Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3339: A New Book Has Been Issued, "Spiritual Forcing"!

The new book "Spiritual Encouragement" has been released, you can see it by finding the writer's name of the old cow, or by dropping down the APP Fix Four page.

In fact, there was no plan to publish the book so early —— you know, "Forty Thousand Years of Repair" has been written for too long. To be honest, it's not just brain labor, it's physical activity, it's sitting in front of the computer for a long time, and it's a double consumption of body and spirit.

Still in the series, a breath was held, many illnesses were not felt, until the end of the writing, what mouse hand, lumbar muscle strain, all kinds of problems came out of the brain.

At that time, I really wanted to rest for three or five months, take it easy, even go on a trip or something.

But really lay down to rest, after a few days without words, without ideas, without brains, without "comfort days” of anything, and feel that it's uncomfortable, everywhere.

Really, the code word has become a habit, even integrated into my bone marrow. One day it hurts without words, one day it hurts not to hear the keyboard "snap”, one day it hurts not to talk to my dear book friends, lying in bed, the whole person is empty, as if they were disconnected from the whole world.

It's like, with a lot of little people in their heads, they keep dancing, waving their flagella, telling old cows —— “We have a lot of stories to tell, a lot of adventures to go through, a lot of world to break into, when to let us out, we can't wait”!

To be honest, the old cow can't wait.

"Spiritual Encouragement" is a brand new story, but there is also a strong connection with "Forty Thousand Years of Fixing," mainly because "Shu Si" has such regrets in the creation process. For example, many times Li Yao's mentality changed too quickly, and his depiction of the whole world is not enough, often the highest level of ideological confrontation, the avenue of contention, Li Yao single-handedly solved the enemy BOSS by force, the world is too peaceful, everything is lucky.

In fact, the way the world works, it's never been that simple.

The heavens and the earth are changing dramatically, and the impact on ordinary people is far beyond what is written in the book.

With regard to the clash of civilizations, there are many, many wonderful stories about the contradictions, conflicts, collisions, compromises, fusions between “superman” and “mortal", and there are many sorrowful clutches, wonderful exciting things to write about.

So, there was "Energetic."

As can be seen from the title of the book, this is a story that tells the story of "In the great age of spiritual recovery, human civilization was forced out of the perimeter, singing loudly and creating a future in the stars and seas”.

The same hot blood, the same insistence, the same positive upward, the same ambition, no matter how dark the universe is, we're all going to sing in the dark with distant lights, and I think that's something I've never been tired of writing about in my life.

The new book is still a very naive little life that needs the care of me and everyone else. I hope that this time, like Shu IV, you and I will go hand in hand and walk side by side, we will once again create a world, a dream, a wonderful, happy, optimistic and fearless journey.

Finally, many bookmates are concerned about whether or not "Shu Si" characters will appear in "Spiritual Forced People". The old bull can only say that it is not known yet, it is best to explore slowly, let yourself go, maybe everyone will get a different touch and happiness.

Thank you!