Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3359: Hunter Herald (21) Artificial Monsters

Princess Ah Xia thought for half a day with a small mouth and understood what Teresa meant.

“Psst," she blushed.

“How is that the same? ”

Princess Asha argued, "Aboriginal imitation won't do any good, but our magic really works! ”

“At first, the magic props left behind by the Magic Army were not exhausted, and indigenous imitations occasionally worked. ”

“Simple magic props that can be used by three-year-olds just to find the trick," Theresa said, "do not mean that three-year-olds really master the magic mystery.

“With the years running out of magic in magic props, even the magic props themselves are worn out and rusted, and no matter how magically and uniquely indigenous imitate them, they cannot do anything.

“In the indigenous understanding, it was as if the demons were gradually moving away from them and the magic that permeated the entire island was exhausted.

“The same thing is happening on the Emerald Continent, in the legend of the bards, the power of the gods of the ancient times is always the strongest, those ancient heroes, as if one man could wipe out thousands of armies with one sword, and as time slowly passes, the magic of today becomes weaker and weaker, so much so that the priests of the Glorious Holy See say that there are too many sins made in the world to pray and atone with more devotion under their leadership - Sister Xia, do you really believe this statement? ”

“This…” Princess Xia stood still and fell into a trance of thought.

“The Holy See of Glory is simply lying, what sin, prayer and piety are irrelevant to the unity of magic. ”

Theresa said seriously, "Magic, it should be the purest, simplest, most direct force in the world, the spell that activates magic, is as simple as two words. ”

“All spells… only two words?” Princess Asha is incredible.

“Yes, all the spells about magic are here. ”

Theresa gently punched a ring finger.

There is a glorious flame at your fingertips.

“Look, this is the first word, which stands for the first state, the state of flame burning, which can be called '1’. ”

Theresa blew out the flame on her fingertips.

“Now, the flame goes out and goes into nothingness, which is the second word, or the second state, which can be called ‘0’. ”

Teresa spreads her hands apart and has nothing in her hands, but it's like a wave of waves.

“Life, two, two, three, three creatures, ‘0’ and ‘1’, are all magical languages, and the overlap and variation of these two states can give rise to the entire world.

“However, if you are mesmerized by the intricate and glorious appearance, submerged in simple and awkward imitation, and happen to activate a bunch of magic, you cheer the freak out, but fear the horror of the demon, without burying your head to study the true magic principle, you will never master magic, the mystery of '0’ and '1’! ”

Theresa, with her hands behind her back, talked, her clothes and long hair looking windless and automatic, like a master of knowledge.

Beyond disobedience, horrific rhetoric should have provoked Princess Asha's suspicion and disgust.

Perhaps Princess Asha would snort it in any other person's mouth.

But Teresa...

Princess Asha doesn't know if she should believe Theresa.

All she knew was that she was immersed in the power of Theresa's eyes, as if she had been bewitched.


Princess Ah Xia thinks and thinks and still finds it incredible, “Are you saying that there is no such thing as a demon in the world? How is this possible? What can we do? ”

“Without it, there is no ‘impossible’, and there is no 'how’? ”

Theresa smiled slightly and chanted faintly, “There is no god in heaven, there is no demon king in the earth, I am the god, I am the demon king, drink to make the stars open the sea, I am here! ”


Princess Asha is going to faint in Theresa's arms, her eyes fluttering with unclear emotions, “Theresa, what is this? Is this poetry? It sounds strange. It sounds very different from the fourteen lines of poetry in the court, but it's full of strange powers. I didn't know you could bark! ”

“Of course.”

Theresa said, "As the sister of the Star Sea Cannon King... Poetry is a compulsory lesson for me. If Sister Ah Xia likes it, she will listen to it for you every day. How about it? It's very energetic, it's stronger than Black Jack! ”

As soon as Blackjack was mentioned, Princess Asha awoke from her unconscious state.

“What, Theresa, you're so weird, why are you thinking about competing with Blackjack all day? You're totally different, you can't even compare! ”

Princess Ah Xia closed her eyes and looked away, "Speaking of which, we've wasted too much time looking for Blackjack and Big Army - if we ever come back with a bunch of Sword Trident Pigs, we can't handle it alone. ”

“Of course there's no comparison. Black Jack is just a short, tiny worm. How can he compare it to a starfish cannon? ”

Theresa snickered in her heart, “A little personality charm today, just an appetizer, will almost conquer you, hum hum hum, even this body can't seem to stop the passionate man charm! Wait, Blackjack, dare to seduce this aunt... Psst, dare to seduce this master, it will pay the price! ”

“Okay, we're going to find Black Jack. ”

Theresa smiled at Princess Asha and suddenly remembered something. She ran over to the body of the Sword Trident pig, “Sister Asha, come help me, cut down some pork, blood warfare demons may not find food. ”

After hunting a warcraft, you cut the flesh, gather materials, and occasionally discover precious crystals and nuclei, which are routines for bounty hunters and adventurers.

Especially when lonely men break into places as dangerous as blood warfare demons, it is difficult to get supplies, let alone let go of any prey.

It's just that when Teresa kneeled in front of the pig's body, pulled out the dagger and tried to cut it, she found this animal burning on its skull, uneven, like something.

“What is this?” Princess Ah Xia also found out.

The two probes together, their heads almost collided, and found the skull of the pig with the sword trident right in the middle, engraved with a square branding at the end, a bunch of narrow stripes, like some sort of... barcode.

“Isn't that...”

Theresa blinked her eyes, rubbing the barcode on the skull of the pig's head, and then touched it all over the muscle and bone structure, carefully, “Not naturally generated, but artificial? ”