Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3515: Enemy of the Iron Fist (82) Good Guy

Totally out of control, a chaotic fleet of boxers.

And the NanoLightning fleet, which originated from the explosion wreckage of the Fist God fleet but was baptized by lightning heritage, evolved into a new life-form.

Two of the most powerful forces in the ancient universe are just a stone's throw away to make the final battle.

In terms of volume, the gap between the two fleets is enormous, as if they were giant and unpretentious king dragons, and tiny mice.

But this “mouse" continues to unleash an arc of powerful life information, like a virus that erodes the muscles of the Dragon, paralyzing one starship after another, and even turning the gun and targeting its own people.

In front of the Starbucks, all frigates, destroyers and arsenals were invaded and manipulated by lightning life, turned dizzy and made way.

Lu Qingdu laughed and drove straight in.

Look, shiny blade, about to penetrate the Fist God.

The command center of the Fist God, the Fist King and Glass held each other tight.


The whole battlefield, like a slight tremor.

Between the Fist God and the NanoLightning Fleet, a dark black void revealed a dark red flash.

It really looks like a drop of red ink, falling on black cardboard, quickly swung along the intricate lines and turned into a three-dimensional three-dimensional, Xuan 'ao complex magic array.

Everyone on the battlefield is staring at magic.

The symbols that make up the magic array, unlike the Pan Ancient Universe, the spiritual lines of the real world, is another way of using the spiritual energy, bringing some twist to the practitioners, but not the feeling of hollow sky.

And then something even more amazing happened.

The Magic Array sparkles with a glorious glow, like opening a gateway to the universe, a magnificent and magnificent supermassive starship, slowly coming out of the Magic Array.

Unlike Pangu's crystalline, round and smooth crystalline warships.

Jumping out of the magic array, this starship is full of ancient scents, as if it were from the Middle Ages - not ancient times to mend the real world, but with scaly spires, onion towers, pristers, churches, all kinds of gorgeous buildings.

All buildings have a golden glow.

It's like carrying a hundred palaces all over the back of a starship.

I don't know how such a strange thing can sail in a cosmic vacuum, or even jump in a four-dimensional universe.

And that's not the weirdest part.

Weirdest of all, at the front end of this palace-like magic starship, there is a foremast that looks like a giant cannon, above the foremast, but stands a young lady in a suit.

There's no way to describe this girl in ink and bring it to everyone in the Pangu universe - including all the lightning life feelings.

Wearing a tight chest, she looked almost out of breath and could not hide the arrogant circle in her chest.

The giant dragonbone skirt supports the layered long skirt that blooms like a flower bud, but it is also impossible to hide the charm of her straight legs.

The magnificent palace is adorned with pearls, agate, gems and crystals, and each piece of jewellery is engraved with intricate magical inscriptions that shine brighter than the stars.

It must feel burdensome and swollen to pile so much jewellery on your body in one breath.

She's the only one who can't match that amazing beauty, even with ten times more decorations.

Yes, beauty.

She had already dressed herself as a martial arts goddess by adding a very exaggerated stack of golden armor outside the courtroom.

He also stared desperately at his eyes, drummed his mumps, and whispered his cherry mouth, trying to make a killer appearance.

Instead of being able to mobilize vigilance and hostility, it has inspired a desire for compassion and protection for all.

Any specific description of her appearance is stupid blasphemy.

She's like the first love every man ever had.

It's like a palpitation you never get again.

And the unclimpable goddess.

Even in unspeakable dreams, seductive witches provoke men's most evil desires.

Instead of clashing in the slightest, the opposite temperament swept across her face, the glow was bright and glorious.

Most of all.

She seemed unconscious, even distressed by her beauty, calm eyes as deep as the sea, echoing a faint sense of sadness and... shyness?

Women who know beauty as a weapon can conquer many men.

And beauty is enough to make the stars dark, but the self-ignorant magical girl, and all the males beneath the stars, can turn their souls upside down, can't help themselves.

“Who is she, beautiful. ”

At one point, the starry battlefield fell into strange silence, and such a problem appeared in the minds of all.

Even the champion was stunned.

Glass: "... Lord Fist? ”

“No. ”

The super-crystal brain of the champion made a "beep” sound, bewildered, “You saw her, too, how is that possible? This is the battlefield of the stars. She's at least tens of thousands of kilometers from us. At this distance, even if the starships are small as dust, let alone a human being in the district!

“Besides, I always thought she smelled familiar and... dangerous? ”

The same confusion, also in Lu's light dust heart.

“Oops, what a moment, attracted? ”

The devil shrugged, “What kind of ghost is it? How can you see clearly on a scale of tens of thousands of kilometers? Damn it, it was a mental attack, and in some strange way, she transmitted her exhilarating beauty directly to my consciousness.

“She can interfere with my consciousness? ”

Lu Light Dust shocked.

The devil also perceives the dangerous breath from a magical maiden.

He decided to do it first.

Though I don't know where this strange magic starship came from, I don't know who the magic girl really is.

But Lu Light Dust's goal was to transform all carbon-based life into lightning ghosts, and then commander this fleet of nano-lightning ghosts to fight the flood tide.

Whoever the magical girl is, it's carbon-based life, and that's the enemy, no, the prey is right.

Turned into lightning life, and successfully tore off Lu Light Dust of the Fist Champion, self-confidence is very inflated.

This is your best chance when you just jump in and stand still.

Although the other party's mental attacks are very powerful, they are, after all, just uninvited tricks such as "seduction”.

Even a huge fleet of superstar forts and tens of thousands of major warships, Lu Light Dust is ready to swallow.

He didn't even see it.

“Girl, whoever you are, come on, put in the arms of lightning life! ”

The devil grinned, mercilessly mindful of the jade, spanning a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, emitting the fiercest lightning towards the magical girl dressed in court.