Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3488: Enemy of the Iron Fist (55) Heritage

“A universe full of stars. ”

Gus looked at the dark sky.

Strange, he never thought something was wrong with a sky like this —— the night was always so dark as an abyss, he couldn't see a single light, he didn't even care about the stars, he didn't even think about what the lightning was like.

However, since the demons taught him to use the method of shotguns in "Hell," seeing that starlit world, seeing the vast galaxies and the burning cantilever, he has had no choice but to indulge and fascinate himself, eager to swim between the stars and the sea.

He could have endured darkness - as long as he never saw true light.

“What do you want me to do? ”

The teenager swallowed a sip of spit, moisturizing the dry cracked throat to pain, and the sound dull.

“It's simple, I just need you to trust me 100 percent, completely open your heart, willing to let my strength pour into your body. ”

Lu dusted, "In a sense, I want you to be my follower, my disciple, even… lightning life like mine. ”

Gus hesitated: "Become, become your followers? ”

“Exactly. ”

Lu Qingdu exclaimed for a moment, "I'm afraid it's hard for you to understand using crystal brain and data terminology, let's just say, what I'm doing is, a virus invades the human body, wants to replicate indefinitely and infect the whole body until it controls the central nerve and the brain.

“But the first difficulty I face is that the human body's own immune system, once it finds out I exist, will surely attack.

“The virus is the most powerful and the weakest form of life, and if it is discovered by the immune system before it is replicated indefinitely, it will surely be eliminated, with no power whatsoever.

“So I need to dive into a normal cell, carefully analyze the structure of this normal cell, find ways to replicate it indefinitely, and at the same time, use the disguise of this normal cell to deceive the aggressive immune system.

“At the same time, I also want to find this place, where my body is the most vulnerable, the most chaotic, it is in itself collapsing, my immune system is not catching, my immune system is at its lowest, where my infinite replication and erosion are unfolding, and my chances of success are the greatest - that's why I need to go to a battlefield where the steam army raises its flag.

“Despite this steam army uprising, which is most likely expected by the champion, it is ultimately impossible for him to monitor every battle of the steam army, and we have a great chance to let the champion burn himself. ”

Gus still seems to understand.

It's just that the devil needs the most fragile breakthrough, just like the town's hunters are bitten by a fierce beast, and if you don't pay attention, the wound will crumble, inflame and even pus.

He's the “wound” the devil needs.

Gus swallowed another spit, shivering: “What more are you going to turn me into... lightning life? ”

“Otherwise, if you really want to ‘fly up' to Pankoku, what other life form is more appropriate than lightning life? ”

Lu slightly smiled, "Although lightning life is rapidly changing, with unlimited evolutionary possibilities every second, they don't actually have the 'soul’ and ‘free will’ in human concepts, and the virtual people you boxers imagine, though they don't have real life forms, have some very strange free will.

“If we can combine a large number of virtual people and lightning life, then maybe we can create a whole new life miracle. I look forward to seeing what a wonderful story such a free-willed Lightning Army will play in the Pan Gu universe. ”

“ …… ”

Lu Qingdu said so bluntly and frankly, instead called Gus didn't know what to say.

The other side threw so many completely new concepts out of his comprehension, faced with unknown fears, he subconsciously wanted to reject them.

Moreover, even if the world of boxing gods itself is a great lie, Lu Light Dust does not deny that he is a demon.

What's the difference between working with the devil and skinning a tiger? You will surely be swallowed up by a belt bone, leaving no star and a half behind.

Juvenile hesitation.

The devil also saw his hesitation.

“Don't worry, think slowly, don't push. ”

Lu Qingdust said, “I also took a huge risk in making such a gamble, now everyone has room to swing around, but if I really put all the power of lightning on you, and you generate even 1% regret, I would be embarrassed.

“What I need is 100 percent to believe me, whatever the price, to poke at the falsehood in front of me, to pursue the higher level of the real person, if you're not sure you're the person, it doesn't matter, I would never force you, even if we hold hands and watch the world destroy —— anyway, after the world destroys, I have the chance to drill into another virtual world and find the Son of God I want, in magical language, is' TheOne ’, hip-hop! ”

Lu Qingdu's hands flashed, laughing hip-hop, as if it really didn't matter.

"He didn't care so much, but Gus chopped it up and said," I--

“Take it easy, take it easy, don't get excited by my three words, and say it warmly and brainlessly, and when you really face the Fist King's anger, you're scared shitless. ”

Lu Light Dust smiled and said seriously, “What I need is a true spirit, a warrior who knows what a difficult and dangerous path he is taking, not a coward with a dark heart and confusion.

“If you haven't heard the deep voice of your soul, drilled through your heart, and didn't know exactly what path you were going to take, I suggest that you not be so hasty in your promises - perhaps, destroying with this world is the best ending, because the higher dimensions of the universe, some of which are more brutal than death, are a hundred times more terrible worlds than hell, and not all of them can bear it.

“Anyway, there's still some time left on our journey, so why don't you think about what you really want and want to ‘live'? And how much are you willing to pay for ‘real life', to look like nothing else? ”

Lu Light Dust patted the teenager's shoulder, shooting a cold and painful taste into the teenager's bone marrow.

Gus couldn't help but tremble slightly and lick his dry, cracked lips.

“Are you really... alive? ”

Juveniles hesitate to start thinking about issues they never thought about.

The devil laughed and lay down on the deck, looking at the starless night sky, humming the small tune of the rough cavity walking board.