Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3315: The Third Sister Outside

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the outer solar system, vast stars.

181 years after the departure of the Earth Fugitive Fleet, it was on the flagship New Hope.

Strikes, protests and riots have been going on for ten days.

Originally due to the particularly dim lights of energy control, and under the influence of various circuit damage, from time to time the flashes rushed, emitting an unusual red light, making the crowd gathered in the narrow cabin appear even more angry and obscure.

“Protest, protest, why have the authorities repeatedly cut our food and clean water rations and really starved us to death? ”

“The conditions on board are getting worse, we work at temperatures of seventy or eighty degrees every day. This is not a flight, let alone a march towards new hope. This is the torture of life rather than death, which is an indefinite death sentence! ”

“Yesterday's bombing killed three more innocent operators. What exactly are our wise leaders and knowledgeable scientists doing? Are the repair programs that they set out to take our lives to the caves? ”

“Do they want us to die as much as possible? The more we die, the more resources we save for them to enjoy! ”

“Where's the Sea of Heaven? We're going to talk to the Magnum Sea. Where was his promise of hope, where is paradise, where is his new home? ”

“Hidden Sea, come out! Manzakhai, come out! ”

The striking crowd continued to riot and gradually gathered into a huge wave of unrest, breaking through everything blocked along the way and pouring in the direction of the bridge.

It was not until they met the gendarmerie, the iron walls of the bronze walls formed by the hearts and minds of the Tibetan Sea, that they were slightly deterred.

However, in the face of live ammunition and expressionless gendarmes as cold as black statues, the protesters had no intention of fear or retreat.

Hundreds of years of hard labour have quenched all their patience and fear of the law. This is a vast star, an unknown universe, a dark road ahead, and the journey back has long been cut off. The glory, majesty and laws of the past are not worth mentioning here. If they muster courage, they can tear up the iron coffins around them, and the gendarmes, together with the old "leaders” and even "gods” like the Sea of Tibet.

“Citizens, citizens of the New Earth United Fleet, please remain calm. ”

Among the gendarmes, standing out a man wearing black powered armor and a scar on the back of a tiger bear waist, is really the commander of the gendarmerie force, named "Iron Hung”, also the heart of the Wan Tibetan Sea, when the Wan Tibetan Sea has been in hibernation for a long time, and the longest life, Iron Hung serves as the spokesperson for the Wan Tibetan Sea, giving orders to maintain the basic operation of the fleet of fugitives.

The emergence of Iron Hung calmed the protesters down a little, allowing him to finish the second half of the story, “As we all know, we've just crossed a sticky swampy interstellar dust belt, three immigrant starships have sunk in the sand, and most of the rest have suffered a lot of losses, consuming a lot of resources and energy - in this extraordinary period of time, we need the concerted efforts of all citizens to get through this, and I assure you that the cuts in food rations and energy supplies are only temporary, so long as we repair the synthetic food cycle production line, we can restore the supply of the past! ”

On weekdays, such assurances have been enough to calm the disturbing hearts of most people.

At the very least, the crew were willing to “communally difficult" with the bridge crew the last time they encountered a gamma ray burst wave and the last time they encountered a weird gravitational trap.

But this time, after hundreds of years of suffering, many no longer believe in the promise of the bridge crew, no longer believe in that faint hope.

“When is the end of a day like this? ”

In the turbulent tide, someone screamed sadly.

“When the Ten Thousand Tibetan Seas took us out of Earth, it was clearly stated that we would soon find a new home - if not a real inhabitable planet - where we could find places like 'Mars' and build small settlements. After all, we now have only tens of millions of people left, and any one planet is enough to settle us! ”

Someone turned back the old account.

“Liar, you are all a bunch of liars, Wan Tian Hai is a liar, Iron Hung, you are also a liar, it is not fair to believe in you like we used to believe in you. Where exactly are you taking us, the few remaining human beings? ”

Angry fists were also waved at the gendarmerie.

Tetsuo and his gendarmerie were silent and indifferent when protesters stuck their fists beneath their noses.

Although the gendarmerie is now the "New Earth United Fleet” - the most powerful force on hundreds of immigrant ships - it has advanced powered armor with end-of-day technology, outnumbering the former "Magnetic Explosive Infantry” and “Rocket Pilots”.

Even if the possession of sophisticated weapons is not counted, eligibility for entry into the gendarmerie is tiered, with a thousand miles of “capable men” and “modifiers” who can fight the tanks of the old main battle with bare hands.


