Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3367: The True Face of the Realm of the Hunter Herald (29)!

“It's impossible! ”

Princess Ah Xia is not finished yet. Hera the Dragon Girl has stood up in the face of iron and blue. She argues, “In the Battle of Magic, Kelly the Witch, the second commander of the Tai Ancient Demon Nation, has been completely eliminated by the Seven Heroes of the Emerald Continent together with the Holy See of Glory. For this reason, the Glorious Man paid a heavy price, even the landscape of the Emerald Continent has been completely changed, including our Dragon Nation, who had to live in the Dragon Scale Islands far away from the mainland for tens of millions of years, and now you say that Carrie the Witch is not completely dead, what ‘deep red palace’ is left, even the possibility of the birth of the second 'deep red queen'? What a strange theory! ”

“Humph, the mighty Queen of Deep Red, you little crawlers on the Emerald Continent can imagine, let alone damage or even destroy her glory. ”

The Medusa witch swept Hera the dragon, faintly saying, "However, our demonic race is by no means as profane of the glorious Holy See as it is of killing and destruction. On the contrary, our generosity and mercy are far superior to the belly of the glorious Holy See.

“In the Battle of Magic, neither the Blood Warfare Demon Realm nor the Glorious Man achieved an overwhelming advantage. Continued killing will only result in a tragedy of bloodshed, spiritual charcoal, and two defeats.

“The Deep Red Queen was merciful and wise, and she foresaw such an end, reluctant to be entwined by each other and fall into the abyss, so she chose to return to the demonic kingdom of blood warfare, and covered the border between the demonic kingdom and the human race with the fog of war, turning the Mountains of the End, the Fallen Forest into an insurmountable sky.

“As for the achievements of your so-called 'seven heroes' and ‘glorious Holy See’, they are nothing but bragging about themselves, disgracefully sticking gold to their faces and adding vinegar and blackmail over time! ”

This is something that many girls from the ground have never heard of.

Their cognitions were subverted and they were not seen in anger at the Medusa Witch.

Blackjack waved, blocking the girls' animosity, and continued to ask Yan Yue: “What happens next when Kelly the Witch leads the Demon Army back to the Blood Warfare Demon Realm? ”

“After returning to the demonic world of blood warfare, Queen Deep Red concentrated all her energies on internal affairs. She inspired Jingtu, pursued a policy of rest and recuperation, and led the great demons, unearthed a number of prehistoric arsenals and treasures, and repaired many power reactors and warcraft breeding factories. Under her rule, the demons flourished and lived in harmony with each other. It was a golden age of blood warfare demons. ”

Medusa Witch said, "However, the Deep Red Queen is also very clear that the resources of the blood warfare demon world are scarce, because we do not have the sun, we encounter walls on all sides, there is no way out, the speed of resource self-circulation, far from keeping up with the demonic fertility, the speed of population expansion, and the differences and differences among the various demonic communities have not really been resolved. When a commander as charming and powerful as her is in place, she can still reluctantly suppress it. When her physical identity breaks down and her soul returns to the 'asteroid', all kinds of contradictions will definitely erupt again, to the end of the death politics.

“So, in her final years in office, Queen Deep Red concentrated all her energy and resources to create a glorious and mysterious palace.

“Legend has it that the palace is home to the history of the origins of all civilizations, including the demonic world of blood warfare and the glorious world.

“Legend has it that the ancient demons stored in such palaces possess the power to destroy the heavens and the earth and even to destroy the stars.

“Legend has it that whoever discovers and controls this palace will inherit the will of the witch Kelly, become the new 'Deep Red Queen', reunite the entire blood-war demonic world and even the whole world, including the Emerald Continent and the Glorious Man.

“Even legend has it that deep in her palace, the Queen hides the 'key’ that drives the entire Blood Warfare Demonic Realm, and by some mysterious and unpredictable method, she can completely change the shape of the Blood Warfare Demonic Realm and ‘activate’ the entire Blood Warfare Demonic Realm from… ‘dormant state’ and enter the ‘cruise state' again.

“At that time, we will not only have the earth and the ground, but also the sky, billions of stars! ”

Girls snorted at the Medusa witch.

Hera the Dragon Girl made a nasty smile.

Princess Asha doesn't believe it either.

Theresa was the only one who looked incredibly wide.

At the bottom of her heart, a wave of terror swept in.

The sky is invisible, and the earth is a huge space of metal.

There are pipes everywhere, as well as active humus and biochemical warcraft in intense artificial colors.

Sleep, activate, cruise, control billions of stars!

Hearing this, Theresa finally knows the true face of Blood Warfare.

She also wanted to find a starship deep inside the Blood Warfare Demon Realm that could return to Pangu Universe. She knew that the Blood Warfare Demon Realm itself was an immense supership with an unimaginable momentum!

“Yes, it's not underground, it's inside a superstarship.

“I was so stupid. Why didn't I think of that at first?

“Even the technological power of the ancient universe can now be tapped directly into asteroids to refine starships, and the dense, numb hive structure provides more space for survival than the planet's surface, so long as it solves the problem of the automatic circulation of air and food, you can live in it for the rest of your life.

“The technological capabilities of the Exile Fleet of Original Civilizations, even drawing on the resources of several planets to build the 'Superplanetary Phantom', are not much of a problem.

“This supermassive starship is supposed to be an immigrant ship in exile fleet, isn't it?

“But somehow it has become what it is today, it seems that the automatic circulatory system is a little out of control, and many prehistoric superb technologies have been lost, so that the exiles on immigration ships have been degraded to the stage of cold-weapons warfare, and millions of years ago, things have become myths and legends of nothingness.

“Wait, what is the Emerald Continent if the Blood Warfare Demon World is a supermassive immigrant ship? ”

Theresa's mind is turning.

She clearly saw the sun and the stars on the Emerald Continent.

Analyzing from her acute sense of the divine soul, it should be a common, habitable planet rich in spirituality.

Here comes the problem.

Now that the Immigration Boat has arrived at its destination and found a habitable planet, why some immigrants have landed on the Emerald Continent and are able to live in blue sky clouds and bright sunshine.

What about the other part of the immigrants who are still stuck in long-lasting, unrepaired, harsh, smoky immigrant boats, turned into bloodthirsty demons in the dark?