Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3332: Octopus Girls 15 Fights

Pepe took a breath, accelerated his progress, steered the escape pod, and hit his brother's cosmic armor hard.

“So, brother...”

Pepe bites his lips, “You're still determined to kill Shannua, aren't you, not even a little hesitant after it just saved everyone's life? ”

“Forgive me.”

Brother's voice was trembling, as if he had closed his eyes in a cosmic armor and forced, “We had no choice but to survive. ”

“To survive, it's ridiculous. ”

Pepe said, "Even if we survive in this way, what kind of person are we? Werewolf hearts and minds, ungrateful, killing adulterous bad guys, like the ‘Forty Thieves’ in the story!

“Brother, I remember when you weren't like this, when you were a kid, you liked listening to stories about the good guys beating the bad guys, the heroes beating the devils, you praised Alibaba's goodness and good luck, you worshipped Sinbad's courage, you swore to be a hero like the hero in the story, to help the good guys, to fight the bad guys, to do the right thing.

“Since when exactly did you become like this, the ‘Forty Thieves' in the story, a total bad guy! Is this really you? Is this really, really you? What the hell are you doing? Do you still know who you are? ”

“It doesn't matter, Pepe, in front of survival, good and bad, right and wrong, it doesn't make sense. ”

Brother said painfully, "Even if it turns into ‘Forty Thieves’, it's enough to survive. ”

“No, it's not enough, it's not enough. We not only have to live, we have to live like good people, like heroes. That's real life, real civilization! ”

Pepe screamed, "If we turn ourselves into ‘Forty Thieves' to survive, turning the fleet into a bandit's nest, breaking all the rules, trampling all the bottom lines, would people who live like that really be happy, a group of bandits who have no morality, no bottom line, extinct humanity, can they really stand together for a long time? ”

“You don't understand...”

Brother said.

But before it was over, Pepe interrupted:

“Yes, I do not understand, I do not understand at all what you adults are doing - to be good men, to be heroes, to defend home and justice, to fight darkness and evil, isn't that what you adults write in your stories and teach all your children? ”

The girl cried out, "Good for good, evil for evil, as long as you have a good heart, follow the rules of justice, treat your friends with enthusiasm, you will eventually overcome all the difficulties, defeat the most powerful enemies, the prince and the princess live happily together - isn't that what all the adults say in the story, so that the children are convinced of everything?

“Why, from jumping from story to reality, from child to adult, everything changes dramatically, you all change?

“Tell me, who is wrong, is it the story your adult wrote specifically for the children, or is it the adult himself? ”

“Maybe we're wrong. ”

Brother sighed softly, "But I still can't let you go. ”


Pepe asks, "If you know you're wrong, why don't you try to change it, stop it, save it - it's too late! ”

“You don't understand. ”

Brother said, "It's complicated, I have no choice. ”

“Why does everything get ‘complicated' in your adults' eyes? Can't you just follow your heart, do the right thing, do the right thing, do the right thing? ”

Pepe screamed, "You have a choice. You just need to step aside and let me through! ”


Brother said, "No. ”

“Well, that 's--”

Pepe took a deep breath and said, "Destroy me, destroy my escape pod just like you were going to kill Shannua! ”

“It's impossible. ”

Brother said, "I won't do it to you, but I can't watch you tell the Void Hunter everything, making it possible to kill everyone. ”

“Then trust me. ”

Pepe said, "I will never let you kill Shannua, but I will never let Shannua kill you. ”

“It's impossible. ”

Brother said, "Even you can't predict and control the behavior of a void hunter. ”

“I know, but I've come up with a way. ”

Pepe said, "Minimize the chances of possible danger —— again, I won't let it hurt you, I won't let you hurt it. ”

“What way? ”

Brother slightly flashed.

“You can't say it now, it won't work. ”

Pepe begged, "Brother, trust me, I can do it, give me a chance to try, give you something to guard, give those heroes and good people a chance to talk! ”

My brother is silent.

The cosmic armor trembled like it was under tremendous pressure from the inside out.

“Remember the game we used to play when we were kids, I played Marquina in the game, and you played Alibaba, but no kid would play Forty Thieves! ”

Pepe's voice was crying, “We have a total of 100 fleets of civilizations, and if 99 of them choose to be ‘Forty Thieves', they should have at least one, trying to be 'Alibaba’ and ‘Marquina', right, brother? ”

Brother continues to remain silent.

The cosmic armor stopped trembling like a statue of thought floating quietly in front of Pepe.

“Trust me, brother, I can save everyone, save everyone! ”

Pepe screams, "Please, trust me! ”

When the escape pod gently passed next to the cosmic armor, my brother still didn't speak, but... he didn't stop it.

The escape pod continues to accelerate, getting farther and farther from the cosmic armor and closer to the void hunter.

My brother still didn't do anything, as if the armor of the universe was empty.

“Brother? ”

Pepe was surprised and surprised, calling softly on the communication channel.

“I'm here. ”

My brother finally spoke and his voice was as low and hard as a void, “Pepe, now you have everyone's life in your hands. ”

Not far away, a few more glittering lights came.

He was a father and four members of the Guard, equally masterful of the cosmic armor and fierce.

“Where are the people? ”

Daddy asked quietly.

“Just passed. ”

Brother answered calmly.

“Son of a bitch, what's going on? Go after him! ”

Daddy shouted, waved his hand, led four members of the Guard and chased them to Pepe's escape pod.

However, just as they started, the cosmic armor sent a sharp alarm beep.

Hot swords from my brother, turned into lava in the stars and covered their heads and heads.

“What the hell. ”

Daddy was shocked and yelled, “You're crazy! ”

“I... don't know. ”

Brother smiled bitterly, opened his arms and stopped in front of the five cosmic armors, "Maybe. ”

“Richie! ”

Dad stared, “What the hell are you doing? ”

“Do your duty as a soldier. ”

Brother was silent for a long time, one word at a time, "Fight for what we have been guarding. ”