Battalion X. ”

Yuri's blind eyes filled with a few turbid waves, some uncertain: “… big gold teeth? ”

“Yes, 'Barrett Goldtooth’. ”

His face was calm, but his voice trembled with some repression, "I avenge you for what he suffered in Camp X." ”

The dagger swallowed the purple flame, and the seal commandos' motto sparkled.

“Wait, wait! ”

Yuri was completely confused, "What does Big Gold Tooth have to do with you? By the way, you guys seem to have been running away together in the wilderness for days, and you stole my 'soul notes’ from him, so what? You wouldn't want to ruin everything and avenge him for a few days, would you? That note is mine. I'm your mentor! What's a big golden tooth? Ten Thousand Hidden Seas, think carefully! ”

“I'm sorry, mentor, I've made it very clear that there's a price for everything, a price I can and will gladly pay for this revenge. ”

In the light country music, the dark-eyed young man's face revealed a boy-like naiveté, and he remembered a lot in the moment, laughing and crying, "One more thing, mentor, you've been misreading my name —— my name is not" The Sea of Tens of Thousands. "”


Yuri, of course, knew that the young man in front of him was not a true sea of hiding, but did not understand why he had to raise it at this time, and he subconsciously said, "Who are you? ”

“I am the son of Barrett Goldtooth. ”

The boy plunged the dagger deep into Yuri Axe's eyebrow and attached it to his ear, word for word, making it perfectly clear, "My name is White Deer. ”

[Second Avenge Complete]