Not only the flagship, but almost all immigrant starships have experienced similar protests and disturbances. The popular opinion is as dramatic as a flood wave, ready to make a shock wave, putting this barely together, sore hundred holes, can not see the hopeful fleet of fugitives devoured, even a fiercely handed iron and blood strong man like "Iron Hung” would not dare to cast Mars on a dry powder barrel.

Moreover, at the point of flight, eighty-nine out of ten ordinary people on the planet were abandoned, while in the "Holocaust of the outer solar system” the vast majority of the powerful and the rich were slaughtered, and the rest of the crew, mostly the basic dishes of the Sea of Ten Thousand Tibetans, the "capable ones", the "modifiers” and the “genetically mutants”, had almost all kinds of superpowers, albeit to varying degrees.

Ants bite more dead elephants, really rushing the crew, the so-called “elite” of the gendarmerie alone is simply impossible to suppress the entire crew.

Yes, Tetsuo can only endure the killing intentions of his heart and bite his teeth tightly: “Citizens, please do not forget your sacred mission, do not forget that you are the only hope for the continuation of human civilization, believe in the authorities, believe in your leader Wan Hai, continue to ‘march in misery’ for 35 years, up to seven or eight years, everything will be fine! ”

“We don't believe it! ”

“Put away your big lies, we've had enough! ”

“There is no hope of moving forward, but to turn back and return to our homeland - Earth! ”

“Hundreds of years have passed, even if the solar storm is stronger, the effects should disappear, not to mention the wonderful meteorite power, and now the planet should be alive again, right? ”

“It doesn't matter if we don't fully recover, we only have tens of millions of people left, we have this advanced technology, just go back to Earth and find a little shelter, enough to build a settlement, then slowly expand out and rebuild the planet, and one day we will see a beautiful home come back to light! ”

“Yes, back to Earth. Back to Earth. We're going back to Earth! ”

Deep in the crowd, a few gloomy, fanatical sounds suddenly appeared.

Tetsuo's pupils suddenly contracted.

Damn, it's the Returnists.

He said why the riot was so noisy and lasted so long, it turns out the returnees were setting fire to the wind and even manipulating it personally!

Ordinary protests can be ignored, but the Returnees are viruses that erode the future of human civilization and must be strangled as soon as they are discovered!

Tiexiong made a gesture behind him, and the gendarmerie's power armor immediately made a "buzzing” sound.

The crowd rioted, hiding in the final return party, holding their voices and shouting: “No, they're going to do it. Everybody run! ”

Surging crowds, shocking waves, flash bombs, smoke bombs, and protesters or returning homemade incendiary bombs instantly made the scene impossible to clean up.


An hour later, the secret room behind the bridge of the New Hope.

It has a full range of state-of-the-art hibernation facilities and a supercomputer that controls the entire fleet.

It is the commander-in-chief of the New Earth United Fleet, the former President of the Earth Council and the spiritual leader of all fleeing mankind, the tiny palace of the Sea of Ten Thousand Tibetans.

The Sea of Tibet is very old.

Integrating the tortuosity and hardship of the planet, facing the infinite devastation of natural disasters, as well as millionaires, powerful false snakes, collusion, including the bloody rains of the "Holocaust of the outer solar system", and several exciting interstellar adventures afterwards - things that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, severely depleting his vitality and spiritual strength, even though, like his mentor Yuri, the "power of the heart” is cultivated to the extreme, with the dual maintenance of end-of-life technology and hibernation technology, 90% of the time immersed in high-energy nutrient fluid, he still inevitably exhibits an extremely aging posture, wrinkles on his face, his body is covered with geriatric spots, and each breath is brewed for a long time, as if it were his last breath.

The clear and deep eyes of the past, gradually replaced by cloudy suspicion, the after-effects of excessive depletion of “power of mind” have erupted in recent years, he has developed severe vision and fantasy, many times, not only unable to handle complex fleet affairs, not even to control his temper, like the leaders of ancient times and now countless years, the Anglophone, at the end of life, gradually became a cruel tyrant.

When Tiexiong salutes Haibi, Tiexiong can even smell the old man coming from the other side.

It's a very intense, symbolic smell of death and decay.

It was as if the seemingly weak old man was alive with only his skull, and his filthy heart and spirit were long dead, slowly corrupting and spoiling.

Even the intense aromas of high-energy nutrients and hibernating agents in the hibernation bin cannot mask this disgusting taste.

“He's old. ”

Iron Ambition thinks.

Then I was shocked by my own thoughts - in any case, how could God be old, the only spiritual symbol of remaining human civilization, the living God?

But after a shock, I looked at the slightly nervous look on the face of Wan Tian Hai and thought it was no big deal.

After all, he is not a god, he is just an individual.

If you're human, you'll be old, you'll die.

When he dies, he'll give up his position.